Crash stuff:
- do_refresh(): avoid crashes (input a "%" and the client goes "boom!", send someone a string with embedded "%" and see him blow up...)
Other stuff:
toxcore: tox.h (doc.)/network.c (code):
- networking_wait_prepare(): return -1 if lenptr was NULL and therefore not settable
- fraddr_to_str(): function to convert a TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS into a segmented (and therefore line-breakable) string
- print_friendlist(): print index of friend on name line, print id on 2nd line
- command /f: skip spaces (and +) inside a friend id
- command /r (new): "/r #" to remove a friend
- main(): reduce cpu consumption if we're not currently sending files
On deleting the last peer, it's just a delete.
On deleting any other peer, the last peer is moved into that space, gaining a different number.
Print that detail where appropriate.
tox.*, Messenger.*, group_chats.*:
- expand interface of callback by peernumber/change
- call callback in addpeer/delpeer/setnick with peernumber and flag
- print_groupchatpeers(): print as many names on a line as possible, not one peer per line
- print_groupnamelistchange(): only print the change, if possible (i.e. "new peer", "peer's new name")
- added command "/p" to print the list of peers
sudo echo "/usr/local/lib/" >> /etc/ doesn't work so well... echo '/usr/local/lib/' | sudo tee -a /etc/ should work better.
id_hash() was not at all working as expected for very small bucket size (when (size / 4) was zero). Simplified to be trivially correct.
Also added a used flag on adding an entry, which is set by callers if they have that association in active use. Those get priority over unused entries on collision.
Fleshed out test to be at least elementary useful.
Each group chat now uses an own, small assoc (80 entries).
/cf # rsp. /cg # sets, /cr resets target
Also reformatted display of sent group message slightly to look less beta-ish.
Then using "#<num>" for group number vs. "<num>" for friend/peer numbers.
Also changed to a slightly different message on people without name.
- group_send_nick() to send own name
- setnick() to store a received name
- group_send_nick() before group_sendmessage() (in regular intervals, to inform new peers)
- print_groupmessage(): on error or on a name of length zero the result of tox_group_peername() isn't null-terminated, catch that