Updated README and change names of main files

This commit is contained in:
doinachiroiu 2020-08-20 11:19:49 +00:00
parent 257e87e076
commit 25d18f985d
4 changed files with 1110 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# Sandboxing PFFFT library
Builder: CMake
OS: Linux
### For testing:
`cd build`, then `./pffft_sandboxed`
### For debug:
`SAPI_VLOG_LEVEL=1 ./pffft_sandboxed --v=100
--sandbox2_danger_danger_permit_all_and_log <auxiliar file>`
## ***About the project***
*PFFFT library is concerned with 1D Fast-Fourier Transformations finding a
compromise between accuracy and speed. It deals with real and complex
vectors, both cases being illustrated in the testing part (`main_pffft.c`
for initially and original version, `main_pffft_sandboxed.cc` for our
currently implemented sandboxed version).
The original files can be found at: https://bitbucket.org/jpommier/pffft/src.*
*The purpose of sandboxing is to limit the permissions and capabilities of
librarys methods, in order to secure the usage of them.
After obtaining the sandbox, the functions will be called through an
Sandbox API (being called `api` in the current test) and so, the
operations, system calls or namspaces access may be controlled.
From both `pffft.h` and `fftpack.h` headers, useful methods are added to
sapi library builded with CMake. There is also a need to link math library
as the transformations made require mathematical operators.
Regarding the testing of the methods, one main is doing this job by
iterating through a set of values, that represents the accuracy of
transformations and print the speed for each value and type of
transformation. More specifically, the input length is the target for
accuracy (named as `N`) and it stands for the number of data points from
the series that calculate the result of transformation. It is also
important to mention that the `cplx` variable stands for a boolean value
that tells the type of transformation (0 for REAL and 1 for COMPLEX) and
it is taken into account while testing.
In the end, the performance of PFFFT library it is outlined by the output.*
#### CMake observations resume:
* linking pffft and fftpack (which contains necessary functions for pffft)
* set math library
#### Sandboxed main observations resume:
* containing two testing parts (fft / pffft benchmarks)
* showing the performance of the transformations implies
testing them through various FFT dimenstions.
Variable N, the input length, will take specific values
meaning the number of points to which it is set the calculus
(more details of mathematical purpose of N - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooley%E2%80%93Tukey_FFT_algorithm).
* output shows speed depending on the input length
### Bugs history
- [Solved] pffft benchmark bug: "Sandbox not active"
N = 64, status OK, pffft_transform generates error
N > 64, status not OK
Problem on initialising sapi::StatusOr<PFFFT_Setup *> s; the memory that stays
for s is not the same with the address passed in pffft_transform function.
(sapi :: v :: GenericPtr - to be changed)
Temporary solution: change the generated files to accept
uintptr_t instead of PFFFT_Setup
Solution: using "sapi::v::RemotePtr" instead of "sapi::v::GenericPtr"
to access the memory of object s

View File

@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Julien Pommier.
Small test & bench for PFFFT, comparing its performance with the scalar FFTPACK, FFTW, and Apple vDSP
How to build:
on linux, with fftw3:
gcc -o test_pffft -DHAVE_FFTW -msse -mfpmath=sse -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -lfftw3f -lm
on macos, without fftw3:
clang -o test_pffft -DHAVE_VECLIB -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -framework Accelerate
on macos, with fftw3:
clang -o test_pffft -DHAVE_FFTW -DHAVE_VECLIB -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -lfftw3f -framework Accelerate
on windows, with visual c++:
cl /Ox -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES /arch:SSE test_pffft.c pffft.c fftpack.c
build without SIMD instructions:
gcc -o test_pffft -DPFFFT_SIMD_DISABLE -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -lm
#include "pffft.h"
#include "fftpack.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
# include <sys/times.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>
#ifdef HAVE_FFTW
# include <fftw3.h>
#define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
double frand() {
return rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
#if defined(HAVE_SYS_TIMES)
inline double uclock_sec(void) {
static double ttclk = 0.;
if (ttclk == 0.) ttclk = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
struct tms t; return ((double)times(&t)) / ttclk;
# else
double uclock_sec(void)
{ return (double)clock()/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }
/* compare results with the regular fftpack */
void pffft_validate_N(int N, int cplx) {
int Nfloat = N*(cplx?2:1);
int Nbytes = Nfloat * sizeof(float);
float *ref, *in, *out, *tmp, *tmp2;
PFFFT_Setup *s = pffft_new_setup(N, cplx ? PFFFT_COMPLEX : PFFFT_REAL);
int pass;
if (!s) { printf("Skipping N=%d, not supported\n", N); return; }
ref = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes);
in = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes);
out = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes);
tmp = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes);
tmp2 = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes);
for (pass=0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
float ref_max = 0;
int k;
//printf("N=%d pass=%d cplx=%d\n", N, pass, cplx);
// compute reference solution with FFTPACK
if (pass == 0) {
float *wrk = malloc(2*Nbytes+15*sizeof(float));
for (k=0; k < Nfloat; ++k) {
ref[k] = in[k] = frand()*2-1;
out[k] = 1e30;
if (!cplx) {
rffti(N, wrk);
rfftf(N, ref, wrk);
// use our ordering for real ffts instead of the one of fftpack
float refN=ref[N-1];
for (k=N-2; k >= 1; --k) ref[k+1] = ref[k];
ref[1] = refN;
} else {
cffti(N, wrk);
cfftf(N, ref, wrk);
for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) ref_max = MAX(ref_max, fabs(ref[k]));
// pass 0 : non canonical ordering of transform coefficients
if (pass == 0) {
// test forward transform, with different input / output
pffft_transform(s, in, tmp, 0, PFFFT_FORWARD);
memcpy(tmp2, tmp, Nbytes);
memcpy(tmp, in, Nbytes);
pffft_transform(s, tmp, tmp, 0, PFFFT_FORWARD);
for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) {
assert(tmp2[k] == tmp[k]);
// test reordering
pffft_zreorder(s, tmp, out, PFFFT_FORWARD);
pffft_zreorder(s, out, tmp, PFFFT_BACKWARD);
for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) {
assert(tmp2[k] == tmp[k]);
pffft_zreorder(s, tmp, out, PFFFT_FORWARD);
} else {
// pass 1 : canonical ordering of transform coeffs.
pffft_transform_ordered(s, in, tmp, 0, PFFFT_FORWARD);
memcpy(tmp2, tmp, Nbytes);
memcpy(tmp, in, Nbytes);
pffft_transform_ordered(s, tmp, tmp, 0, PFFFT_FORWARD);
for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) {
assert(tmp2[k] == tmp[k]);
memcpy(out, tmp, Nbytes);
for (k=0; k < Nfloat; ++k) {
if (!(fabs(ref[k] - out[k]) < 1e-3*ref_max)) {
printf("%s forward PFFFT mismatch found for N=%d\n", (cplx?"CPLX":"REAL"), N);
if (pass == 0) pffft_transform(s, tmp, out, 0, PFFFT_BACKWARD);
else pffft_transform_ordered(s, tmp, out, 0, PFFFT_BACKWARD);
memcpy(tmp2, out, Nbytes);
memcpy(out, tmp, Nbytes);
if (pass == 0) pffft_transform(s, out, out, 0, PFFFT_BACKWARD);
else pffft_transform_ordered(s, out, out, 0, PFFFT_BACKWARD);
for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) {
assert(tmp2[k] == out[k]);
out[k] *= 1.f/N;
for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) {
if (fabs(in[k] - out[k]) > 1e-3 * ref_max) {
printf("pass=%d, %s IFFFT does not match for N=%d\n", pass, (cplx?"CPLX":"REAL"), N); break;
// quick test of the circular convolution in fft domain
float conv_err = 0, conv_max = 0;
pffft_zreorder(s, ref, tmp, PFFFT_FORWARD);
memset(out, 0, Nbytes);
pffft_zconvolve_accumulate(s, ref, ref, out, 1.0);
pffft_zreorder(s, out, tmp2, PFFFT_FORWARD);
for (k=0; k < Nfloat; k += 2) {
float ar = tmp[k], ai=tmp[k+1];
if (cplx || k > 0) {
tmp[k] = ar*ar - ai*ai;
tmp[k+1] = 2*ar*ai;
} else {
tmp[0] = ar*ar;
tmp[1] = ai*ai;
for (k=0; k < Nfloat; ++k) {
float d = fabs(tmp[k] - tmp2[k]), e = fabs(tmp[k]);
if (d > conv_err) conv_err = d;
if (e > conv_max) conv_max = e;
if (conv_err > 1e-5*conv_max) {
printf("zconvolve error ? %g %g\n", conv_err, conv_max); exit(1);
printf("%s PFFFT is OK for N=%d\n", (cplx?"CPLX":"REAL"), N); fflush(stdout);
void pffft_validate(int cplx) {
static int Ntest[] = { 16, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 256, 288, 384, 5*96, 512, 576, 5*128, 800, 864, 1024, 2048, 2592, 4000, 4096, 12000, 36864, 0};
int k;
for (k = 0; Ntest[k]; ++k) {
int N = Ntest[k];
if (N == 16 && !cplx) continue;
pffft_validate_N(N, cplx);
int array_output_format = 0;
void show_output(const char *name, int N, int cplx, float flops, float t0, float t1, int max_iter) {
float mflops = flops/1e6/(t1 - t0 + 1e-16);
if (array_output_format) {
if (flops != -1) {
printf("|%9.0f ", mflops);
} else printf("| n/a ");
} else {
if (flops != -1) {
printf("N=%5d, %s %16s : %6.0f MFlops [t=%6.0f ns, %d runs]\n", N, (cplx?"CPLX":"REAL"), name, mflops, (t1-t0)/2/max_iter * 1e9, max_iter);
void benchmark_ffts(int N, int cplx) {
int Nfloat = (cplx ? N*2 : N);
int Nbytes = Nfloat * sizeof(float);
float *X = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes), *Y = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes), *Z = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes);
double t0, t1, flops;
int k;
int max_iter = 5120000/N*4;
#ifdef __arm__
max_iter /= 4;
int iter;
for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) {
X[k] = 0; //sqrtf(k+1);
// FFTPack benchmark
float *wrk = malloc(2*Nbytes + 15*sizeof(float));
int max_iter_ = max_iter/pffft_simd_size(); if (max_iter_ == 0) max_iter_ = 1;
if (cplx) cffti(N, wrk);
else rffti(N, wrk);
t0 = uclock_sec();
for (iter = 0; iter < max_iter_; ++iter) {
if (cplx) {
cfftf(N, X, wrk);
cfftb(N, X, wrk);
} else {
rfftf(N, X, wrk);
rfftb(N, X, wrk);
t1 = uclock_sec();
flops = (max_iter_*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); // see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html
show_output("FFTPack", N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter_);
int log2N = (int)(log(N)/log(2) + 0.5f);
if (N == (1<<log2N)) {
FFTSetup setup;
setup = vDSP_create_fftsetup(log2N, FFT_RADIX2);
DSPSplitComplex zsamples;
zsamples.realp = &X[0];
zsamples.imagp = &X[Nfloat/2];
t0 = uclock_sec();
for (iter = 0; iter < max_iter; ++iter) {
if (cplx) {
vDSP_fft_zip(setup, &zsamples, 1, log2N, kFFTDirection_Forward);
vDSP_fft_zip(setup, &zsamples, 1, log2N, kFFTDirection_Inverse);
} else {
vDSP_fft_zrip(setup, &zsamples, 1, log2N, kFFTDirection_Forward);
vDSP_fft_zrip(setup, &zsamples, 1, log2N, kFFTDirection_Inverse);
t1 = uclock_sec();
flops = (max_iter*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); // see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html
show_output("vDSP", N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter);
} else {
show_output("vDSP", N, cplx, -1, -1, -1, -1);
#ifdef HAVE_FFTW
fftwf_plan planf, planb;
fftw_complex *in = (fftw_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N);
fftw_complex *out = (fftw_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N);
memset(in, 0, sizeof(fftw_complex) * N);
int flags = (N < 40000 ? FFTW_MEASURE : FFTW_ESTIMATE); // measure takes a lot of time on largest ffts
//int flags = FFTW_ESTIMATE;
if (cplx) {
planf = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(N, (fftwf_complex*)in, (fftwf_complex*)out, FFTW_FORWARD, flags);
planb = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(N, (fftwf_complex*)in, (fftwf_complex*)out, FFTW_BACKWARD, flags);
} else {
planf = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_1d(N, (float*)in, (fftwf_complex*)out, flags);
planb = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_1d(N, (fftwf_complex*)in, (float*)out, flags);
t0 = uclock_sec();
for (iter = 0; iter < max_iter; ++iter) {
t1 = uclock_sec();
fftwf_free(in); fftwf_free(out);
flops = (max_iter*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); // see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html
show_output((flags == FFTW_MEASURE ? "FFTW (meas.)" : " FFTW (estim)"), N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter);
// PFFFT benchmark
PFFFT_Setup *s = pffft_new_setup(N, cplx ? PFFFT_COMPLEX : PFFFT_REAL);
if (s) {
t0 = uclock_sec();
for (iter = 0; iter < max_iter; ++iter) {
pffft_transform(s, X, Z, Y, PFFFT_FORWARD);
pffft_transform(s, X, Z, Y, PFFFT_BACKWARD);
t1 = uclock_sec();
flops = (max_iter*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); // see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html
show_output("PFFFT", N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter);
if (!array_output_format) {
void validate_pffft_simd(); // a small function inside pffft.c that will detect compiler bugs with respect to simd instruction
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int Nvalues[] = { 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 256, 384, 5*96, 512, 5*128, 3*256, 800, 1024, 2048, 2400, 4096, 8192, 9*1024, 16384, 32768, 256*1024, 1024*1024, -1 };
int i;
if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--array-format") == 0) {
array_output_format = 1;
if (!array_output_format) {
for (i=0; Nvalues[i] > 0; ++i) {
benchmark_ffts(Nvalues[i], 0 /* real fft */);
for (i=0; Nvalues[i] > 0; ++i) {
benchmark_ffts(Nvalues[i], 1 /* cplx fft */);
} else {
printf("| input len ");
printf("|real FFTPack");
printf("| real vDSP ");
#ifdef HAVE_FFTW
printf("| real FFTW ");
printf("| real PFFFT | ");
printf("|cplx FFTPack");
printf("| cplx vDSP ");
#ifdef HAVE_FFTW
printf("| cplx FFTW ");
printf("| cplx PFFFT |\n");
for (i=0; Nvalues[i] > 0; ++i) {
printf("|%9d ", Nvalues[i]);
benchmark_ffts(Nvalues[i], 0);
printf("| ");
benchmark_ffts(Nvalues[i], 1);
printf(" (numbers are given in MFlops)\n");
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <syscall.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "fftpack.h"
#include "pffft_sapi.sapi.h"
#include "sandboxed_api/util/flag.h"
#include "sandboxed_api/vars.h"
ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(string, sandbox2_danger_danger_permit_all);
ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(string, sandbox2_danger_danger_permit_all_and_log);
class pffftSapiSandbox : public pffftSandbox {
std::unique_ptr<sandbox2::Policy> ModifyPolicy(
sandbox2::PolicyBuilder*) override {
return sandbox2::PolicyBuilder()
double frand() { return rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; }
double uclock_sec(void) { return (double)clock() / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }
int array_output_format = 0;
void show_output(const char* name, int N, int cplx, float flops, float t0,
float t1, int max_iter) {
float mflops = flops / 1e6 / (t1 - t0 + 1e-16);
if (array_output_format) {
if (flops != -1) {
printf("|%9.0f ", mflops);
} else
printf("| n/a ");
} else {
if (flops != -1) {
printf("N=%5d, %s %16s : %6.0f MFlops [t=%6.0f ns, %d runs]\n", N,
(cplx ? "CPLX" : "REAL"), name, mflops,
(t1 - t0) / 2 / max_iter * 1e9, max_iter);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
* Initialize Google's logging library.
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
* Nvalues is a vector keeping the values by which iterates N, its value
* representing the input length. More concrete, N is the number of
* data points the caclulus is up to (determinating its accuracy).
* To show the performance of Fast-Fourier Transformations the program is
* testing for various values of N.
int Nvalues[] = {64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 256,
384, 5 * 96, 512, 5 * 128, 3 * 256, 800,
1024, 2048, 2400, 4096, 8192, 9 * 1024,
16384, 32768, 256 * 1024, 1024 * 1024, -1};
int i;
VLOG(1) << "Initializing sandbox...\n";
pffftSapiSandbox sandbox;
VLOG(1) << "Initialization: " << sandbox.Init().ToString().c_str() << "\n";
pffftApi api(&sandbox);
int N, cplx;
cplx = 0;
do {
for (i = 0; i < 23; i++) {
N = Nvalues[i];
int Nfloat = N * (cplx ? 2 : 1);
int Nbytes = Nfloat * sizeof(float);
int pass;
float ref[Nbytes], in[Nbytes], out[Nbytes], tmp[Nbytes], tmp2[Nbytes];
sapi::v::Array<float> ref_(ref, Nbytes);
sapi::v::Array<float> in_(in, Nbytes);
sapi::v::Array<float> out_(out, Nbytes);
sapi::v::Array<float> tmp_(tmp, Nbytes);
sapi::v::Array<float> tmp2_(tmp2, Nbytes);
float wrk[2 * Nbytes + 15 * sizeof(float)];
sapi::v::Array<float> wrk_(wrk, 2 * Nbytes + 15 * sizeof(float));
float ref_max = 0;
int k;
Nfloat = (cplx ? N * 2 : N);
float X[Nbytes], Y[Nbytes], Z[Nbytes];
sapi::v::Array<float> X_(X, Nbytes), Y_(Y, Nbytes), Z_(Z, Nbytes);
double t0, t1, flops;
int max_iter = 5120000 / N * 4;
#ifdef __arm__
max_iter /= 4;
int iter;
for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) {
X[k] = 0;
* FFTPack benchmark
* SIMD_SZ == 4 (returning value of pffft_simd_size())
int max_iter_ = max_iter / 4;
if (max_iter_ == 0) max_iter_ = 1;
if (cplx) {
api.cffti(N, wrk_.PtrBoth()).IgnoreError();
} else {
api.rffti(N, wrk_.PtrBoth()).IgnoreError();
t0 = uclock_sec();
for (iter = 0; iter < max_iter_; ++iter) {
if (cplx) {
api.cfftf(N, X_.PtrBoth(), wrk_.PtrBoth()).IgnoreError();
api.cfftb(N, X_.PtrBoth(), wrk_.PtrBoth()).IgnoreError();
} else {
api.rfftf(N, X_.PtrBoth(), wrk_.PtrBoth()).IgnoreError();
api.rfftb(N, X_.PtrBoth(), wrk_.PtrBoth()).IgnoreError();
t1 = uclock_sec();
flops =
(max_iter_ * 2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5) * N * log((double)N) / M_LN2);
show_output("FFTPack", N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter_);
* PFFFT benchmark
sapi::StatusOr<PFFFT_Setup*> s =
api.pffft_new_setup(N, cplx ? PFFFT_COMPLEX : PFFFT_REAL);
VLOG(1) << "Setup status is: " << s.status().ToString().c_str() << "\n";
if (s.ok()) {
sapi::v::RemotePtr s_reg(s.value());
t0 = uclock_sec();
for (iter = 0; iter < max_iter; ++iter) {
api.pffft_transform(&s_reg, X_.PtrBoth(), Z_.PtrBoth(),
api.pffft_transform(&s_reg, X_.PtrBoth(), Z_.PtrBoth(),
t1 = uclock_sec();
flops =
(max_iter * 2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5) * N * log((double)N) / M_LN2);
show_output("PFFFT", N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter);
VLOG(1) << "N = " << N << " SUCCESSFULLY\n\n";
cplx = !cplx;
} while (cplx);
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
PFFFT: a pretty fast FFT.
PFFFT does 1D Fast Fourier Transforms, of single precision real and
complex vectors. It tries do it fast, it tries to be correct, and it
tries to be small. Computations do take advantage of SSE1 instructions
on x86 cpus, Altivec on powerpc cpus, and NEON on ARM cpus. The
license is BSD-like.
Why does it exist:
I was in search of a good performing FFT library , preferably very
small and with a very liberal license.
When one says "fft library", FFTW ("Fastest Fourier Transform in the
West") is probably the first name that comes to mind -- I guess that
99% of open-source projects that need a FFT do use FFTW, and are happy
with it. However, it is quite a large library , which does everything
fft related (2d transforms, 3d transforms, other transformations such
as discrete cosine , or fast hartley). And it is licensed under the
GNU GPL , which means that it cannot be used in non open-source
An alternative to FFTW that is really small, is the venerable FFTPACK
v4, which is available on NETLIB. A more recent version (v5) exists,
but it is larger as it deals with multi-dimensional transforms. This
is a library that is written in FORTRAN 77, a language that is now
considered as a bit antiquated by many. FFTPACKv4 was written in 1985,
by Dr Paul Swarztrauber of NCAR, more than 25 years ago ! And despite
its age, benchmarks show it that it still a very good performing FFT
library, see for example the 1d single precision benchmarks here:
http://www.fftw.org/speed/opteron-2.2GHz-32bit/ . It is however not
competitive with the fastest ones, such as FFTW, Intel MKL, AMD ACML,
Apple vDSP. The reason for that is that those libraries do take
advantage of the SSE SIMD instructions available on Intel CPUs,
available since the days of the Pentium III. These instructions deal
with small vectors of 4 floats at a time, instead of a single float
for a traditionnal FPU, so when using these instructions one may expect
a 4-fold performance improvement.
The idea was to take this fortran fftpack v4 code, translate to C,
modify it to deal with those SSE instructions, and check that the
final performance is not completely ridiculous when compared to other
SIMD FFT libraries. Translation to C was performed with f2c (
http://www.netlib.org/f2c/ ). The resulting file was a bit edited in
order to remove the thousands of gotos that were introduced by
f2c. You will find the fftpack.h and fftpack.c sources in the
repository, this a complete translation of
http://www.netlib.org/fftpack/ , with the discrete cosine transform
and the test program. There is no license information in the netlib
repository, but it was confirmed to me by the fftpack v5 curators that
the same terms do apply to fftpack v4:
http://www.cisl.ucar.edu/css/software/fftpack5/ftpk.html . This is a
"BSD-like" license, it is compatible with proprietary projects.
Adapting fftpack to deal with the SIMD 4-element vectors instead of
scalar single precision numbers was more complex than I originally
thought, especially with the real transforms, and I ended up writing
more code than I planned..
The code:
Only two files, in good old C, pffft.c and pffft.h . The API is very
very simple, just make sure that you read the comments in pffft.h.
Comparison with other FFTs:
The idea was not to break speed records, but to get a decently fast
fft that is at least 50% as fast as the fastest FFT -- especially on
slowest computers . I'm more focused on getting the best performance
on slow cpus (Atom, Intel Core 1, old Athlons, ARM Cortex-A9...), than
on getting top performance on today fastest cpus.
It can be used in a real-time context as the fft functions do not
perform any memory allocation -- that is why they accept a 'work'
array in their arguments.
It is also a bit focused on performing 1D convolutions, that is why it
provides "unordered" FFTs , and a fourier domain convolution
Benchmark results (cpu tested: core i7 2600, core 2 quad, core 1 duo, atom N270, cortex-A9, cortex-A15, A8X)
The benchmark shows the performance of various fft implementations measured in
MFlops, with the number of floating point operations being defined as 5Nlog2(N)
for a length N complex fft, and 2.5*Nlog2(N) for a real fft.
See http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html for an explanation of these formulas.
MacOS Lion, gcc 4.2, 64-bit, fftw 3.3 on a 3.4 GHz core i7 2600
Built with:
gcc-4.2 -o test_pffft -arch x86_64 -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -DHAVE_VECLIB -framework veclib -DHAVE_FFTW -lfftw3f
| input len |real FFTPack| real vDSP | real FFTW | real PFFFT | |cplx FFTPack| cplx vDSP | cplx FFTW | cplx PFFFT |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------+------------|
| 64 | 2816 | 8596 | 7329 | 8187 | | 2887 | 14898 | 14668 | 11108 |
| 96 | 3298 | n/a | 8378 | 7727 | | 3953 | n/a | 15680 | 10878 |
| 128 | 3507 | 11575 | 9266 | 10108 | | 4233 | 17598 | 16427 | 12000 |
| 160 | 3391 | n/a | 9838 | 10711 | | 4220 | n/a | 16653 | 11187 |
| 192 | 3919 | n/a | 9868 | 10956 | | 4297 | n/a | 15770 | 12540 |
| 256 | 4283 | 13179 | 10694 | 13128 | | 4545 | 19550 | 16350 | 13822 |
| 384 | 3136 | n/a | 10810 | 12061 | | 3600 | n/a | 16103 | 13240 |
| 480 | 3477 | n/a | 10632 | 12074 | | 3536 | n/a | 11630 | 12522 |
| 512 | 3783 | 15141 | 11267 | 13838 | | 3649 | 20002 | 16560 | 13580 |
| 640 | 3639 | n/a | 11164 | 13946 | | 3695 | n/a | 15416 | 13890 |
| 768 | 3800 | n/a | 11245 | 13495 | | 3590 | n/a | 15802 | 14552 |
| 800 | 3440 | n/a | 10499 | 13301 | | 3659 | n/a | 12056 | 13268 |
| 1024 | 3924 | 15605 | 11450 | 15339 | | 3769 | 20963 | 13941 | 15467 |
| 2048 | 4518 | 16195 | 11551 | 15532 | | 4258 | 20413 | 13723 | 15042 |
| 2400 | 4294 | n/a | 10685 | 13078 | | 4093 | n/a | 12777 | 13119 |
| 4096 | 4750 | 16596 | 11672 | 15817 | | 4157 | 19662 | 14316 | 14336 |
| 8192 | 3820 | 16227 | 11084 | 12555 | | 3691 | 18132 | 12102 | 13813 |
| 9216 | 3864 | n/a | 10254 | 12870 | | 3586 | n/a | 12119 | 13994 |
| 16384 | 3822 | 15123 | 10454 | 12822 | | 3613 | 16874 | 12370 | 13881 |
| 32768 | 4175 | 14512 | 10662 | 11095 | | 3881 | 14702 | 11619 | 11524 |
| 262144 | 3317 | 11429 | 6269 | 9517 | | 2810 | 11729 | 7757 | 10179 |
| 1048576 | 2913 | 10551 | 4730 | 5867 | | 2661 | 7881 | 3520 | 5350 |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------+------------|
Debian 6, gcc 4.4.5, 64-bit, fftw 3.3.1 on a 3.4 GHz core i7 2600
Built with:
gcc -o test_pffft -DHAVE_FFTW -msse2 -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L$HOME/local/lib -I$HOME/local/include/ -lfftw3f -lm
| N (input length) | real FFTPack | real FFTW | real PFFFT | | cplx FFTPack | cplx FFTW | cplx PFFFT |
|------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------| |--------------+--------------+--------------|
| 64 | 3840 | 7680 | 8777 | | 4389 | 20480 | 11171 |
| 96 | 4214 | 9633 | 8429 | | 4816 | 22477 | 11238 |
| 128 | 3584 | 10240 | 10240 | | 5120 | 23893 | 11947 |
| 192 | 4854 | 11095 | 12945 | | 4854 | 22191 | 14121 |
| 256 | 4096 | 11703 | 16384 | | 5120 | 23406 | 13653 |
| 384 | 4395 | 14651 | 12558 | | 4884 | 19535 | 14651 |
| 512 | 5760 | 13166 | 15360 | | 4608 | 23040 | 15360 |
| 768 | 4907 | 14020 | 16357 | | 4461 | 19628 | 14020 |
| 1024 | 5120 | 14629 | 14629 | | 5120 | 20480 | 15754 |
| 2048 | 5632 | 14080 | 18773 | | 4693 | 12516 | 16091 |
| 4096 | 5120 | 13653 | 17554 | | 4726 | 7680 | 14456 |
| 8192 | 4160 | 7396 | 13312 | | 4437 | 14791 | 13312 |
| 9216 | 4210 | 6124 | 13473 | | 4491 | 7282 | 14970 |
| 16384 | 3976 | 11010 | 14313 | | 4210 | 11450 | 13631 |
| 32768 | 4260 | 10224 | 10954 | | 4260 | 6816 | 11797 |
| 262144 | 3736 | 6896 | 9961 | | 2359 | 8965 | 9437 |
| 1048576 | 2796 | 4534 | 6453 | | 1864 | 3078 | 5592 |
|------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------| |--------------+--------------+--------------|
MacOS Snow Leopard, gcc 4.0, 32-bit, fftw 3.3 on a 1.83 GHz core 1 duo
Built with:
gcc -o test_pffft -DHAVE_FFTW -DHAVE_VECLIB -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -lfftw3f -framework veclib
| input len |real FFTPack| real vDSP | real FFTW | real PFFFT | |cplx FFTPack| cplx vDSP | cplx FFTW | cplx PFFFT |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------+------------|
| 64 | 745 | 2145 | 1706 | 2028 | | 961 | 3356 | 3313 | 2300 |
| 96 | 877 | n/a | 1976 | 1978 | | 1059 | n/a | 3333 | 2233 |
| 128 | 951 | 2808 | 2213 | 2279 | | 1202 | 3803 | 3739 | 2494 |
| 192 | 1002 | n/a | 2456 | 2429 | | 1186 | n/a | 3701 | 2508 |
| 256 | 1065 | 3205 | 2641 | 2793 | | 1302 | 4013 | 3912 | 2663 |
| 384 | 845 | n/a | 2759 | 2499 | | 948 | n/a | 3729 | 2504 |
| 512 | 900 | 3476 | 2956 | 2759 | | 974 | 4057 | 3954 | 2645 |
| 768 | 910 | n/a | 2912 | 2737 | | 975 | n/a | 3837 | 2614 |
| 1024 | 936 | 3583 | 3107 | 3009 | | 1006 | 4124 | 3821 | 2697 |
| 2048 | 1057 | 3585 | 3091 | 2837 | | 1089 | 3889 | 3701 | 2513 |
| 4096 | 1083 | 3524 | 3092 | 2733 | | 1039 | 3617 | 3462 | 2364 |
| 8192 | 874 | 3252 | 2967 | 2363 | | 911 | 3106 | 2789 | 2302 |
| 9216 | 898 | n/a | 2420 | 2290 | | 865 | n/a | 2676 | 2204 |
| 16384 | 903 | 2892 | 2506 | 2421 | | 899 | 3026 | 2797 | 2289 |
| 32768 | 965 | 2837 | 2550 | 2358 | | 920 | 2922 | 2763 | 2240 |
| 262144 | 738 | 2422 | 1589 | 1708 | | 610 | 2038 | 1436 | 1091 |
| 1048576 | 528 | 1207 | 845 | 880 | | 606 | 1020 | 669 | 1036 |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------+------------|
Ubuntu 11.04, gcc 4.5, 32-bit, fftw 3.2 on a 2.66 core 2 quad
Built with:
gcc -o test_pffft -DHAVE_FFTW -msse -mfpmath=sse -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -lfftw3f -lm
| input len |real FFTPack| real FFTW | real PFFFT | |cplx FFTPack| cplx FFTW | cplx PFFFT |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------|
| 64 | 1920 | 3614 | 5120 | | 2194 | 7680 | 6467 |
| 96 | 1873 | 3549 | 5187 | | 2107 | 8429 | 5863 |
| 128 | 2240 | 3773 | 5514 | | 2560 | 7964 | 6827 |
| 192 | 1765 | 4569 | 7767 | | 2284 | 9137 | 7061 |
| 256 | 2048 | 5461 | 7447 | | 2731 | 9638 | 7802 |
| 384 | 1998 | 5861 | 6762 | | 2313 | 9253 | 7644 |
| 512 | 2095 | 6144 | 7680 | | 2194 | 10240 | 7089 |
| 768 | 2230 | 5773 | 7549 | | 2045 | 10331 | 7010 |
| 1024 | 2133 | 6400 | 8533 | | 2133 | 10779 | 7877 |
| 2048 | 2011 | 7040 | 8665 | | 1942 | 10240 | 7768 |
| 4096 | 2194 | 6827 | 8777 | | 1755 | 9452 | 6827 |
| 8192 | 1849 | 6656 | 6656 | | 1752 | 7831 | 6827 |
| 9216 | 1871 | 5858 | 6416 | | 1643 | 6909 | 6266 |
| 16384 | 1883 | 6223 | 6506 | | 1664 | 7340 | 6982 |
| 32768 | 1826 | 6390 | 6667 | | 1631 | 7481 | 6971 |
| 262144 | 1546 | 4075 | 5977 | | 1299 | 3415 | 3551 |
| 1048576 | 1104 | 2071 | 1730 | | 1104 | 1149 | 1834 |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------|
Ubuntu 11.04, gcc 4.5, 32-bit, fftw 3.3 on a 1.6 GHz Atom N270
Built with:
gcc -o test_pffft -DHAVE_FFTW -msse -mfpmath=sse -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -lfftw3f -lm
| N (input length) | real FFTPack | real FFTW | real PFFFT | | cplx FFTPack | cplx FFTW | cplx PFFFT |
|------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------| |--------------+--------------+--------------|
| 64 | 452 | 1041 | 1336 | | 549 | 2318 | 1781 |
| 96 | 444 | 1297 | 1297 | | 503 | 2408 | 1686 |
| 128 | 527 | 1525 | 1707 | | 543 | 2655 | 1886 |
| 192 | 498 | 1653 | 1849 | | 539 | 2678 | 1942 |
| 256 | 585 | 1862 | 2156 | | 594 | 2777 | 2244 |
| 384 | 499 | 1870 | 1998 | | 511 | 2586 | 1890 |
| 512 | 562 | 2095 | 2194 | | 542 | 2973 | 2194 |
| 768 | 545 | 2045 | 2133 | | 545 | 2365 | 2133 |
| 1024 | 595 | 2133 | 2438 | | 569 | 2695 | 2179 |
| 2048 | 587 | 2125 | 2347 | | 521 | 2230 | 1707 |
| 4096 | 495 | 1890 | 1834 | | 492 | 1876 | 1672 |
| 8192 | 469 | 1548 | 1729 | | 438 | 1740 | 1664 |
| 9216 | 468 | 1663 | 1663 | | 446 | 1585 | 1531 |
| 16384 | 453 | 1608 | 1767 | | 398 | 1476 | 1664 |
| 32768 | 456 | 1420 | 1503 | | 387 | 1388 | 1345 |
| 262144 | 309 | 385 | 726 | | 262 | 415 | 840 |
| 1048576 | 280 | 351 | 739 | | 261 | 313 | 797 |
|------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------| |--------------+--------------+--------------|
Windows 7, visual c++ 2010 on a 1.6 GHz Atom N270
Built with:
cl /Ox -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES /arch:SSE test_pffft.c pffft.c fftpack.c
(visual c++ is definitively not very good with SSE intrinsics...)
| N (input length) | real FFTPack | real PFFFT | | cplx FFTPack | cplx PFFFT |
|------------------+--------------+--------------| |--------------+--------------|
| 64 | 173 | 1009 | | 174 | 1159 |
| 96 | 169 | 1029 | | 188 | 1201 |
| 128 | 195 | 1242 | | 191 | 1275 |
| 192 | 178 | 1312 | | 184 | 1276 |
| 256 | 196 | 1591 | | 186 | 1281 |
| 384 | 172 | 1409 | | 181 | 1281 |
| 512 | 187 | 1640 | | 181 | 1313 |
| 768 | 171 | 1614 | | 176 | 1258 |
| 1024 | 186 | 1812 | | 178 | 1223 |
| 2048 | 190 | 1707 | | 186 | 1099 |
| 4096 | 182 | 1446 | | 177 | 975 |
| 8192 | 175 | 1345 | | 169 | 1034 |
| 9216 | 165 | 1271 | | 168 | 1023 |
| 16384 | 166 | 1396 | | 165 | 949 |
| 32768 | 172 | 1311 | | 161 | 881 |
| 262144 | 136 | 632 | | 134 | 629 |
| 1048576 | 134 | 698 | | 127 | 623 |
|------------------+--------------+--------------| |--------------+--------------|
Ubuntu 12.04, gcc-4.7.3, 32-bit, with fftw 3.3.3 (built with --enable-neon), on a 1.2GHz ARM Cortex A9 (Tegra 3)
Built with:
gcc-4.7 -O3 -DHAVE_FFTW -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a9 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon -ffast-math test_pffft.c pffft.c -o test_pffft_arm fftpack.c -lm -I/usr/local/include/ -L/usr/local/lib/ -lfftw3f
| input len |real FFTPack| real FFTW | real PFFFT | |cplx FFTPack| cplx FFTW | cplx PFFFT |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------|
| 64 | 549 | 452 | 731 | | 512 | 602 | 640 |
| 96 | 421 | 272 | 702 | | 496 | 571 | 602 |
| 128 | 498 | 512 | 815 | | 597 | 618 | 652 |
| 160 | 521 | 536 | 815 | | 586 | 669 | 625 |
| 192 | 539 | 571 | 883 | | 485 | 597 | 626 |
| 256 | 640 | 539 | 975 | | 569 | 611 | 671 |
| 384 | 499 | 610 | 879 | | 499 | 602 | 637 |
| 480 | 518 | 507 | 877 | | 496 | 661 | 616 |
| 512 | 524 | 591 | 1002 | | 549 | 678 | 668 |
| 640 | 542 | 612 | 955 | | 568 | 663 | 645 |
| 768 | 557 | 613 | 981 | | 491 | 663 | 598 |
| 800 | 514 | 353 | 882 | | 514 | 360 | 574 |
| 1024 | 640 | 640 | 1067 | | 492 | 683 | 602 |
| 2048 | 587 | 640 | 908 | | 486 | 640 | 552 |
| 2400 | 479 | 368 | 777 | | 422 | 376 | 518 |
| 4096 | 511 | 614 | 853 | | 426 | 640 | 534 |
| 8192 | 415 | 584 | 708 | | 386 | 622 | 516 |
| 9216 | 419 | 571 | 687 | | 364 | 586 | 506 |
| 16384 | 426 | 577 | 716 | | 398 | 606 | 530 |
| 32768 | 417 | 572 | 673 | | 399 | 572 | 468 |
| 262144 | 219 | 380 | 293 | | 255 | 431 | 343 |
| 1048576 | 202 | 274 | 237 | | 265 | 282 | 355 |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------|
Same platform as above, but this time pffft and fftpack are built with clang 3.2:
clang -O3 -DHAVE_FFTW -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a9 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon -ffast-math test_pffft.c pffft.c -o test_pffft_arm fftpack.c -lm -I/usr/local/include/ -L/usr/local/lib/ -lfftw3f
| input len |real FFTPack| real FFTW | real PFFFT | |cplx FFTPack| cplx FFTW | cplx PFFFT |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------|
| 64 | 427 | 452 | 853 | | 427 | 602 | 1024 |
| 96 | 351 | 276 | 843 | | 337 | 571 | 963 |
| 128 | 373 | 512 | 996 | | 390 | 618 | 1054 |
| 160 | 426 | 536 | 987 | | 375 | 669 | 914 |
| 192 | 404 | 571 | 1079 | | 388 | 588 | 1079 |
| 256 | 465 | 539 | 1205 | | 445 | 602 | 1170 |
| 384 | 366 | 610 | 1099 | | 343 | 594 | 1099 |
| 480 | 356 | 507 | 1140 | | 335 | 651 | 931 |
| 512 | 411 | 591 | 1213 | | 384 | 649 | 1124 |
| 640 | 398 | 612 | 1193 | | 373 | 654 | 901 |
| 768 | 409 | 613 | 1227 | | 383 | 663 | 1044 |
| 800 | 411 | 348 | 1073 | | 353 | 358 | 809 |
| 1024 | 427 | 640 | 1280 | | 413 | 692 | 1004 |
| 2048 | 414 | 626 | 1126 | | 371 | 640 | 853 |
| 2400 | 399 | 373 | 898 | | 319 | 368 | 653 |
| 4096 | 404 | 602 | 1059 | | 357 | 633 | 778 |
| 8192 | 332 | 584 | 792 | | 308 | 616 | 716 |
| 9216 | 322 | 561 | 783 | | 299 | 586 | 687 |
| 16384 | 344 | 568 | 778 | | 314 | 617 | 745 |
| 32768 | 342 | 564 | 737 | | 314 | 552 | 629 |
| 262144 | 201 | 383 | 313 | | 227 | 435 | 413 |
| 1048576 | 187 | 262 | 251 | | 228 | 281 | 409 |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------|
So it looks like, on ARM, gcc 4.7 is the best at scalar floating point
(the fftpack performance numbers are better with gcc), while clang is
the best with neon intrinsics (see how pffft perf has improved with
clang 3.2).
NVIDIA Jetson TK1 board, gcc-4.8.2. The cpu is a 2.3GHz cortex A15 (Tegra K1).
Built with:
gcc -O3 -march=armv7-a -mtune=native -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon -ffast-math test_pffft.c pffft.c -o test_pffft_arm fftpack.c -lm
| input len |real FFTPack| real PFFFT | |cplx FFTPack| cplx PFFFT |
|-----------+------------+------------| |------------+------------|
| 64 | 1735 | 3308 | | 1994 | 3744 |
| 96 | 1596 | 3448 | | 1987 | 3572 |
| 128 | 1807 | 4076 | | 2255 | 3960 |
| 160 | 1769 | 4083 | | 2071 | 3845 |
| 192 | 1990 | 4233 | | 2017 | 3939 |
| 256 | 2191 | 4882 | | 2254 | 4346 |
| 384 | 1878 | 4492 | | 2073 | 4012 |
| 480 | 1748 | 4398 | | 1923 | 3951 |
| 512 | 2030 | 5064 | | 2267 | 4195 |
| 640 | 1918 | 4756 | | 2094 | 4184 |
| 768 | 2099 | 4907 | | 2048 | 4297 |
| 800 | 1822 | 4555 | | 1880 | 4063 |
| 1024 | 2232 | 5355 | | 2187 | 4420 |
| 2048 | 2176 | 4983 | | 2027 | 3602 |
| 2400 | 1741 | 4256 | | 1710 | 3344 |
| 4096 | 1816 | 3914 | | 1851 | 3349 |
| 8192 | 1716 | 3481 | | 1700 | 3255 |
| 9216 | 1735 | 3589 | | 1653 | 3094 |
| 16384 | 1567 | 3483 | | 1637 | 3244 |
| 32768 | 1624 | 3240 | | 1655 | 3156 |
| 262144 | 1012 | 1898 | | 983 | 1503 |
| 1048576 | 876 | 1154 | | 868 | 1341 |
|-----------+------------+------------| |------------+------------|
The performance on the tegra K1 is pretty impressive. I'm not
including the FFTW numbers as they as slightly below the scalar
fftpack numbers, so something must be wrong (however it seems to be
correctly configured and is using neon simd instructions).
When using clang 3.4 the pffft version is even a bit faster, reaching
5.7 GFlops for real ffts of size 1024.
iPad Air 2 with iOS9, xcode 8.0, arm64. The cpu is an Apple A8X, supposedly running at 1.5GHz.
| input len |real FFTPack| real vDSP | real PFFFT | |cplx FFTPack| cplx vDSP | cplx PFFFT |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------|
| 64 | 2517 | 7995 | 6086 | | 2725 | 13006 | 8495 |
| 96 | 2442 | n/a | 6691 | | 2256 | n/a | 7991 |
| 128 | 2664 | 10186 | 7877 | | 2575 | 15115 | 9115 |
| 160 | 2638 | n/a | 8283 | | 2682 | n/a | 8806 |
| 192 | 2903 | n/a | 9083 | | 2634 | n/a | 8980 |
| 256 | 3184 | 11452 | 10039 | | 3026 | 15410 | 10199 |
| 384 | 2665 | n/a | 10100 | | 2275 | n/a | 9247 |
| 480 | 2546 | n/a | 9863 | | 2341 | n/a | 8892 |
| 512 | 2832 | 12197 | 10989 | | 2547 | 16768 | 10154 |
| 640 | 2755 | n/a | 10461 | | 2569 | n/a | 9666 |
| 768 | 2998 | n/a | 11355 | | 2585 | n/a | 9813 |
| 800 | 2516 | n/a | 10332 | | 2433 | n/a | 9164 |
| 1024 | 3109 | 12965 | 12114 | | 2869 | 16448 | 10519 |
| 2048 | 3027 | 12996 | 12023 | | 2648 | 17304 | 10307 |
| 2400 | 2515 | n/a | 10372 | | 2355 | n/a | 8443 |
| 4096 | 3204 | 13603 | 12359 | | 2814 | 16570 | 9780 |
| 8192 | 2759 | 13422 | 10824 | | 2153 | 15652 | 7884 |
| 9216 | 2700 | n/a | 9938 | | 2241 | n/a | 7900 |
| 16384 | 2280 | 13057 | 7976 | | 593 | 4272 | 2534 |
| 32768 | 768 | 4269 | 2882 | | 606 | 4405 | 2604 |
| 262144 | 724 | 3527 | 2630 | | 534 | 2418 | 2157 |
| 1048576 | 674 | 1467 | 2135 | | 530 | 1621 | 2055 |
|-----------+------------+------------+------------| |------------+------------+------------|
I double-checked to make sure I did not make a mistake in the time
measurements, as the numbers are much higher than what I initially
expected. They are in fact higher than the number I get on the 2.8GHz
Xeon of my 2008 mac pro.. (except for FFT lengths >= 32768 where
having a big cache is useful). A good surprise is also that the perf
is not too far from apple's vDSP (at least for the real FFT).