For some users on poor connections, toxav would suggest lower and lower bitratres until reaching zero and disabling audio/video entirely, toxav would then not raise the bitrate back and the only way to re-enable audio/video would have been to change A/V sources or restart the call
We now log toxav's recommendation, but ignore it
Could only be hit by pausing at a key point in a debugger until the call timed-out.
Having one thread going up the call stack and acquiring locks (toxcore callbacks), while another thread goes down taking locks in the other order (CoreAV calling toxav functions) creates some pretty freezy situations.
The deadlock was caused by the GUI thread calling the CoreAV thread, acquiring the CoreAV callback, then right before calling a toxav function, not schedule the thread until the call times out. At this point the toxcore thread fires its state callback to tell us the call is over, locking internal toxcore/toxav mutexes, it reaches our callback function which tries to switch to the CoreAV thread to clean up the call data structures, but has to wait since the CoreAV thread holds its own lock. At this point if we resume the CoreAV thread, it'll be busy calling into a toxav function, which tries to acquire internal toxav locks, those locks are held by the toxcore callback so we deadlock.
Our solution is that when getting a toxcore callback, we immediately switch to a temporary thread, allowing toxcore to release the locks it held, and that temporary thread tries to switch to do work on call data structures. Meanwhile if the CoreAV thread needs internal toxcore locks, it can get them.