* The new vocoder Fre-GAN is now supported
* Improved some fregan details
* Fixed the problem that the existing model could not be loaded to continue training when training GAN
* Updated reference papers
* GAN training now supports DistributedDataParallel (DDP)
* Added requirements.txt
* GAN training uses single card training by default
* Added note about GAN vocoder training with multiple GPUs
* Added missing files for Fre-GAN
* The new vocoder Fre-GAN is now supported
* Improved some fregan details
* Fixed the problem that the existing model could not be loaded to continue training when training GAN
* Updated reference papers
* GAN training now supports DistributedDataParallel (DDP)
* Added requirements.txt
* GAN training uses single card training by default
* Added note about GAN vocoder training with multiple GPUs
* The new vocoder Fre-GAN is now supported
* Improved some fregan details
* Fixed the problem that the existing model could not be loaded to continue training when training GAN
* Updated reference papers
* Init new GUI
* Remove unused codes
* Reset layout
* Add samples
* Make framework to support multiple pages
* Add vc mode
* Add preprocessing mode
* Add training mode
* Remove text input in vc mode
* Add entry for GUI and revise readme
* Move requirement together
* Add error raise when no model folder found
* Add readme
pass `wav`, `sampling_rate` (in encoder/audio.py line 59 ) as keyword args instead of postional args to prevent warning messages from massing up console outputs while adopting librosa 0.9.1 occasionally.
### Error Info Screenshot
### Error Reason
Matplotlib.backends.qt_compat.py decide the version of qt library according to sys.modules firstly, os.environ secondly and the sequence of PyQt6, PySide6, PyQt5, PySide 2 and etc finally. Import PyQt5 after matplotlib make that there is no PyQt5 in sys.modules so that it choose PyQt6 or PySide6 before PyQt5 if it installed.
因为Matplotlib.backends.qt_compat.py优先根据导入的库决定要使用的Python Qt的库,如果没有导入则根据环境变量PYQT_APT决定,再不济就按照PyQt6, PySide6, PyQt5, PySide 2的顺序导入已经安装的库。因为ui.py先导入matplotlib而不是PYQT5导致matplotlib在导入的库里找不到Qt的库,又没有指定环境变量,然后用户安装了Qt6的库的话就导入Qt6的库去了