2015-03-05 10:54:42 +00:00

24 KiB

User avatars in Tox

Introduction and rationale

User avatars are small icons or images used to identify users in the friend list; they exist in virtually all VoIP and IM protocols and provide an easy way for one user to identify another in the friend list.

This document describes the implementation of avatars in the Tox protocol, according to the following design considerations:

  • Avatars are handled as private information, i.e., they are only exchanged over Tox encrypted channels among previously authenticated friends.

  • The library treats all images as blobs and does not interpret or understand image formats. It only ensures that the avatar data sent by a user is correctly received by the other. The client application is responsible for validating, decoding, resizing, and presenting the image to the user.

  • There is a strict limit of 16 KiB to the avatar raw data size -- this seems suitable for practical use as, for example, the raw data of an uncompressed 64 x 64 pixels 24 bpp RGB bitmap is 12288 bytes long; the data limit provides enough space for larger bitmaps if the usual compressed formats are used.

    Notice: As designed, this limit can be changed in the future without breaking the protocol compatibility, but clients using the original limit will reject larger avatars.

  • The protocol MUST provide means to allow caching and avoid unnecessary data transfers.

  • Avatars are transferred between clients in a background operation.

  • Avatars are served on a "best effort" basis, without breaking clients which do not support them.

  • The protocol MUST resist to malicious users.

  • The protocol MUST work with both UDP and TCP networks.

The Single Tox Standard Draft v.0.1.0 recommends implementing avatars as a purely client-side feature through a procedure that can be summarized as sending a specially named file as a file transfer request and accepting it silently. This procedure can be improved to provide the previously stated design considerations, but this requires a higher integration with the core protocol. Moving this feature to the core protocol also:

  • provides a simpler and cleaner interface for client applications;

  • hides protocol complexities from the client;

  • avoids code duplication and ad-hoc protocols in the clients;

  • avoids incompatibility between client implementations;

  • allows important optimizations, such as lightweight notification of removed and updated avatars;

  • plays well with cache schemes;

  • makes avatar transfer essentially a background operation.

High level description

This is a very high level description. The usage patterns expected from client applications are described in the section "Using Avatars in Client Applications", and a low level protocol description is available in the section "Internal Protocol Description"). The avatar exchange is implemented with the following new elements in the Tox protocol:

  • Avatar Information Notifications are events which may be sent by a user to another anytime, but are usually sent after one of them connects to the network, changes his avatar, or in reply to an avatar information request. They are delivered by a very lightweight message but with enough information to allow a user to validate or discard an avatar from the local cache and to decide if it is interesting to request the avatar data from the peer.

    This event contains two data fields: (1) the image format, and (2) the cryptographic hash of the current image data. The image format may be NONE (for users who have no avatar or removed their avatars) or PNG. The cryptographic hash is intended to be compared with the hash of the currently cached avatar (if any) in order to check if it is still up to date.

  • Avatar Information Requests are very lightweight messages sent by a user asking for an avatar information notification. They may be sent as part of the login process or when the client thinks the currently cached avatar is outdated. The receiver may or may not answer to this request. This message contains no data fields.

  • An Avatar Data Request is sent by a user asking another for his complete avatar data. It is sent only when the requesting user decides the avatar does not exist in the local cache or is outdated. The receiver may or may not answer to this request. This message contains no data fields.

  • An Avatar Data Notification is an event signaling the client that the complete avatar image data of another user is available. The actual data transfer is implemented using several data and control messages, but the details are hidden from the client applications. This event can only arrive in reply to an avatar data request.

    This event contains three data fields: (1) the image format, (2) the cryptographic hash of the image data, and (3) the raw image data. If the image format is NONE (i.e. no avatar), the hash is zeroed and the image data is empty. The raw image data is locally validated and ensured to match the hash (the event is not triggered otherwise).


To implement this feature, the following public symbols were added. The complete API documentation is available in tox.h.

#define TOX_HASH_LENGTH 32

/* Data formats for user avatar images */
typedef enum {

/* Set the user avatar image data. */
int tox_set_avatar(Tox *tox, uint8_t format, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length);

/* Remove the user avatar image data. */
int tox_unset_avatar(Tox *tox);

/* Get avatar data from the current user. */
int tox_get_self_avatar(const Tox *tox, uint8_t *format, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t *length, uint32_t maxlen, uint8_t *hash);

/* Generate a cryptographic hash of the given data (usually a cached avatar). */
int tox_hash(uint8_t *hash, const uint8_t *data, const uint32_t datalen);

/* Request avatar information from a friend. */
int tox_request_avatar_info(const Tox *tox, const int32_t friendnumber);

/* Send an unrequested avatar information to a friend. */
int tox_send_avatar_info(Tox *tox, const int32_t friendnumber);

/* Request the avatar data from a friend. */
int tox_request_avatar_data(const Tox *tox, const int32_t friendnumber);

/* Set the callback function for avatar data. */
void tox_callback_avatar_info(Tox *tox, void (*function)(Tox *tox, int32_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*, void *), void *userdata);

/* Set the callback function for avatar data.  */
void tox_callback_avatar_data(Tox *tox, void (*function)(Tox *tox, int32_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t*, uint32_t, void *), void *userdata);

Using Avatars in Client Applications

General recommendations

  • Clients MUST NOT imply the availability of avatars in other users. Avatars are an optional feature and not all users and clients may support them.

  • Clients MUST NOT block waiting for avatar information and avatar data packets.

  • Clients MUST treat avatar data as insecure and potentially malicious. For example, users may accidentally use corrupted images as avatars, a malicious user may send a specially crafted image to exploit a known vulnerability in an image decoding library, etc. It is recommended to handle the avatar image data in the same way as an image downloaded from an unknown Internet source.

  • The peers MUST NOT assume any coupling between the operations of receiving an avatar information packet, sending unrequested avatar information packets, requesting avatar data, or receiving avatar data.

    For example, the following situations are valid:

    • A text-mode client may send avatars to other users, but never request them.

    • A client may not understand a particular image format and ignore avatars using it, but request and handle other formats.

    • A client on a slow mobile network may ask for avatar information to ensure its cached avatars are still valid, but not request avatar data. The same client may start asking for avatar data once it connects through a fast network.

  • Clients SHOULD implement a local cache of avatars and not request avatar data from other peers unless necessary.

  • When avatar information is received, the client should delete the avatar if the new avatar format is NONE or compare the hash received from the peer with the hash of the currently cached avatar. If they differ, send an avatar data request.

  • If the cached avatar is older than a given threshold, the client may also send an avatar info request to that friend once he is online and mark the avatar as updated before any avatar information is received (to not spam the peer with such requests).

  • When an avatar data notification is received, the client must update the cached avatar with the new one.

  • Clients should resize or crop the image such that it better adapts to the client's user interface.

  • If the user already has an avatar defined in the client configuration, it must be set before connecting to the network to avoid spurious avatar change notifications and unnecessary data transfers.

  • If no avatar data is available for a given friend, the client should show a placeholder image.

Interoperability and sharing avatars among different clients

This section is a tentative recommendation of how clients should store avatars to ensure local interoperability, and should be revised if this code is accepted into Tox core.

It is desirable that the user avatar and the cached friends' avatars could be shared among different Tox clients in the same system, in the spirit of the proposed Single Tox Standard. This not only makes switching from one client to another easier, but also minimizes the need of data transfers, as avatars already downloaded by other clients can be reused.

Given the Tox data directory described in STS Draft v0.1.0:

  • Avatars are stored in a directory called "avatars" and named as "xxxxx.png", where "xxxxx" is the complete public key (but not friend address!) encoded as an uppercase hexadecimal string and "png" is the extension for the PNG avatar. As new image formats may be used in the future, clients should ensure no other file "xxxxx.*" exists. No file should be kept for a user who has no avatar.

  • The client's own avatar is not special and is stored like any other. This is partially for simplicity, and partially in anticipation of profiles.

  • The avatar should be stored as it was received, before any modifications by the client for display purposes.

  • The hash, as calculated by toxcore and passed into the data callback, should be saved in "avatars/xxxxx.hash" where "xxxxx" means the same thing as for avatars. (The filename is longer than the file :) )

    To be discussed: User keys are usually presented in Tox clients as upper case strings, but lower case file names are more usual.

Example for Linux and other Unix systems, assuming a user called "gildor":

Tox data directory: /home/gildor/.config/tox/
Tox data file:      /home/gildor/.config/tox/data
Avatar data dir:    /home/gildor/.config/tox/avatars/
Gildor's avatar:    /home/gildor/.config/tox/avatars/446F4E6F744D6564646C65496E546865416666616972734F6657697A61726473.png
Elrond's avatar:    /home/gildor/.config/tox/avatars/43656C65627269616E20646F6E277420546F782E426164206D656D6F72696573.png
Elrond's hash:      /home/gildor/.config/tox/avatars/43656C65627269616E20646F6E277420546F782E426164206D656D6F72696573.hash
Elladan's avatar:   /home/gildor/.config/tox/avatars/49486174655768656E48756D616E735468696E6B49416D4D7942726F74686572.png
Elladan's hash:     /home/gildor/.config/tox/avatars/49486174655768656E48756D616E735468696E6B49416D4D7942726F74686572.hash
Elrohir's avatar    /home/gildor/.config/tox/avatars/726568746F7242794D6D41496B6E696854736E616D75486E6568576574614849.png
Elrohir's hash:     /home/gildor/.config/tox/avatars/726568746F7242794D6D41496B6E696854736E616D75486E6568576574614849.hash

This recommendation is partially implemented by "testing/test_avatars.c".

Common operations

These are minimal examples of how to perform common operations with avatar functions. For a complete working example, see testing/test_avatars.c.

Setting an avatar for the current user

In this example, load_data_file is just a hypothetical function that loads data from a file into the buffer and sets the length accordingly.

uint32_t len;

if (load_data_file("avatar.png", buf, &len) == 0)
    if (tox_set_avatar(tox, TOX_AVATAR_FORMAT_PNG, buf, len) != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set avatar.\n");

If the user is connected, this function will also notify all connected friends about the avatar change.

If the user already has an avatar defined in the client configuration, it must be set before connecting to the network to avoid spurious avatar change notifications and unnecessary data transfers.

Removing the avatar from the current user

To remove the current avatar, an application must call


the effect is the same as setting the avatar format to TOX_AVATAR_FORMAT_NONE with no data:

tox_set_avatar(tox, TOX_AVATAR_FORMAT_NONE, NULL, 0);

If the user is connected, this function will also notify all connected friends about the avatar change.

Receiving avatar information from friends

All avatar information is passed to a callback function with the prototype:

void function(Tox *tox, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t format,
    uint8_t *hash, uint8_t *data, uint32_t datalen, void *userdata)

As in this example:

static void avatar_info_cb(Tox *tox, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t format,
        uint8_t *hash, void *userdata)
    printf("Receiving avatar information from friend %d. Format = %d\n",
        friendnumber, format);
    printf("Data hash: ");
    hex_printf(hash, TOX_HASH_LENGTH);   /* Hypothetical function */

And, somewhere in the Tox initialization calls, set it as the callback to be triggered when an avatar information event arrives:

tox_callback_avatar_info(tox, avatar_info_cb, NULL);

A typical client will test the currently cached avatar against the hash given in the avatar information event and, if needed, request the avatar data.

Receiving avatar data from friends

Avatar data events are only delivered in reply to avatar data requests, which should only be sent after getting the user avatar information (format and hash) from an avatar information event and checking it against a local cache.

For this, an application must define an avatar information callback which checks the local avatar cache and emits an avatar data request if necessary:

static void avatar_info_cb(Tox *tox, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t format,
        uint8_t *hash, void *userdata)
    printf("Receiving avatar information from friend %d. Format = %d\n",
        friendnumber, format);
    if (format = TOX_AVATAR_FORMAT_NONE) {
        /* User has no avatar or removed the avatar */
        delete_avatar_from_cache(tox, friendnumber);
    } else {
        /* Use the received hash to check if the cached avatar is
           still up to date. */
        if (!is_user_cached_avatar_updated(tox, friendnumber, hash)) {
            /* User avatar is outdated, send data request */
            tox_request_avatar_data(tox, friendnumber);

Then define an avatar data callback to store the received data in the local cache:

static void avatar_data_cb(Tox *tox, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t format,
    uint8_t *hash, uint8_t *data, uint32_t datalen, void *userdata)
    if (format = TOX_AVATAR_FORMAT_NONE) {
        /* User has no avatar or removed the avatar */
        delete_avatar_from_cache(tox, friendnumber);
    } else {
        save_avatar_data_to_cache(tox, friendnumber, format, hash,
            data, datalen);

And, finally, register both callbacks somewhere in the Tox initialization calls:

tox_callback_avatar_info(tox, avatar_info_cb, NULL);
tox_callback_avatar_data(tox, avatar_data_cb, NULL);

In the previous examples, implementation of the functions to check, store, and retrieve data from the cache were omitted for brevity. These functions will also need to get the friend public key (client id) from the friend number and, usually, convert it from a byte string to a hexadecimal string. A complete, yet more complex, example is available in the file testing/test_avatars.c.

Internal Protocol Description

New packet types

The avatar transfer protocol adds the following new packet types and ids:


Requesting avatar information

To request avatar information, a user must send a packet of type PACKET_ID_AVATAR_INFO_REQ. This packet has no data fields. Upon receiving this packet, a client which supports avatars should answer with a PACKET_ID_AVATAR_INFO. The sender must accept that the friend may not answer at all.

Receiving avatar information

Avatar information arrives in a packet of type PACKET_ID_AVATAR_INFO with the following structure:

Packet data size: 33 bytes
[1: uint8_t format][32: uint8_t hash]

where 'format' is the image data format, one of the following:

0 = AVATAR_FORMAT_NONE  (no avatar set)

and 'hash' is the SHA-256 message digest of the avatar data.

This packet may be sent at any time and no previous request is required. Clients should send this packet upon connection or when a friend connects, in the same way Tox sends name, status and action information.

Requesting avatar data

Transmission of avatar data is a multi-step procedure using three new packet types.

  • Packet PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_CONTROL has the format:

    Packet data size: 1 byte
    [1: uint8_t op]

    where 'op' is a code signaling either an operation request or a status return, the semantics of which are explained below. The following values are defined:

  • Packet PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_START has the following format:

    Packet data size: 37 bytes
    [1: uint8_t format][32: uint8_t hash][1: uint32_t data_length]

    where 'format' is the image format, with the same values accepted for the field 'format' in packet type PACKET_ID_AVATAR_INFO, 'hash' is the SHA-256 cryptographic hash of the avatar raw data, and 'data_length' is the total number of bytes the raw avatar data.

  • Packet PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_PUSH has no format structure, just up to AVATAR_DATA_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE bytes of raw avatar image data; this value is defined according to the maximum amount of data a Tox encrypted packet can hold.

The following procedure assumes that a client "A" is requesting avatar data from a client "B":

  • "A" must initialize its control structures and mark its data transfer as not yet started. Then it requests avatar data from "B" by sending a packet PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_CONTROL with 'op' set to AVATAR_DATACONTROL_REQ.

  • If "B" accepts this transfer, it answers by sending a PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_START with the fields 'format', 'hash', and 'data_length' set to the respective values of the current avatar. If "B" has no avatar set, 'format' must be AVATAR_FORMAT_NONE, 'hash' must be zeroed and 'data_length' must be zero.

    If "B" does not accept sending the avatar, it may send a packet PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_CONTROL with the field 'op' set to AVATAR_DATACONTROL_ERROR or simply ignore this request. "A" must cope with this.

    If "B" has an avatar, it sends a variable number of PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_PUSH packets with the avatar data in a single shot.

  • Upon receiving a PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_START, "A" checks if it has sent a data request to "B". If not, it simply ignores the packet.

    If "A" really requested avatar data and the format is AVATAR_FORMAT_NONE, it triggers the avatar data callback, and clears all the temporary data, finishing the process. For other formats, "A" just waits for packets of type PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_PUSH.

  • Upon receiving a PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_PUSH, "A" checks if it really sent an avatar data request and if the PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_START was already received. If these conditions were met, it checks if the total length of the data already stored in the receiving buffer plus the data present in the push packet is still less or equal than TOX_AVATAR_MAX_DATA_LENGTH. If that is not the case, it replies with a PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_CONTROL with the field 'op' set to AVATAR_DATACONTROL_ERROR.

    If valid, "A" updates the 'bytes_received' counter and concatenates the newly arrived data to the buffer.

    Then "A" checks if all the data has already been received, by comparing the counter 'bytes_received' with the field 'total_length'. If they are equal, "A" takes a SHA-256 hash of the data and compares it with the hash stored in the field 'hash' received with the first PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_START.

    If the hashes match, the avatar data was correctly received, and "A" triggers the avatar data callback and clears all the temporary data, finishing the process.

    If not all data was received, "A" simply waits for more data.

    Client "A" is always responsible for controlling the transfer and validating the data received. "B" doesn't need to keep any state for the protocol, have full control over the data sent and should implement some transfer limit for the data it sends.

  • Any peer receiving a PACKET_ID_AVATAR_DATA_CONTROL with the field 'op' set to AVATAR_DATACONTROL_ERROR clears any existing control state and aborts sending or receiving data.

Security considerations

The major security implication of background data transfers of large objects, like avatars, is the possibility of exhausting the network resources of a client. This problem is exacerbated when there is the possibility of an amplification attack, as happens, for example, when sending a very small avatar request message will force the user to reply with a larger avatar data message.

The present proposal mitigates this situation by:

  • only transferring data between previously authenticated friends,

  • enforcing strict limits on the avatar data size,

  • providing an alternate, smaller message for cooperative users to refresh avatar information when nothing has changed (PACKET_ID_AVATAR_INFO),

  • having a per-friend data transfer limit. As the current protocol still allows a user to request avatar data again and again, the implementation limits the amount of data a particular user can request for some time. The exact values are defined in constants AVATAR_DATA_TRANSFER_LIMIT and AVATAR_DATA_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT in file Messenger.c.

  • making the requester responsible for storing partial data and state information

Another problem present in avatars is the possibility of a friend sending a maliciously crafted image intended to exploit vulnerabilities in image decoders. Without an intermediate server to recompress, validate, and convert the images to neutral formats, the client applications must handle this situation by themselves using stable and secure image libraries and imposing limits on the maximum amount of system resources the decoding process can take. Images coming from Tox friends must be treated in the same way as images coming from random Internet sources.