Added callbacks in net_crypto for the data packets and status changes.
Added onion_getfriend_DHT_pubkey to onion_client.
Net crypto isn't done yet so connections between toxes are not
lossless, this means file sending is broken hence why the test fails.
Fixed circular dependency between DHT and net_crypto: DHT no longer
depends on net_crypto.
Moved the crypto request packets functions to crypto core and DHT.
Cleaned up/added some defines that can be used to get the true maximum
length of things like the friends request message.
MAX_DATA_SIZE has been replaced in most places by more appropriate defines.
Moved Bunch of functions from net_crypto to crypto_core.
decrypt_data_fast and decrypt_data_symmetric were the same thing
therefore, removed decrypt_data_fast.
Replaced all the crypto_secretbox_* defines with the equivalent
crypto_box_* one.
New define: crypto_box_KEYBYTES that is equal to
Removed a bunch of useless space from various structs.
pack_nodes() and unpack_nodes() are now used to transmit lists of
nodes for the DHT and onion parts. They provide a way to transmit
both ipv6 and ipv4 nodes in the same packet in a portable way that
takes as little space as possible without compression.
Using pack_nodes, merged the send nodes and send nodes ipv6 packets
into one packet greatly reducing the risk of amplification attacks.
The current 'opus/opus.h' works if your opus.h is in /usr/include/opus, as
/usr/include is already in the header search path. If your opus header search
path is found via pkg-config, however, you will get something like this:
$ pkg-config --cflags opus
Since this is pointing directly to include/opus, the 'opus/' prefix on the
header include directive will break.
Since 'opus.h' should work in both cases (as in both cases it will be
discovered via pkg-config), just use the simpler 'opus.h'.
Signed-off-by: Steven Noonan <>