ThePhD 27174aba9c This mega-commit produces simple_usertype to allow for faster compile times by avoiding the use of __index internally. It sacrifices some speed and some storage optimizations and also does not allow variable syntax, but the produced table is directly modifiable.
Adds a `protect()` function to trigger safety for an item.
This commit also optimizes away all instances of virtual function calls for function calls and storage. Will need to test speed to see how it works out.
Closes #133
Closes #134
Closes #135
Closes #136
2016-07-07 16:52:39 -04:00

873 lines
24 KiB

#include <catch.hpp>
#include <sol.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include "test_stack_guard.hpp"
std::function<int()> makefn() {
auto fx = []() -> int {
return 0x1456789;
return fx;
void takefn(std::function<int()> purr) {
if (purr() != 0x1456789)
throw 0;
struct A {
int a = 0xA; int bark() { return 1; }
std::tuple<int, int> bark(int num_value, A* a) {
return std::tuple<int, int>(num_value * 2, a->bark());
void test_free_func(std::function<void()> f) {
void test_free_func2(std::function<int(int)> f, int arg1) {
int val = f(arg1);
if (val != arg1)
throw sol::error("failed function call!");
int overloaded(int x) {
std::cout << x << std::endl;
return 3;
int overloaded(int x, int y) {
std::cout << x << " " << y << std::endl;
return 7;
int overloaded(int x, int y, int z) {
std::cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << std::endl;
return 11;
int non_overloaded(int x, int y, int z) {
std::cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << std::endl;
return 13;
namespace sep {
int plop_xyz(int x, int y, std::string z) {
std::cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << std::endl;
return 11;
int func_1(int) {
return 1;
std::string func_1s(std::string a) {
return "string: " + a;
int func_2(int, int) {
return 2;
void func_3(int, int, int) {
int f1(int) { return 32; }
int f2(int, int) { return 1; }
struct fer {
double f3(int, int) {
return 2.5;
TEST_CASE("functions/overload-resolution", "Check if overloaded function resolution templates compile/work") {
sol::state lua;
lua.set_function("non_overloaded", non_overloaded);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("x = non_overloaded(1, 2, 3)\nprint(x)"));
// Cannot reasonably support: clang++ refuses to try enough
// deductions to make this work
lua.set_function<int>("overloaded", overloaded);
lua.set_function<int, int>("overloaded", overloaded);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("print(overloaded(1, 2))"));
lua.set_function<int, int, int>("overloaded", overloaded);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("print(overloaded(1, 2, 3))"));
lua.set_function("overloaded", sol::resolve<int(int)>(overloaded));
lua.set_function("overloaded", sol::resolve<int(int, int)>(overloaded));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("print(overloaded(1, 2))"));
lua.set_function("overloaded", sol::resolve<int(int, int, int)>(overloaded));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("print(overloaded(1, 2, 3))"));
TEST_CASE("functions/return-order-and-multi-get", "Check if return order is in the same reading order specified in Lua") {
const static std::tuple<int, int, int> triple = std::make_tuple(10, 11, 12);
const static std::tuple<int, float> paired = std::make_tuple(10, 10.f);
sol::state lua;
lua.set_function("f", [] {
return std::make_tuple(10, 11, 12);
int a = 0;
lua.set_function("h", []() {
return std::make_tuple(10, 10.0f);
lua.script("function g() return 10, 11, 12 end\nx,y,z = g()");
auto tcpp = lua.get<sol::function>("f").call<int, int, int>();
auto tlua = lua.get<sol::function>("g").call<int, int, int>();
auto tcpp2 = lua.get<sol::function>("h").call<int, float>();
auto tluaget = lua.get<int, int, int>("x", "y", "z");
REQUIRE(tcpp == triple);
REQUIRE(tlua == triple);
REQUIRE(tluaget == triple);
REQUIRE(tcpp2 == paired);
TEST_CASE("functions/deducing-return-order-and-multi-get", "Check if return order is in the same reading order specified in Lua, with regular deducing calls") {
const static std::tuple<int, int, int> triple = std::make_tuple(10, 11, 12);
sol::state lua;
lua.set_function("f_string", []() { return "this is a string!"; });
sol::function f_string = lua["f_string"];
// Make sure there are no overload collisions / compiler errors for automatic string conversions
std::string f_string_result = f_string();
REQUIRE(f_string_result == "this is a string!");
f_string_result = f_string();
REQUIRE(f_string_result == "this is a string!");
lua.set_function("f", [] {
return std::make_tuple(10, 11, 12);
lua.script("function g() return 10, 11, 12 end\nx,y,z = g()");
std::tuple<int, int, int> tcpp = lua.get<sol::function>("f")();
std::tuple<int, int, int> tlua = lua.get<sol::function>("g")();
std::tuple<int, int, int> tluaget = lua.get<int, int, int>("x", "y", "z");
std::cout << "cpp: " << std::get<0>(tcpp) << ',' << std::get<1>(tcpp) << ',' << std::get<2>(tcpp) << std::endl;
std::cout << "lua: " << std::get<0>(tlua) << ',' << std::get<1>(tlua) << ',' << std::get<2>(tlua) << std::endl;
std::cout << "lua xyz: " << lua.get<int>("x") << ',' << lua.get<int>("y") << ',' << lua.get<int>("z") << std::endl;
REQUIRE(tcpp == triple);
REQUIRE(tlua == triple);
REQUIRE(tluaget == triple);
TEST_CASE("functions/optional-values", "check if optionals can be passed in to be nil or otherwise") {
struct thing {
int v;
sol::state lua;
lua.script(R"( function f (a)
return a
end )");
sol::function lua_bark = lua["f"];
sol::optional<int> testv = lua_bark(sol::optional<int>(29));
sol::optional<int> testn = lua_bark(sol::nullopt);
REQUIRE(testv.value() == 29);
sol::optional<thing> v = lua_bark(sol::optional<thing>(thing{ 29 }));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(sol::nil_t n = lua_bark(sol::nullopt));
REQUIRE(v->v == 29);
TEST_CASE("functions/pair-and-tuple-and-proxy-tests", "Check if sol::reference and sol::proxy can be passed to functions as arguments") {
sol::state lua;
"bark", &A::bark);
lua.script(R"( function f (num_value, a)
return num_value * 2, a:bark()
function h (num_value, a, b)
return num_value * 2, a:bark(), b * 3
nested = { variables = { no = { problem = 10 } } } )");
lua.set_function("g", bark);
sol::function cpp_bark = lua["g"];
sol::function lua_bark = lua["f"];
sol::function lua_bark2 = lua["h"];
sol::reference lua_variable_x = lua["nested"]["variables"]["no"]["problem"];
A cpp_variable_y;
static const std::tuple<int, int> abdesired(20, 1);
static const std::pair<int, int> cddesired = { 20, 1 };
static const std::tuple<int, int, int> abcdesired(20, 1, 3);
std::tuple<int, int> ab = cpp_bark(lua_variable_x, cpp_variable_y);
std::pair<int, int> cd = lua_bark(lua["nested"]["variables"]["no"]["problem"], cpp_variable_y);
REQUIRE(ab == abdesired);
REQUIRE(cd == cddesired);
ab = cpp_bark(std::make_pair(lua_variable_x, cpp_variable_y));
cd = lua_bark(std::make_pair(lua["nested"]["variables"]["no"]["problem"], cpp_variable_y));
REQUIRE(ab == abdesired);
REQUIRE(cd == cddesired);
std::tuple<int, int, int> abc = lua_bark2(std::make_tuple(10, cpp_variable_y), sol::optional<int>(1));
REQUIRE(abc == abcdesired);
TEST_CASE("functions/sol::function-to-std::function", "check if conversion to std::function works properly and calls with correct arguments") {
sol::state lua;
lua.set_function("testFunc", test_free_func);
lua.set_function("testFunc2", test_free_func2);
"testFunc(function() print(\"hello std::function\") end)"
"function m(a)\n"
" print(\"hello std::function with arg \", a)\n"
" return a\n"
"testFunc2(m, 1)"
TEST_CASE("functions/returning-functions-from-C++-and-gettin-in-lua", "check to see if returning a functor and getting a functor from lua is possible") {
sol::state lua;
lua.set_function("makefn", makefn);
lua.set_function("takefn", takefn);
lua.script("afx = makefn()\n"
TEST_CASE("functions/function_result-protected_function_result", "Function result should be the beefy return type for sol::function that allows for error checking and error handlers") {
sol::state lua;
lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base, sol::lib::debug);
static const char unhandlederrormessage[] = "true error message";
static const char handlederrormessage[] = "doodle";
static const std::string handlederrormessage_s = handlederrormessage;
// Some function; just using a lambda to be cheap
auto doomfx = []() {
std::cout << "doomfx called" << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error(unhandlederrormessage);
auto luadoomfx = [&lua]() {
std::cout << "luadoomfx called" << std::endl;
// Does not bypass error function, will call it
luaL_error(lua.lua_state(), unhandlederrormessage);
lua.set_function("doom", doomfx);
lua.set_function("luadoom", luadoomfx);
auto cpphandlerfx = [](std::string x) {
std::cout << "c++ handler called with: " << x << std::endl;
return handlederrormessage;
lua.set_function("cpphandler", cpphandlerfx);
std::string("function luahandler ( message )")
+ " print('lua handler called with: ' .. message)"
+ " return '" + handlederrormessage + "'"
+ "end"
auto nontrampolinefx = [](lua_State*) -> int { throw "x"; };
lua_CFunction c_nontrampolinefx = nontrampolinefx;
lua.set("nontrampoline", c_nontrampolinefx);
lua.set_function("bark", []() -> int {return 100; });
sol::protected_function doom = lua["doom"];
sol::protected_function luadoom = lua["luadoom"];
sol::protected_function nontrampoline = lua["nontrampoline"];
sol::protected_function justfine = lua["bark"];
sol::protected_function justfinewithhandler = lua["bark"];
sol::function luahandler = lua["luahandler"];
sol::function cpphandler = lua["cpphandler"];
doom.error_handler = luahandler;
luadoom.error_handler = cpphandler;
nontrampoline.error_handler = cpphandler;
justfinewithhandler.error_handler = luahandler;
bool present = true;
sol::protected_function_result result = doom();
sol::optional<sol::error> operr = result;
sol::optional<int> opvalue = result;
present = (bool)operr;
present = (bool)opvalue;
sol::error err = result;
REQUIRE(err.what() == handlederrormessage_s);
sol::protected_function_result result = luadoom();
sol::optional<sol::error> operr = result;
sol::optional<int> opvalue = result;
present = (bool)operr;
present = (bool)opvalue;
sol::error err = result;
REQUIRE(err.what() == handlederrormessage_s);
sol::protected_function_result result = nontrampoline();
sol::optional<sol::error> operr = result;
sol::optional<int> opvalue = result;
present = (bool)operr;
present = (bool)opvalue;
sol::error err = result;
REQUIRE(err.what() == handlederrormessage_s);
sol::protected_function_result result = justfine();
sol::optional<sol::error> operr = result;
sol::optional<int> opvalue = result;
present = (bool)operr;
present = (bool)opvalue;
int value = result;
REQUIRE(value == 100);
sol::protected_function_result result = justfinewithhandler();
sol::optional<sol::error> operr = result;
sol::optional<int> opvalue = result;
present = (bool)operr;
present = (bool)opvalue;
int value = result;
REQUIRE(value == 100);
TEST_CASE("functions/destructor-tests", "Show that proper copies / destruction happens") {
static int created = 0;
static int destroyed = 0;
static void* last_call = nullptr;
static void* static_call = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0x01);
typedef void(*fptr)();
struct x {
x() { ++created; }
x(const x&) { ++created; }
x(x&&) { ++created; }
x& operator=(const x&) { return *this; }
x& operator=(x&&) { return *this; }
void func() { last_call = static_cast<void*>(this); };
~x() { ++destroyed; }
struct y {
y() { ++created; }
y(const x&) { ++created; }
y(x&&) { ++created; }
y& operator=(const x&) { return *this; }
y& operator=(x&&) { return *this; }
static void func() { last_call = static_call; };
void operator()() { func(); }
operator fptr () { return func; }
~y() { ++destroyed; }
// stateful functors/member functions should always copy unless specified
created = 0;
destroyed = 0;
last_call = nullptr;
sol::state lua;
x x1;
lua.set_function("x1copy", &x::func, x1);
REQUIRE(created == 2);
REQUIRE(destroyed == 0);
REQUIRE_FALSE(last_call == &x1);
lua.set_function("x1ref", &x::func, std::ref(x1));
REQUIRE(created == 2);
REQUIRE(destroyed == 0);
REQUIRE(last_call == &x1);
REQUIRE(created == 2);
REQUIRE(destroyed == 2);
// things convertible to a static function should _never_ be forced to make copies
// therefore, pass through untouched
created = 0;
destroyed = 0;
last_call = nullptr;
sol::state lua;
y y1;
lua.set_function("y1copy", y1);
REQUIRE(created == 1);
REQUIRE(destroyed == 0);
REQUIRE(last_call == static_call);
last_call = nullptr;
lua.set_function("y1ref", std::ref(y1));
REQUIRE(created == 1);
REQUIRE(destroyed == 0);
REQUIRE(last_call == static_call);
REQUIRE(created == 1);
REQUIRE(destroyed == 1);
TEST_CASE("functions/all-kinds", "Register all kinds of functions, make sure they all compile and work") {
sol::state lua;
struct test_1 {
int a = 0xA;
virtual int bark() {
return a;
int bark_mem() {
return a;
static std::tuple<int, int> x_bark(int num_value, test_1* a) {
return std::tuple<int, int>(num_value * 2, a->a);
struct test_2 {
int a = 0xC;
int bark() {
return 20;
struct inner {
const int z = 5653;
struct nested {
inner i;
auto a = []() { return 500; };
auto b = [&]() { return 501; };
auto c = [&]() { return 502; };
auto d = []() { return 503; };
"bark", sol::c_call<decltype(&test_1::bark_mem), &test_1::bark_mem>
"bark", sol::c_call<decltype(&test_2::bark), &test_2::bark>
test_2 t2;
lua.set_function("a", a);
lua.set_function("b", b);
lua.set_function("c", std::ref(c));
lua.set_function("d", std::ref(d));
lua.set_function("f", &test_1::bark);
lua.set_function("g", test_1::x_bark);
lua.set_function("h", sol::c_call<decltype(&test_1::bark_mem), &test_1::bark_mem>);
lua.set_function("i", &test_2::bark, test_2());
lua.set_function("j", &test_2::a, test_2());
lua.set_function("k", &test_2::a);
lua.set_function("l", sol::c_call<decltype(&test_1::a), &test_1::a>);
lua.set_function("m", &test_2::a, &t2);
lua.set_function("n", sol::c_call<decltype(&non_overloaded), &non_overloaded>);
o1 =
o2 =
ob = o1:bark()
A = a()
B = b()
C = c()
D = d()
F = f(o1)
G0, G1 = g(2, o1)
H = h(o1)
I = i(o1)
I = i(o1)
J0 = j()
J1 = j()
K0 = k(o2)
k(o2, 1024)
K1 = k(o2)
L0 = l(o1)
l(o1, 678)
L1 = l(o1)
M0 = m()
M1 = m()
N = n(1, 2, 3)
int ob, A, B, C, D, F, G0, G1, H, I, J0, J1, K0, K1, L0, L1, M0, M1, N;
std::tie(ob, A, B, C, D, F, G0, G1, H, I, J0, J1, K0, K1, L0, L1, M0, M1, N)
= lua.get<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int>(
"ob", "A", "B", "C", "D", "F", "G0", "G1", "H", "I", "J0", "J1", "K0", "K1", "L0", "L1", "M0", "M1", "N"
REQUIRE(ob == 0xA);
REQUIRE(A == 500);
REQUIRE(B == 501);
REQUIRE(C == 502);
REQUIRE(D == 503);
REQUIRE(F == 0xA);
REQUIRE(G0 == 4);
REQUIRE(G1 == 0xA);
REQUIRE(H == 0xA);
REQUIRE(I == 20);
REQUIRE(J0 == 0xC);
REQUIRE(J1 == 24);
REQUIRE(K0 == 0xC);
REQUIRE(K1 == 1024);
REQUIRE(L0 == 0xA);
REQUIRE(L1 == 678);
REQUIRE(M0 == 0xC);
REQUIRE(M1 == 256);
REQUIRE(N == 13);
sol::tie(ob, A, B, C, D, F, G0, G1, H, I, J0, J1, K0, K1, L0, L1, M0, M1, N)
= lua.get<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int>(
"ob", "A", "B", "C", "D", "F", "G0", "G1", "H", "I", "J0", "J1", "K0", "K1", "L0", "L1", "M0", "M1", "N"
REQUIRE(ob == 0xA);
REQUIRE(A == 500);
REQUIRE(B == 501);
REQUIRE(C == 502);
REQUIRE(D == 503);
REQUIRE(F == 0xA);
REQUIRE(G0 == 4);
REQUIRE(G1 == 0xA);
REQUIRE(H == 0xA);
REQUIRE(I == 20);
REQUIRE(J0 == 0xC);
REQUIRE(J1 == 24);
REQUIRE(K0 == 0xC);
REQUIRE(K1 == 1024);
REQUIRE(L0 == 0xA);
REQUIRE(L1 == 678);
REQUIRE(M0 == 0xC);
REQUIRE(M1 == 256);
REQUIRE(N == 13);
// Work that compiler, WORK IT!
lua.set("o", &test_1::bark);
lua.set("p", test_1::x_bark);
lua.set("q", sol::c_call<decltype(&test_1::bark_mem), &test_1::bark_mem>);
lua.set("r", &test_2::a);
lua.set("s", sol::readonly(&test_2::a));
lua.set_function("t", sol::readonly(&test_2::a), test_2());
lua.set_function("u", &nested::i, nested());
lua.set("v", &nested::i);
lua.set("nested", nested());
lua.set("inner", inner());
REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("s(o2, 2)"));
REQUIRE_THROWS(lua.script("v(nested, inner)"));
TEST_CASE("simple/call-with-parameters", "Lua function is called with a few parameters from C++") {
sol::state lua;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("function my_add(i, j, k) return i + j + k end"));
auto f = lua.get<sol::function>("my_add");
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("function my_nothing(i, j, k) end"));
auto fvoid = lua.get<sol::function>("my_nothing");
int a;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(fvoid(1, 2, 3));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(a =<int>(1, 2, 3));
REQUIRE(a == 6);
REQUIRE_THROWS(a = f(1, 2, "arf"));
TEST_CASE("simple/call-c++-function", "C++ function is called from lua") {
sol::state lua;
lua.set_function("plop_xyz", sep::plop_xyz);
lua.script("x = plop_xyz(2, 6, 'hello')");
REQUIRE(lua.get<int>("x") == 11);
TEST_CASE("simple/call-lambda", "A C++ lambda is exposed to lua and called") {
sol::state lua;
int a = 0;
lua.set_function("foo", [&a] { a = 1; });
REQUIRE(a == 1);
TEST_CASE("advanced/get-and-call", "Checks for lambdas returning values after a get operation") {
const static std::string lol = "lol", str = "str";
const static std::tuple<int, float, double, std::string> heh_tuple = std::make_tuple(1, 6.28f, 3.14, std::string("heh"));
sol::state lua;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("a", [] { return 42; }));
REQUIRE(lua.get<sol::function>("a").call<int>() == 42);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("b", [] { return 42u; }));
REQUIRE(lua.get<sol::function>("b").call<unsigned int>() == 42u);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("c", [] { return 3.14; }));
REQUIRE(lua.get<sol::function>("c").call<double>() == 3.14);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("d", [] { return 6.28f; }));
REQUIRE(lua.get<sol::function>("d").call<float>() == 6.28f);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("e", [] { return "lol"; }));
REQUIRE(lua.get<sol::function>("e").call<std::string>() == lol);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("f", [] { return true; }));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("g", [] { return std::string("str"); }));
REQUIRE(lua.get<sol::function>("g").call<std::string>() == str);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("h", [] {}));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("i", [] { return sol::nil; }));
REQUIRE(lua.get<sol::function>("i").call<sol::nil_t>() == sol::nil);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("j", [] { return std::make_tuple(1, 6.28f, 3.14, std::string("heh")); }));
REQUIRE((lua.get<sol::function>("j").call<int, float, double, std::string>() == heh_tuple));
TEST_CASE("advanced/operator[]-call", "Checks for lambdas returning values using operator[]") {
const static std::string lol = "lol", str = "str";
const static std::tuple<int, float, double, std::string> heh_tuple = std::make_tuple(1, 6.28f, 3.14, std::string("heh"));
sol::state lua;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("a", [] { return 42; }));
REQUIRE(lua["a"].call<int>() == 42);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("b", [] { return 42u; }));
REQUIRE(lua["b"].call<unsigned int>() == 42u);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("c", [] { return 3.14; }));
REQUIRE(lua["c"].call<double>() == 3.14);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("d", [] { return 6.28f; }));
REQUIRE(lua["d"].call<float>() == 6.28f);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("e", [] { return "lol"; }));
REQUIRE(lua["e"].call<std::string>() == lol);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("f", [] { return true; }));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("g", [] { return std::string("str"); }));
REQUIRE(lua["g"].call<std::string>() == str);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("h", [] {}));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("i", [] { return sol::nil; }));
REQUIRE(lua["i"].call<sol::nil_t>() == sol::nil);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.set_function("j", [] { return std::make_tuple(1, 6.28f, 3.14, std::string("heh")); }));
REQUIRE((lua["j"].call<int, float, double, std::string>() == heh_tuple));
TEST_CASE("advanced/call-lambdas", "A C++ lambda is exposed to lua and called") {
sol::state lua;
int x = 0;
lua.set_function("set_x", [&](int new_x) {
x = new_x;
return 0;
REQUIRE(x == 9);
TEST_CASE("advanced/call-referenced_obj", "A C++ object is passed by pointer/reference_wrapper to lua and invoked") {
sol::state lua;
int x = 0;
auto objx = [&](int new_x) {
x = new_x;
return 0;
lua.set_function("set_x", std::ref(objx));
int y = 0;
auto objy = [&](int new_y) {
y = new_y;
return std::tuple<int, int>(0, 0);
lua.set_function("set_y", &decltype(objy)::operator(), std::ref(objy));
REQUIRE(x == 9);
REQUIRE(y == 9);
TEST_CASE("functions/tie", "make sure advanced syntax with 'tie' works") {
sol::state lua;
lua.script(R"(function f ()
return 1, 2, 3
sol::function f = lua["f"];
int a, b, c;
sol::tie(a, b, c) = f();
REQUIRE(a == 1);
REQUIRE(b == 2);
REQUIRE(c == 3);
TEST_CASE("functions/variadic_args", "Check to see we can receive multiple arguments through a variadic") {
struct structure {
int x;
bool b;
sol::state lua;
lua.set_function("v", [](sol::this_state, sol::variadic_args va) -> structure {
int r = 0;
for (auto v : va) {
int value = v;
r += value;
return{ r, r > 200 };
lua.script("x = v(25, 25)");
lua.script("x2 = v(25, 25, 100, 50, 250, 150)");
lua.script("x3 = v(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)");
structure& lx = lua["x"];
structure& lx2 = lua["x2"];
structure& lx3 = lua["x3"];
REQUIRE(lx.x == 50);
REQUIRE(lx2.x == 600);
REQUIRE(lx3.x == 21);
TEST_CASE("functions/required_and_variadic_args", "Check if a certain number of arguments can still be required even when using variadic_args") {
sol::state lua;
lua.set_function("v", [](sol::this_state, sol::variadic_args, int, int) {});
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("v(20, 25, 30)"));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(lua.script("v(20, 25)"));
TEST_CASE("functions/overloading", "Check if overloading works properly for regular set function syntax") {
sol::state lua;
lua.set_function("func_1", func_1);
lua.set_function("func", sol::overload(func_2, func_3, func_1, func_1s));
const std::string string_bark = "string: bark";
"a = func(1)\n"
"b = func('bark')\n"
"c = func(1,2)\n"
REQUIRE((lua["a"] == 1));
REQUIRE((lua["b"] == string_bark));
REQUIRE((lua["c"] == 2));
TEST_CASE("overloading/c_call", "Make sure that overloading works with c_call functionality") {
sol::state lua;
lua.set("f", sol::c_call<sol::wrap<decltype(&f1), &f1>, sol::wrap<decltype(&f2), &f2>, sol::wrap<decltype(&fer::f3), &fer::f3>>);
lua.set("g", sol::c_call<sol::wrap<decltype(&f1), &f1>>);
lua.set("h", sol::c_call<decltype(&f2), &f2>);
lua.set("obj", fer());
lua.script("r1 = f(1)");
lua.script("r2 = f(1, 2)");
lua.script("r3 = f(obj, 1, 2)");
lua.script("r4 = g(1)");
lua.script("r5 = h(1, 2)");
int r1 = lua["r1"];
int r2 = lua["r2"];
double r3 = lua["r3"];
int r4 = lua["r4"];
int r5 = lua["r5"];
REQUIRE(r1 == 32);
REQUIRE(r2 == 1);
REQUIRE(r3 == 2.5);
REQUIRE(r4 == 32);
REQUIRE(r5 == 1);