add new shared_ptr differentiation mechanism that persists between DLLs (fixes#661)
change valid Lua version to handle Lua 5.4.0-work1 (fixes#649)
remove upper limit on MSVC version: they're not fixing it anytime soon (fixes#655)
add integer value for definition (fixes#651)
Need to begin wrok to fix wstring_convert and replace it with some decent UTF conversion algos. It's surprisingly difficult tof ind such...
Add name of project at top of license
fix container_traits with respect to boost::property_tree: Fixes#554
fix as_table with a vector of tuples (forward_get ignored constness): Fixes#552
fix implicitly convertible function pointers from classes using `call_detail`'s `lua_call_wrapper`
specificaly add documentation for working with `std::function`
new sol::filters (currently undocumented)
new gc tests, new plain_type tests
core abstractions over usertypes streamlined
update single
add better handling for `readonly` to prevent bugs from `const`-ifying the return value of a member variable (e.g., unexpected copy semantics)
add more tests and add a few more handlers for new readonly type
fix simple_usertype_metatable's handling of newindex and index when not at the top level
This means that usertype tables visible in the code and bound to the name specified with `new_usertype` and friends will be normal tables, and those tables delegate their responsibilities to the 3 backend tables of `sol.unique_usertype<T>`, `sol.T`, and `sol.T*`. This separation allows for a few caveats for updating and overriding members of `new_simple_usertype` tables to 'just work' without any serious hassle, and to have a single point that lets up decide how to perform updates properly. It also restores an optimization we had to turn off by ham-fisting whether ot not indexing was turned on the usertype metatables themselves.
o wow wow wow it's such a nice commit message look at how organized it is
Slight breaking change, but at the source level almost nothing changes (ipairs is the only thing that changes because for some reason it checks if what is passed is a table and that really doesn't make any fucking sense)
Adds a `protect()` function to trigger safety for an item.
This commit also optimizes away all instances of virtual function calls for function calls and storage. Will need to test speed to see how it works out.