
118 lines
2.7 KiB

To quickstart with Showdown, install it as a package (for server-side) or include it to your browser (client-side) via CDN:
## Installation
### Server-side
=== "npm"
npm install showdown
=== "bower"
bower install showdown
=== "NuGet"
PM> Install-Package showdownjs
More information about the package you can find on the [NuGet website](
### Client-side
=== "jsDelivr"
[Showndown page on jsDelivr](
=== "cdnjs"
[Showndown page on cdnjs](
=== "unpkg"
[Showndown page on unpkg](
!!! note ""
Replace `<version>` with an actual full length version you're interested in. For example, `2.0.3`.
## Usage
Once installed, you can use Showndown according to the chosen method:
### Server-side
!!! example "Node.js"
=== "code"
var showdown = require('showdown'),
converter = new showdown.Converter(),
text = '# hello, markdown!',
html = converter.makeHtml(text);
=== "output"
<h1 id="hellomarkdown">hello, markdown!</h1>
### Client-side
!!! example "Browser"
=== "code"
var converter = new showdown.Converter(),
text = '# hello, markdown!',
html = converter.makeHtml(text);
=== "output"
<h1 id="hellomarkdown">hello, markdown!</h1>
!!! warning "Potential XSS vulnerabilities"
Showdown doesn't sanitize the input since Markdown relies on it to parse certain features correctly into HTML. As a result, this may lead to potential XSS injection vulnerabilities.
Please refer to the [Markdown's XSS vulnerability]( page for more information.
## Other installation methods
### Tarball
You can download the latest tarball directly from [releases][releases].
## Previous versions
If you're looking for Showdown prior to version 1.0.0, you can find them in the [legacy branch][legacy-branch].
## Changelog
The full changelog is available [here][changelog].