rewtite pixels and clusters check for clarify. sapi::StatusOr -> absl::StatusOr (building problems). resolved review issues

This commit is contained in:
Alexandra Latysheva 2020-10-04 17:38:10 +00:00
parent 6497a40bff
commit b6abae3356
8 changed files with 200 additions and 187 deletions

View File

@ -23,22 +23,46 @@
#include "sandboxed_api/vars.h"
#include "tiffio.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 6> kCluster0 = {0, 0, 2, 0, 138, 139};
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 6> kCluster64 = {0, 0, 9, 6, 134, 119};
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 6> kCluster128 = {44, 40, 63, 59, 230, 95};
constexpr unsigned kRawTileNumber = 9;
namespace {
absl::Status CheckCluster(int cluster, const sapi::v::Array<uint8_t>& buffer,
const std::array<uint8_t, 6>& expected_cluster) {
if (buffer.GetSize() <= cluster * 6) {
struct ChannelLimits {
uint8_t min_red;
uint8_t max_red;
uint8_t min_green;
uint8_t max_green;
uint8_t min_blue;
uint8_t max_blue;
uint8_t min_alpha;
uint8_t max_alpha;
constexpr unsigned kRawTileNumber = 9;
constexpr unsigned kClusterSize = 6;
constexpr unsigned kChannelsInPixel = 3;
constexpr unsigned kTestCount = 3;
constexpr unsigned kImageSize = 128 * 128;
constexpr unsigned kClusterImageSize = 64 * 64;
using ClusterData = std::array<uint8_t, kClusterSize>;
constexpr std::array<std::pair<unsigned, ClusterData>, kTestCount> kClusters = {
{{0, {0, 0, 2, 0, 138, 139}},
{64, {0, 0, 9, 6, 134, 119}},
{128, {44, 40, 63, 59, 230, 95}}}};
constexpr std::array<std::pair<unsigned, ChannelLimits>, kTestCount> kLimits = {
{{0, {15, 18, 0, 0, 18, 41, 255, 255}},
{64, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 255, 255}},
{512, {5, 6, 34, 36, 182, 196, 255, 255}}}};
absl::Status CheckCluster(unsigned cluster,
const sapi::v::Array<uint8_t>& buffer,
const ClusterData& expected_cluster) {
if (buffer.GetSize() <= cluster * kClusterSize) {
return absl::InternalError("Buffer overrun\n");
uint8_t* target = buffer.GetData() + cluster * 6;
auto target = buffer.GetData() + cluster * kClusterSize;
if (!std::memcmp(target,, 6)) {
if (!std::memcmp(target,, kClusterSize)) {
return absl::OkStatus();
@ -51,55 +75,54 @@ absl::Status CheckCluster(int cluster, const sapi::v::Array<uint8_t>& buffer,
target[2], "\t", target[3], "\t", target[4], "\t", target[5], "\n"));
absl::Status CheckRgbPixel(int pixel, int min_red, int max_red, int min_green,
int max_green, int min_blue, int max_blue,
absl::Status CheckRgbPixel(unsigned pixel, const ChannelLimits& limits,
const sapi::v::Array<uint8_t>& buffer) {
if (buffer.GetSize() <= pixel * 3) {
if (buffer.GetSize() <= pixel * kChannelsInPixel) {
return absl::InternalError("Buffer overrun\n");
uint8_t* rgb = buffer.GetData() + 3 * pixel;
auto rgb = buffer.GetData() + kChannelsInPixel * pixel;
if (rgb[0] >= min_red && rgb[0] <= max_red && rgb[1] >= min_green &&
rgb[1] <= max_green && rgb[2] >= min_blue && rgb[2] <= max_blue) {
if (rgb[0] >= limits.min_red && rgb[0] <= limits.max_red &&
rgb[1] >= limits.min_green && rgb[1] <= limits.max_green &&
rgb[2] >= limits.min_blue && rgb[2] <= limits.max_blue) {
return absl::OkStatus();
return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat(
"Pixel ", pixel, " did not match expected results.\n", "Got R=", rgb[0],
" (expected ", min_red, "..=", max_red, "), G=", rgb[1], " (expected ",
min_green, "..=", max_green, "), B=", rgb[2], " (expected ", min_blue,
"..=", max_blue, ")\n"));
" (expected ", limits.min_red, "..=", limits.max_red, "), G=", rgb[1],
" (expected ", limits.min_green, "..=", limits.max_green, "), B=", rgb[2],
" (expected ", limits.min_blue, "..=", limits.max_blue, ")\n"));
absl::Status CheckRgbaPixel(int pixel, int min_red, int max_red, int min_green,
int max_green, int min_blue, int max_blue,
int min_alpha, int max_alpha,
absl::Status CheckRgbaPixel(unsigned pixel, const ChannelLimits& limits,
const sapi::v::Array<unsigned>& buffer) {
// RGBA images are upside down - adjust for normal ordering
int adjusted_pixel = pixel % 128 + (127 - (pixel / 128)) * 128;
unsigned adjusted_pixel = pixel % 128 + (127 - (pixel / 128)) * 128;
if (buffer.GetSize() <= adjusted_pixel) {
return absl::InternalError("Buffer overrun\n");
uint32 rgba = buffer[adjusted_pixel];
if (TIFFGetR(rgba) >= (uint32)min_red && TIFFGetR(rgba) <= (uint32)max_red &&
TIFFGetG(rgba) >= (uint32)min_green &&
TIFFGetG(rgba) <= (uint32)max_green &&
TIFFGetB(rgba) >= (uint32)min_blue &&
TIFFGetB(rgba) <= (uint32)max_blue &&
TIFFGetA(rgba) >= (uint32)min_alpha &&
TIFFGetA(rgba) <= (uint32)max_alpha) {
auto rgba = buffer[adjusted_pixel];
if (TIFFGetR(rgba) >= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.min_red) &&
TIFFGetR(rgba) <= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.max_red) &&
TIFFGetG(rgba) >= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.min_green) &&
TIFFGetG(rgba) <= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.max_green) &&
TIFFGetB(rgba) >= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.min_blue) &&
TIFFGetB(rgba) <= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.max_blue) &&
TIFFGetA(rgba) >= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.min_alpha) &&
TIFFGetA(rgba) <= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.max_alpha)) {
return absl::OkStatus();
return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat(
"Pixel ", pixel, " did not match expected results.\n",
"Got R=", TIFFGetR(rgba), " (expected ", min_red, "..=", max_red,
"), G=", TIFFGetG(rgba), " (expected ", min_green, "..=", max_green,
"), B=", TIFFGetB(rgba), " (expected ", min_blue, "..=", max_blue,
"), A=", TIFFGetA(rgba), " (expected ", min_alpha, "..=", max_alpha,
"Pixel ", pixel, " did not match expected results.\n", "Got R=",
TIFFGetR(rgba), " (expected ", limits.min_red, "..=", limits.max_red,
"), G=", TIFFGetG(rgba), " (expected ", limits.min_green,
"..=", limits.max_green, "), B=", TIFFGetB(rgba), " (expected ",
limits.min_blue, "..=", limits.max_blue, "), A=", TIFFGetA(rgba),
" (expected ", limits.min_alpha, "..=", limits.max_alpha, ")\n"));
} // namespace
@ -128,17 +151,22 @@ std::string GetFilePath(const std::string filename) {
absl::Status LibTIFFMain(const std::string& srcfile) {
// without addDir to sandbox. to add dir use
// sandbox(absolute_path_to_dir, srcfile) or
// sandbox(absolute_path_to_dir). file and dir should be exists.
// srcfile must also be absolute_path_to_file
// to use dir and file inside sapi-libtiff, use
// sandbox(file) file only -- or
// sandbox(file, dir) -- file and dir -- or
// sandbox(nullopt, dir) -- dir only.
// file and directory must exist.
// all paths must be absolute.
TiffSapiSandbox sandbox(srcfile);
bool pixel_status = true;
bool cluster_status = true;
// initialize sapi vars after constructing TiffSapiSandbox
sapi::v::UShort h, v;
sapi::StatusOr<TIFF*> status_or_tif;
sapi::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
sapi::StatusOr<tmsize_t> status_or_long;
absl::StatusOr<TIFF*> status_or_tif;
absl::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
absl::StatusOr<tmsize_t> status_or_long;
absl::Status status;
status = sandbox.Init();
@ -154,7 +182,6 @@ absl::Status LibTIFFMain(const std::string& srcfile) {
sapi::v::RemotePtr tif(status_or_tif.value());
if (!tif.GetValue()) {
// tif is NULL
return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat("Could not open ", srcfile));
@ -166,8 +193,10 @@ absl::Status LibTIFFMain(const std::string& srcfile) {
SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(tsize_t sz, api.TIFFTileSize(&tif));
if (sz != 24576) {
return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat("tiles are ", sz, " bytes\n"));
if (sz != kClusterSize * kClusterImageSize) {
return absl::InternalError(
absl::StrCat("Unexpected TileSize ", sz, ". Expected ",
kClusterSize * kClusterImageSize, " bytes\n"));
sapi::v::Array<uint8_t> buffer_(sz);
@ -181,36 +210,29 @@ absl::Status LibTIFFMain(const std::string& srcfile) {
status_or_long.value(), " instead of ", sz));
bool pixel_status = true;
if (status = CheckCluster(0, buffer_, kCluster0); !status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckCluster failed:\n" << status.ToString();
for (const auto& [id, data] : kClusters) {
if (status = CheckCluster(id, buffer_, data); !status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckCluster failed:\n" << status.ToString();
cluster_status &= status.ok();
pixel_status &= status.ok();
if (status = CheckCluster(64, buffer_, kCluster64); !status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckCluster failed:\n" << status.ToString();
pixel_status &= status.ok();
if (status = CheckCluster(128, buffer_, kCluster128); !status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckCluster failed:\n" << status.ToString();
pixel_status &= status.ok();
if (!pixel_status) {
return absl::InternalError("unexpected pixel_status value");
if (!cluster_status) {
return absl::InternalError("One or more clusters failed the check");
if (return_value == 0) {
return absl::InternalError("TIFFSetFieldU1 not available");
return absl::InternalError("The JPEGCOLORMODE tag cannot be changed");
SAPI_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(sz, api.TIFFTileSize(&tif));
if (sz != 128 * 128 * 3) {
return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat("tiles are ", sz, " bytes"));
if (sz != kChannelsInPixel * kImageSize) {
return absl::InternalError(
absl::StrCat("Unexpected TileSize ", sz, ". Expected ",
kChannelsInPixel * kImageSize, " bytes\n"));
sapi::v::Array<uint8_t> buffer2_(sz);
@ -224,23 +246,12 @@ absl::Status LibTIFFMain(const std::string& srcfile) {
" instead of ", sz));
pixel_status = true;
// Checking specific pixels from the test data, 0th, 64th and 512th
if (status = CheckRgbPixel(0, 15, 18, 0, 0, 18, 41, buffer2_); !status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString();
for (const auto& [id, data] : kLimits) {
if (status = CheckRgbPixel(id, data, buffer2_); !status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString();
pixel_status &= status.ok();
pixel_status &= status.ok();
if (status = CheckRgbPixel(64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, buffer2_); !status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString();
pixel_status &= status.ok();
if (status = CheckRgbPixel(512, 5, 6, 34, 36, 182, 196, buffer2_);
!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString();
pixel_status &= status.ok();
@ -252,7 +263,7 @@ absl::Status LibTIFFMain(const std::string& srcfile) {
return absl::InternalError(absl::StrCat("Could not reopen ", srcfile));
sapi::v::Array<uint32> rgba_buffer_(128 * 128);
sapi::v::Array<unsigned> rgba_buffer_(kImageSize);
// read as rgba
@ -263,29 +274,17 @@ absl::Status LibTIFFMain(const std::string& srcfile) {
// Checking specific pixels from the test data, 0th, 64th and 512th
if (status = CheckRgbaPixel(0, 15, 18, 0, 0, 18, 41, 255, 255, rgba_buffer_);
!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbaPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString();
for (const auto& [id, data] : kLimits) {
if (status = CheckRgbaPixel(id, data, rgba_buffer_); !status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbaPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString();
pixel_status &= status.ok();
pixel_status &= status.ok();
if (status = CheckRgbaPixel(64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 255, 255, rgba_buffer_);
!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbaPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString();
pixel_status &= status.ok();
if (status =
CheckRgbaPixel(512, 5, 6, 34, 36, 182, 196, 255, 255, rgba_buffer_);
!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CheckRgbaPixel failed:\n" << status.ToString();
pixel_status &= status.ok();
if (!pixel_status) {
return absl::InternalError("unexpected pixel_status value");
return absl::InternalError("wrong encoding");
return absl::OkStatus();

View File

@ -18,12 +18,8 @@
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include "sandboxed_api/util/flag.h"
#include "tiff_sapi.sapi.h"
ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(string, sandbox2_danger_danger_permit_all);
ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(string, sandbox2_danger_danger_permit_all_and_log);
namespace {
class TiffSapiSandbox : public TiffSandbox {

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
void CheckShortField(TiffApi& api, sapi::v::RemotePtr& tif, const ttag_t field,
const uint16_t value) {
sapi::v::UShort tmp(123);
sapi::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
absl::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
status_or_int = api.TIFFGetField1(&tif, field, tmp.PtrBoth());
ASSERT_THAT(status_or_int, IsOk()) << "TIFFGetField1 fatal error";
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ void CheckShortPairedField(TiffApi& api, sapi::v::RemotePtr& tif,
const std::array<uint16_t, 2>& values) {
sapi::v::UShort tmp0(123);
sapi::v::UShort tmp1(456);
sapi::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
absl::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
status_or_int =
api.TIFFGetField2(&tif, field, tmp0.PtrBoth(), tmp1.PtrBoth());
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void CheckShortPairedField(TiffApi& api, sapi::v::RemotePtr& tif,
void CheckLongField(TiffApi& api, sapi::v::RemotePtr& tif, const ttag_t field,
const unsigned value) {
sapi::v::UInt tmp(123);
sapi::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
absl::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
status_or_int = api.TIFFGetField1(&tif, field, tmp.PtrBoth());
ASSERT_THAT(status_or_int, IsOk()) << "TIFFGetField1 fatal error";

View File

@ -26,16 +26,16 @@ constexpr uint16_t kRowsPerStrip = 1;
constexpr uint16_t kSamplePerPixel = 1;
void TestWriting(const char* mode, int tiled, int height) {
sapi::StatusOr<std::string> status_or_path =
absl::StatusOr<std::string> status_or_path =
ASSERT_THAT(status_or_path, IsOk()) << "Could not create temp file";
std::string srcfile = sandbox2::file::JoinPath(
sandbox2::file_util::fileops::GetCWD(), status_or_path.value());
sapi::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
sapi::StatusOr<signed long> status_or_long;
sapi::StatusOr<TIFF*> status_or_tif;
absl::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
absl::StatusOr<signed long> status_or_long;
absl::StatusOr<TIFF*> status_or_tif;
TiffSapiSandbox sandbox(srcfile);
ASSERT_THAT(sandbox.Init(), IsOk()) << "Couldn't initialize Sandboxed API";

View File

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
#include "helper.h"
static std::string* g_in_dir = nullptr;
std::string GetImagesDir() {
std::string cwd = sandbox2::file_util::fileops::GetCWD();
auto find = cwd.rfind("/build");
@ -30,6 +28,7 @@ std::string GetImagesDir() {
std::string GetFilePath(const std::string& filename) {
static std::string* g_in_dir = nullptr;
if (!g_in_dir) {
g_in_dir = new std::string(GetImagesDir());

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ constexpr unsigned kBps = 8;
constexpr unsigned kRowsPerStrip = 1;
TEST(SandboxTest, LongTag) {
sapi::StatusOr<std::string> status_or_path =
absl::StatusOr<std::string> status_or_path =
ASSERT_THAT(status_or_path, IsOk()) << "Could not create temp file";
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ TEST(SandboxTest, LongTag) {
std::array<uint8_t, kSamplePerPixel> buffer = {0, 127, 255};
sapi::v::Array<uint8_t> buffer_(, kSamplePerPixel);
sapi::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
sapi::StatusOr<TIFF*> status_or_tif;
absl::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
absl::StatusOr<TIFF*> status_or_tif;
TiffApi api(&sandbox);
sapi::v::ConstCStr srcfile_var(srcfile.c_str());

View File

@ -21,24 +21,47 @@
namespace {
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 6> kCluster0 = {0, 0, 2, 0, 138, 139};
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 6> kCluster64 = {0, 0, 9, 6, 134, 119};
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 6> kCluster128 = {44, 40, 63, 59, 230, 95};
struct ChannelLimits {
uint8_t min_red;
uint8_t max_red;
uint8_t min_green;
uint8_t max_green;
uint8_t min_blue;
uint8_t max_blue;
uint8_t min_alpha;
uint8_t max_alpha;
constexpr unsigned kRawTileNumber = 9;
constexpr unsigned kClusterSize = 6;
constexpr unsigned kChannelsInPixel = 3;
constexpr unsigned kTestCount = 3;
constexpr unsigned kImageSize = 128 * 128;
constexpr unsigned kClusterImageSize = 64 * 64;
using ClusterData = std::array<uint8_t, kClusterSize>;
bool CheckCluster(int cluster, const sapi::v::Array<uint8_t>& buffer,
const std::array<uint8_t, 6>& expected_cluster) {
bool is_overrun = (buffer.GetSize() <= cluster * 6);
constexpr std::array<std::pair<unsigned, ClusterData>, kTestCount> kClusters = {
{{0, {0, 0, 2, 0, 138, 139}},
{64, {0, 0, 9, 6, 134, 119}},
{128, {44, 40, 63, 59, 230, 95}}}};
constexpr std::array<std::pair<unsigned, ChannelLimits>, kTestCount> kLimits = {
{{0, {15, 18, 0, 0, 18, 41, 255, 255}},
{64, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 255, 255}},
{512, {5, 6, 34, 36, 182, 196, 255, 255}}}};
bool CheckCluster(unsigned cluster, const sapi::v::Array<uint8_t>& buffer,
const ClusterData& expected_cluster) {
bool is_overrun = (buffer.GetSize() <= cluster * kClusterSize);
EXPECT_THAT(is_overrun, IsFalse()) << "Overrun";
if (is_overrun) {
return true;
uint8_t* target = buffer.GetData() + cluster * 6;
bool comp = !(std::memcmp(target,, 6) == 0);
auto target = buffer.GetData() + cluster * kClusterSize;
bool comp =
!(std::memcmp(target,, kClusterSize) == 0);
// the image is split on 6-bit clusters because it has YCbCr color format
EXPECT_THAT(comp, IsFalse())
@ -52,36 +75,33 @@ bool CheckCluster(int cluster, const sapi::v::Array<uint8_t>& buffer,
return comp;
bool CheckRgbPixel(int pixel, int min_red, int max_red, int min_green,
int max_green, int min_blue, int max_blue,
bool CheckRgbPixel(unsigned pixel, const ChannelLimits& limits,
const sapi::v::Array<uint8_t>& buffer) {
bool is_overrun = (buffer.GetSize() <= pixel * 3);
bool is_overrun = (buffer.GetSize() <= pixel * kChannelsInPixel);
EXPECT_THAT(is_overrun, IsFalse()) << "Overrun";
if (is_overrun) {
return true;
uint8_t* rgb = buffer.GetData() + pixel * 3;
bool comp =
!(rgb[0] >= min_red && rgb[0] <= max_red && rgb[1] >= min_green &&
rgb[1] <= max_green && rgb[2] >= min_blue && rgb[2] <= max_blue);
auto rgb = buffer.GetData() + pixel * kChannelsInPixel;
bool comp = !(rgb[0] >= limits.min_red && rgb[0] <= limits.max_red &&
rgb[1] >= limits.min_green && rgb[1] <= limits.max_green &&
rgb[2] >= limits.min_blue && rgb[2] <= limits.max_blue);
EXPECT_THAT(comp, IsFalse())
<< "Pixel " << pixel << " did not match expected results.\n"
<< "Got R=" << rgb[0] << " (expected " << min_red << "..=" << max_red
<< "), G=" << rgb[1] << " (expected " << min_green << "..=" << max_green
<< "), B=" << rgb[2] << " (expected " << min_blue << "..=" << max_blue
<< ")";
<< "Got R=" << rgb[0] << " (expected " << limits.min_red
<< "..=" << limits.max_red << "), G=" << rgb[1] << " (expected "
<< limits.min_green << "..=" << limits.max_green << "), B=" << rgb[2]
<< " (expected " << limits.min_blue << "..=" << limits.max_blue << ")";
return comp;
bool CheckRgbaPixel(int pixel, int min_red, int max_red, int min_green,
int max_green, int min_blue, int max_blue, int min_alpha,
int max_alpha, const sapi::v::Array<unsigned>& buffer) {
bool CheckRgbaPixel(unsigned pixel, const ChannelLimits& limits,
const sapi::v::Array<unsigned>& buffer) {
// RGBA images are upside down - adjust for normal ordering
int adjusted_pixel = pixel % 128 + (127 - (pixel / 128)) * 128;
unsigned adjusted_pixel = pixel % 128 + (127 - (pixel / 128)) * 128;
bool is_overrun = (buffer.GetSize() <= adjusted_pixel);
EXPECT_THAT(is_overrun, IsFalse()) << "Overrun";
@ -90,40 +110,40 @@ bool CheckRgbaPixel(int pixel, int min_red, int max_red, int min_green,
return true;
unsigned rgba = buffer[adjusted_pixel];
bool comp = !(TIFFGetR(rgba) >= (unsigned)min_red &&
TIFFGetR(rgba) <= (unsigned)max_red &&
TIFFGetG(rgba) >= (unsigned)min_green &&
TIFFGetG(rgba) <= (unsigned)max_green &&
TIFFGetB(rgba) >= (unsigned)min_blue &&
TIFFGetB(rgba) <= (unsigned)max_blue &&
TIFFGetA(rgba) >= (unsigned)min_alpha &&
TIFFGetA(rgba) <= (unsigned)max_alpha);
auto rgba = buffer[adjusted_pixel];
bool comp = !(TIFFGetR(rgba) >= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.min_red) &&
TIFFGetR(rgba) <= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.max_red) &&
TIFFGetG(rgba) >= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.min_green) &&
TIFFGetG(rgba) <= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.max_green) &&
TIFFGetB(rgba) >= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.min_blue) &&
TIFFGetB(rgba) <= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.max_blue) &&
TIFFGetA(rgba) >= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.min_alpha) &&
TIFFGetA(rgba) <= static_cast<unsigned>(limits.max_alpha));
EXPECT_THAT(comp, IsFalse())
<< "Pixel " << pixel << " did not match expected results.\n"
<< "Got R=" << TIFFGetR(rgba) << " (expected " << min_red
<< "..=" << max_red << "), G=" << TIFFGetG(rgba) << " (expected "
<< min_green << "..=" << max_green << "), B=" << TIFFGetB(rgba)
<< " (expected " << min_blue << "..=" << max_blue
<< "), A=" << TIFFGetA(rgba) << " (expected " << min_alpha
<< "..=" << max_alpha << ")";
<< "Got R=" << TIFFGetR(rgba) << " (expected " << limits.min_red
<< "..=" << limits.max_red << "), G=" << TIFFGetG(rgba) << " (expected "
<< limits.min_green << "..=" << limits.max_green
<< "), B=" << TIFFGetB(rgba) << " (expected " << limits.min_blue
<< "..=" << limits.max_blue << "), A=" << TIFFGetA(rgba) << " (expected "
<< limits.min_alpha << "..=" << limits.max_alpha << ")";
return comp;
TEST(SandboxTest, RawDecode) {
tsize_t sz;
bool pixel_status = false;
bool cluster_status = false;
std::string srcfile = GetFilePath("quad-tile.jpg.tiff");
TiffSapiSandbox sandbox(srcfile);
ASSERT_THAT(sandbox.Init(), IsOk()) << "Couldn't initialize Sandboxed API";
tsize_t sz;
bool pixel_status = false;
sapi::v::UShort h, v;
sapi::StatusOr<TIFF*> status_or_tif;
sapi::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
sapi::StatusOr<tmsize_t> status_or_long;
absl::StatusOr<TIFF*> status_or_tif;
absl::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
absl::StatusOr<tmsize_t> status_or_long;
TiffApi api(&sandbox);
sapi::v::ConstCStr srcfile_var(srcfile.c_str());
@ -146,8 +166,9 @@ TEST(SandboxTest, RawDecode) {
status_or_long = api.TIFFTileSize(&tif);
ASSERT_THAT(status_or_int, IsOk()) << "TIFFTileSize fatal error";
EXPECT_THAT(status_or_long.value(), Eq(24576))
<< "tiles are " << status_or_long.value() << " bytes";
EXPECT_THAT(status_or_long.value(), Eq(kClusterImageSize * kClusterSize))
<< "Unexpected TileSize " << status_or_long.value() << ". Expected "
<< kClusterImageSize * kClusterSize << " bytes\n";
sz = status_or_long.value();
sapi::v::Array<uint8_t> buffer_(sz);
@ -159,21 +180,22 @@ TEST(SandboxTest, RawDecode) {
<< "Did not get expected result code from TIFFReadEncodedTile()("
<< (int)status_or_long.value() << " instead of " << (int)sz << ")";
ASSERT_FALSE(CheckCluster(0, buffer_, kCluster0) ||
CheckCluster(64, buffer_, kCluster64) ||
CheckCluster(128, buffer_, kCluster128))
<< "Clusters did not match expected results";
for (const auto& [id, data] : kClusters) {
cluster_status |= CheckCluster(id, buffer_, data);
ASSERT_FALSE(cluster_status) << "Clusters did not match expected results";
status_or_int =
ASSERT_THAT(status_or_int, IsOk()) << "TIFFSetFieldU1 fatal error";
EXPECT_THAT(status_or_int.value(), IsTrue())
<< "TIFFSetFieldU1 not available";
<< "The JPEGCOLORMODE tag cannot be changed";
status_or_long = api.TIFFTileSize(&tif);
ASSERT_THAT(status_or_long, IsOk()) << "TIFFTileSize fatal error";
EXPECT_THAT(status_or_long.value(), Eq(128 * 128 * 3))
<< "tiles are " << status_or_long.value() << " bytes";
EXPECT_THAT(status_or_long.value(), Eq(kImageSize * kChannelsInPixel))
<< "Unexpected TileSize " << status_or_long.value() << ". Expected "
<< kImageSize * kChannelsInPixel << " bytes\n";
sz = status_or_long.value();
sapi::v::Array<uint8_t> buffer2_(sz);
@ -184,9 +206,9 @@ TEST(SandboxTest, RawDecode) {
<< "Did not get expected result code from TIFFReadEncodedTile()("
<< status_or_long.value() << " instead of " << sz;
pixel_status |= CheckRgbPixel(0, 15, 18, 0, 0, 18, 41, buffer2_);
pixel_status |= CheckRgbPixel(64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, buffer2_);
pixel_status |= CheckRgbPixel(512, 5, 6, 34, 36, 182, 196, buffer2_);
for (const auto& [id, data] : kLimits) {
pixel_status |= CheckRgbPixel(id, data, buffer2_);
ASSERT_THAT(api.TIFFClose(&tif), IsOk()) << "TIFFClose fatal error";
@ -197,7 +219,7 @@ TEST(SandboxTest, RawDecode) {
ASSERT_THAT(tif2.GetValue(), NotNull())
<< "Could not open " << srcfile << ", TIFFOpen return NULL";
sapi::v::Array<unsigned> rgba_buffer_(128 * 128);
sapi::v::Array<unsigned> rgba_buffer_(kImageSize);
status_or_int =
api.TIFFReadRGBATile(&tif2, 1 * 128, 2 * 128, rgba_buffer_.PtrBoth());
@ -205,14 +227,11 @@ TEST(SandboxTest, RawDecode) {
EXPECT_THAT(status_or_int.value(), IsTrue())
<< "TIFFReadRGBATile() returned failure code";
pixel_status |=
CheckRgbaPixel(0, 15, 18, 0, 0, 18, 41, 255, 255, rgba_buffer_);
pixel_status |= CheckRgbaPixel(64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 255, 255, rgba_buffer_);
pixel_status |=
CheckRgbaPixel(512, 5, 6, 34, 36, 182, 196, 255, 255, rgba_buffer_);
for (const auto& [id, data] : kLimits) {
pixel_status |= CheckRgbaPixel(id, data, rgba_buffer_);
EXPECT_THAT(api.TIFFClose(&tif2), IsOk()) << "TIFFClose fatal error";
EXPECT_THAT(pixel_status, IsFalse()) << "wrong encoding";

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ constexpr std::array<PairedTag, 4> kShortPairedTags = {
TEST(SandboxTest, ShortTag) {
sapi::StatusOr<std::string> status_or_path =
absl::StatusOr<std::string> status_or_path =
ASSERT_THAT(status_or_path, IsOk()) << "Could not create temp file";
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ TEST(SandboxTest, ShortTag) {
std::array<uint8_t, kSamplePerPixel> buffer = {0, 127, 255};
sapi::v::Array<uint8_t> buffer_(, kSamplePerPixel);
sapi::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
sapi::StatusOr<TIFF*> status_or_tif;
absl::StatusOr<int> status_or_int;
absl::StatusOr<TIFF*> status_or_tif;
TiffApi api(&sandbox);
sapi::v::ConstCStr srcfile_var(srcfile.c_str());