2019-03-18 17:21:48 +01:00
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file is a custom fork of the version in Asylo. This will become obsolete
// and will be replaced once Abseil releases absl::Status.
#include "sandboxed_api/util/statusor.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "sandboxed_api/util/status_matchers.h"
using ::testing::Eq;
using ::testing::IsFalse;
using ::testing::Not;
namespace sapi {
namespace {
constexpr auto kErrorCode = StatusCode::kInvalidArgument;
constexpr char kErrorMessage[] = "Invalid argument";
const int kIntElement = 47;
constexpr char kStringElement[] = "47 is 42, corrected for inflation";
// A data type without a default constructor.
struct Foo {
int bar;
std::string baz;
explicit Foo(int value) : bar(value), baz(kStringElement) {}
// A data type with dynamically-allocated data.
struct HeapAllocatedObject {
int* value;
HeapAllocatedObject() {
value = new int;
*value = kIntElement;
HeapAllocatedObject(const HeapAllocatedObject& other) { *this = other; }
HeapAllocatedObject& operator=(const HeapAllocatedObject& other) {
value = new int;
*value = *other.value;
return *this;
HeapAllocatedObject(HeapAllocatedObject&& other) { *this = std::move(other); }
HeapAllocatedObject& operator=(HeapAllocatedObject&& other) {
value = other.value;
other.value = nullptr;
return *this;
~HeapAllocatedObject() { delete value; }
// Constructs a Foo.
struct FooCtor {
using value_type = Foo;
Foo operator()() { return Foo(kIntElement); }
// Constructs a HeapAllocatedObject.
struct HeapAllocatedObjectCtor {
using value_type = HeapAllocatedObject;
HeapAllocatedObject operator()() { return HeapAllocatedObject(); }
// Constructs an integer.
struct IntCtor {
using value_type = int;
int operator()() { return kIntElement; }
// Constructs a string.
struct StringCtor {
using value_type = std::string;
std::string operator()() { return std::string(kStringElement); }
// Constructs a vector of strings.
struct StringVectorCtor {
using value_type = std::vector<std::string>;
2019-03-26 07:54:02 -07:00
std::vector<std::string> operator()() {
return {kStringElement, kErrorMessage};
2019-03-18 17:21:48 +01:00
bool operator==(const Foo& lhs, const Foo& rhs) {
return (lhs.bar == rhs.bar) && (lhs.baz == rhs.baz);
bool operator==(const HeapAllocatedObject& lhs,
const HeapAllocatedObject& rhs) {
return *lhs.value == *rhs.value;
// Returns an rvalue reference to the StatusOr<T> object pointed to by
// |statusor|.
template <typename T>
StatusOr<T>&& MoveStatusOr(StatusOr<T>* statusor) {
return std::move(*statusor);
// A test fixture is required for typed tests.
template <typename T>
class StatusOrTest : public ::testing::Test {};
using TestTypes = ::testing::Types<IntCtor, FooCtor, StringCtor,
StringVectorCtor, HeapAllocatedObjectCtor>;
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(StatusOrTest, TestTypes);
// Verify that the default constructor for StatusOr constructs an object with a
// non-ok status.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, ConstructorDefault) {
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor;
EXPECT_THAT(statusor.ok(), IsFalse());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor.status().code(), Eq(StatusCode::kUnknown));
// Verify that StatusOr can be constructed from a Status object.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, ConstructorStatus) {
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor{
Status{kErrorCode, kErrorMessage}};
EXPECT_THAT(statusor.ok(), IsFalse());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor.status().ok(), IsFalse());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor.status(), Eq(Status(kErrorCode, kErrorMessage)));
// Verify that StatusOr can be constructed from an object of its element type.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, ConstructorElementConstReference) {
auto value = TypeParam()();
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor{value};
ASSERT_THAT(statusor, IsOk());
ASSERT_THAT(statusor.status(), IsOk());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor.ValueOrDie(), Eq(value));
// Verify that StatusOr can be constructed from an rvalue reference of an object
// of its element type.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, ConstructorElementRValue) {
auto value = TypeParam()();
auto value_copy(value);
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor(std::move(value));
ASSERT_THAT(statusor, IsOk());
ASSERT_THAT(statusor.status(), IsOk());
// Compare to a copy of the original value, since the original was moved.
EXPECT_THAT(statusor.ValueOrDie(), Eq(value_copy));
// Verify that StatusOr can be copy-constructed from a StatusOr with a non-ok
// status.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, CopyConstructorNonOkStatus) {
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor1 =
Status{kErrorCode, kErrorMessage};
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor2{statusor1};
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.ok(), Eq(statusor2.ok()));
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.status(), Eq(statusor2.status()));
// Verify that StatusOr can be copy-constructed from a StatusOr with an ok
// status.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, CopyConstructorOkStatus) {
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor1{TypeParam()()};
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor2{statusor1};
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.ok(), Eq(statusor2.ok()));
ASSERT_THAT(statusor2, IsOk());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.ValueOrDie(), Eq(statusor2.ValueOrDie()));
// Verify that copy-assignment of a StatusOr with a non-ok is working as
// expected.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, CopyAssignmentNonOkStatus) {
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor1{
Status(kErrorCode, kErrorMessage)};
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor2{TypeParam()()};
// Invoke the copy-assignment operator.
statusor2 = statusor1;
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.ok(), Eq(statusor2.ok()));
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.status(), Eq(statusor2.status()));
// Verify that copy-assignment of a StatusOr with an ok status is working as
// expected.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, CopyAssignmentOkStatus) {
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor1{TypeParam()()};
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor2{
Status(kErrorCode, kErrorMessage)};
// Invoke the copy-assignment operator.
statusor2 = statusor1;
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.ok(), Eq(statusor2.ok()));
ASSERT_THAT(statusor2, IsOk());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.ValueOrDie(), Eq(statusor2.ValueOrDie()));
// Verify that StatusOr can be move-constructed from a StatusOr with a non-ok
// status.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, MoveConstructorNonOkStatus) {
Status status{kErrorCode, kErrorMessage};
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor1{status};
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor2{std::move(statusor1)};
// Verify that the status of the donor object was updated.
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.ok(), IsFalse()); // NOLINT
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.status(), StatusIs(StatusCode::kUnknown, ""));
// Verify that the destination object contains the status previously held by
// the donor.
EXPECT_THAT(statusor2.ok(), IsFalse());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor2.status(), Eq(status));
// Verify that StatusOr can be move-constructed from a StatusOr with an ok
// status.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, MoveConstructorOkStatus) {
auto value = TypeParam()();
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor1{value};
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor2{std::move(statusor1)};
// The destination object should possess the value previously held by the
// donor.
ASSERT_THAT(statusor2, IsOk());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor2.ValueOrDie(), Eq(value));
// Verify that move-assignment from a StatusOr with a non-ok status is working
// as expected.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, MoveAssignmentOperatorNonOkStatus) {
Status status(kErrorCode, kErrorMessage);
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor1{status};
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor2{TypeParam()()};
// Invoke the move-assignment operator.
statusor2 = std::move(statusor1);
// Verify that the status of the donor object was updated.
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.ok(), IsFalse()); // NOLINT
EXPECT_THAT(statusor1.status(), StatusIs(StatusCode::kUnknown, ""));
// Verify that the destination object contains the status previously held by
// the donor.
EXPECT_THAT(statusor2.ok(), IsFalse());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor2.status(), Eq(status));
// Verify that move-assignment from a StatusOr with an ok status is working as
// expected.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, MoveAssignmentOperatorOkStatus) {
auto value = TypeParam()();
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor1{value};
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor2{
Status{kErrorCode, kErrorMessage}};
// Invoke the move-assignment operator.
statusor2 = std::move(statusor1);
// The destination object should possess the value previously held by the
// donor.
ASSERT_THAT(statusor2, IsOk());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor2.ValueOrDie(), Eq(value));
// Verify that the sapi::IsOk() gMock matcher works with StatusOr<T>.
TYPED_TEST(StatusOrTest, IsOkMatcher) {
auto value = TypeParam()();
StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type> statusor{value};
EXPECT_THAT(statusor, IsOk());
statusor = StatusOr<typename TypeParam::value_type>{
Status{kErrorCode, kErrorMessage}};
EXPECT_THAT(statusor, Not(IsOk()));
// Tests for move-only types. These tests use std::unique_ptr<> as the
// test type, since it is valuable to support this type in the Asylo infra.
// These tests are not part of the typed test suite for the following reasons:
// * std::unique_ptr<> cannot be used as a type in tests that expect
// the test type to support copy operations.
// * std::unique_ptr<> provides an equality operator that checks equality of
// the underlying ptr. Consequently, it is difficult to generalize existing
// tests that verify ValueOrDie() functionality using equality comparisons.
// Verify that a StatusOr object can be constructed from a move-only type.
TEST(StatusOrTest, InitializationMoveOnlyType) {
std::string* str = new std::string{kStringElement};
std::unique_ptr<std::string> value(str);
StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> statusor(std::move(value));
ASSERT_THAT(statusor, IsOk());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor.ValueOrDie().get(), Eq(str));
// Verify that a StatusOr object can be move-constructed from a move-only type.
TEST(StatusOrTest, MoveConstructorMoveOnlyType) {
std::string* str = new std::string{kStringElement};
std::unique_ptr<std::string> value{str};
StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> statusor1{std::move(value)};
StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> statusor2{std::move(statusor1)};
// The destination object should possess the value previously held by the
// donor.
ASSERT_THAT(statusor2, IsOk());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor2.ValueOrDie().get(), Eq(str));
// Verify that a StatusOr object can be move-assigned to from a StatusOr object
// containing a move-only type.
TEST(StatusOrTest, MoveAssignmentMoveOnlyType) {
std::string* str = new std::string{kStringElement};
std::unique_ptr<std::string> value{str};
StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> statusor1(std::move(value));
StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> statusor2(
Status(kErrorCode, kErrorMessage));
// Invoke the move-assignment operator.
statusor2 = std::move(statusor1);
// The destination object should possess the value previously held by the
// donor.
ASSERT_THAT(statusor2, IsOk());
EXPECT_THAT(statusor2.ValueOrDie().get(), Eq(str));
// Verify that a value can be moved out of a StatusOr object via ValueOrDie().
TEST(StatusOrTest, ValueOrDieMovedValue) {
std::string* str = new std::string{kStringElement};
std::unique_ptr<std::string> value{str};
StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> statusor{std::move(value)};
std::unique_ptr<std::string> moved_value = std::move(statusor).ValueOrDie();
EXPECT_THAT(moved_value.get(), Eq(str));
EXPECT_THAT(*moved_value, Eq(kStringElement));
} // namespace
} // namespace sapi