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2020-08-12 06:44:13 +08:00
#include "guetzli/jpeg_data_reader.h"
#include "guetzli/quality.h"
#include "guetzli_entry_points.h"
#include "png.h"
#include "sandboxed_api/sandbox2/util/fileops.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <vector>
namespace {
inline uint8_t BlendOnBlack(const uint8_t val, const uint8_t alpha) {
return (static_cast<int>(val) * static_cast<int>(alpha) + 128) / 255;
template<typename T>
void CopyMemoryToLenVal(const T* data, size_t size,
sapi::LenValStruct* out_data) {
free(out_data->data); // Not sure about this
out_data->size = size;
T* new_out = static_cast<T*>(malloc(size));
memcpy(new_out, data, size);
out_data->data = new_out;
} // namespace
extern "C" bool ProcessJPEGString(const guetzli::Params* params,
int verbose,
sapi::LenValStruct* in_data,
sapi::LenValStruct* out_data)
std::string in_data_temp(static_cast<const char*>(in_data->data),
guetzli::ProcessStats stats;
if (verbose > 0) {
stats.debug_output_file = stderr;
std::string temp_out = "";
auto result = guetzli::Process(*params, &stats, in_data_temp, &temp_out);
if (result) {
CopyMemoryToLenVal(, temp_out.size(), out_data);
return result;
extern "C" bool ProcessRGBData(const guetzli::Params* params,
int verbose,
sapi::LenValStruct* rgb,
int w, int h,
sapi::LenValStruct* out_data)
std::vector<uint8_t> in_data_temp;
auto* rgb_data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(rgb->data);
std::copy(rgb_data, rgb_data + rgb->size, std::back_inserter(in_data_temp));
guetzli::ProcessStats stats;
if (verbose > 0) {
stats.debug_output_file = stderr;
std::string temp_out = "";
auto result =
guetzli::Process(*params, &stats, in_data_temp, w, h, &temp_out);
//TODO: Move shared part of the code to another function
if (result) {
CopyMemoryToLenVal(, temp_out.size(), out_data);
return result;
extern "C" bool ReadPng(sapi::LenValStruct* in_data,
int* xsize, int* ysize,
sapi::LenValStruct* rgb_out)
std::string data(static_cast<const char*>(in_data->data), in_data->size);
std::vector<uint8_t> rgb;
png_structp png_ptr =
png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (!png_ptr) {
return false;
png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
if (!info_ptr) {
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, nullptr, nullptr);
return false;
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr)) != 0) {
// Ok we are here because of the setjmp.
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, nullptr);
return false;
std::istringstream memstream(data, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, static_cast<void*>(&memstream), [](png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep outBytes, png_size_t byteCountToRead) {
std::istringstream& memstream = *static_cast<std::istringstream*>(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));<char*>(outBytes), byteCountToRead);
if (memstream.eof()) png_error(png_ptr, "unexpected end of data");
if ( png_error(png_ptr, "read from memory error");
// The png_transforms flags are as follows:
// packing == convert 1,2,4 bit images,
// strip == 16 -> 8 bits / channel,
// shift == use sBIT dynamics, and
// expand == palettes -> rgb, grayscale -> 8 bit images, tRNS -> alpha.
const unsigned int png_transforms =
png_read_png(png_ptr, info_ptr, png_transforms, nullptr);
png_bytep* row_pointers = png_get_rows(png_ptr, info_ptr);
*xsize = png_get_image_width(png_ptr, info_ptr);
*ysize = png_get_image_height(png_ptr, info_ptr);
rgb.resize(3 * (*xsize) * (*ysize));
const int components = png_get_channels(png_ptr, info_ptr);
switch (components) {
case 1: {
for (int y = 0; y < *ysize; ++y) {
const uint8_t* row_in = row_pointers[y];
uint8_t* row_out = &(rgb)[3 * y * (*xsize)];
for (int x = 0; x < *xsize; ++x) {
const uint8_t gray = row_in[x];
row_out[3 * x + 0] = gray;
row_out[3 * x + 1] = gray;
row_out[3 * x + 2] = gray;
case 2: {
for (int y = 0; y < *ysize; ++y) {
const uint8_t* row_in = row_pointers[y];
uint8_t* row_out = &(rgb)[3 * y * (*xsize)];
for (int x = 0; x < *xsize; ++x) {
const uint8_t gray = BlendOnBlack(row_in[2 * x], row_in[2 * x + 1]);
row_out[3 * x + 0] = gray;
row_out[3 * x + 1] = gray;
row_out[3 * x + 2] = gray;
case 3: {
// RGB
for (int y = 0; y < *ysize; ++y) {
const uint8_t* row_in = row_pointers[y];
uint8_t* row_out = &(rgb)[3 * y * (*xsize)];
memcpy(row_out, row_in, 3 * (*xsize));
case 4: {
for (int y = 0; y < *ysize; ++y) {
const uint8_t* row_in = row_pointers[y];
uint8_t* row_out = &(rgb)[3 * y * (*xsize)];
for (int x = 0; x < *xsize; ++x) {
const uint8_t alpha = row_in[4 * x + 3];
row_out[3 * x + 0] = BlendOnBlack(row_in[4 * x + 0], alpha);
row_out[3 * x + 1] = BlendOnBlack(row_in[4 * x + 1], alpha);
row_out[3 * x + 2] = BlendOnBlack(row_in[4 * x + 2], alpha);
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, nullptr);
return false;
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, nullptr);
CopyMemoryToLenVal(, rgb.size(), rgb_out);
return true;
extern "C" bool ReadJpegData(sapi::LenValStruct* in_data,
int mode,
int* xsize, int* ysize)
std::string data(static_cast<const char*>(in_data->data), in_data->size);
guetzli::JPEGData jpg;
auto result = guetzli::ReadJpeg(data,
static_cast<guetzli::JpegReadMode>(mode), &jpg);
if (result) {
*xsize = jpg.width;
*ysize = jpg.height;
return result;
extern "C" double ButteraugliScoreQuality(double quality) {
return guetzli::ButteraugliScoreForQuality(quality);
extern "C" bool ReadDataFromFd(int fd, sapi::LenValStruct* out_data) {
struct stat file_data;
auto status = fstat(fd, &file_data);
if (status < 0) {
return false;
auto fsize = file_data.st_size;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[fsize]);
status = read(fd, buf.get(), fsize);
if (status < 0) {
return false;
CopyMemoryToLenVal(buf.get(), fsize, out_data);
return true;
extern "C" bool WriteDataToFd(int fd, sapi::LenValStruct* data) {
return sandbox2::file_util::fileops::WriteToFD(fd,
static_cast<const char*>(data->data), data->size);