mirror of https://github.com/qTox/qTox.git synced 2024-03-22 14:00:36 +08:00
2016-12-08 22:18:23 +00:00

19 KiB

Install Instructions

## Dependencies
Name Version Modules
Qt >= 5.3.0 core, gui, network, opengl, sql, svg, widget, xml
GCC/MinGW >= 4.8 C++11 enabled
toxcore most recent core, av
FFmpeg >= 2.6.0 avformat, avdevice, avcodec, avutil, swscale
OpenAL Soft >= 1.16.0
qrencode >= 3.0.3
sqlcipher >= 3.2.0
pkg-config >= 0.28

Optional dependencies

They can be disabled/enabled by passing arguments to qmake command when building qTox.

If they are missing, qTox is built without support for the functionality.


Auto-away support

Name Version
libXScrnSaver >= 1.2
libX11 >= 1.6.0


KDE Status Notifier / GTK tray backend

Name Version
Atk >= 2.14
GdkPixbuf >= 2.31
GLib >= 2.0
GTK+ >= 2.0
Pango >= 1.18


Unity tray backend

Disabled by default.

Name Version
Atk >= 2.14
DBus Menu >= 0.6
GdkPixbuf >= 2.31
GLib >= 2.0
GTK+ >= 2.0
libappindicator >= 0.4.92
Pango >= 1.18


## Linux ### Simple install Easy qTox install is provided for variety of distributions:

Community builds

There are community builds for wide range of distrubutions:

Link Distros Architecture
OBS Arch, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, Ubuntu x86, x86_64
Ubuntu PPA Ubuntu arm64, armhf, ppc64el

For release version, install qtox. To get latest changes, install qtox-alpha.


#### Arch

PKGBUILD is available in the community repo, to install:

pacman -S qtox
#### Gentoo

qTox is available in Gentoo.

To install:

emerge qtox
#### Slackware

qTox SlackBuild and all of its dependencies can be found here: http://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.1/network/qTox/

#### FreeBSD

A qTox port is available at net-im/qTox. To build and install qTox:

cd /usr/ports/net-im/qTox/
make install

If your distribution is not listed, or you want / need to compile qTox, there are provided instructions.

Most of the dependencies should be available through your package manger. You may either follow the directions below, or simply run ./simple_make.sh after cloning this repository, which will attempt to automatically download dependencies followed by compilation.

Install git

In order to clone the qTox repository you need Git.

#### Arch Linux ```bash sudo pacman -S --needed git ``` #### Debian ```bash sudo apt-get install git ``` #### Fedora ```bash sudo dnf install git ``` #### openSUSE ```bash sudo zypper install git ``` #### Ubuntu ```bash sudo apt-get install git ```

Clone qTox

Afterwards open a new terminal, change to a directory of your choice and clone the repository:

cd /home/$USER/qTox
git clone https://github.com/qTox/qTox.git qTox

The following steps assumes that you cloned the repository at /home/$USER/qTox. If you decided to choose another location, replace corresponding parts.

### GCC, Qt, FFmpeg, OpanAL Soft and qrencode #### Arch Linux ```bash sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel qt5 openal libxss qrencode ffmpeg ``` #### Debian **Note that only Debian >=8 stable (jessie) is supported.**

If you use stable, you have to add backports to your sources.list for FFmpeg and others. Instructions here: http://backports.debian.org/Instructions/

sudo apt-get install build-essential qt5-qmake qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools \
libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libopenal-dev libxss-dev qrencode \
libqrencode-dev libglib2.0-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev ffmpeg \
#### Fedora **Note that sqlcipher is not included in all versions of Fedora yet.** As of writing this section (November 2016), Fedora 25 ships sqlcipher, but Fedora 24 and older don't ship it yet. **This means that if you can't install sqlcipher from repositories, you'll have to compile it yourself, otherwise compiling qTox will fail.** ```bash sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" "C Development Tools and Libraries" # (can also use sudo dnf install @"Development Tools") sudo dnf install qt-devel qt-doc qt-creator qt5-qtsvg qt5-qtsvg-devel \ openal-soft-devel libXScrnSaver-devel qrencode-devel ffmpeg-devel \ qtsingleapplication qt5-linguist gtk2-devel libtool openssl-devel ``` ```bash sudo dnf install sqlcipher sqlcipher-devel ```

Go to sqlcipher section to compile it if necessary.

#### openSUSE
sudo zypper install patterns-openSUSE-devel_basis libqt5-qtbase-common-devel \
libqt5-qtsvg-devel libqt5-linguist libQt5Network-devel libQt5OpenGL-devel \
libQt5Concurrent-devel libQt5Xml-devel libQt5Sql-devel openal-soft-devel \
qrencode-devel libXScrnSaver-devel libQt5Sql5-sqlite libffmpeg-devel \
#### Slackware

List of all the qTox dependencies and their SlackBuilds can be found here: http://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.1/network/qTox/

#### Ubuntu >=15.04 ```bash sudo apt-get install build-essential qt5-qmake qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools \ libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libopenal-dev libxss-dev qrencode \ libqrencode-dev libavutil-ffmpeg-dev libswresample-ffmpeg-dev \ libavcodec-ffmpeg-dev libswscale-ffmpeg-dev libavfilter-ffmpeg-dev \ libavdevice-ffmpeg-dev libglib2.0-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev \ libsqlcipher-dev ``` #### Ubuntu >=16.04: ```bash sudo apt-get install build-essential qt5-qmake qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libopenal-dev libxss-dev qrencode libqrencode-dev libavutil-dev libswresample-dev libavcodec-dev libswscale-dev libavfilter-dev libavdevice-dev libglib2.0-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libsqlcipher-dev ```

toxcore dependencies

Install all of the toxcore dependencies.

#### Arch Linux ```bash sudo pacman -S --needed opus libvpx libsodium ``` #### Debian ```bash sudo apt-get install libtool autotools-dev automake checkinstall check \ libopus-dev libvpx-dev libsodium-dev libavdevice-dev ``` #### Fedora ```bash sudo dnf install libtool autoconf automake check check-devel libsodium-devel \ opus-devel libvpx-devel ``` #### openSUSE ```bash sudo zypper install libsodium-devel libvpx-devel libopus-devel \ patterns-openSUSE-devel_basis ``` #### Slackware

List of all the toxcore dependencies and their SlackBuilds can be found here: http://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.1/network/toxcore/

#### Ubuntu >=15.04 ```bash sudo apt-get install libtool autotools-dev automake checkinstall check \ libopus-dev libvpx-dev libsodium-dev ```


If you are not using an old version of Fedora, skip this section, and go directly to compiling toxcore.

git clone https://github.com/sqlcipher/sqlcipher
cd sqlcipher
./configure --enable-tempstore=yes CFLAGS="-DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC" \
sudo make install
cd ..

Compile toxcore

Provided that you have all required dependencies installed, you can simply run:

git clone https://github.com/irungentoo/toxcore.git
cd toxcore
autoreconf -if
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
echo '/usr/local/lib/' | sudo tee -a /etc/ld.so.conf.d/locallib.conf
sudo ldconfig

Compile qTox

Make sure that all the dependencies are installed. If you experience problems with compiling, it's most likely due to missing dependencies, so please make sure that you did install all of them.

Run in qTox directory to compile:


Now you can start compiled qTox with ./qtox

Congratulations, you've compiled qTox :)

openSUSE / Fedora

Note to Fedora users: check qt5 version before building default is 4.8 on fedora 21 / 22, everything up until qmake-qt5 will build fine but then qmake-qt5 will freak out.


Debian / Ubuntu / Mint

If the compiling process stops with a missing dependency like: ... libswscale/swscale.h missing try:

apt-file search libswscale/swscale.h

And install the package that provides the missing file. Start make again. Repeat if necessary until all dependencies are installed. If you can, please note down all additional dependencies you had to install that aren't listed here, and let us know what is missing ;)


Building packages

Alternately, qTox now has the experimental and probably-dodgy ability to package itself (in .deb form natively, and .rpm form with alien).

After installing the required dependencies, run bootstrap.sh and then run the buildPackages.sh script, found in the tools folder. It will automatically get the packages necessary for building .debs, so be prepared to type your password for sudo.

## OS X

Supported OS X versions: >=10.8.

Compiling qTox on OS X for development requires 3 tools: Xcode, Qt 5.4+ and homebrew.

Automated Script

You can now set up your OS X system to compile qTox automatically thanks to the script in: ./osx/qTox-Mac-Deployer-ULTIMATE.sh

This script can be run independently of the qTox repo and is all that's needed to build from scratch on OS X.

To use this script you must launch terminal which can be found: Applications > Utilities > Terminal.app

If you wish to lean more you can run ./qTox-Mac-Deployer-ULTIMATE.sh -h

First Run / Install

If you are running the script for the first time you will want to make sure your system is ready. To do this simply run ./qTox-Mac-Deployer-ULTIMATE.sh -i to run you through the automated install set up.

After running the installation setup you are now ready to build qTox from source, to do this simply run: ./qTox-Mac-Deployer-ULTIMATE.sh -b

If there aren't any errors then you'll find a locally working qTox application in your home folder under ~/qTox-Mac_Build


If you want to update your application for testing purposes or you want to run a nightly build setup then run: ./qTox-Mac-Deployer-ULTIMATE.sh -u and follow the prompts. (NOTE: If you know you updated the repos before running this hit Y) followed by ./qTox-Mac-Deployer-ULTIMATE.sh -b to build the application once more. (NOTE: This will delete your previous build.)


OS X requires an extra step to make the qTox.app file shareable on a system that doesn't have the required libraries installed already.

If you want to share the build you've made with your other friends who use OS X then simply run: ./qTox-Mac-Deployer-ULTIMATE.sh -d

Manual Compiling

Required Libraries

Install homebrew if you don't have it:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

First, let's install the dependencies available via brew.

brew install git ffmpeg qrencode libtool automake autoconf check qt5 libvpx \
opus sqlcipher libsodium

Next, install toxcore

Then, clone qTox:

git clone https://github.com/qTox/qTox

Finally, copy all required files. Whenever you update your brew packages, you may skip all of the above steps and simply run the following commands:

cd ./git/qTox
sudo bash bootstrap-osx.sh


You can build qTox with Qt Creator seperate download or you can hunt down the version of home brew qt5 your using in the /usr/local/Cellar/qt5/ directory. e.g. /usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.5.1_2/bin/qmake with 5.5.1_2 being the version of Qt5 that's been installed.

With that; in your terminal you can compile qTox in the git dir:

/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.5.1_2/bin/qmake ./qtox.pro

Or a cleaner method would be to:

cd ./git/dir/qTox
mkdir ./build
cd build
/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.5.1_2/bin/qmake ../qtox.pro


If you compiled qTox properly you can now deploy the qTox.app that's created where you built qTox so you can distribute the package.

Using your qt5 homebrew installation from the build directory:

/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.5.1_2/bin/macdeployqt ./qTox.app

Running qTox

You've got 2 choices, either click on the qTox app that suddenly exists, or do the following:


Enjoy the snazzy CLI output as your friends and family congratulate you on becoming a hacker

## Windows


Download the Qt online installer for Windows from qt.io. While installation you have to assemble your Qt toolchain. Take the most recent version of Qt compiled with MinGW. Although the installer provides its own bundled MinGW compiler toolchain its recommend installing it separately because Qt is missing MSYS which is needed to compile and install OpenAL. Thus you can - if needed - deselect the tab Tools. The following steps assume that Qt is installed at C:\Qt. If you decided to choose another location, replace corresponding parts.


Download the MinGW installer for Windows from sourceforge.net. Make sure to install MSYS (a set of Unix tools for Windows). The following steps assume that MinGW is installed at C:\MinGW. If you decided to choose another location, replace corresponding parts. Select mingw-developer-toolkit, mingw32-base, mingw32-gcc-g++, msys-base and mingw32-pthreads-w32 packages using MinGW Installation Manager (mingw-get.exe). Check that the version of MinGW, corresponds to the version of the QT component!


Download the Wget installer for Windows from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm. Install them. The following steps assume that Wget is installed at C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\. If you decided to choose another location, replace corresponding parts.


Download the UnZip installer for Windows from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/unzip.htm. Install it. The following steps assume that UnZip is installed at C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\. If you decided to choose another location, replace corresponding parts.

Setting up Path

Add MinGW/MSYS/CMake binaries to the system path to make them globally accessible. Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables... (or run sysdm.cpl select tab Advanced system settings -> button Environment Variables). In the second box search for the PATH variable and press Edit.... The input box Variable value: should already contain some directories. Each directory is separated with a semicolon. Extend the input box by adding ;C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\bin;C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin. The very first semicolon must only be added if it is missing. CMake may be added by installer automatically. Make sure that paths containing alternative sh, bash implementations such as C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin are at the end of PATH or build may fail.

Cloning the Repository

Clone the repository (https://github.com/qTox/qTox.git) with your preferred Git client. SmartGit is very nice for this task (you may need to add the path to the git.exe system variable Path). The following steps assume that you cloned the repository at C:\qTox. If you decided to choose another location, replace corresponding parts.

Getting dependencies

Run bootstrap.bat in cloned C:\qTox directory. Script will download rest of dependencies compile them and put to appropriate directories.