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synced 2024-04-18 07:30:55 +08:00
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List Styles
The list widget supports the following list-specific styles:
List Spacing Styles
- list-spaced-xs-bullets
- list-spaced-sm-bullets
- list-spaced-bullets
- list-spaced-lg-bullets
- list-spaced-xl-bullets
List Bullet Styles
- list-disc-bullets
- list-circle-bullets
- list-square-bullets
- list-alpha-bullets
- list-roman-bullets
- list-boxed-bullets
List Custom Styles
- any-custom-css-style-name
These list styles are documented in detail in the List Styles Guide.
List Behaviors
The list widget supports the following list-specific behaviors:
List Presenting Behaviors
- list-fade-bullets
- list-squash-bullets
- list-hide-bullets
These list behaviors are documented in detail in the List Behaviors Guide.
Grid Native Props
The list widget is a grid native widget meaning it also directly supports [grid layouts](/gr id-layouts/) properties:
Grid Block Drag-and-Drop Properties
- **drag=**width height
- **drop=**x y | topleft | top | topright | left | center | right | bottomleft | bottom | bottomright
Grid Block Flow Properties
- **flow=**col | row | stack
Grid Block Styling Properties
- **bg=**color
- **bg=**path/to/image.file _opacity _color
- **pad=**top right bottom left
- **border=**width style color
- **set=**space-separated-css-style-names
Grid Block Text Control Properties
- **fit=**0.1..9.99
- **font=**font-family
Grid Block Behavior Properties
- **animate=**slideup | slidedown | slideleft | slideright | tada | flip | fadein | fadeout
- **animate=**bounceup | bouncedown | bounceleft | bounceright | speedleft | speedright
- **audio=**path/to/sound.file
- **stretch=**true | false
- **sync=**true | false | index
Grid Block Power Properties
- **opacity=**0.1..1
- **rotate=**0..360
- **skewx=**0..360
- **skewy=**0..360
- **filter=**blur | bright | contrast | grayscale | hue | invert | saturate | sepia
These grid properties are documented in detail in the Grid Layouts Guide.