zhongdaohuan 6e8fbca745 genesis-3d engine version 1.3.
match the genesis editor version
2014-05-05 14:50:33 +08:00

221 lines
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// This code contains NVIDIA Confidential Information and is disclosed to you
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// Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved.
/** \addtogroup repx
#include "RepX/RepX.h"
#include "PxActor.h"
#include "PxArticulationLink.h"
#include "foundation/PxString.h"
namespace physx
class PxActor;
class PxAggregate;
class PxTriangleMesh;
class PxConvexMesh;
class PxRigidDynamic;
class PxRigidStatic;
class PxMaterial;
class PxArticulation;
class PxArticulationLink;
class PxCloth;
class PxClothFabric;
class PxParticleSystem;
class PxParticleFluid;
namespace physx { namespace repx {
PX_INLINE const void* getId( const PxActor* inActor ) { return inActor; }
PX_INLINE const void* getId( const PxTriangleMesh* inMesh ) { return inMesh; }
PX_INLINE const void* getId( const PxConvexMesh* inMesh ) { return inMesh; }
PX_INLINE const void* getId( const PxHeightField* inMesh ) { return inMesh; }
PX_INLINE const void* getId( const PxMaterial* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getId( const PxArticulation* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getId( const PxCloth* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getId( const PxClothFabric* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getId( const PxParticleSystem* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getId( const PxParticleFluid* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getId( const PxAggregate* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxParticleFluid* ) { return "PxParticleFluid"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxParticleSystem* ) { return "PxParticleSystem"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxClothFabric* ) { return "PxClothFabric"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxCloth* ) { return "PxCloth"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxRigidDynamic* ) { return "PxRigidDynamic"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxRigidStatic* ) { return "PxRigidStatic"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxTriangleMesh* ) { return "PxTriangleMesh"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxConvexMesh* ) { return "PxConvexMesh"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxHeightField* ) { return "PxHeightField"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxMaterial* ) { return "PxMaterial"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxArticulation* ) { return "PxArticulation"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxAggregate* ) { return "PxAggregate"; }
PX_INLINE const char* getExtensionNameForType( const PxActor* inActor )
if ( inActor )
if ( inActor->is<PxRigidDynamic>() )
return getExtensionNameForType( inActor->is<PxRigidDynamic>() );
else if ( inActor->is<PxRigidStatic>() )
return getExtensionNameForType( inActor->is<PxRigidStatic>() );
return "";
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxRigidDynamic* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxRigidStatic* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxTriangleMesh* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxConvexMesh* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxHeightField* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxMaterial* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxArticulation* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxClothFabric* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxCloth* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxParticleSystem* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxParticleFluid* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxAggregate* inData ) { return inData; }
PX_INLINE const void* getBasePtr( const PxActor* inActor )
if ( inActor )
if ( inActor->is<PxRigidDynamic>() )
return inActor->is<PxRigidDynamic>();
else if ( inActor->is<PxRigidStatic>() )
return inActor->is<PxRigidStatic>();
else if ( inActor->isArticulationLink() )
return inActor->isArticulationLink();
return NULL;
template<typename TDataType>
PX_INLINE RepXObject createRepXObject( const TDataType* inType, const TRepXId inId )
return RepXObject( getExtensionNameForType( inType ), getBasePtr( inType ), inId );
template<typename TDataType>
PX_INLINE RepXObject createRepXObject( const TDataType* inType )
return createRepXObject( inType, static_cast<const TRepXId>( reinterpret_cast<const size_t>(getId( inType )) ) );
template<typename TDataType>
PX_INLINE RepXAddToCollectionResult addToRepXCollection( RepXCollection& inCollection, RepXIdToRepXObjectMap& inIdMap, const TDataType& inType )
return inCollection.addRepXObjectToCollection( createRepXObject( &inType ), inIdMap );
* Add to a repx collection and with no-fail conditions, meaning assert on failure.
template<typename TDataType>
PX_INLINE void addToRepXCollectionNF( RepXCollection& inCollection, RepXIdToRepXObjectMap& inIdMap, const TDataType& inType )
RepXAddToCollectionResult theResult( addToRepXCollection( inCollection, inIdMap, inType ) );
PX_ASSERT( RepXAddToCollectionResult::Success == theResult.mResult );
//Operator on the actual data underlying the generic type.
template<typename TResultType, typename TOperator>
PX_INLINE TResultType visitCoreRepXObject( const TRepXId inId, void* inLiveObject, const char* inRepXExtensionName, TOperator inOperator )
if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxRigidDynamic*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxRigidDynamic*>( inLiveObject ) );
else if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxRigidStatic*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxRigidStatic*>( inLiveObject ) );
else if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxTriangleMesh*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxTriangleMesh*>( inLiveObject ) );
else if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxConvexMesh*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxConvexMesh*>( inLiveObject ) );
else if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxHeightField*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxHeightField*>( inLiveObject ) );
else if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxMaterial*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxMaterial*>( inLiveObject ) );
else if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxArticulation*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxArticulation*>( inLiveObject ) );
else if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxAggregate*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxAggregate*>( inLiveObject ) );
else if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxCloth*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxCloth*>( inLiveObject ) );
else if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxClothFabric*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxClothFabric*>( inLiveObject ) );
else if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxParticleSystem*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxParticleSystem*>( inLiveObject ) );
else if ( physx::PxStricmp( inRepXExtensionName, getExtensionNameForType( (PxParticleFluid*)NULL ) ) == 0 )
return inOperator( inId, reinterpret_cast<PxParticleFluid*>( inLiveObject ) );
return inOperator( inId, inLiveObject, inRepXExtensionName );
template<typename TDataType> PX_INLINE const char* getItemName() { PX_ASSERT(false); return ""; }
template<> PX_INLINE const char* getItemName<PxMaterial>() { return "PxMaterialRef"; }
typedef RepXExtension* (*TAllocationFunction)( PxAllocatorCallback& inAllocator );
struct ExtensionAllocator
TAllocationFunction mAllocationFunction;
ExtensionAllocator( TAllocationFunction inFn )
: mAllocationFunction( inFn )
RepXExtension* allocateExtension(PxAllocatorCallback& inCallback) { return mAllocationFunction(inCallback); }
PxU32 getNumCoreExtensions();
PxU32 createCoreExtensions( RepXExtension** outExtensions, PxU32 outBufferSize, PxAllocatorCallback& inCallback );
//Definitions needed internally in the extension headers.
template<typename TTriIndexElem>
struct Triangle
TTriIndexElem mIdx0;
TTriIndexElem mIdx1;
TTriIndexElem mIdx2;
Triangle( TTriIndexElem inIdx0 = 0, TTriIndexElem inIdx1 = 0, TTriIndexElem inIdx2 = 0)
: mIdx0( inIdx0 )
, mIdx1( inIdx1 )
, mIdx2( inIdx2 )
} }
/** @} */