
10613 lines
274 KiB

local util = require("util")
local color = util.color
default_glow_color = {225, 177, 106, 255}
default_shadow_color = {0, 0, 0, 0.35}
hard_shadow_color = {0, 0, 0, 1}
default_dirt_color = {15, 7, 3, 100}
default_dirt_color_filler = {15, 7, 3, 56}
default_container_padding = 4
default_container_spacing = 4 -- one module spacing
default_orange_color = {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}
default_light_orange_color = {1, 0.74, 0.40}
warning_red_color = {255, 142, 142}
-- Default (white) color
default_font_color = {1, 1, 1}
default_disabled_font_color = {1, 1, 1, 0.5}
-- Bold texts
bold_font_color = {255, 230, 192}
-- Frame headings
heading_font_color = bold_font_color
-- Button
button_default_font_color = {} -- less surface of black (not bold), we need it to be pure black
button_hovered_font_color = {}
button_default_bold_font_color = {28, 28, 28} -- more surface of black, we don't need it to be pure black
-- slots
default_slot_glow_color = {255, 174, 0, 128}
red_slot_glow_color = {255, 166, 123, 128}
green_slot_glow_color = {34, 255, 75, 128}
blue_slot_glow_color = {34, 181, 255, 128}
achievement_green_color = color "96ce82"
achievement_tan_color = color "d1c58e"
technology_slot_base_width = 88
technology_slot_base_height = 88
featured_technology_slot_base_width = 136
featured_technology_slot_base_height = 168
green_button_glow_color = {135, 216, 139, 128}
red_button_glow_color = {254, 90, 90, 128}
red_body_text_color = {255, 136, 136}
green_body_text_color = {210, 253, 145}
arrow_tileset_width = 48
arrow_tileset_height = 64
arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size = 8
grey_arrow_tileset = {arrows_tileset = {0, 232}, composition_tileset = {0, 17}}
green_arrow_tileset = {arrows_tileset = {0, 296}, composition_tileset = {68, 17}}
red_arrow_tileset = {arrows_tileset = {0, 360}, composition_tileset = {136, 17}}
arrow_idle_index = 0
arrow_disabled_index = 1
arrow_hovered_index = 2
arrow_clicked_index = 3
function back_button_glow(glow_color)
left = {position = {304, 424}, size = {32, 80}},
right_top = {position = {209, 128}, size = arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size},
right = {position = {209, 128 + arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size}, size = {arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {209, 128 + arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size + 1}, size = arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size},
center = {position = {336, 424}, size = {1, 80}},
left_outer_border_shift = 12,
tint = glow_color,
draw_type = "outer"
function forward_button_glow(glow_color)
right = {position = {336, 424}, size = {32, 80}},
left_top = {position = {200, 128}, size = arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size},
left = {position = {200, 128 + arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size}, size = {arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {200, 128 + arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size + 1}, size = arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size},
center = {position = {336, 424}, size = {1, 80}},
right_outer_border_shift = -12,
tint = glow_color,
draw_type = "outer"
function double_arrow_forward_button_glow(glow_color)
right = {position = {336, 424}, size = {32, 80}},
left = {position = {305, 504}, size = {32, 80}},
center = {position = {336, 424}, size = {1, 80}},
top_outer_border_shift = -4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -12,
left_outer_border_shift = 12,
tint = glow_color,
draw_type = "outer"
function notched_slider_glow(glow_color)
center = {position = {96, 184}, size = {40, 48}},
top_outer_border_shift = -2,
left_outer_border_shift = -4,
right_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = 4,
tint = glow_color,
draw_type = "outer"
function left_slider_glow(glow_color)
center = {position = {481, 96}, size = {56, 40}},
top_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = -4,
right_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = 4,
tint = glow_color,
draw_type = "outer"
function right_slider_glow(glow_color)
center = {position = {537, 96}, size = {56, 40}},
top_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = -4,
right_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = 4,
tint = glow_color,
draw_type = "outer"
function arrow_back(tileset, index, glow_name, glow_color)
local arrow_shift = index * arrow_tileset_width * 2
local composition_shift = index * (arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size * 2 + 1)
local result =
base =
left = {position = {tileset.arrows_tileset[1] + arrow_shift, tileset.arrows_tileset[2]},
size = {arrow_tileset_width / 2, arrow_tileset_height}},
right_top = {position = {tileset.composition_tileset[1] + arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size + 1 + composition_shift,
size = arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size},
right = {position = {tileset.composition_tileset[1] + arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size + 1 + composition_shift,
tileset.composition_tileset[2] + arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size},
size = {arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {tileset.composition_tileset[1] + arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size + 1 + composition_shift,
tileset.composition_tileset[2] + arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size + 1},
size = arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size},
center = {position = {tileset.arrows_tileset[1] + arrow_tileset_width / 2 + arrow_shift,
size = {1, arrow_tileset_height}}
if (glow_name) then
result[glow_name] = back_button_glow(glow_color)
return result
function arrow_forward(tileset, index, glow_name, glow_color)
local arrow_shift = index * arrow_tileset_width * 2
local composition_shift = index * (arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size * 2 + 1)
local result =
base =
right = {position = {tileset.arrows_tileset[1] + arrow_tileset_width / 2 + arrow_shift, tileset.arrows_tileset[2]},
size = {arrow_tileset_width / 2, arrow_tileset_height}},
left_top = {position = {tileset.composition_tileset[1] + composition_shift,
size = arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size},
left = {position = {tileset.composition_tileset[1] + composition_shift,
tileset.composition_tileset[2] + arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size},
size = {arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {tileset.composition_tileset[1] + composition_shift,
tileset.composition_tileset[2] + arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size + 1},
size = arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size},
center = {position = {tileset.arrows_tileset[1] + arrow_tileset_width / 2 + arrow_shift,
size = {1, arrow_tileset_height}}
if (glow_name) then
result[glow_name] = forward_button_glow(glow_color)
return result
function double_arrow_forward(tileset, index, glow_name, glow_color)
local arrow_shift = index * arrow_tileset_width * 2
local composition_shift = index * (arrow_tileset_composition_corner_size * 2 + 1)
local result =
base =
right = {position = {tileset.arrows_tileset[1] + arrow_tileset_width / 2 + arrow_shift, tileset.arrows_tileset[2]},
size = {arrow_tileset_width / 2, arrow_tileset_height}},
left = {position = {tileset.arrows_tileset[1] + arrow_tileset_width + arrow_shift, tileset.arrows_tileset[2]},
size = {arrow_tileset_width / 2, arrow_tileset_height}},
center = {position = {tileset.arrows_tileset[1] + arrow_tileset_width / 2 + arrow_shift,
size = {1, arrow_tileset_height}}
if (glow_name) then
result[glow_name] = double_arrow_forward_button_glow(glow_color)
return result
function default_inner_glow(tint_value, scale_value)
position = {183, 128},
corner_size = 8,
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "inner"
function default_glow(tint_value, scale_value)
position = {200, 128},
corner_size = 8,
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function offset_by_2_default_glow(tint_value, scale_value)
position = {280, 736},
corner_size = 16,
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4,
draw_type = "outer"
offset_by_4_rounded_corners_subpanel_inset =
position = {345, 103},
corner_size = 16,
draw_type = "outer",
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4
function tab_glow(tint_value, scale_value)
left_top = {position = {216, 0}, size = 16},
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {232, 0}, size = 16},
left = {position = {200, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {209, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4,
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function top_and_bottom_inner_glow(tint_value, scale_value)
top = {position = {191, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {191, 137}, size = {1, 8}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "inner"
function top_glow(tint_value, scale_value) --only top side
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function bottom_glow(tint_value, scale_value) --only bottom side
bottom = {position = {208, 137}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function top_bottom_glow(tint_value, scale_value) --only top and bottom side
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {208, 137}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function top_glow(tint_value, scale_value) --only top side
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function glow_without_left(tint_value, scale_value)
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {209, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {209, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {209, 137}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom = {position = {208, 137}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function glow_without_right(tint_value, scale_value)
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
left_top = {position = {200, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {200, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {200, 137}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom = {position = {208, 137}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function glow_without_top(tint_value, scale_value)
right = {position = {209, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
left = {position = {200, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {200, 137}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom = {position = {208, 137}, size = {1, 8}},
right_bottom = {position = {209, 137}, size = {8, 8}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function glow_without_bottom(tint_value, scale_value)
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {209, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {209, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
left = {position = {200, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
left_top = {position = {200, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function top_right_glow(tint_value, scale_value)
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {209, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {209, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function top_left_glow(tint_value, scale_value)
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
--right_top = {position = {209, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {200, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
left_top = {position = {200, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function bottom_right_glow(tint_value, scale_value)
right = {position = {209, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {209, 137}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom = {position = {208, 137}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function top_glow_with_left_corner(tint_value, scale_value) --only top side
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
left_top = {position = {200, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {250, 105}, size = {1, 8}}, -- empty area
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function top_right_glow_with_top_corner(tint_value, scale_value)
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
left_top = {position = {200, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {250, 105}, size = {1, 8}}, -- empty area
right_top = {position = {209, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {209, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
function top_left_glow_with_top_corner(tint_value, scale_value)
top = {position = {208, 128}, size = {1, 8}},
left = {position = {200, 136}, size = {8, 1}},
left_top = {position = {200, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
right_top = {position = {209, 128}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {250, 105}, size = {1, 8}}, -- empty area
center = {position = {208, 136}, size = {1, 1}},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value,
draw_type = "outer"
-- used for textbox and virtual slots (not tab, it is more rounded and uses different style)
function rounded_corners_glow(tint_value)
position = {240, 783},
corner_size = 16,
tint = tint_value,
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4,
draw_type = "outer"
-- used for textbox and virtual slots (not tab, it is more rounded and uses different style)
function rounded_button_glow(tint_value)
position = {256, 191},
corner_size = 16,
tint = tint_value,
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4,
draw_type = "outer"
-- used for virtual slots used in the quick bar for example
function offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(tint_value)
position = {240, 736},
corner_size = 16,
tint = tint_value,
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4,
draw_type = "outer"
textbox_dirt = rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color)
function radiobutton_glow(tint_value, scale_value)
stretch_monolith_image_to_size = false,
center =
position = {123, 156},
size = {34, 34},
tint = tint_value,
scale = scale_value
default_shadow = default_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
default_dirt = default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
default_inner_shadow = default_inner_glow(hard_shadow_color, 0.5)
top_shadow = top_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
bottom_shadow = bottom_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
top_bottom_shadow = top_bottom_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
shadow_without_left = glow_without_left(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
shadow_without_right = glow_without_right(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
shadow_without_bottom = glow_without_bottom(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
shadow_without_top = glow_without_top(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
top_right_shadow = top_right_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
top_left_shadow = top_left_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
top_shadow_with_left_corner = top_glow_with_left_corner(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
top_right_shadow_with_top_corner = top_right_glow_with_top_corner(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
top_left_shadow_with_top_corner = top_left_glow_with_top_corner(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
bottom_right_shadow = bottom_right_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
-- lines for a table grid / frame border
function border_image_set()
border_width = 8,
vertical_line = {position = {0, 40}, size = {8, 1}},
horizontal_line = {position = {8, 40}, size = {1, 8}},
top_right_corner = {position = {16, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom_right_corner = {position = {24, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom_left_corner = {position = {32, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
top_left_coner = {position = {40, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
top_t = {position = {64, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
right_t = {position = {72, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom_t = {position = {48, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
left_t = {position = {56, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
cross = {position = {80, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
top_end = {position = {88, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
right_end = {position = {96, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom_end = {position = {104, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
left_end = {position = {112, 40}, size = {8, 8}}
function outer_frame_light()
base = {position = {17, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
function inner_frame_tab_pane()
base = {position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
tabbed_pane_graphical_set =
base =
-- tabbed pane is always an inset frame touching the sides under the shadow, so sides should not draw
top = {position = {76, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {76, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = top_shadow
type = "gui-style",
name = "default",
default_tileset = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png",
default_sprite_scale = 0.5,
default_sprite_priority = "extra-high-no-scale",
label =
type = "label_style",
font = "default",
font_color = {1, 1, 1},
disabled_font_color = {1, 1, 1, 0.5},
rich_text_setting = "enabled",
single_line = true,
rich_text_highlight_error_color = {r=255,g=0,b=0},
rich_text_highlight_warning_color = {r=255,g=255,b=0},
rich_text_highlight_ok_color = {r=0,g=255,b=0}
clickable_label =
type = "label_style",
hovered_font_color = default_light_orange_color,
clicked_font_color = default_orange_color
clickable_squashable_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "clickable_label",
horizontally_squashable = "on"
black_clickable_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "black_label",
hovered_font_color = default_light_orange_color,
clicked_font_color = default_orange_color
black_clickable_squashable_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "black_clickable_label",
horizontally_squashable = "on"
map_gen_row_label = -- pushed up a little for centering
type = "label_style",
top_padding = -2,
bottom_padding = 2
bold_label =
type = "label_style",
font = "default-bold"
bold_red_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "bold_label",
font_color = {1, 0, 0}
bold_green_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "bold_label",
font_color = {0, 1, 0}
yellow_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = heading_font_color
player_online_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "bold_label",
font_color = {0, 1, 0}
player_offline_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "bold_label",
font_color = {1, 1, 1}
player_not_in_game_state_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "bold_label",
font_color = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
-- Used as table caption, or in "Caption: value"
caption_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "bold_label",
font_color = bold_font_color,
ignored_by_search = true
label_dividing_inside_frames =
type = "label_style",
font = "heading-1",
font_color = heading_font_color,
top_padding = 1,
bottom_padding = 3
invalid_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font_color = warning_red_color
goal_label =
type = "label_style",
single_line = false
electric_usage_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
width = 60
mod_dependency_invalid_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font_color = warning_red_color
mod_optional_dependency_invalid_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font_color = default_orange_color
mod_manager_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
maximal_width = 350,
single_line = false
mods_gui_left_pane_vertical_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
maximal_width = 724,
natural_width = 724,
maximal_height = 692,
natural_height = 692,
vertical_spacing = 12
mods_gui_right_pane_vertical_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
maximal_width = 664,
natural_width = 664,
maximal_height = 692,
natural_height = 692,
vertical_spacing = 12
--used for the description text of an item/entity
description_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "default"
--the left side of a property: value item
description_property_name_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "default-semibold",
font_color = bold_font_color
--the right side of a property: value item
description_value_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "default"
recipe_count_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "default-bold"
description_title_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "bold_label",
font_color = bold_font_color
description_title_indented_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "description_label",
font = "default-bold"
count_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "description_label",
font = "count-font"
frame_subheading_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "description_label",
font = "default",
top_padding = 4
tooltip_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "description_label",
minimal_width = 50,
maximal_width = 356
tooltip_title_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "description_label",
font = "default-bold",
minimal_width = 50,
maximal_width = 356
recipe_tooltip_cannot_craft_count_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "recipe_count_label",
font_color = warning_red_color
recipe_tooltip_transitive_craft_count_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "recipe_count_label",
font_color = default_orange_color
recipe_tooltip_cannot_craft_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "description_value_label",
font_color = warning_red_color
recipe_tooltip_transitive_craft_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "description_value_label",
font_color = default_orange_color
subheader_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
left_padding = 8
subheader_caption_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "subheader_label",
font = "heading-2",
font_color = heading_font_color
subheader_right_aligned_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
right_padding = 8
heading_1_label =
type = "label_style",
font = "heading-1",
font_color = heading_font_color,
single_line = true
heading_2_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "heading-2",
font_color = heading_font_color
heading_3_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "heading-3",
font_color = default_font_color
heading_3_label_yellow =
type = "label_style",
parent = "heading_3_label",
font_color = heading_font_color
menu_message =
type = "label_style",
font = "default-bold",
font_color = default_orange_color
orange_label =
type = "label_style",
font = "default-bold",
font_color = default_orange_color
button =
type = "button_style",
font = "default-semibold",
horizontal_align = "center",
vertical_align = "center",
icon_horizontal_align = "center",
ignored_by_search = true,
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
left_padding = 8,
right_padding = 8,
minimal_width = 108,
minimal_height = 28,
default_font_color = button_default_font_color,
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {0, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
hovered_font_color = button_hovered_font_color,
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {34, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt,
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_font_color = button_hovered_font_color,
clicked_vertical_offset = 1, -- text/icon goes down on click
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {51, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
disabled_font_color = {179, 179, 179},
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {17, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
selected_font_color = button_hovered_font_color,
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {225, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
selected_hovered_font_color = button_hovered_font_color,
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {369, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
selected_clicked_font_color = button_hovered_font_color,
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {352, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
strikethrough_color = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
pie_progress_color = {1, 1, 1},
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-click.ogg", volume = 1 }}
green_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {68, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {102, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt,
glow = default_glow(green_button_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {119, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {85, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-green-confirm.ogg", volume = 1 }},
rounded_button =
type = "button_style",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {168, 200}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = rounded_button_glow(default_dirt_color)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {202, 200}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = rounded_button_glow(default_dirt_color),
glow = rounded_button_glow(default_glow_color)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {219, 200}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = rounded_button_glow(default_dirt_color)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {185, 200}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = rounded_button_glow(default_dirt_color)
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {236, 200}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = rounded_button_glow(default_dirt_color)
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {236, 200}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = rounded_button_glow(default_dirt_color)
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {236, 200}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = rounded_button_glow(default_dirt_color)
back_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "dialog_button",
horizontal_align = "left",
default_graphical_set = arrow_back(grey_arrow_tileset, arrow_idle_index, "shadow", default_dirt_color),
hovered_graphical_set = arrow_back(grey_arrow_tileset, arrow_hovered_index, "glow", default_glow_color),
clicked_graphical_set = arrow_back(grey_arrow_tileset, arrow_clicked_index),
disabled_graphical_set = arrow_back(grey_arrow_tileset, arrow_disabled_index, "glow", default_dirt_color),
--left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-back.ogg", volume = 0.6 }}
red_back_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "dialog_button",
horizontal_align = "left",
default_graphical_set = arrow_back(red_arrow_tileset, arrow_idle_index, "shadow", default_dirt_color),
hovered_graphical_set = arrow_back(red_arrow_tileset, arrow_hovered_index, "glow", red_button_glow_color),
clicked_graphical_set = arrow_back(red_arrow_tileset, arrow_clicked_index),
disabled_font_color = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
disabled_graphical_set = arrow_back(red_arrow_tileset, arrow_disabled_index, "glow", default_dirt_color),
--left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-back.ogg", volume = 0.6 }}
forward_button = -- grey right arrow, flat left
type = "button_style",
parent = "dialog_button",
horizontal_align = "right",
default_graphical_set = arrow_forward(grey_arrow_tileset, arrow_idle_index, "shadow", default_dirt_color),
hovered_graphical_set = arrow_forward(grey_arrow_tileset, arrow_hovered_index, "glow", default_glow_color),
clicked_graphical_set = arrow_forward(grey_arrow_tileset, arrow_clicked_index),
disabled_graphical_set = arrow_forward(grey_arrow_tileset, arrow_disabled_index, "glow", default_dirt_color),
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-forward-button-click.ogg", volume = 0.8 }}
confirm_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "dialog_button",
horizontal_align = "right",
default_graphical_set = arrow_forward(green_arrow_tileset, arrow_idle_index, "shadow", default_dirt_color),
hovered_graphical_set = arrow_forward(green_arrow_tileset, arrow_hovered_index, "glow", green_button_glow_color),
clicked_graphical_set = arrow_forward(green_arrow_tileset, arrow_clicked_index),
disabled_graphical_set = arrow_forward(green_arrow_tileset, arrow_disabled_index, "glow", default_dirt_color),
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-green-confirm.ogg", volume = 1 }}
confirm_double_arrow_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "dialog_button",
horizontal_align = "right",
default_graphical_set = double_arrow_forward(green_arrow_tileset, arrow_idle_index, "shadow", default_dirt_color),
hovered_graphical_set = double_arrow_forward(green_arrow_tileset, arrow_hovered_index, "glow", green_button_glow_color),
clicked_graphical_set = double_arrow_forward(green_arrow_tileset, arrow_clicked_index),
disabled_graphical_set = double_arrow_forward(green_arrow_tileset, arrow_disabled_index, "glow", default_dirt_color)
map_generator_preview_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "forward_button",
natural_width = 136,
maximal_width = 250,
icon_horizontal_align = "left"
map_generator_close_preview_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "back_button",
width = 160,
icon_horizontal_align = "left"
map_generator_confirm_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "confirm_double_arrow_button",
width = 208
confirm_in_load_game_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "confirm_button",
natural_width = 300,
horizontally_squashable = "on"
red_confirm_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "dialog_button",
horizontal_align = "right",
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-red-confirm.ogg", volume = 0.7 }},
default_graphical_set = arrow_forward(red_arrow_tileset, arrow_idle_index, "shadow", default_dirt_color),
hovered_graphical_set = arrow_forward(red_arrow_tileset, arrow_hovered_index, "glow", red_button_glow_color),
clicked_graphical_set = arrow_forward(red_arrow_tileset, arrow_clicked_index),
disabled_font_color = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
disabled_graphical_set = arrow_forward(red_arrow_tileset, arrow_disabled_index, "glow", default_dirt_color)
red_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {136, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {170, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt,
glow = default_glow(red_button_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {187, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {153, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-red-button.ogg", volume = 0.5 }}
tool_button_red =
type = "button_style",
parent = "red_button",
padding = 2,
size = 28,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-tool-button.ogg", volume = 1 }}
tool_button =
type = "button_style",
padding = 2,
size = 28,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-tool-button.ogg", volume = 1 }}
tool_button_green =
type = "button_style",
parent = "tool_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {432, 48}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {449, 48}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt,
glow = default_glow({110, 164, 104, 127}, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {466, 48}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
selected_graphical_set = -- same as clicked
base = {position = {466, 48}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
entity_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inside_shallow_frame_with_padding",
width = 424,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 8
entity_frame_without_right_padding =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "entity_frame",
right_padding = 0
entity_frame_without_side_paddings =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "entity_frame",
right_padding = 0,
left_padding = 0
vertical_flow_in_entity_frame_without_side_paddings =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
top_padding = 0,
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12,
bottom_padding = 12,
vertical_spacing = 8,
entity_frame_without_padding =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "entity_frame",
padding = 0
wide_entity_button =
type = "empty_widget_style",
size = {400, 148}
train_stop_entity_button =
type = "empty_widget_style",
height = 148,
minimal_width = 648,
tool_button_blue =
type = "button_style",
parent = "tool_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 48}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {347, 48}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt,
glow = default_glow({110, 101, 164, 127}, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {364, 48}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
mini_button =
type = "button_style",
padding = 0,
size = 16,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-button-mini.ogg", volume = 1 }}
mini_button_aligned_to_text_vertically =
type = "button_style",
padding = 0,
size = 16,
top_margin = 3,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-button-mini.ogg", volume = 1 }}
mini_button_aligned_to_text_vertically_when_centered =
type = "button_style",
padding = 0,
size = 16,
top_margin = 1,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-button-mini.ogg", volume = 1 }}
highlighted_tool_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "tool_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {34, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt,
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
line =
type = "line_style",
border = border_image_set()
inside_shallow_frame_with_padding_line =
type = "line_style",
left_margin = -12,
right_margin = -12
control_behavior_window_line =
type = "line_style",
top_margin = 8,
left_margin = -12,
right_margin = -12
tooltip_horizontal_line =
type = "line_style",
border =
border_width = 8,
left_end = {position = {248, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
horizontal_line = {position = {256, 40}, size = {1, 8}},
right_end = {position = {257, 40}, size = {8, 8}}
-- it takes 0 height in the layout and extends the graphics into top/bottom
-- so it is consistent with paddings of frame border
frame_division_fake_horizontal_line =
type = "line_style",
height = 8,
top_margin = -4,
bottom_margin = -4,
border =
border_width = 8,
left_end = {position = {248, 40}, size = {8, 8}},
horizontal_line = {position = {256, 40}, size = {1, 8}},
right_end = {position = {257, 40}, size = {8, 8}}
dark_line =
type = "line_style",
border =
border_width = 8,
vertical_line = {position = {208, 40}, size = {8, 1}},
top_end = {position = {200, 40}, size = 8},
bottom_end = {position = {216, 40}, size = 8}
tooltip_category_line =
type = "line_style",
border =
border_width = 8,
left_end = {position = {184, 40}, size = 8},
horizontal_line = {position = {176, 40}, size = {1, 8}},
right_end = {position = {192, 40}, size = 8}
blurry_panel_horizontal_line =
type = "line_style",
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4,
border =
border_width = 4,
left_end = {position = {336, 0}, size = {4, 4}},
horizontal_line = {position = {340, 0}, size = {1, 4}},
right_end = {position = {341, 0}, size = {4, 4}}
achievement_title_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "default-bold",
font_color = color "ff"
achievement_percent_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "default-large-semibold",
font_color = achievement_green_color
achievement_unlocked_title_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "achievement_title_label",
font_color = achievement_green_color
achievement_locked_title_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "achievement_title_label",
font_color = achievement_tan_color
achievement_failed_title_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "achievement_title_label",
font_color = color "8f7676"
achievement_description_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "default",
font_color = color "ff"
achievement_unlocked_description_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "achievement_description_label"
achievement_locked_description_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "achievement_description_label"
achievement_failed_description_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "achievement_description_label",
font_color = color "8f7676"
achievement_locked_progress_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "default-semibold",
font_color = achievement_tan_color
achievement_failed_reason_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "default-small",
font_color = color "e2dbdb"
tip_notice_inner_panel =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = {position = {440, 24}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
tip_notice_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "list_box_item",
width = 300
achievement_image =
type = "image_style",
size = 100
tool_equip_equipment_image =
type = "image_style",
padding = 4,
size = 40
invalid_mod_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = warning_red_color
invalid_hovered_mod_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {61, 3, 0}
invalid_selected_mod_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {115, 0, 0}
valid_mod_label =
type = "label_style"
valid_hovered_mod_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {29, 29, 29},
disabled_font_color = {0, 0, 0, 0.5}
valid_selected_mod_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {29, 29, 29},
disabled_font_color = {0, 0, 0, 0.5}
tooltip_heading_label =
type = "label_style",
font = "default-bold",
font_color = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
horizontally_squashable = "on",
single_line = false
tooltip_heading_label_category =
type = "label_style",
font = "default-bold",
font_color = {1, 0.8275, 0.29}
switch =
type = "switch_style",
active_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {241, 190, 100},
font = "default-bold"
inactive_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = default_font_color,
hovered_font_color = {255, 230, 192},
font = "default"
width = 32,
height = 16,
padding = 0,
left_button_position = 2, -- position on the background where the button will be drawn
middle_button_position = 9,
right_button_position = 16,
default_background = {position = {0, 96}, size = {64, 32}},
hover_background = {position = {64, 96}, size = {64, 32}},
disabled_background = {position = {0, 96}, size = {64, 32}}, -- we don't have a proper one, so we use the idle for now
button =
type = "button_style",
width = 14,
height = 14,
default_graphical_set = {position = {128, 96}, size = 28},
hovered_graphical_set = {position = {156, 96}, size = 28},
clicked_graphical_set = {position = {184, 96}, size = 28},
disabled_graphical_set = {position = {128, 96}, size = 28}, -- we don't have a proper one, so we use the idle for now
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-switch.ogg", volume = 0.7 }}
dialog_button =
type = "button_style",
font = "default-dialog-button",
parent = "button",
default_font_color = button_default_bold_font_color,
hovered_font_color = button_default_bold_font_color,
clicked_font_color = button_default_bold_font_color,
disabled_font_color = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
bottom_padding = 2,
height = 32,
minimal_width = 112
menu_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
font = "default-dialog-button",
default_font_color = button_default_bold_font_color,
hovered_font_color = button_default_bold_font_color,
clicked_font_color = button_default_bold_font_color,
minimal_width = 320,
maximal_width = 320,
minimal_height = 50,
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4
menu_button_continue =
type = "button_style",
parent = "menu_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {68, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {102, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt,
glow = default_glow(green_button_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {119, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {85, 25}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-green-confirm.ogg", volume = 1 }}
side_menu_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
default_font_color = {},
size = 40,
padding = 0,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-square-button.ogg", volume = 1 }},
default_graphical_set =
position = {0, 0},
corner_size = 8
map_view_options_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button"
map_view_add_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button",
height = 28,
width = 120
mod_gui_button = --used by mod gui lua
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
minimal_width = 40,
height = 40,
padding = 0
image_tab_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button",
size = 68
image_tab_selected_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button_pressed",
size = 68
logistic_slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_button"
yellow_logistic_slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "yellow_slot_button"
red_logistic_slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "red_slot_button"
red_circuit_network_content_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "compact_slot",
default_graphical_set =
border = 1,
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
position = {111, 36},
size = 36,
scale = 1
green_circuit_network_content_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "compact_slot",
default_graphical_set =
border = 1,
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
position = {111, 108},
size = 36,
scale = 1
compact_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
size = 36,
padding = 1,
default_graphical_set =
border = 1,
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
position = {111, 0},
size = 36,
scale = 1
hovered_graphical_set =
border = 1,
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
position = {148, 0},
size = 36,
scale = 1
clicked_graphical_set =
border = 1,
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
size = 36,
x = 185,
scale = 1
pie_progress_color = {0.98, 0.66, 0.22, 0.5}
slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
size = 40,
padding = 0,
default_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {0, 424}, size = 80}
hovered_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {80, 424}, size = 80}}, -- glow = default_glow(default_slot_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {160, 424}, size = 80}},
pie_progress_color = {0.98, 0.66, 0.22, 0.5},
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-inventory-slot-button.ogg", volume = 0.6 }}
red_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot",
default_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {240, 816}, size = 80}},
hovered_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {320, 816}, size = 80}}, -- glow = default_glow(blue_slot_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {400, 816}, size = 80}},
selected_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {320, 816}, size = 80}}
yellow_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot",
default_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {0, 816}, size = 80}},
hovered_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {80, 816}, size = 80}}, -- glow = default_glow(blue_slot_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {160, 816}, size = 80}},
selected_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {80, 816}, size = 80}}
green_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot",
default_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {504, 136}, size = 80}},
hovered_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {504, 216}, size = 80}}, -- glow = default_glow(green_slot_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {504, 296}, size = 80}}
blue_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot",
default_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {0, 504}, size = 80}},
hovered_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {80, 504}, size = 80}}, -- glow = default_glow(blue_slot_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {160, 504}, size = 80}}
tool_equip_virtual_slot =
type = "button_style",
size = 40,
padding = 0,
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4,
default_graphical_set =
base =
center = { position = {76, 8}, size = 1},
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
hovered_graphical_set =
base =
center = { position = {76, 8}, size = 1},
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
clicked_graphical_set =
base =
center = { position = {76, 8}, size = 1},
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
working_tool_equip_virtual_slot =
type = "button_style",
size = 40,
padding = 0,
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4,
default_graphical_set =
base =
center = { position = {428, 25}, size = 1}
glow =
left = {position = {420, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {429, 25}, size = {8, 1}}
hovered_graphical_set =
base =
center = { position = {428, 25}, size = 1}
glow =
left = {position = {420, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {429, 25}, size = {8, 1}}
clicked_graphical_set =
base =
center = { position = {428, 25}, size = 1}
glow =
left = {position = {420, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {429, 25}, size = {8, 1}}
not_working_tool_equip_virtual_slot =
type = "button_style",
size = 40,
padding = 0,
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4,
default_graphical_set =
base =
center = { position = {411, 25}, size = 1}
glow =
left = {position = {403, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {412, 25}, size = {8, 1}}
hovered_graphical_set =
base =
center = { position = {411, 25}, size = 1}
glow =
left = {position = {403, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {412, 25}, size = {8, 1}}
clicked_graphical_set =
base =
center = { position = {411, 25}, size = 1},
glow =
left = {position = {403, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {412, 25}, size = {8, 1}}
tool_equip_ammo_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot",
default_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {0, 424}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {80, 424}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {160, 424}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
selected_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {160, 504}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {160, 504}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {160, 504}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
left_click_sound = {}
inventory_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot",
--inventory_slot_buttons get selected(toggled) when we select a filter. So we use the blue clicked style
selected_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {160, 504}, size = 80}},
selected_hovered_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {160, 504}, size = 80}},
selected_clicked_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {160, 504}, size = 80}},
left_click_sound = {}
filter_inventory_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "blue_slot",
left_click_sound = {}
closed_inventory_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot",
default_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {504, 376}, size = 80}},
hovered_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {504, 456}, size = 80}}, -- glow = default_glow(red_slot_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {504, 536}, size = 80}},
selected_graphical_set = { base = {border = 4, position = {504, 456}, size = 80}},
left_click_sound = {}
recipe_slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_button"
tracking_off_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
padding = 0,
size = 4+16+4,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-tool-button.ogg", volume = 1 }}
tracking_on_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "tracking_off_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {225, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {369, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {352, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
technology_list_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {34, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 72,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 100
extra_padding_when_activated = 0
statistics_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane",
graphical_set =
base = {center = {position = {42, 8}, width = 1, height = 1}},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 278,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 44,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 12,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 12
extra_padding_when_activated = 0
technology_gui_outer_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "outer_frame",
top_padding = 2,
bottom_padding = 36,
right_padding = 8,
graphical_set =
position = {0, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {}
use_header_filler = false,
header_background =
center = {x = 8, y = 8, width = 1, height = 1}
technology_gui_inner_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inner_frame_in_outer_frame",
padding = 0,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 8
use_header_filler = false,
graphical_set =
center = {position = {8, 8}, size = 1}
technology_gui_left_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "technology_gui_inner_frame",
left_padding = 8,
right_padding = 12,
horizontally_stretchable = "off"
technology_gui_right_top_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "technology_gui_inner_frame",
bottom_padding = 4,
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "center"
research_queue_inner_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inner_frame_in_outer_frame",
padding = 0,
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 12,
padding = 0
graphical_set =
left_top = {x = 265, y = 17, width = 8, height = 8},
left = {x = 265, y = 25, width = 8, height = 1},
left_bottom = {x = 265, y = 26, width = 8, height = 8},
top = {x = 273, y = 17, width = 1, height = 8},
center = {x = 273, y = 24, width = 1, height = 1},
bottom = {x = 273, y = 26, width = 1, height = 8},
right_top = {x = 274, y = 17, width = 8, height = 8},
right = {x = 274, y = 25, width = 8, height = 1},
right_bottom = {x = 274, y = 26, width = 8, height = 8}
research_queue_table =
type = "table_style",
padding = 0,
horizontal_spacing = 0
research_queue_first_slot_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
padding = 0
research_queue_cancel_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "red_button",
size = {72, 20},
padding = -4
technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
font = "default-dialog-button",
strikethrough_color = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
default_font_color = {1, 1, 1},
hovered_font_color = {1, 1, 1},
clicked_font_color = {1, 1, 1},
disabled_font_color = {1, 1, 1},
selected_font_color = {1, 1, 1},
selected_hovered_font_color = {1, 1, 1},
selected_clicked_font_color = {1, 1, 1},
pie_progress_color = {1, 0, 0},
horizontal_align = "center",
vertical_align = "center",
left_click_sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-square-button-large.ogg", volume = 1 },
default_graphical_set = {position = {282, 17}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_graphical_set = {position = {282, 17}, corner_size = 8},
clicked_graphical_set = {position = {282, 17}, corner_size = 8},
disabled_graphical_set = {position = {282, 17}, corner_size = 8},
highlighted_graphical_set = {position = {282, 17}, corner_size = 8},
selected_graphical_set = {position = {282, 17}, corner_size = 8},
selected_hovered_graphical_set = {position = {282, 17}, corner_size = 8},
selected_clicked_graphical_set = {position = {282, 17}, corner_size = 8},
default_background_shadow = {position = {392, 328}, size = 88},
level_band = {position = {381, 136}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_band = {position = {381, 136}, corner_size = 8},
level_offset_x = 12,
level_offset_y = -2.5,
level_band_width = 28,
level_band_height = 12,
level_font = "technology-slot-level-font",
level_font_color = {0, 0, 0},
hovered_level_font_color = {0, 0, 0},
width = 72,
height = 100,
level_range_band = {position = {397, 136}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_range_band = {position = {397, 136}, corner_size = 8},
level_range_offset_x = -4,
level_range_offset_y = -2.5,
level_range_font = "technology-slot-level-font",
level_range_font_color = {1, 1, 1},
hovered_level_range_font_color = {1, 1, 1},
ingredients_height = 20,
default_ingredients_background = {position = {347, 136}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 136}, corner_size = 8},
clicked_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 136}, corner_size = 8},
disabled_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 136}, corner_size = 8},
highlighted_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 136}, corner_size = 8},
ingredients_padding = 0,
ingredient_icon_size = 16,
ingredient_icon_overlap = 4,
clicked_overlay =
left_top = {position = {456, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
top = {position = {472, 136}, size = {1, 16}},
right_top = {position = {473, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
left = {position = {456, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
center = {position = {472, 152}, size = {1, 1}},
right = {position = {473, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {416, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
bottom = {position = {432, 136}, size = {1, 16}},
right_bottom = {position = {433, 136}, size = {16, 16}}
progress_bar_background = {position = {296, 39}, corner_size = 4},
progress_bar = {position = {305, 39}, corner_size = 4},
progress_bar_shadow =
left = {position = {456, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
center = {position = {472, 152}, size = {1, 1}},
right = {position = {473, 152}, size = {16, 1}}
progress_bar_height = 4,
progress_bar_color = {g = 1}
clickable_empty_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "technology_slot",
hovered_graphical_set = {position = {34, 17}, corner_size = 8},
clicked_graphical_set = {position = {51, 17}, corner_size = 8},
disabled_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "technology_slot",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {313, 619}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 619}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 619}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 619}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 619}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 619}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {313, 619}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
highlighted_graphical_set =
base = {position = {381, 619}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
level_band = {position = {398, 619}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_band = {position = {433, 602}, corner_size = 8},
level_range_band = {position = {415, 619}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_range_band = {position = {448, 602}, corner_size = 8},
default_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 619}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_ingredients_background = {position = {347, 619}, corner_size = 8},
clicked_ingredients_background = {position = {347, 619}, corner_size = 8},
disabled_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 619}, corner_size = 8},
highlighted_ingredients_background = {position = {347, 619}, corner_size = 8},
level_font_color = {132, 132, 132},
hovered_level_font_color = {255, 255, 255},
level_range_font_color = {132, 132, 132},
hovered_level_range_font_color = {255, 255, 255},
clicked_overlay =
left_top = {position = {456, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
top = {position = {472, 136}, size = {1, 16}},
right_top = {position = {473, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
left = {position = {456, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
center = {position = {472, 152}, size = {1, 1}},
right = {position = {473, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {416, 204}, size = {16, 16}},
bottom = {position = {432, 204}, size = {1, 16}},
right_bottom = {position = {433, 204}, size = {16, 16}}
disabled_index_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "technology_slot",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {313, 639}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 639}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 639}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 639}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 639}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 639}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {313, 639}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
highlighted_graphical_set =
base = {position = {381, 639}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
level_band = {position = {466, 639}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_band = {position = {381, 639}, corner_size = 8},
level_range_band = {position = {415, 639}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_range_band = {position = {398, 639}, corner_size = 8},
default_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 639}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_ingredients_background = {position = {347, 639}, corner_size = 8},
clicked_ingredients_background = {position = {347, 639}, corner_size = 8},
disabled_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 639}, corner_size = 8},
highlighted_ingredients_background = {position = {347, 639}, corner_size = 8},
level_font_color = {132, 132, 132},
hovered_level_font_color = {255, 255, 255},
level_range_font_color = {132, 132, 132},
hovered_level_range_font_color = {255, 255, 255},
clicked_overlay =
left_top = {position = {456, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
top = {position = {472, 136}, size = {1, 16}},
right_top = {position = {473, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
left = {position = {456, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
center = {position = {472, 152}, size = {1, 1}},
right = {position = {473, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {416, 204}, size = {16, 16}},
bottom = {position = {432, 204}, size = {1, 16}},
right_bottom = {position = {433, 204}, size = {16, 16}}
researched_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "technology_slot",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {296, 187}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 187}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 187}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 187}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 187}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 187}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {296, 187}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
highlighted_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 187}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
level_band = {position = {381, 187}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_band = {position = {381, 187}, corner_size = 8},
level_range_band = {position = {397, 187}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_range_band = {position = {397, 187}, corner_size = 8},
default_ingredients_background = {position = {347, 187}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 187}, corner_size = 8},
clicked_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 187}, corner_size = 8},
disabled_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 187}, corner_size = 8},
highlighted_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 187}, corner_size = 8},
level_font_color = {0, 84, 5},
hovered_level_font_color = {0, 84, 5},
level_range_font_color = {165, 255, 171},
hovered_level_range_font_color = {165, 255, 171},
clicked_overlay =
left_top = {position = {456, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
top = {position = {472, 136}, size = {1, 16}},
right_top = {position = {473, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
left = {position = {456, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
center = {position = {472, 152}, size = {1, 1}},
right = {position = {473, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {416, 187}, size = {16, 16}},
bottom = {position = {432, 187}, size = {1, 16}},
right_bottom = {position = {433, 187}, size = {16, 16}}
available_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "technology_slot",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {296, 136}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 136}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 136}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 136}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 136}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 136}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {296, 136}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
highlighted_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 136}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
level_band = {position = {381, 136}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_band = {position = {381, 136}, corner_size = 8},
level_range_band = {position = {397, 136}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_range_band = {position = {397, 136}, corner_size = 8},
level_font_color = {77, 71, 48},
hovered_level_font_color = {77, 71, 48},
level_range_font_color = {255, 241, 183},
hovered_level_range_font_color = {255, 241, 183},
clicked_overlay =
left_top = {position = {456, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
top = {position = {472, 136}, size = {1, 16}},
right_top = {position = {473, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
left = {position = {456, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
center = {position = {472, 152}, size = {1, 1}},
right = {position = {473, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {416, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
bottom = {position = {432, 136}, size = {1, 16}},
right_bottom = {position = {433, 136}, size = {16, 16}}
conditionally_available_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "technology_slot",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {296, 153}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 153}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 153}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 153}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 153}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 153}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {296, 153}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
highlighted_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 153}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
level_band = {position = {381, 153}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_band = {position = {381, 153}, corner_size = 8},
level_range_band = {position = {397, 153}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_range_band = {position = {397, 153}, corner_size = 8},
default_ingredients_background = {position = {347, 153}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 136}, corner_size = 8},
clicked_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 136}, corner_size = 8},
disabled_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 136}, corner_size = 8},
highlighted_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 136}, corner_size = 8},
level_font_color = {95, 68, 32},
hovered_level_font_color = {95, 68, 32},
level_range_font_color = {255, 234, 206},
hovered_level_range_font_color = {255, 234, 206},
clicked_overlay =
left_top = {position = {456, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
top = {position = {472, 136}, size = {1, 16}},
right_top = {position = {473, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
left = {position = {456, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
center = {position = {472, 152}, size = {1, 1}},
right = {position = {473, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {416, 153}, size = {16, 16}},
bottom = {position = {432, 153}, size = {1, 16}},
right_bottom = {position = {433, 153}, size = {16, 16}}
unavailable_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "technology_slot",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {296, 170}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 170}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 170}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 170}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 170}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 170}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {296, 170}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
highlighted_graphical_set =
base = {position = {330, 170}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
level_band = {position = {381, 170}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_band = {position = {381, 170}, corner_size = 8},
level_range_band = {position = {397, 170}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_level_range_band = {position = {397, 170}, corner_size = 8},
default_ingredients_background = {position = {347, 170}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 170}, corner_size = 8},
clicked_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 170}, corner_size = 8},
disabled_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 170}, corner_size = 8},
highlighted_ingredients_background = {position = {364, 170}, corner_size = 8},
level_font_color = {116, 34, 32},
hovered_level_font_color = {116, 34, 32},
level_range_font_color = {255, 214, 213},
hovered_level_range_font_color = {255, 214, 213},
clicked_overlay =
left_top = {position = {456, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
top = {position = {472, 136}, size = {1, 16}},
right_top = {position = {473, 136}, size = {16, 16}},
left = {position = {456, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
center = {position = {472, 152}, size = {1, 1}},
right = {position = {473, 152}, size = {16, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {416, 170}, size = {16, 16}},
bottom = {position = {432, 170}, size = {1, 16}},
right_bottom = {position = {433, 170}, size = {16, 16}}
disabled_preview_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "disabled_technology_slot",
width = featured_technology_slot_base_width,
height = featured_technology_slot_base_height + 32,
ingredients_padding = 32
disabled_preview_index_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "disabled_index_technology_slot",
width = featured_technology_slot_base_width,
height = featured_technology_slot_base_height + 32,
ingredients_padding = 32
researched_preview_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "researched_technology_slot",
width = featured_technology_slot_base_width,
height = featured_technology_slot_base_height + 32,
ingredients_padding = 32
available_preview_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "available_technology_slot",
width = featured_technology_slot_base_width,
height = featured_technology_slot_base_height + 32,
ingredients_padding = 32
conditionally_available_preview_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "conditionally_available_technology_slot",
width = featured_technology_slot_base_width,
height = featured_technology_slot_base_height + 32,
ingredients_padding = 32
unavailable_preview_technology_slot =
type = "technology_slot_style",
parent = "unavailable_technology_slot",
width = featured_technology_slot_base_width,
height = featured_technology_slot_base_height + 32,
ingredients_padding = 32
technology_card =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
technology_slot_table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0
type = "table_style",
parent = "compact_slot_table",
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4
featured_technology_description_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "var",
font_color = bold_font_color
featured_technology_description_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane",
height = featured_technology_slot_base_height + 32 + 2 * 4,
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
graphical_set =
shadow = default_inner_shadow
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
parent = "vertical_flow",
left_padding = 8,
right_padding = 8,
top_padding = 4
transparent_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
size = 32,
padding = 0,
default_graphical_set = {},
clicked_graphical_set = {},
hovered_graphical_set = {},
clicked_vertical_offset = 0,
draw_shadow_under_picture = true,
pie_progress_color = {0.98, 0.66, 0.22, 0.5},
left_click_sound = {}
frame_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
padding = 0,
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {0, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = {position = {440, 24}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {34, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = {position = {440, 24}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"},
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {51, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = {position = {440, 24}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {17, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = {position = {440, 24}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {369, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = {position = {440, 24}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {352, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = {position = {440, 24}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
-- square buttons on the frame top right, such as close and search.
frame_action_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "frame_button",
size = 24,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-tool-button.ogg", volume = 1 }}
tip_notice_close_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "frame_button",
size = 28,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-tool-button.ogg", volume = 1 }}
blueprint_record_slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "inventory_slot",
size = 80,
padding = 4
blueprint_record_selection_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "big_slot_button",
padding = 4
blueprint_drop_slot_button =
type = "empty_widget_style",
size = 76
blueprint_preview =
type = "empty_widget_style",
size = 64
blueprint_icon_preview =
type = "empty_widget_style",
size = 64
color_indicator =
type = "empty_widget_style",
size = 28,
graphical_set = {position = {195, 72}, corner_size = 8}
drop_target_button =
type = "button_style",
font = "default",
default_font_color={r=1, g=1, b=1},
padding = 5,
default_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/blueprint-slot-tileset.png",
corner_size = 9,
left_tiling = true,
right_tiling = true,
bottom_tiling = true,
top_tiling = true,
position = {0, 0},
top_width = 9,
bottom_width = 9,
left_height = 9,
right_height = 9,
center_width = 9,
center_height = 9
hovered_font_color={r=1, g=1, b=1},
hovered_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/blueprint-slot-tileset.png",
corner_size = 9,
left_tiling = true,
right_tiling = true,
bottom_tiling = true,
top_tiling = true,
position = {27, 0},
top_width = 9,
bottom_width = 9,
left_height = 9,
right_height = 9,
center_width = 9,
center_height = 9
clicked_font_color={r=1, g=1, b=1},
clicked_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/blueprint-slot-tileset.png",
corner_size = 9,
left_tiling = true,
right_tiling = true,
bottom_tiling = true,
top_tiling = true,
position = {27, 0},
top_width = 9,
bottom_width = 9,
left_height = 9,
right_height = 9,
center_width = 9,
center_height = 9
disabled_font_color={r=0.5, g=0.5, b=0.5},
disabled_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/blueprint-slot-tileset.png",
corner_size = 9,
left_tiling = true,
right_tiling = true,
bottom_tiling = true,
top_tiling = true,
position = {0, 0},
top_width = 9,
bottom_width = 9,
left_height = 9,
right_height = 9,
center_width = 9,
center_height = 9
pie_progress_color = {r=1, g=1, b=1},
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-drop-target.ogg", volume = 1 }}
search_popup_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
padding = 2
compact_red_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "compact_slot",
default_graphical_set =
border = 1,
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
size = 36,
position = {111, 36},
scale = 1
hovered_graphical_set =
border = 1,
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
position = {148, 36},
size = 36,
scale = 1
clicked_graphical_set =
border = 1,
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
position = {185, 36},
size = 36,
scale = 1
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-slot-unavailable.ogg", volume = 1 }}
inventory_limit_slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {0, 896}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {18, 896}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5),
glow = offset_by_2_default_glow({236, 130, 130, 127}, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {36, 896}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {36, 896}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {36, 896}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5),
glow = offset_by_2_default_glow({236, 130, 130, 127}, 0.5)
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {36, 896}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
crafting_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inside_deep_frame",
vertically_stretchable = "on",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0,
vertically_stretchable = "on",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
--vertical_align = "center",
--horizontal_align = "center"
working_weapon_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "green_slot",
default_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {504, 136}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {504, 216}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {504, 296}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
left_click_sound = {},
draw_shadow_under_picture = true
not_working_weapon_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "red_slot",
default_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {240, 816}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {320, 816}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
glow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(red_slot_glow_color)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {400, 816}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
selected_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {320, 816}, size = 80},
shadow =
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
left_click_sound = {},
draw_shadow_under_picture = true
omitted_technology_slot =
type = "button_style",
size = {10, 8},
padding = 0,
default_graphical_set = {},
hovered_graphical_set = {}
crafting_queue_flow =
type = "flow_style",
left_margin = 8,
right_margin = 8,
vertical_spacing = 0,
horizontal_spacing = 0,
horizontally_stretchable = "on"
crafting_queue_slot =
type = "button_style",
size = 40,
padding = 0,
default_graphical_set =
position = {48, 584},
corner_size = 8
hovered_graphical_set =
position = {64, 584},
corner_size = 8
clicked_graphical_set =
position = {80, 584},
corner_size = 8
pie_progress_color = {0.98, 0.66, 0.22, 0.5}
promised_crafting_queue_slot =
type = "button_style",
parent = "crafting_queue_slot",
default_graphical_set =
position = {0, 584},
corner_size = 8
hovered_graphical_set =
position = {16, 584},
corner_size = 8
clicked_graphical_set =
position = {32, 584},
corner_size = 8
control_settings_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "rounded_button",
horizontal_align = "left",
width = 225
control_settings_bordered_table =
type = "table_style",
parent = "bordered_table",
left_margin = -4,
right_margin = -4,
bottom_margin = -4,
top_margin = 4
control_settings_section_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "tool_button",
default_graphical_set = {position = {68, 0}, corner_size = 8}
control_settings_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = 1},
top = {},
left_top = {},
right_top = {},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 36,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4
dropdown_button =
type = "button_style",
padding = 0,
horizontal_align = "left",
font = "default-dropdown",
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-click.ogg", volume = 1 }}
dropdown =
type = "dropdown_style",
ignored_by_search = true,
minimal_width = 116,
minimal_height = 28,
top_padding = -1,
bottom_padding = 1,
left_padding = 8,
right_padding = 4,
selector_and_title_spacing = 8,
opened_sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-dropdown-open.ogg" },
button_style =
type = "button_style",
parent = "dropdown_button"
icon =
filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/dropdown.png",
priority = "extra-high-no-scale",
size = 32,
scale = 0.5,
--flags = {"icon", "no-crop"},
flags = {"gui-icon"},
mipmap_count = 2
list_box_style =
type = "list_box_style",
maximal_height = 400,
scroll_pane_style =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
padding = 0,
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
graphical_set = {shadow = default_shadow}
locale_dropdown =
type = "dropdown_style",
parent = "dropdown",
list_box_style =
type = "list_box_style",
maximal_height = 400,
item_style =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
font = "locale-pick"
scroll_pane_style =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
padding = 0,
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
graphical_set = {shadow = default_shadow}
circuit_condition_comparator_dropdown =
type = "dropdown_style",
minimal_width = 0,
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 0,
-- semi-hack redefining the graphical set to put shadow in to glow layer to be on top of the neighbour inset
button_style =
type = "button_style",
parent = "dropdown_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {0, 17}, corner_size = 8},
glow = default_dirt
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {34, 17}, corner_size = 8},
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {51, 17}, corner_size = 8},
glow = default_dirt
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {17, 17}, corner_size = 8},
glow = default_dirt
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {225, 17}, corner_size = 8},
glow = default_dirt
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {369, 17}, corner_size = 8},
glow = default_dirt
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {352, 17}, corner_size = 8},
glow = default_dirt
list_box_style =
type = "list_box_style",
maximal_height = 400,
item_style =
type = "button_style",
parent = "list_box_item",
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 4
scroll_pane_style =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
padding = 0,
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
graphical_set = {shadow = default_shadow}
logistic_networks_dropdown =
type = "dropdown_style",
parent = "dropdown",
minimal_width = 200
not_accessible_station_in_station_selection =
type = "button_style",
parent = "list_box_item",
default_font_color = warning_red_color,
hovered_font_color = {61, 3, 0},
selected_font_color = {61, 3, 0},
selected_hovered_font_color = {61, 3, 0},
selected_clicked_font_color = {61, 3, 0}
partially_accessible_station_in_station_selection =
type = "button_style",
parent = "list_box_item",
default_font_color = {110, 179, 255},
hovered_font_color = {0, 23, 84},
selected_font_color = {0, 23, 84},
selected_hovered_font_color = {0, 23, 84},
selected_clicked_font_color = {0, 23, 84}
new_game_header_list_box_item =
type = "button_style",
parent = "list_box_item",
font = "heading-2",
default_font_color = heading_font_color,
hovered_font_color = heading_font_color,
selected_font_color = heading_font_color,
selected_hovered_font_color = heading_font_color,
selected_clicked_font_color = heading_font_color,
disabled_font_color = heading_font_color,
default_graphical_set = {position = {17, 17}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_graphical_set = {position = {17, 17}, corner_size = 8},
disabled_graphical_set = {position = {17, 17}, corner_size = 8}
list_box_item =
type = "button_style",
font = "default-listbox",
ignored_by_search = false,
minimal_width = 0,
horizontal_align = "left",
default_font_color = default_font_color,
default_graphical_set = {position = {208, 17}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {34, 17}, corner_size = 8},
--glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5) -- removed to avoid glow going outside when the item is partially covered
clicked_graphical_set = {position = {51, 17}, corner_size = 8},
disabled_font_color = {179, 179, 179},
disabled_graphical_set = {position = {17, 17}, corner_size = 8}
title_tip_item =
type = "button_style",
parent = "list_box_item",
font = "default-semibold"
list_box_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
never_hide_by_search = true,
padding = 0,
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = 1},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 20,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4
list_box_in_shallow_frame_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "list_box_scroll_pane",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = 1},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
list_box =
type = "list_box_style",
scroll_pane_style = -- deriving from the default one
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "list_box_scroll_pane"
item_style =
type = "button_style",
parent = "list_box_item"
list_box_in_shallow_frame =
type = "list_box_style",
scroll_pane_style =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "list_box_in_shallow_frame_scroll_pane"
saves_list_box =
type = "list_box_style",
width = 320 + 12, -- 12 for the scroll bar
minimal_height = 100
vertical_flow_under_subheader =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
padding = 0,
top_padding = 12
scroll_pane_under_subheader =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
padding = 4,
graphical_set = {}
scroll_pane_with_dark_background_under_subheader =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
padding = 4,
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = 1},
top = {},
left_top = {},
right_top = {},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
train_schedule_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane_with_dark_background_under_subheader",
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
custom_horizontal_tiling_sizes = {28, 44, 288},
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 12,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 28,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4
mods_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane_under_subheader",
padding = 0,
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 20,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4
inventory_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane",
vertically_stretchable = "stretch_and_expand",
horizontally_stretchable = "stretch_and_expand",
padding = 12,
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
extra_right_padding_when_activated = -12,
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {76, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {76, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = top_and_bottom_inner_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
background_graphical_set =
position = {256, 136},
corner_size = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 24,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8
character_inventory_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "inventory_scroll_pane",
top_padding = 4,
background_graphical_set =
position = {256, 136},
corner_size = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 8 + 28,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 24,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8
trunk_inventory_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "inventory_scroll_pane",
padding = 0,
left_margin = 12,
right_padding = 12,
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
extra_right_padding_when_activated = -12,
background_graphical_set =
position = {256, 136},
corner_size = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 8 + 32,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 24,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8
inventory_in_tab_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "inventory_scroll_pane",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
extra_bottom_margin_when_activated = 4,
padding = 0
inventory_scroll_pane_without_background_tiling =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "inventory_scroll_pane",
top_padding = 12,
bottom_padding = 8,
background_graphical_set = {}
entity_inventory_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "inventory_scroll_pane",
padding = 0
filter_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane",
vertically_stretchable = "stretch_and_expand",
horizontally_stretchable = "stretch_and_expand",
bottom_margin = 4,
top_margin = 4,
left_margin = 12,
left_padding = 0,
right_padding = 12,
extra_right_padding_when_activated = -12,
extra_left_padding_when_activated = 0,
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
dont_force_clipping_rect_for_contents = true,
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {76, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {76, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = top_and_bottom_inner_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
background_graphical_set = {}
filter_scroll_pane_in_tab =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "filter_scroll_pane",
left_padding = 0,
left_margin = 0
market_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "filter_scroll_pane",
left_margin = 0,
bottom_margin = 0,
right_padding = 0,
extra_bottom_padding_when_activated = -12,
slot_container_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "invisible_frame",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
filter_scroll_pane_background_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "slot_container_frame",
minimal_height = 5 * 40,
vertically_stretchable = "on",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 32,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 32,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4
blueprint_record_selection_background_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "slot_container_frame",
minimal_height = 120 * 2,
minimal_width = 80 * 6,
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 72,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 40 + 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4 + 36, -- 36 == subheader size
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 72,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
filter_scroll_pane_background_frame_no_background =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "filter_scroll_pane_background_frame",
background_graphical_set = {}
logistics_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "filter_scroll_pane",
vertically_stretchable = "off",
maximal_height = 4 * 40,
minimal_height = 3 * 40
constant_combinator_logistics_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "logistics_scroll_pane",
minimal_height = 2 * 40,
container_logistics_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "logistics_scroll_pane",
left_margin = 0,
controller_logistics_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "filter_scroll_pane",
vertically_stretchable = "on"
logistics_scroll_pane_background_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "filter_scroll_pane_background_frame",
minimal_height = 2 * 40
character_info_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
extra_padding_when_activated = 0
item_and_count_select_background =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inside_shallow_frame_with_padding",
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
parent = "player_input_horizontal_flow"
item_and_count_select_confirm =
type = "button_style",
parent = "green_button",
size = 28,
padding = 0,
top_margin = 1, -- optical align with text input next to it
filter_tabbed_pane =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
parent = "tabbed_pane",
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
top_padding = 4,
right_padding = 0,
left_padding = 12,
bottom_padding = 4,
graphical_set = tabbed_pane_graphical_set
tab_container =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
left_padding = 0,
right_padding = 0,
horizontal_spacing = 0
vehicle_tabbed_pane =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
parent = "tabbed_pane",
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "tabbed_pane_frame",
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12
vehicle_tabbed_pane_with_logistics =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
parent = "tabbed_pane",
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "tabbed_pane_frame",
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 0
filter_group_tab =
type = "tab_style",
height = 64,
minimal_width = 64,
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
padding = 4,
default_graphical_set =
base =
-- basically button without bottom side
left_top = {position = {0, 17}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {0, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {0, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
top = {position = {8, 17}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {8, 25}, size = {1, 1}},
bottom = {position = {8, 25}, size = {1, 1}},
right_top = {position = {9, 17}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {9, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {9, 25}, size = {8, 1}}
shadow = default_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
selected_graphical_set =
base =
left_top = {position = {68, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {136, 9}, size = {8, 8}},
top = {position = {76, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
bottom = {position = {144, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {77, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {145, 9}, size = {8, 8}}
shadow = default_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
hover_graphical_set =
base =
left_top = {position = {34, 17}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {34, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {34, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
top = {position = {42, 17}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {42, 25}, size = {1, 1}},
bottom = {position = {42, 25}, size = {1, 1}},
right_top = {position = {43, 17}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {43, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {43, 25}, size = {8, 1}}
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
press_graphical_set =
base = {position = {51, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {208, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
override_graphics_on_edges = true,
left_edge_selected_graphical_set =
base =
left_top = {position = {68, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {68, 4}, size = {8, 8}}, -- cutout from size of no.5 tile, need 8x8 for image set to work right.
top = {position = {76, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
bottom = {position = {144, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {77, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {145, 9}, size = {8, 8}}
shadow = default_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
right_edge_selected_graphical_set =
base =
left_top = {position = {68, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {68, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {136, 9}, size = {8, 8}},
top = {position = {76, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
bottom = {position = {144, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {77, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}}
shadow = default_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-square-button-large.ogg", volume = 1 }}
filter_group_table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0,
padding = 0,
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 48,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 24,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 12,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 48,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 23,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 12
editor_mode_selection_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base =
top = { position = {74, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
padding = 0
editor_mode_selection_table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0,
padding = 0,
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 63,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 12,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 6,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 64,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 12,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 6
filter_group_button_tab =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
size = {71, 72}, --warning: width does not respect module size, but the current design requires it
left_padding = 3,
right_padding = 4,
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4, -- so there is exactly 64X64 space for the icon
clicked_vertical_offset = 0,
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {208, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
selected_font_color = button_hovered_font_color,
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
selected_hovered_font_color = button_hovered_font_color,
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
selected_clicked_font_color = button_hovered_font_color,
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
filter_group_button_tab_slightly_larger =
type = "button_style",
parent = "filter_group_button_tab",
size = {71 + 4, 72 + 4}
editor_inner_frame =
type = "frame_style",
vertically_stretchable = "on",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
top_padding = 6,
right_padding = 12,
bottom_padding = 4,
left_padding = 12,
use_header_filler = false,
graphical_set = tabbed_pane_graphical_set
filter_frame = -- used in button mode
type = "frame_style",
vertically_stretchable = "on",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
top_padding = 6,
right_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 4,
left_padding = 0,
graphical_set = tabbed_pane_graphical_set
train_schedule_unavailable_stop_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {255, 138, 138},
hovered_font_color = default_orange_color,
horizontally_squashable = "on"
train_schedule_non_existent_stop_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {255, 138, 138},
hovered_font_color = {255, 138, 138},
horizontally_squashable = "on"
hyperlink_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {110, 179, 255},
hovered_font_color = {154, 250, 255},
underlined = true
saves_list_box_under_subheader =
type = "list_box_style",
parent = "saves_list_box",
scroll_pane_style = -- deriving from the default one
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "list_box_scroll_pane",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = 1},
top = {},
left_top = {},
right_top = {},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
list_box_under_subheader =
type = "list_box_style",
scroll_pane_style = -- deriving from the default one
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "list_box_scroll_pane",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = 1},
top = {},
left_top = {},
right_top = {},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
save_as_horizontal_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
parent = "player_input_horizontal_flow",
left_padding = 4
new_game_difficulty_vertical_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
natural_width = 140,
blueprint_settings_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inside_shallow_frame",
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4,
horizontal_flow_style = { type = "horizontal_flow_style" },
vertical_flow_style = { type = "vertical_flow_style" },
width = 436
mods_list_box =
type = "list_box_style",
width = 300,
height = 350
campaigns_list_box =
type = "list_box_style",
minimal_width = 300,
maximal_width = 400,
natural_height = 450,
vertically_stretchable = "on"
campaign_levels_list_box =
type = "list_box_style",
scroll_pane_style =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "list_box_scroll_pane",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = 1},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
width = 140,
height = 140
custom_games_list_box =
type = "list_box_style",
size = {300, 250}
permissions_groups_list_box =
type = "list_box_style",
size = {250, 400}
permissions_players_list_box =
type = "list_box_style",
size = {250, 400}
train_station_list_box =
type = "list_box_style",
minimal_height = 130,
maximal_height = 400,
minimal_width = 300,
maximal_width = 1000
button_with_shadow =
type = "button_style",
-- same as button, just shadow instead of dirt
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {0, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {34, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow,
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {51, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-menu-small.ogg", volume = 1 }}
train_schedule_add_wait_condition_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button_with_shadow",
horizontal_align = "left",
height = 36,
width = 288
train_schedule_add_station_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button_with_shadow",
horizontal_align = "left",
height = 36,
width = 380
train_schedule_mode_switch_horizontal_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
left_margin = 8
train_schedule_action_button =
type = "button_style",
padding = 0,
size = 28,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-tool-button.ogg", volume = 1 }},
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {153, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
dark_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {68, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
train_schedule_condition_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "dark_frame",
padding = 0,
width = 288,
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
parent = "player_input_horizontal_flow"
train_schedule_comparison_type_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
top_margin = -20,
bottom_margin = 20
train_schedule_comparison_type_frame_indented =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
top_margin = -20,
bottom_margin = 20,
left_margin = -8,
right_margin = 8
train_schedule_comparison_type_frame_extra_indented =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "train_schedule_comparison_type_frame",
left_margin = -28,
right_margin = 28
train_schedule_station_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "dark_frame",
padding = 0,
width = 380,
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
parent = "player_input_horizontal_flow"
train_schedule_temporary_station_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "train_schedule_station_frame",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {446, 86}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
train_schedule_fullfilled_condition_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
parent = "player_input_horizontal_flow"
graphical_set =
base = {position = {412, 86}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
train_schedule_comparison_type_button =
type = "button_style",
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 4,
width = 56,
height = 28,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-menu-small.ogg", volume = 1 }}
floating_train_station_list_box =
type = "list_box_style",
maximal_height = 800
schedule_in_train_view_list_box =
type = "list_box_style",
parent = "list_box_in_shallow_frame",
width = 200,
height = 3*28
locomotive_minimap_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
padding = 0,
width = 200,
height = 200,
default_graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
clicked_graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
disabled_graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
selected_graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
locomotive_minimap_widget =
type = "empty_widget_style",
-- we only show shadow on the top, to solve the problem of it not being casted from the subheader panel above
graphical_set =
shadow =
top =
position = {191, 128},
size = {1, 8},
tint = hard_shadow_color,
draw_type = "inner"
target_station_in_schedule_in_train_view_list_box_item =
type = "button_style",
parent = "list_box_item",
default_font_color = default_orange_color,
hovered_font_color = {82, 47, 0},
clicked_font_color = {82, 47, 0},
selected_font_color = {82, 47, 0},
selected_hovered_font_color = {82, 47, 0},
selected_clicked_font_color = {82, 47, 0}
no_path_station_in_schedule_in_train_view_list_box_item =
type = "button_style",
parent = "list_box_item",
default_font_color = {1, 0.2, 0.3},
hovered_font_color = {135, 0, 17},
clicked_font_color = {135, 0, 17},
selected_font_color = {135, 0, 17},
selected_hovered_font_color = {135, 0, 17},
selected_clicked_font_color = {135, 0, 17}
default_permission_group_list_box_item =
type = "button_style",
parent = "list_box_item",
default_font_color = {0.55, 0.55, 1},
hovered_font_color = {0.8, 0.8, 1.0},
selected_font_color = {0.2, 0.2, 0.8},
selected_hovered_font_color = {0.2, 0.2, 0.8},
selected_clicked_font_color = {0.2, 0.2, 0.8}
steam_friend_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {r=0.28, g=0.58, b=0.7}
load_game_mod_invalid_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = warning_red_color
mod_disabled_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {r=0.5, g=0.5, b=0.5}
flow =
type = "flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = default_container_spacing,
vertical_spacing = default_container_spacing,
max_on_row = 0
featured_technology_effects_flow =
type = "flow_style",
parent = "flow",
horizontal_spacing = 8
technology_tooltip_effects_flow =
type = "flow_style",
parent = "featured_technology_effects_flow",
bottom_padding = 4
flow_with_no_spacing =
type = "flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0
horizontal_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = default_container_spacing
vertical_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = default_container_spacing
goal_holder_vertical_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
tracked_achievements_vertical_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
achievements_vertical_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
slot_table_spacing_vertical_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
slot_table_spacing_horizontal_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
mod_gui_spacing_horizontal_flow = --used by mod gui lua
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0,
padding = 0 -- use equal paddings on all sides to avoid clipping frame shadows
blueprint_book_edit_frame =
type = "frame_style",
minimal_width = 500
table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 4,
vertical_spacing = 4,
border = {},
column_ordering_ascending_button_style =
type = "button_style",
size = {8, 8},
padding = 0,
default_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-up-active.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
hovered_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-up-hover.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
clicked_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-up-active.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
disabled_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-up-white.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
column_ordering_descending_button_style =
type = "button_style",
size = {8, 8},
default_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-down-active.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
hovered_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-down-hover.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
clicked_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-down-active.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
disabled_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-down-white.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
inactive_column_ordering_ascending_button_style =
type = "button_style",
size = {8, 8},
default_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-up-white.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
hovered_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-up-hover.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
clicked_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-up-white.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
disabled_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-up-white.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
inactive_column_ordering_descending_button_style =
type = "button_style",
size = {8, 8},
default_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-down-white.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
hovered_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-down-hover.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
clicked_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-down-white.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
disabled_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/table-header-sort-arrow-down-white.png",
size = {16, 16},
scale = 0.5
table_with_selection =
type = "table_style",
hovered_row_color = {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22, a=0.7},
selected_row_color = default_orange_color,
cell_padding = 1,
horizontal_spacing = 20,
top_padding = 5,
vertical_spacing = 5,
odd_row_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
position = {78, 18},
size = 1,
opacity = 0.7,
scale = 1
statistics_element_table =
type = "table_style",
padding = 0,
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0
compact_slot_table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 2,
vertical_spacing = 2
compact_flow =
type = "flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 2,
vertical_spacing = 2
slot_table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0
filter_slot_table =
type = "table_style",
padding = 0,
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0
logistics_slot_table =
type = "table_style",
padding = 0,
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0
browse_games_table =
type = "table_style",
column_widths =
{ -- favorite
column = 1,
width = 20
{ -- game name
column = 2,
width = 310
{ -- players
column = 3,
width = 100
{ -- playtime
column = 4,
width = 100
horizontal_spacing = 0,
left_cell_padding = 8,
top_cell_padding = 2,
right_cell_padding = 8,
bottom_cell_padding = 2,
apply_row_graphical_set_per_column = true,
default_row_graphical_set = {position = {208, 17}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_graphical_set = {position = {34, 17}, corner_size = 8},
clicked_graphical_set = {position = {51, 17}, corner_size = 8},
selected_graphical_set = {position = {51, 17}, corner_size = 8},
selected_hovered_graphical_set = {position = {369, 17}, corner_size = 8},
selected_clicked_graphical_set = {position = {352, 17}, corner_size = 8}
browse_games_on_lan_table =
type = "table_style",
parent = "browse_games_table",
column_widths =
{ -- game name
column = 1,
width = 310
{ -- players
column = 2,
width = 100
{ -- playtime
column = 3,
width = 100
manage_players_table =
type = "table_style",
hovered_row_color = { a = 0 },
selected_row_color = { a = 0 },
cell_padding = 4,
horizontal_spacing = 20,
top_padding = 5,
left_padding = 10,
vertical_spacing = 5
inset_frame_container_table =
type = "table_style",
parent = "table",
vertical_spacing = 12,
horizontal_spacing = 12
inset_frame_container_horizontal_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 12
inset_frame_container_vertical_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 12
map_generator_frequency_table =
type = "table_style",
parent = "bordered_table",
cell_padding = 8,
column_widths =
{ -- label
column = 1,
minimal_width = 116
-- other columns have width 108 or 116 by inside sliders
column_alignments =
{ -- label
column = 1,
alignment = "middle-left"
{ -- frequency
column = 2,
alignment = "middle-center"
{ -- size
column = 3,
alignment = "middle-center"
{ -- richness
column = 4,
alignment = "middle-center"
short_number_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
width = 80
invalid_value_short_number_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
parent = "invalid_value_textfield",
width = 80
very_short_number_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
width = 40
long_number_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
width = 150
slider_value_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
parent = "short_number_textfield",
horizontal_align = "center"
wide_slider_value_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
parent = "slider_value_textfield",
width = 100
stretchable_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
maximal_width = 0,
horizontally_stretchable = "on"
browse_games_gui_favorites_header_image =
type = "image_style",
size = 16
browse_games_gui_toggle_favorite_on_button =
type = "button_style",
size = 16,
default_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/favourite.png",
size = 64,
scale = 1
hovered_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/favourite-hovered.png",
size = 64,
scale = 1
clicked_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/favourite-hovered.png",
size = 64,
scale = 1
disabled_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/favourite.png",
size = 64,
scale = 1
browse_games_gui_toggle_favorite_off_button =
type = "button_style",
size = 16,
default_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/favourite-grey.png",
size = 64,
scale = 1
hovered_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/favourite-grey-hovered.png",
size = 64,
scale = 1
clicked_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/favourite-grey-hovered.png",
size = 64,
scale = 1
disabled_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/favourite-grey.png",
size = 64,
scale = 1
mods_table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0,
left_cell_padding = 8,
top_cell_padding = 2,
right_cell_padding = 8,
bottom_cell_padding = 2,
apply_row_graphical_set_per_column = true,
default_row_graphical_set = {position = {208, 17}, corner_size = 8},
hovered_graphical_set = {position = {34, 17}, corner_size = 8},
clicked_graphical_set = {position = {51, 17}, corner_size = 8},
selected_graphical_set = {position = {51, 17}, corner_size = 8},
selected_hovered_graphical_set = {position = {369, 17}, corner_size = 8},
selected_clicked_graphical_set = {position = {352, 17}, corner_size = 8}
mod_info_table =
type = "table_style",
parent = "bordered_table",
column_widths =
{column = 1, minimal_width = 116} -- name
neutral_message_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {386, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
negative_message_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {403, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
positive_message_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {420, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
textbox =
type = "textbox_style",
font = "default",
ignored_by_search = true,
font_color = {},
left_padding = 3,
right_padding = 2,
-- sets a textfield to a total height of 28
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
default_background =
base = {position = {248, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = textbox_dirt
disabled_font_color = util.premul_color {1, 1, 1, 0.5},
active_background =
base = {position = {265, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = textbox_dirt
disabled_background =
base = {position = {282, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = textbox_dirt
selection_background_color= {241, 190, 100},
width = 200,
minimal_height = 28,
rich_text_setting = "enabled",
rich_text_highlight_error_color = {r=166,g=10,b=10},
rich_text_highlight_warning_color = {r=255,g=90,b=0},
rich_text_highlight_ok_color = {r=63,g=105,b=0},
selected_rich_text_highlight_error_color = {r=166,g=10,b=10},
selected_rich_text_highlight_warning_color = {r=182,g=62,b=4},
selected_rich_text_highlight_ok_color = {r=50,g=80,b=0}
editor_lua_textbox =
type = "textbox_style",
parent = "textbox",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
height = 300,
maximal_width = 600
notice_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = 1},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
padding = 4,
left_padding = 8,
right_padding = 8
inner_frame_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = 1},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
padding = 8,
notice_textbox =
type = "textbox_style",
parent = "textbox",
default_background =
type = "none",
opacity = 0
font_color = default_font_color,
maximal_width = 450,
minimal_width = 0,
padding = 0
map_generator_preset_description =
type = "textbox_style",
parent = "textbox",
font_color = default_font_color,
width = 0,
height = 56,
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
default_background =
base =
position = {51, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = 1},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
padding = 8,
margin = 16
search_textfield_with_fixed_width =
type = "textbox_style",
width = 150
titlebar_search_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
top_margin = -2
production_gui_search_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
parent = "titlebar_search_textfield",
width = 336
electric_gui_search_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
parent = "titlebar_search_textfield",
width = 328
search_popup_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
width = 104
console_input_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
font = "default-game",
font_color = default_font_color,
left_padding = 3,
right_padding = 3,
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
selection_background_color= {241, 190, 100},
rich_text_setting = "highlight",
rich_text_highlight_error_color = {r=255,g=0,b=0},
rich_text_highlight_warning_color = {r=255,g=255,b=0},
rich_text_highlight_ok_color = {r=0,g=255,b=0},
selected_rich_text_highlight_error_color = {r=255,g=0,b=0},
selected_rich_text_highlight_warning_color = {r=255,g=255,b=0},
selected_rich_text_highlight_ok_color = {r=0,g=255,b=0},
default_background =
position = {0, 1201},
corner_size = 8
active_background =
position = {0, 1201},
corner_size = 8
invalid_value_textfield =
type = "textbox_style",
default_background =
base = {position = {0, 913}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = textbox_dirt
active_background =
base = {position = {0, 913}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = textbox_dirt
mod_startup_settings_mismatch_notice_box =
type = "textbox_style",
parent = "notice_textbox",
width = 400
changelog_textbox =
type = "textbox_style",
font_color = {},
padding = 8,
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4,
default_background = {},
disabled_font_color = util.premul_color {1, 1, 1, 0.5},
active_background = {},
disabled_background = {},
selection_background_color= {241, 190, 100},
vertically_stretchable = "on",
rich_text_setting = "disabled"
changelog_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane",
minimal_width = 850,
maximal_width = 0, -- not limited
padding = 0,
margin = 0,
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0},
corner_size = 8,
draw_type = "outer",
center= {position = {321, 79}, size = 1}
shadow = default_inner_shadow
changelog_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "window_content_frame_packed",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
draw_type = "outer",
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = 1}
shadow = default_inner_shadow
changelog_subheader_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subheader_frame",
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12,
top_padding = 4,
horizontally_stretchable = "on"
changelog_tabbed_pane =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
parent = "tabbed_pane",
top_padding = 12,
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 12,
left_padding = 16,
right_padding = 16,
graphical_set = tabbed_pane_graphical_set
changelog_dropdown =
type = "dropdown_style",
parent = "dropdown",
left_margin = 8
changelog_subheader_space =
type = "flow_style",
padding = 0,
left_padding = 4,
horizontal_spacing = 0
reader_textbox =
type = "textbox_style",
parent = "textbox",
minimal_width = 600,
maximal_width = 1200,
height = 500
edit_blueprint_description_textbox =
type = "textbox_style",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
height = 120,
maximal_width = 0
frame_title =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "heading-1",
font_color = heading_font_color,
top_padding = -3,
bottom_padding = 3
frame =
type = "frame_style",
title_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "frame_title"
-- padding of the content area of the frame
top_padding = 4,
right_padding = 8,
bottom_padding = 8,
left_padding = 8,
graphical_set =
base = {position = {0, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
horizontal_flow_style = { type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, -- content in Gui::Direction::Horizontal
vertical_flow_style = { type = "vertical_flow_style" }, -- content in Gui::Direction::Vertical
header_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
bottom_padding = 4,
horizontal_spacing = 8,
ignored_by_search = true
header_filler_style =
type = "empty_widget_style",
parent = "draggable_space_header",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
vertically_stretchable = "on",
height = 24
use_header_filler = true,
drag_by_title = true,
border = {}
-- used by mod gui lua, but also useful generically
non_draggable_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
use_header_filler = false,
drag_by_title = false
speech_bubble =
type = "speech_bubble_style",
frame_style =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
type = "composition",
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/hint-orange-box.png",
corner_size = {13, 13},
position = {0, 0}
top_padding = 0,
right_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 10,
left_padding = 5
label_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
width = 400,
font = "scenario-message-dialog",
single_line = false
arrow_graphical_set =
top =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/hint-orange-arrow-up.png",
width = 62,
height = 37
bottom =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/hint-orange-arrow-down.png",
width = 71,
height = 35
right =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/hint-orange-arrow-right.png",
width = 38,
height = 73
left =
filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/hint-orange-arrow-left.png",
width = 43,
height = 73
arrow_indent = 7,
close_color = bold_font_color,
pass_through_mouse = false
compilatron_gui_message =
type = "speech_bubble_style",
frame_style =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png",
corner_size = 8,
position = {433, 424},
scale = 0.5
padding = 12
label_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "compilatron-message-font",
maximal_width = 500,
single_line = false,
font_color = {r=255,g=174,b=24}
arrow_graphical_set =
top =
position = {433, 473},
size = {32, 24}
bottom =
position = {465, 473},
size = {32, 24}
right =
position = {458, 441},
size = {24, 32}
left =
position = {433, 441},
size = {24, 32}
arrow_indent = 2.5,
close_color = {0.361,0.894,0.278},
pass_through_mouse = false
compilatron_speech_bubble_wrapper =
type = "flow_style",
effect = "compilatron-hologram"
compilatron_speech_bubble =
type = "speech_bubble_style",
frame_style =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png",
corner_size = 8,
position = {450, 498},
scale = 0.5,
opacity = 0.15
padding = 12
label_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "compilatron-message-font",
maximal_width = 500,
single_line = false,
font_color = {r=255,g=246,b=113}
arrow_graphical_set =
top =
position = {433, 547},
size = {32, 24}
bottom =
position = {465, 551},
size = {32, 20}
right =
position = {458, 516},
size = {24, 32}
left =
position = {433, 516},
size = {24, 32}
arrow_indent = 0,
close_color = {0.361,0.894,0.278},
pass_through_mouse = true
current_research_info_button =
type = "button_style",
padding = 4,
margin = 4,
width = 240,
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {0, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "inner"},
shadow = {position = {17, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
current_research_info_image =
type = "image_style",
size = 32
current_research_info_percent_label_white =
type = "label_style",
font = "default-small-semibold",
font_color = {1, 1, 1},
top_margin = -6,
bottom_margin = -4,
right_margin = 4,
left_margin = -4
current_research_info_percent_label_black =
type = "label_style",
font = "default-small-semibold",
font_color = {0, 0, 0},
top_margin = -6,
bottom_margin = -4,
right_margin = 4,
left_margin = -4
add_to_map_buttons_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
margin = 4,
width = 240,
graphical_set =
--base = {position = {0, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "inner"},
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = 1},
draw_type = "outer"
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
frame_with_even_paddings =
type = "frame_style",
top_padding = 8
void_inventory_frame =
type = "frame_style",
title_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "frame_title",
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
height = 0,
graphical_set = {}
number_input_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
left_padding = 8
a_inner_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {17, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
a_inner_frame_for_subheader_with_paddings =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "a_inner_frame",
top_padding = 0
a_inner_paddingless_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "a_inner_frame",
padding = 0,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
b_inner_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
b_inner_frame_for_subheader_with_paddings =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "b_inner_frame",
top_padding = 0,
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 4
browse_games_info_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "b_inner_frame",
natural_width = 400,
padding = 0
browse_games_filter_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "b_inner_frame",
natural_width = 400,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
margin = 4
connect_gui_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "b_inner_frame",
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "center"
padding = 12
blurry_frame =
type = "frame_style",
-- padding of the content area of the frame
top_padding = 8,
right_padding = 12,
bottom_padding = 12,
left_padding = 12,
graphical_set =
base =
center = {position = {336, 0}, size = {1, 1}},
opacity = 0.75,
background_blur = true
shadow = default_shadow
no_header_filler_frame =
type = "frame_style",
use_header_filler = false
dialog_buttons_horizontal_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
top_padding = 8,
vertically_stretchable = "off"
map_details_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "blurry_frame",
vertical_flow_style = { type = "vertical_flow_style" },
width = 220
subheader_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
graphical_set =
base =
center = {position = {256, 25}, size = {1, 1}},
bottom = {position = {256, 26}, size = {1, 8}},
shadow = bottom_shadow
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "center"
vertical_align = "center",
top_padding = 3, -- optical correction - move one pixel up from perfect position
right_padding = 4,
left_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 1,
height = 36,
-- bottom 4 come from border
vertically_stretchable = "off",
never_hide_by_search = true
subheader_frame_with_top_border =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subheader_frame",
graphical_set =
base =
{ -- add top transition into subheader center
top = {position = {42, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {256, 25}, size = {1, 1}},
bottom = {position = {256, 26}, size = {1, 8}}
glow =
{ -- transition from content frame
top = {position = {93, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = bottom_shadow
-- to maintain alignment with standard subheader frames
top_margin = 1,
-- optical correction - the added shadow increases the perceived height
-- of the frame
top_padding = -1,
height = 35
subheader_frame_that_cuts_to_sides =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subheader_frame",
graphical_set =
base =
center = {position = {256, 25}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = bottom_shadow
top_padding = 12,
right_margin = -4,
left_margin = -4,
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12,
height = 0
negative_subheader_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subheader_frame",
graphical_set =
base =
center = {position = {411, 25}, size = {1, 1}},
bottom = {position = {411, 26}, size = {1, 8}}
shadow = bottom_shadow
subpanel_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set = {base = {position = {68, 0}, corner_size = 8}},
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4
subpanel_frame_packed =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subpanel_frame",
padding = 0
statistics_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subpanel_frame",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {68, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
title_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "heading_3_label",
bottom_padding = 4
use_header_filler = false,
padding = 12,
top_padding = 4
statistics_table_item_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subpanel_frame",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {68, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "center"
subpanel_inset_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
padding = 0
subpanel_inset_frame_packed =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subpanel_inset_frame",
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
control_settings_section_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subpanel_inset_frame",
graphical_set = {base = {position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}}
mod_info_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set = {base = {position = {68, 0}, corner_size = 8}}
subfooter_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {256, 17}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {256, 25}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = top_shadow
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style"
-- top 4 come from border
top_padding = 1,
right_padding = 4,
left_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 3
subfooter_frame_with_left_edge =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subfooter_frame",
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {256, 17}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {256, 25}, size = {1, 1}},
left_top = {position = {248, 17}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {248, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {248, 26}, size = {8, 8}}
shadow = top_shadow
invisible_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "borderless_frame",
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
-- used for frames that contains exclusively other inner frames
outer_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "invisible_frame",
graphical_set = { shadow = default_shadow }
inset_frame_container_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
parent = "inset_frame_container_vertical_flow"
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
parent = "inset_frame_container_horizontal_flow"
-- used for frames that contains windows or frames that have shadows
outer_frame_without_shadow =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "outer_frame",
graphical_set = {}
-- used for frames that contains windows or frames that have shadows
outer_frame_without_top_shadow =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "outer_frame",
graphical_set = {shadow = shadow_without_top}
inventory_label =
type = "label_style",
top_margin = 4
status_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
top_margin = -4
status_image =
type = "image_style",
size = 16,
relative_gui_top_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "bottom",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
horizontal_spacing = 0
relative_gui_bottom_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "top",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
horizontal_spacing = 0
relative_gui_left_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
horizontal_align = "right",
vertically_stretchable = "on",
vertical_spacing = 0
relative_gui_right_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
horizontal_align = "left",
vertically_stretchable = "on",
vertical_spacing = 0
relative_gui_table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0
inner_frame_in_outer_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {0, 0}, corner_size = 8}
-- no shadow in inner frame as it is managed by outer frame
-- this is to avoid shows of frames that are touching to interact
train_stop_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inner_frame_in_outer_frame",
width = 708 -- so the title label is limited without it stretching the window
rename_train_stop_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
title_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "frame_title",
maximal_width = 800
-- Dark deep frame for window content
inside_deep_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
padding = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
inside_deep_frame_for_tabs =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inside_deep_frame",
top_padding = 12
mod_gui_inside_deep_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inside_deep_frame",
padding = 1,
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 2,
deep_frame_in_shallow_frame_for_tabs =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "deep_frame_in_shallow_frame",
top_padding = 12
borderless_deep_frame = -- very dark background
type = "frame_style",
parent = "invisible_frame",
graphical_set = { base = { center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}}}}
-- Light deep frame for window content, e.g. for inventory frame
inside_shallow_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
padding = 0,
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
blueprint_header_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
padding = 12,
margin = 8,
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {51, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
blueprint_header_holder_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
bottom = {position = {42, 9}, size = {1, 8}}
inside_shallow_frame_with_padding =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inside_shallow_frame",
padding = 12
container_inside_shallow_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inside_shallow_frame",
minimal_width = 4*40 + 2*12 -- 4 slots
deep_frame_in_shallow_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
padding = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
slot_button_deep_frame = --frame meant to hold slot buttons. Similar to filter_scroll_pane_background_frame
type = "frame_style",
parent = "deep_frame_in_shallow_frame",
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 32,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 32,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
slot_button_deep_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
padding = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 32,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 32,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4
extra_padding_when_activated = 0
deep_frame_in_shallow_frame_with_margin =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "deep_frame_in_shallow_frame",
margin = 12
inventory_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inside_shallow_frame",
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
vertically_stretchable = "on",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
-- when header is used, InventoryGui sets the frame top_padding to 0
header_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
top_padding = 8,
bottom_padding = 8,
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12
title_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "heading_3_label"
use_header_filler = false,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertically_stretchable = "on",
vertical_spacing = 0
other_player_inventory_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inventory_frame",
top_padding = 0
character_inventory_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inventory_frame",
padding = 0,
header_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 4,
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertically_stretchable = "on",
vertical_spacing = 4
armor_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inventory_frame",
top_padding = 12,
bottom_padding = 4,
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 4
train_inventory_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inventory_frame",
left_margin = -4, -- counter the margins of the tab frame
right_margin = -4,
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
graphical_set = { base = {center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}}}}
train_inventory_fake_window =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
graphical_set = {},
use_header_filler = false,
header_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
bottom_padding = 4,
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12
character_logistics_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inventory_frame",
top_padding = 0,
left_padding = 0,
header_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
top_padding = 8,
bottom_padding = 4,
left_padding = 8
invisible_frame_with_title =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "invisible_frame",
use_header_filler = false,
header_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4,
left_padding = 0,
right_padding = 0
title_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "heading_2_label"
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = default_container_spacing
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = default_container_spacing
invisible_frame_with_title_for_inventory = --for frames which have content with 12px padding(mostly inventories with scroll pane)
type = "frame_style",
parent = "invisible_frame_with_title",
header_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
top_padding = 8,
bottom_padding = 8,
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0,
horizontal_align = "center"
invisible_frame_in_tab_with_title_for_inventory = --for frames which have content with 12px padding(mostly inventories with scroll pane)
type = "frame_style",
parent = "invisible_frame_with_title_for_inventory",
title_style =
type = "label_style"
header_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
top_padding = 8,
bottom_padding = 8,
left_padding = 0,
right_padding = 0
auto_trash_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "invisible_frame_with_title_for_inventory",
title_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "heading_3_label"
container_invisible_frame_with_title =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "invisible_frame_with_title_for_inventory",
bottom_padding = 8,
header_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
bottom_padding = 4,
title_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "heading_3_label"
constant_combinator_invisible_frame_with_title =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "invisible_frame_with_title_for_inventory",
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = -4,
left_margin = -12,
right_margin = -12
car_top_part_frame =
type = "frame_style",
margin = 0,
graphical_set = {},
top_padding = 0,
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12,
bottom_padding = 4
open_armor_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "forward_button",
padding = 7,
height = 38,
width = 76
-- frame with borders around it
bordered_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set = {},
border = border_image_set(),
right_padding = 4,
use_header_filler = false,
title_style =
parent = "caption_label"
bordered_frame_with_extra_side_margins =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "bordered_frame",
left_margin = 8,
right_margin = 8
bordered_table =
type = "table_style",
border = border_image_set(),
cell_padding = 4,
left_cell_padding = 8
table_with_extra_margins =
type = "table_style",
left_margin = 8,
right_margin = 0,
top_margin = 4
vertical_flow_with_extra_margins =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
left_margin = 8,
right_margin = 0,
top_margin = 4
game_info_name_and_description_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
left_margin = 4,
right_margin = 4,
bottom_margin = 4
horizontal_flow_with_extra_right_margin =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
right_margin = 4
armor_info_table =
type = "table_style",
parent = "bordered_table",
left_cell_padding = 0,
horizontal_spacing = 16,
vertical_spacing = 8,
column_widths =
column = 1,
minimal_width = 188
removed_content_table =
type = "table_style",
left_cell_padding = 8,
right_cell_padding = 8,
column_widths =
column = 1,
minimal_width =332
column = 2,
minimal_width = 72
column_alignments =
column = 2,
alignment = "middle-right"
border = border_image_set(),
odd_row_graphical_set =
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png",
position = {472, 25},
size = 1
finished_game_table =
type = "table_style",
parent = "removed_content_table",
column_widths = {}
finished_game_subheader_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subheader_frame",
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12,
bottom_padding = 5,
top_padding = 6
machine_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inner_frame_in_outer_frame",
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 4
player_input_horizontal_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 8,
vertical_align = "center",
minimal_height = 28
player_input_table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 8,
column_alignments =
column = 1,
alignment = "middle-left"
column = 2,
alignment = "middle-left"
column = 3,
alignment = "middle-left"
inner_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
title_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "frame_title",
bottom_padding = 5
graphical_set = {}
tooltip_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {403, 0}, corner_size = 8, opacity = 0.88, background_blur_sigma = 4},
shadow = default_shadow
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 4,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 2
tooltip_generated_from_description_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
graphical_set = { shadow = default_shadow },
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
maximal_width = 356
tooltip_generated_from_description_blueprint_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "tooltip_generated_from_description_frame",
maximal_width = 600
--used by tooltips that show multiple tooltips at the same time(e.g. the recipe tooltip)
multi_tooltip_invisible_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
graphical_set = {},
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 4
borderless_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set = {},
padding = 0,
margin = 0,
graphical_set = {}
naked_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inner_frame"
naked_frame_with_simple_header =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "naked_frame",
use_header_filler = false,
title_style = { type = "label_style" }
naked_frame_with_no_spacing =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "naked_frame",
use_header_filler = false,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
graphicless_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set = {}
goal_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
use_header_filler = false,
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
maximal_width = 512 + 52 --Largest image width used in the mini-tutorials + the frame paddings
goal_inner_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inside_shallow_frame_with_padding",
top_padding = 8,
bottom_padding = 8
entity_info_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "tooltip_generated_from_description_frame",
maximal_width = 356
entity_info_frame_on_cursor =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "tooltip_generated_from_description_frame",
maximal_width = 356
minimap_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
margin = 4,
graphical_set =
base = {position = {17, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
size = 240
quick_bar_naked_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "naked_frame",
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
quick_bar_window_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 4,
use_header_filler = false,
header_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
bottom_padding = 8
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
--space between page buttons and icon slots
horizontal_spacing = 8
shortcut_bar_window_frame =
type = "frame_style",
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 4,
use_header_filler = false
statistics_time_buttons_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {68, 9}, corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
-- TODO Oxyd: Bottom shadow.
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4
quick_bar_inner_panel =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = {position = {440, 24}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
--spacing between tables
horizontal_spacing = 4
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
tool_equip_inner_panel =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = {position = {440, 24}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
shortcut_bar_inner_panel =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "quick_bar_inner_panel",
padding = 0,
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 24,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 16
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
shortcut_bar_selection_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane",
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 20,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4
shortcut_bar_column =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
main_menu_login_notice_label =
type = "label_style",
maximal_width = 400
main_menu_version_label =
type = "label_style",
font = "default-game"
saved_research_label =
type = "label_style",
left_padding = 4
--this will keep the health/shield/mining bars in the correct place
quickbar_holder_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0,
vertical_align = "bottom",
minimal_height = 96,
minimal_width = 468
tooltip_title_frame_light =
type = "frame_style",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
graphical_set = {position = {352, 0}, corner_size = 8, opacity = 0.88, background_blur_sigma = 4},
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 4,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
tooltip_panel_background =
type = "frame_style",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
graphical_set = {position = {403, 0}, corner_size = 8, opacity = 0.88, background_blur_sigma = 4},
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 4,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
quick_bar_slot_table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0
quick_bar_page_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
font = "default-bold",
default_font_color = button_hovered_font_color,
size = 40,
padding = 0,
margin = 0,
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {346, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5),
glow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {329, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-square-button.ogg", volume = 1 }}
tool_bar_open_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "quick_bar_page_button",
width = 52
tool_bar_empty_slot =
type = "empty_widget_style",
width = 44,
height = 32,
margin = 4,
graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8
dark_rounded_button =
type = "button_style",
default_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {2, 738}, size = 76},
shadow =
position = {378, 103},
corner_size = 16,
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4,
draw_type = "outer"
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {82, 738}, size = 76},
shadow =
position = {378, 103},
corner_size = 16,
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4,
draw_type = "outer"
glow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_glow_color)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {162, 738}, size = 76},
shadow =
position = {378, 103},
corner_size = 16,
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4,
draw_type = "outer"
train_schedule_item_select_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "dark_rounded_button",
size = 28,
padding = -3
train_schedule_fulfilled_item_select_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "train_schedule_item_select_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {2, 738}, size = 76},
shadow =
position = {412, 103},
corner_size = 16,
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4,
draw_type = "outer"
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {82, 738}, size = 76},
shadow =
position = {412, 103},
corner_size = 16,
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4,
draw_type = "outer"
glow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_glow_color)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {162, 736}, size = 76},
shadow =
position = {412, 103},
corner_size = 16,
top_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = 4,
right_outer_border_shift = -4,
draw_type = "outer"
slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
draw_shadow_under_picture = true,
size = 40,
padding = 0,
default_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {0, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {80, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color),
glow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_glow_color)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {160, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color)
selected_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {80, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color)
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {80, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color),
glow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_glow_color)
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {160, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color)
pie_progress_color = {0.98, 0.66, 0.22, 0.5},
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-inventory-slot-button.ogg", volume = 0.6 }}
big_slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
draw_shadow_under_picture = true,
size = 80,
padding = 0,
default_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {0, 1040}, size = 160},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {160, 1040}, size = 160},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color),
glow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_glow_color)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {320, 1040}, size = 160},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color)
slot_button_in_shallow_frame =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {0, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_4_rounded_corners_subpanel_inset
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {80, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_4_rounded_corners_subpanel_inset
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {160, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_4_rounded_corners_subpanel_inset
selected_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {80, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_4_rounded_corners_subpanel_inset
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {80, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_4_rounded_corners_subpanel_inset
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {160, 736}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_4_rounded_corners_subpanel_inset
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-square-button.ogg", volume = 1 }}
statistics_slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_button_in_shallow_frame"
yellow_slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {0, 656}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {80, 656}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color),
glow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_glow_color)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {160, 656}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color)
-- selected is default
red_slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {240, 656}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {320, 656}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color),
glow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(red_slot_glow_color)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {border = 4, position = {400, 656}, size = 80},
shadow = offset_by_2_rounded_corners_glow(default_dirt_color)
-- selected is default
quick_bar_slot_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_button"
slot_sized_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {329, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {346, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5),
glow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-square-button.ogg", volume = 1 }},
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
selected_hovered_graphical_set = -- same as normal hovered currently
base = {position = {346, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5),
glow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
size = 40,
padding = 0
compact_slot_sized_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button",
size = 36
slot_button_that_fits_textline =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button",
size = 28
slot_sized_button_pressed =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {329, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 744}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
size = 40,
padding = 0
slot_sized_button_blue =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 760}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {329, 760}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {346, 760}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5),
glow = offset_by_2_default_glow({132, 177, 198, 127}, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 760}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
slot_sized_button_red =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 776}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {329, 776}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {346, 776}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5),
glow = offset_by_2_default_glow({236, 130, 130, 127}, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 776}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
slot_sized_button_green =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {312, 792}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {329, 792}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {346, 792}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5),
glow = offset_by_2_default_glow({110, 164, 104, 127}, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {363, 792}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = offset_by_2_default_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
shortcut_bar_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button",
padding = 8
shortcut_bar_button_blue =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button_blue",
padding = 8
shortcut_bar_button_red =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button_red",
padding = 8
shortcut_bar_button_green =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button_green",
padding = 8
shortcut_bar_button_small =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button",
size = 20,
padding = 0,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-button-mini.ogg", volume = 1 }}
shortcut_bar_button_small_green =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button_green",
size = 20,
padding = 0,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-button-mini.ogg", volume = 1 }}
shortcut_bar_button_small_red =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button_red",
size = 20,
padding = 0,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-button-mini.ogg", volume = 1 }}
shortcut_bar_button_small_blue =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slot_sized_button_blue",
size = 20,
padding = 0,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-button-mini.ogg", volume = 1 }}
right_container_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "outer_frame",
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
minimal_width = 10,
vertical_spacing = 0
width = 256
right_bottom_container_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "outer_frame",
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
captionless_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
padding = 3
side_menu_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "captionless_frame",
padding = 0,
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
graphical_set =
base = {position = {17, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "inner"},
--shadow = default_inner_shadow
width = 240 + 8
right_side_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
width = 256
map_view_options_table_holder =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "quick_bar_inner_panel",
margin = 4
map_view_options_table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0,
padding = 0,
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 32,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 32,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4
locked_achievement_in_sidebar_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
top_padding = default_container_padding
locked_achievement_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "locked_achievement_in_sidebar_frame",
width = 400
unlocked_achievement_in_sidebar_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
top_padding = default_container_padding,
graphical_set =
base = {position = {420, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
unlocked_achievement_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "unlocked_achievement_in_sidebar_frame",
width = 400
failed_achievement_in_sidebar_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
top_padding = default_container_padding,
graphical_set =
base = {position = {403, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
failed_achievement_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "failed_achievement_in_sidebar_frame",
width = 400
achievement_notification_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame",
padding = 0,
width = 400,
graphical_set = {}
blueprint_library_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "outer_frame",
height = 600
progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
minimal_width = 10,
natural_width = 200,
bar_width = 7, -- thickness of the bar, not horizontal size
color = {g=1},
other_colors = {},
side_text_padding = 8,
bar_background =
base = {position = {296, 48}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
bar = {position = {313, 48}, corner_size = 8},
font = "default",
font_color = {1, 1, 1},
embed_text_in_bar = false
activity_bar =
type = "activity_bar_style",
speed = 0.01, -- % of bar length per render frame
minimal_width = 10,
natural_width = 200,
bar_width = 7, -- thickness of the bar, not horizontal size
color = {g=1},
bar =
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
position = {221, 0},
size = {1, 5},
scale = 1
bar_size_ratio = 0.07, -- length of the moving bar as % of total length
bar_background =
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
position = {222, 0},
size = {1, 7},
scale = 1
production_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
filled_font_color = {0, 0, 0},
horizontal_align = "right",
color = {43, 227, 39},
height = 24,
bar_width = 24,
embed_text_in_bar = true
heat_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
filled_font_color = {0, 0, 0},
horizontal_align = "right",
color = {218, 69, 53},
height = 24,
bar_width = 24,
embed_text_in_bar = true
burning_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
color = {r=1}
health_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
bar_width = 13,
color = {g=1},
bar =
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
position = {223, 0},
size = {1, 11},
scale = 1
bar_background =
filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png",
position = {224, 0},
size = {1, 13},
scale = 1
achievement_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
parent = "electric_statistics_progressbar",
top_padding = 2,
height = 20,
bar_width = 16,
bottom_margin = 8
achievement_card_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
parent = "achievement_progressbar",
top_margin = 4,
right_margin = 16,
bottom_margin = 0
achievement_pinned_card_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
parent = "achievement_card_progressbar",
font = "default-small-semibold",
right_margin = 0
vehicle_health_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
parent = "health_progressbar",
color = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8}
mining_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
parent = "health_progressbar",
color = default_orange_color
shield_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
parent = "health_progressbar",
color = {0.8, 0.2, 0.8}
bonus_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
color = {0.8, 0.1, 0.8},
height = 8,
bar_width = 8,
battery_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
bar_width = 8,
width = 12,
right_margin = -2,
left_margin = 1,
padding = 2,
height = 38,
color = {g=1},
other_colors =
{less_than = 0.33, color = {r = 1}},
{less_than = 0.66, color = {r = 1, g = 0.5, b = 0.25}},
{less_than = 1, color = {g = 1}}
statistics_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style"
electric_satisfaction_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
filled_font_color = {0, 0, 0},
horizontal_align = "right",
color = {43, 227, 39},
other_colors =
{less_than = 0.5, color = {218, 69, 53}},
{less_than = 1, color = {219, 176, 22}}
electric_satisfaction_statistics_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
parent = "electric_satisfaction_progressbar",
height = 28,
bar_width = 28,
embed_text_in_bar = true
electric_statistics_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
parent = "electric_satisfaction_statistics_progressbar",
other_colors = {}
electric_satisfaction_in_description_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
parent = "electric_satisfaction_progressbar",
top_padding = 2, -- to compensate the text not looking centered
height = 9
electric_satisfaction_table =
type = "table_style",
parent = "bordered_table",
top_cell_padding = 0,
bottom_cell_padding = 0,
right_cell_padding = 8,
top_padding = 8,
bottom_padding = 8
checkbox =
type = "checkbox_style",
font = "default",
font_color = default_font_color,
disabled_font_color = default_disabled_font_color,
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {0, 132}, size = {28, 28}},
shadow = default_dirt
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {56, 132}, size = {28, 28}},
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {84, 132}, size = {28, 28}},
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {28, 132}, size = {28, 28}},
shadow = default_dirt
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {56, 132}, size = {28, 28}},
shadow = default_dirt
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {56, 132}, size = {28, 28}},
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {84, 132}, size = {28, 28}},
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
left_click_sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-checkbox-click.ogg" },
checkmark = {position = {112, 132}, size = {28, 28}},
disabled_checkmark = {position = {456, 188}, size = {28, 28}},
intermediate_mark = {position = {456, 160}, size = {28, 28}},
vertical_align = "center",
text_padding = 8
caption_checkbox =
type = "checkbox_style",
font = "default-bold",
font_color = bold_font_color
radiobutton =
type = "radiobutton_style",
font = "default",
font_color = default_font_color,
disabled_font_color = default_disabled_font_color,
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {0, 160}, size = {24, 24}},
shadow = radiobutton_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {24, 160}, size = {24, 24}},
shadow = radiobutton_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {48, 160}, size = {24, 24}},
shadow = radiobutton_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {96, 160}, size = {24, 24}},
shadow = radiobutton_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {72, 160}, size = {24, 24}},
shadow = radiobutton_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {24, 160}, size = {24, 24}},
shadow = radiobutton_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
selected_clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {48, 160}, size = {24, 24}},
shadow = radiobutton_glow(default_dirt_color, 0.5)
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-radio-button.ogg", volume = 1 }},
text_padding = 8
horizontal_scrollbar =
type = "horizontal_scrollbar_style",
height = 12,
background_graphical_set = { position = {0, 72}, corner_size = 8},
thumb_button_style =
type = "button_style",
left_click_sound = {},
height = 10,
default_graphical_set =
base =
left = {position = {224, 48}, size = {8, 20}},
center = {position = {232, 48}, size = {8, 20}},
right = {position = {240, 48}, size = {8, 20}},
center_tiling_horizontal = true
shadow = default_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base =
left = {position = {248, 48}, size = {8, 20}},
center = {position = {256, 48}, size = {8, 20}},
right = {position = {264, 48}, size = {8, 20}},
center_tiling_horizontal = true
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base =
left = {position = {272, 48}, size = {8, 20}},
center = {position = {280, 48}, size = {8, 20}},
right = {position = {288, 48}, size = {8, 20}},
center_tiling_horizontal = true
shadow = default_shadow
vertical_scrollbar =
type = "vertical_scrollbar_style",
width = 12,
background_graphical_set = { position = {0, 72}, corner_size = 8},
thumb_button_style =
type = "button_style",
left_click_sound = {},
width = 10,
default_graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {0, 48}, size = {20, 7}},
center = {position = {0, 55}, size = {20, 8}},
bottom = {position = {0, 63}, size = {20, 7}},
center_tiling_vertical = true
shadow = default_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {20, 48}, size = {20, 7}},
center = {position = {20, 55}, size = {20, 8}},
bottom = {position = {20, 63}, size = {20, 7}},
center_tiling_vertical = true
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {40, 48}, size = {20, 7}},
center = {position = {40, 55}, size = {20, 8}},
bottom = {position = {40, 63}, size = {20, 7}},
center_tiling_vertical = true
shadow = default_shadow
tab =
type = "tab_style",
font = "default-bold",
badge_font = "default-tiny-bold",
default_font_color = button_default_font_color,
selected_font_color = heading_font_color,
disabled_font_color = {1, 1, 1, 0.5},
default_badge_font_color = {142, 142, 142},
selected_badge_font_color = {64, 64, 64},
disabled_badge_font_color = default_disabled_font_color,
badge_horizontal_spacing = 4, -- one module
minimal_width = 84,
horizontal_align = "center",
vertical_align = "center",
top_padding = 7,
right_padding = 8,
bottom_padding = 9,
left_padding = 8,
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {102, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = tab_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {136, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = tab_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
hover_graphical_set =
base = {position = {153, 0}, corner_size = 8},
glow = tab_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
press_graphical_set =
base = {position = {170, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = tab_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {119, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = tab_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
override_graphics_on_edges = false, -- used when tab container padding is 0, to connect to frame edges
left_edge_selected_graphical_set = {},
right_edge_selected_graphical_set = {},
default_badge_graphical_set =
base = {position = {176, 72}, corner_size = 8}
selected_badge_graphical_set =
base = {position = {296, 71}, corner_size = 8}
hover_badge_graphical_set =
base = {position = {176, 72}, corner_size = 8}
press_badge_graphical_set =
base = {position = {296, 71}, corner_size = 8}
disabled_badge_graphical_set =
base = {position = {176, 72}, corner_size = 8}
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-tab.ogg", volume = 1 }}
slightly_smaller_tab =
type = "tab_style",
minimal_width = 64
graph =
type = "graph_style",
natural_width = 550, -- it resizes to 550 by default, but it can be squashed to be smaller
height = 200,
background_color = {r=0.05, g=0.05, b=0.05, a=0.9},
line_colors =
{0, 109, 255},
{255, 100, 0},
{80, 178, 14},
{204, 25, 40},
{212, 158, 27},
{232, 0, 213},
{0, 159, 173},
{133, 69, 40},
{137, 0, 161},
{83, 117, 59},
{224, 127, 126},
{142, 106, 169},
{98, 172, 101},
{73, 123, 155},
{134, 129, 78},
{133, 104, 49},
{208, 104, 0},
{145, 75, 75}
horizontal_label_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "default-small",
right_padding = 0,
font_color = {100, 100, 100}
vertical_label_style =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label",
font = "default-small",
right_padding = 4,
left_padding = 0,
font_color = {100, 100, 100}
minimal_horizontal_label_spacing = 25,
minimal_vertical_label_spacing = 22,
horizontal_labels_margin = 24,
vertical_labels_margin = 36,
graph_top_margin = 12,
graph_right_margin = 12,
-- how close do you need to hover a data line for it to be highlited and the tooltip to appear
data_line_highlight_distance = 20,
-- the size of the dot that shows the currently selected data point
selection_dot_radius = 3,
grid_lines_color = {r=0.15, g=0.15, b=0.15},
guide_lines_color = {r=0.9, g=0.9, b=0.9}
production_graph =
type = "graph_style",
width = 556
slider_button =
type = "button_style",
width = 20,
height = 12,
padding = 0,
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {64, 48}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = default_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {144, 48}, size = {40, 24}},
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {184, 48}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = default_shadow
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {104, 48}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = default_shadow
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-click.ogg", volume = 1 }}
-- for double slider
left_slider_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slider_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {489, 0}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = left_slider_glow(default_shadow_color)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {489, 48}, size = {40, 24}},
glow = left_slider_glow(default_glow_color)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {489, 72}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = left_slider_glow(default_shadow_color)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {489, 24}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = left_slider_glow(default_shadow_color)
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-slider.ogg", volume = 1 }}
right_slider_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slider_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {529, 0}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = right_slider_glow(default_shadow_color)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {529, 48}, size = {40, 24}},
glow = right_slider_glow(default_glow_color)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {529, 72}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = right_slider_glow(default_shadow_color)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {529, 24}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = right_slider_glow(default_shadow_color)
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-slider.ogg", volume = 1 }}
slider =
type = "slider_style",
minimal_width = 160,
height = 12,
ignored_by_search = true,
full_bar =
base = {position = {73, 72}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
full_bar_disabled =
base = {position = {90, 72}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
empty_bar =
base =
left = {position = {56, 72}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {65, 72}, size = {8, 8}},
center = {position = {64, 72}, size = {1, 8}}
shadow = default_dirt
empty_bar_disabled =
base =
left = {position = {56, 80}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {65, 80}, size = {8, 8}},
center = {position = {65, 80}, size = {1, 8}}
shadow = default_dirt
draw_notches = false,
notch =
base = {position = {138, 200}, size = {4, 16}},
shadow =
position = {146, 192},
size = {20, 32},
draw_type = "outer",
tint = default_dirt_color,
top_outer_border_shift = -4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = 4,
left_outer_border_shift = -4,
right_outer_border_shift = 4
button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "slider_button",
width = 20,
height = 12,
padding = 0,
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {64, 48}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = default_shadow
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {144, 48}, size = {40, 24}},
glow = default_glow(default_glow_color, 0.5)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {184, 48}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = default_shadow
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {104, 48}, size = {40, 24}},
shadow = default_shadow
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-slider.ogg", volume = 1 }}
notched_slider =
type = "slider_style",
parent = "slider",
height = 20,
draw_notches = true,
button =
type = "button_style",
width = 12,
height = 17,
padding = 0,
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {0, 189}, size = {24, 35}},
shadow = notched_slider_glow(default_shadow_color)
hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {48, 189}, size = {24, 35}},
glow = notched_slider_glow(default_glow_color)
clicked_graphical_set =
base = {position = {72, 189}, size = {24, 35}},
shadow = notched_slider_glow(default_shadow_color)
disabled_graphical_set =
base = {position = {24, 189}, size = {24, 35}},
shadow = notched_slider_glow(default_shadow_color)
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-slider.ogg", volume = 1 }}
double_slider =
type = "double_slider_style",
button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "left_slider_button"
high_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "right_slider_button"
minimal_width = 160,
height = 12,
full_bar =
base = {position = {73, 72}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
full_bar_disabled =
base = {position = {90, 72}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
empty_bar =
base =
left = {position = {56, 72}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {65, 72}, size = {8, 8}},
center = {position = {64, 72}, size = {1, 8}}
shadow = default_dirt
empty_bar_disabled =
base =
left = {position = {56, 80}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {65, 80}, size = {8, 8}},
center = {position = {65, 80}, size = {1, 8}}
shadow = default_dirt
draw_notches = false,
notch =
base = {position = {138, 200}, size = {4, 16}},
shadow =
position = {146, 192},
size = {20, 32},
draw_type = "outer",
tint = default_dirt_color,
top_outer_border_shift = -4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = 4,
left_outer_border_shift = -4,
right_outer_border_shift = 4
notched_double_slider =
type = "double_slider_style",
draw_notches = true,
height = 20
red_slider =
type = "slider_style",
full_bar =
base = {position = {240, 71}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
green_slider =
type = "slider_style",
full_bar =
base = {position = {257, 71}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
blue_slider =
type = "slider_style",
full_bar =
base = {position = {274, 71}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_dirt
map_generator_notched_slider =
type = "slider_style",
parent = "notched_slider",
-- table cells already have padding 4 (map_generator_frequency_table)
top_margin = -4,
bottom_margin = 4,
width = 100
map_generator_13_notch_slider =
type = "slider_style",
parent = "map_generator_notched_slider",
width = 108
-- a slider with the same width as map_generator_13_notch_slider, so tables align proerly
map_generator_notched_slider_wide =
type = "slider_style",
parent = "map_generator_notched_slider",
left_margin = 4,
right_margin = 4
other_settings_slider =
type = "slider_style",
parent = "slider",
minimal_width = 250
scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
vertically_squashable = "on",
horizontally_squashable = "on",
vertical_flow_style = { type = "vertical_flow_style" },
horizontal_scrollbar_style = { type = "horizontal_scrollbar_style" },
vertical_scrollbar_style = { type = "vertical_scrollbar_style" },
graphical_set = outer_frame_light(),
background_graphical_set = {},
extra_padding_when_activated = 4
only_inner_shadow_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
graphical_set =
shadow = default_inner_shadow
naked_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
graphical_set = {}
-- Scroll pane to be used in inside_shallow_frame and similar
scroll_pane_in_shallow_frame =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
dont_force_clipping_rect_for_contents = true
trains_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
padding = 0,
graphical_set = {},
minimal_height = 320,
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 208,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 304,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 16,
blurry_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
graphical_set =
base = {},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
vertical_scrollbar_style =
type = "vertical_scrollbar_style",
background_graphical_set = {position = {0, 72}, corner_size = 8, opacity = 0.7, blend_mode = "multiplicative-with-alpha"}
extra_padding_when_activated = -4,
padding = 8
tab_scroll_pane = -- inside tab pane
type = "scroll_pane_style",
graphical_set = inner_frame_tab_pane(),
extra_left_margin_when_activated = 8,
extra_right_margin_when_activated = -4
tab_scroll_pane_with_extra_padding = -- inside tab pane - contains elements directly
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "tab_scroll_pane",
left_padding = 8,
right_padding = 8
browse_games_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
graphical_set = {},
background_graphical_set =
position = {282, 17},
corner_size = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 20,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4
machine_ingredients_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane_in_shallow_frame",
vertically_squashable = "off",
maximal_height = 100
machine_outputs_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane_in_shallow_frame",
vertically_squashable = "off",
maximal_height = 100
module_inventory_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane_in_shallow_frame",
vertically_squashable = "off",
maximal_height = 100,
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
background_graphical_set =
position = {256, 136},
corner_size = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 24,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8
trash_slots_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "inventory_scroll_pane",
vertically_stretchable = "off",
top_padding = 0,
extra_top_padding_when_activated = 12,
maximal_height = 120 + 12
trash_slots_scroll_pane_in_tab =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "trash_slots_scroll_pane",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
extra_bottom_margin_when_activated = 4,
extra_top_padding_when_activated = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
left_padding = 0
logistic_gui_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
top_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 16,
extra_right_padding_when_activated = -12,
graphical_set = {},
minimal_width = 400,
maximal_width = 600,
minimal_height = 500
logistic_gui_table =
type = "table_style",
parent = "bordered_table",
top_padding = 8,
map_preview_scroll_pane = -- does not paint top edge
type = "scroll_pane_style",
graphical_set =
base =
draw_type = "outer",
right = {x=26, y=8, width=8, height=1},
right_bottom = {x=26, y=9, width=8, height=8},
bottom = {x=25, y=9, width=1, height=8},
left_bottom = {x=17, y=9, width=8, height=8},
left = {x=17, y=8, width=8, height=1},
center = {x=25, y=8, width=1, height=1}
removed_content_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "scroll_pane",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
draw_type = "outer",
center =
position = {76, 8},
size = 1
shadow = default_inner_shadow
equipment_grid_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
extra_padding_when_activated = 0
horizontally_limited_equipment_grid_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
parent = "equipment_grid_scroll_pane",
maximal_width = 424 - 16
camera =
type = "camera_style",
graphical_set = {}
minimap =
type = "minimap_style",
minimal_height = 256,
minimal_width = 256,
graphical_set = {}
image =
type = "image_style",
graphical_set = {},
stretch_image_to_widget_size = false
small_text_image =
type = "image_style",
stretch_image_to_widget_size = true,
--Height of normal font text
height = 20,
width = 20
map_info_image =
type = "image_style",
-- we only show shadow on the top, to solve the problem of it not being casted from the subheader panel above
graphical_set =
shadow =
top =
position = {191, 128},
size = {1, 8},
tint = hard_shadow_color,
draw_type = "inner"
new_game_subfooter =
type = "frame_style",
minimal_height = 200,
padding = 12,
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {76, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "inner"
shadow = top_shadow
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 16
new_game_info_image =
type = "image_style",
parent = "map_info_image",
stretch_image_to_widget_size = true,
natural_size = {1024, 576}
--left_margin = -8,
--right_margin = -8
tips_and_tricks_subfooter =
type = "frame_style",
minimal_height = 180,
padding = 16,
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
top = {},
left_top = {},
right_top = {},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 12
text_holding_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, width = 1, height = 1},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
left_padding = 4,
right_padding = 4
tips_and_tricks_image =
type = "image_style",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
horizontally_squashable = "on",
stretch_image_to_widget_size = true,
top_margin = -4,
bottom_margin = -4
tips_and_tricks_simulation =
type = "empty_widget_style",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
horizontally_squashable = "on",
bottom_margin = -4
tabbed_pane_frame =
type = "frame_style",
top_padding = 8,
right_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4,
left_padding = 4,
graphical_set = tabbed_pane_graphical_set
tips_and_tricks_info_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "inside_deep_frame",
natural_size = {1024 , 576 + 36 + 180} -- image height + subheader height + subfooter height
tabbed_pane =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
vertical_spacing = 0,
padding = 0,
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "tabbed_pane_frame"
tab_container =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
left_padding = 12,
right_padding = 12,
horizontal_spacing = 0
tabbed_pane_with_extra_padding =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "tabbed_pane_frame",
right_padding = 12,
left_padding = 12
tabbed_pane_with_no_side_padding =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
top_padding = 8,
bottom_padding = 0,
left_padding = 0,
right_padding = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
-- same as tabbed_pane_graphical_set - but without bottom
top = {position = {76, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = top_shadow
tabbed_pane_with_no_side_padding_and_tabs_hidden =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
parent = "tabbed_pane_with_no_side_padding",
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
top_padding = -4,
bottom_padding = 0,
left_padding = 0,
right_padding = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
-- same as tabbed_pane_graphical_set - but without bottom
top = {position = {76, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = top_shadow
deconstruction_planner_tabbed_pane =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
parent = "tabbed_pane",
top_margin = 12,
vertical_spacing = 0,
padding = 0,
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
top_padding = 4,
right_padding = 12,
bottom_padding = 8,
left_padding = 12,
graphical_set = tabbed_pane_graphical_set
logistic_gui_tabbed_pane =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
parent = "tabbed_pane",
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
top_padding = 8,
right_padding = 0,
left_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
graphical_set = tabbed_pane_graphical_set
production_gui_tabbed_pane =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
top_padding = 8,
right_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 0,
left_padding = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {76, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = top_shadow
-- tabs styled like a main frame - used in character gui
-- shadows are a crazy composition: main window has all without top, left frame and right tabbed frame (=under the tabs) have top,
-- tabs and frame fillers around the tabs (frame_tabbed_pane_corner, frame_tabbed_pane_frame_header) have the rest.
frame_tabbed_pane =
type = "tabbed_pane_style",
top_padding = 0,
vertically_squashable = "on",
tab_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "frame_without_left_side",
vertically_squashable = "on",
graphical_set =
base =
right_top = {position = {9, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {9, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {9, 9}, size = {8, 8}},
top = {position = {8, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {8, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {8, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = top_shadow
tab_container =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
left_padding = 0,
right_padding = 0,
horizontal_spacing = 0
frame_tab =
type = "tab_style",
parent = "tab",
height = 32,
top_padding = 6,
bottom_padding = 6,
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {448, 103}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = tab_glow(default_shadow_color, 0.5)
-- left top conrner for a tabs in character gui that connects to the inventory frame
frame_tabbed_pane_corner =
type = "frame_style",
width = 2*4,
vertically_stretchable = "on",
bottom_margin = -4,
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {8, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {9, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {9, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {17, 9}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom = {position = {8, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
center = {position = {8, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = top_right_shadow
-- right top conrner for a tabs in character gui that contains the frame header filler and buttons
frame_tabbed_pane_frame_header =
type = "frame_style",
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
vertically_stretchable = "on",
bottom_margin = -4,
left_padding = 0,
bottom_padding = 4,
graphical_set =
base =
left_top = {position = {0, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
top = {position = {8, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {9, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {9, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {9, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
bottom = {position = {8, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {26, 9}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {0, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
center = {position = {8, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = top_left_shadow_with_top_corner
header_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "top",
horizontal_spacing = 4
frame_without_right_side =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base =
left_top = {position = {0, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {0, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {0, 9}, size = {8, 8}},
top = {position = {8, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {8, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {8, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = shadow_without_right
-- character gui inventory
character_gui_left_side =
type = "frame_style",
right_padding = 4,
graphical_set =
base =
left_top = {position = {0, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
left = {position = {0, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {0, 9}, size = {8, 8}},
top = {position = {8, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {8, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {8, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = top_shadow_with_left_corner
-- character gui right side
frame_without_left_side =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base =
right_top = {position = {9, 0}, size = {8, 8}},
right = {position = {9, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {9, 9}, size = {8, 8}},
top = {position = {8, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {8, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {8, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = shadow_without_left
-- character gui right side
frame_without_left_and_right_side =
type = "frame_style",
right_padding = 4,
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {8, 0}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {8, 9}, size = {1, 8}},
center = {position = {8, 8}, size = {1, 1}}
shadow = shadow_without_left_and_right
empty_widget =
type = "empty_widget_style",
graphical_set = {},
ignored_by_search = true
entity_button_base =
type = "empty_widget_style",
size = 100
character_gui_entity_button =
type = "empty_widget_style",
size = 92
entity_variation_button =
type = "button_style",
size = 100,
left_padding = 2,
right_padding = 5,
top_padding = 2,
bottom_padding = 5
tile_variation_button =
type = "button_style",
size = 100,
padding = 2
glow =
type = "glow_style",
image_set = default_glow()
research_queue_active_glow_dark =
type = "glow_style",
image_set =
glow =
position = {333, 17},
corner_size = 8,
draw_type = "outer"
research_queue_active_glow_light =
type = "glow_style",
image_set =
glow =
position = {316, 17},
corner_size = 8,
draw_type = "outer"
research_queue_active_glow_outer =
type = "glow_style",
image_set =
glow =
position = {200, 128},
corner_size = 8,
tint = {r = 2, g = 255, b = 2},
scale = 0.5,
draw_type = "outer",
top_outer_border_shift = -4,
left_outer_border_shift = -4,
right_outer_border_shift = 4,
bottom_outer_border_shift = 4
draggable_space =
type = "empty_widget_style",
left_margin = 8,
right_margin = 8,
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {192, 8}, size = {8, 7}},
top_tiling = true,
center = {position = {200, 8}, size = {8, 8}},
center_tiling_horizontal = true,
bottom = {position = {208, 8}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom_tiling = true
shadow = default_glow(default_dirt_color_filler, 0.5)
draggable_space_with_no_left_margin =
type = "empty_widget_style",
parent = "draggable_space",
left_margin = 0
draggable_space_with_no_right_margin =
type = "empty_widget_style",
parent = "draggable_space",
right_margin = 0
draggable_space_header =
type = "empty_widget_style",
parent = "draggable_space",
left_margin = 4,
right_margin = 0
draggable_space_in_shortcut_list =
type = "empty_widget_style",
parent = "draggable_space",
width = 20,
right_margin = 0
draggable_space_in_train_schedule =
type = "empty_widget_style",
parent = "draggable_space",
width = 60,
right_margin = -4,
left_margin = 0,
-- semi-hack redefining the graphical set to put shadow in to glow layer to be on top of the neighbour inset
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {192, 8}, size = {8, 7}},
top_tiling = true,
center = {position = {200, 8}, size = {8, 8}},
center_tiling_horizontal = true,
bottom = {position = {208, 8}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom_tiling = true
glow = default_glow(default_dirt_color_filler, 0.5)
draggable_space_in_temporary_train_station =
type = "empty_widget_style",
parent = "draggable_space_in_train_schedule",
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {446, 78}, size = {8, 7}},
top_tiling = true,
center = {position = {454, 78}, size = {8, 8}},
center_tiling_horizontal = true,
bottom = {position = {462, 78}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom_tiling = true
shadow = default_glow(default_dirt_color_filler, 0.5)
fulfilled_draggable_space_in_train_schedule =
type = "empty_widget_style",
parent = "draggable_space_in_train_schedule",
graphical_set =
base =
top = {position = {412, 78}, size = {8, 7}},
top_tiling = true,
center = {position = {420, 78}, size = {8, 8}},
center_tiling_horizontal = true,
bottom = {position = {428, 78}, size = {8, 8}},
bottom_tiling = true
glow = default_glow(default_dirt_color_filler, 0.5)
train_schedule_fulfilled_delete_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "train_schedule_delete_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {412, 86}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = {position = {429, 86}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
train_schedule_temporary_station_delete_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "train_schedule_delete_button",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {446, 86}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = {position = {463, 86}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
graphics_settings_table =
type = "table_style",
parent = "bordered_table",
minimal_width = 364
slot_group_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "bordered_frame",
left_padding = 0,
top_padding = 2,
bottom_padding = 2
window_content_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 4,
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {76, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
window_content_frame_deep =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 4,
graphical_set =
base =
position = {17, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = {1, 1}},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
window_content_frame_in_tabbed_panne =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 0,
left_margin = 8,
right_margin = 8,
bottom_margin = 4,
padding = 0,
graphical_set =
base =
position = {85, 0},
corner_size = 8,
center = {position = {42, 8}, size = 1},
draw_type = "outer"
shadow = default_inner_shadow
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
window_content_frame_packed =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "window_content_frame",
padding = 0,
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
other_settings_gui_textbox =
type = "textbox_style",
width = 120,
horizontal_align = "center"
other_settings_gui_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "button",
width = 120
packed_vertical_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 0
padded_vertical_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
padding = 4
packed_horizontal_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0
centering_horizontal_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "center",
horizontal_align = "center"
centering_flow =
type = "flow_style",
vertical_align = "center"
technology_card_frame =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {34, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
padding = 0
research_progress_inner_frame =
type = "frame_style",
top_padding = 3
research_progress_inner_frame_inactive =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "research_progress_inner_frame",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {34, 0}, corner_size = 8}
research_progress_inner_frame_active =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "research_progress_inner_frame",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {68, 0}, corner_size = 8}
dark_button =
type = "button_style",
default_graphical_set =
base = {position = {68, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = {position = {395, 86}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
squashable_label =
type = "label_style",
horizontally_squashable = "on"
black_label =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {0, 0, 0}
black_squashable_label =
type = "label_style",
parent = "black_label",
horizontally_squashable = "on"
black_label_with_left_padding =
type = "label_style",
font_color = {0, 0, 0},
left_padding = 4
black_squashable_label_with_left_padding =
type = "label_style",
parent = "black_label_with_left_padding",
horizontally_squashable = "on"
label_with_left_padding =
type = "label_style",
left_padding = 4
squashable_label_with_left_padding =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label_with_left_padding",
horizontally_squashable = "on"
color_picker_label =
type = "label_style",
maximal_width = 24
train_schedule_delete_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "dark_button",
padding = 0,
size = {16, 28},
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-tool-button.ogg", volume = 1 }}
mod_thumbnail_image =
type = "image_style",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {85, 0}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
right_margin = 4,
size = 144,
stretch_image_to_widget_size = true
mod_updates_status_image =
type = "image_style",
size = {16, 16},
stretch_image_to_widget_size = true
install_mod_status_image =
type = "image_style",
size = {16, 16},
stretch_image_to_widget_size = true
research_progressbar =
type = "progressbar_style",
bar_width = 24
train_schedule_condition_time_selection_button =
type = "button_style",
width = 84,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-menu-small.ogg", volume = 1 }}
shortcut_bar_expand_button =
type = "button_style",
parent = "frame_button",
width = 8,
height = 16,
left_click_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/gui-shortcut-expand.ogg", volume = 1 }},
left_padding = 2,
right_padding = 2,
top_padding = 4,
bottom_padding = 4,
selected_graphical_set =
base = {position = {272, 169}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = {position = {440, 24}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
selected_hovered_graphical_set =
base = {position = {369, 17}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = {position = {440, 24}, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer"}
shortcut_selection_row =
type = "frame_style",
graphical_set = {position = {208, 17}, corner_size = 8},
use_header_filler = false,
padding = 0,
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "center"
info_label =
type = "label_style",
font = "default",
font_color = {128, 206, 240},
single_line = false
--style to use on all input shortcuts
control_input_shortcut_label =
type = "label_style",
font = "default-semibold",
font_color = {128, 206, 240}
search_bar_horizontal_flow =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "top"
container_equipment_grid_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 8
padded_container_equipment_grid_flow =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
parent = "container_equipment_grid_flow"
bonus_card_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subpanel_frame",
padding = 4,
minimal_width = 192,
minimal_height = 112,
graphical_set =
base = {position = {68, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 8
empty_bonus_card_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "bonus_card_frame",
graphical_set =
base = {position = {282, 17}, corner_size = 8}
bonus_card_with_scroll_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "bonus_card_frame",
padding = -4
bonus_card_labels_flow_with_scroll_pane =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
parent = "packed_vertical_flow",
left_padding = 8
bonus_card_flow =
type = "flow_style",
max_on_row = 5
bonus_card_related_items_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "bordered_frame",
padding = 0
bonus_list_scroll_pane =
type = "scroll_pane_style",
extra_padding_when_activated = 0,
graphical_set =
base = {position = {34, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_inner_shadow
label_under_widget =
type = "label_style",
height = 40,
single_line = false,
top_margin = -4,
bottom_margin = 4
special_label_under_widget =
type = "label_style",
parent = "label_under_widget",
font_color = heading_font_color
subheader_frame_with_text_on_the_right =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subheader_frame",
right_padding = 12
main_progressbar_frame =
type = "frame_style",
use_header_filler = false,
width = 400
side_progressbar_frame =
type = "frame_style",
use_header_filler = false,
width = 400
wide_activity_bar =
type = "activity_bar_style",
bar_width = 24
horizontal_slots_filler =
type = "empty_widget_style",
graphical_set =
position = {256, 136},
corner_size = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 8,
overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 24,
overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 16,
overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8
height = 32,
horizontally_stretchable = "on"
vertical_lines_slots_filler =
type = "empty_widget_style",
left_margin = -4,
right_margin = -4,
graphical_set =
left = {position = {256, 136}, size = {16, 32}},
center = {position = {256 + 16, 136}, size = {1, 32}},
right = {position = {256 + 16, 136}, size = {16, 32}},
overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24,
overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 8,
overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4
horizontally_stretchable = "on",
vertically_stretchable = "on"
splitter_settings_table =
type = "table_style",
parent = "bordered_table",
vertical_spacing = 20,
horizontal_spacing = 16,
cell_padding = 0
fake_slot =
type = "empty_widget_style",
size = 40,
combinator_settings_invisible_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "container_invisible_frame_with_title",
padding = 0,
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "center",
programmable_speaker_invisible_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "combinator_settings_invisible_frame",
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 8
entity_button_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "deep_frame_in_shallow_frame",
bottom_margin = 4,
train_with_minimap_frame =
type = "frame_style",
padding = 8,
vertical_flow_style =
type = "vertical_flow_style",
vertical_spacing = 12
graphical_set =
base = {position = {68, 0}, corner_size = 8},
shadow = default_shadow,
trains_table =
type = "table_style",
horizontal_spacing = 0,
vertical_spacing = 0,
trains_gui_frame =
type = "frame_style",
minimal_width = 1144,
choose_chat_icon_button =
type = "button_style",
size = 28,
padding = 4,
right_margin = -6,
top_margin = -3,
default_graphical_set = {},
hovered_graphical_set =
base =
left_top = {position = {34, 17}, size = 8},
left = {position = {34, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {34, 26}, size = 8},
center = {position = {42, 25}, size = 1},
top = {position = {42, 17}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {42, 26}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {384, 48}, size = 8},
right = {position = {384, 56}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {384, 57}, size = {8, 8}}
clicked_graphical_set =
left_top = {position = {51, 17}, size = 8},
left = {position = {51, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {51, 26}, size = 8},
center = {position = {59, 25}, size = 1},
top = {position = {59, 17}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {59, 26}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {392, 48}, size = 8},
right = {position = {392, 56}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {392, 57}, size = {8, 8}}
choose_chat_icon_in_textbox_button =
type = "button_style",
size = 28,
padding = 4,
right_margin = -6,
bottom_margin = -4,
default_graphical_set = {},
hovered_graphical_set =
base =
left_top = {position = {34, 17}, size = 8},
left = {position = {34, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {34, 26}, size = 8},
center = {position = {42, 25}, size = 1},
top = {position = {42, 17}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {42, 26}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {43, 17}, size = 8},
right = {position = {384, 56}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {384, 57}, size = {8, 8}}
clicked_graphical_set =
left_top = {position = {51, 17}, size = 8},
left = {position = {51, 25}, size = {8, 1}},
left_bottom = {position = {51, 26}, size = 8},
center = {position = {59, 25}, size = 1},
top = {position = {59, 17}, size = {1, 8}},
bottom = {position = {59, 26}, size = {1, 8}},
right_top = {position = {60, 17}, size = 8},
right = {position = {392, 56}, size = {8, 1}},
right_bottom = {position = {392, 57}, size = {8, 8}}
lab_technology_frame =
type = "frame_style",
parent = "subpanel_inset_frame",
left_padding = 12,
horizontal_flow_style =
type = "horizontal_flow_style",
vertical_align = "center",
horizontal_spacing = 12
lab_progress_and_slot_divider =
type = "vertical_line",
type = "line_style",
left_margin = -4,
right_margin = -12,
top_margin = -4,
bottom_margin = -4,
border =
border_width = 8,
vertical_line = {position = {77, 8}, size = {8, 1}},
top_end = {position = {77, 0}, size = 8},
bottom_end = {position = {77, 9}, size = 8}