2018-10-02 21:24:06 +08:00

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import qualified Data.Map as M
count function:
There is stripe which length is n,
priceMap contains a map for different length of stripe and its price
then find the maximum price to split the stripe in different shorter stripes
( including the original length if possible)
priceMap = M.fromList [(1,1),(2,5),(3,8),(4,9),(5,10),(6,17),(7,17),(8,20),(9,24),(10,30)]
count n priceMap = _count 1 $M.fromList [(0,0)]
end = n+1
_count cur rst
| cur == end = rst
| otherwise = _count (1+cur) (M.insert cur price rst)
newRst = M.insert cur (getValue cur priceMap) rst
price = maximum. map getPrice $[0..div cur 2]
getPrice a = (getValue a newRst ) + (getValue (cur-a) newRst)
getValue key mp
| M.member key mp = mp M.! key
| otherwise = 0