weroicp 8346f10f77
feat (trie.md): 补充异或和的定义 (#5454) (#5459)
Feat trie.md 补充异或和的定义

2024-03-17 06:31:37 +00:00
code fix(string/suffix-bst): remove wrong and unused `remove()` in the first example (#5164) 2023-10-02 14:29:25 +00:00
config fix:fix several bugs in config files (#4340) 2022-09-26 11:04:02 +08:00
examples feat(ac-automaton.md): 添加了效率优化和一道例题,修复一处标点 (#4996) 2023-07-18 20:56:31 +08:00
images feat(string/suffix-tree.md): 添加后缀树内容 (#4914) 2023-05-30 03:03:46 +00:00
ac-automaton.md refactor(docs): format C++ code in tabs using remark-tabbed and clang-formatter (#5167) 2023-10-04 21:50:08 +08:00
automaton.md fix: 修正部分标点使用 & 中文语境统一使用直角引号 (#4780) 2023-03-22 15:46:23 +08:00
basic.md refactor(order-theory.md): 重写页面 (#5384) 2024-02-05 15:44:44 +08:00
bm.md fix: 修复一些格式、内链相关问题 (#5153) 2023-09-24 17:56:54 +08:00
general-sam.md fix: incorrect usage of LaTeX (#5049) 2023-07-30 10:47:50 +08:00
hash.md refactor(docs): format C++ code in tabs using remark-tabbed and clang-formatter (#5167) 2023-10-04 21:50:08 +08:00
index.md chore(string): update index.md ; move old index to basic 2019-11-23 16:58:45 +08:00
kmp.md fix: 将“UVA”统一为"UVa" (#5408) 2024-02-15 22:17:29 +08:00
lib-func.md feat: 补充内链 (#5317) 2023-12-16 15:06:11 +00:00
lyndon.md fix: 将“UVA”统一为"UVa" (#5408) 2024-02-15 22:17:29 +08:00
main-lorentz.md fix: hyphen、en dash 和 em dash 的使用 (#4954) 2023-06-27 13:39:08 +08:00
manacher.md fix: 将“UVA”统一为"UVa" (#5408) 2024-02-15 22:17:29 +08:00
match.md fix(string/match.md): fix typo (#5284) 2023-11-21 09:04:20 +00:00
minimal-string.md refactor(docs): format C++ code in tabs using remark-tabbed and clang-formatter (#5167) 2023-10-04 21:50:08 +08:00
pam.md fix(string/pam.md): 修正引理二表述错误。 (#5365) 2024-01-15 20:41:47 +08:00
sa-optimal-inplace.md fix: 括号不匹配与误用 (#4875) 2023-05-06 19:22:00 +08:00
sa.md fix: 将“UVA”统一为"UVa" (#5408) 2024-02-15 22:17:29 +08:00
sam.md fix(string/sam): fix typo and update links (#5142) 2023-09-16 08:44:07 +00:00
seq-automaton.md fix: 修正部分标点使用 & 中文语境统一使用直角引号 (#4780) 2023-03-22 15:46:23 +08:00
suffix-bst.md style: format markdown files with remark-lint 2023-02-18 07:57:07 +08:00
suffix-tree.md fix: 修复一些格式、内链相关问题 (#5153) 2023-09-24 17:56:54 +08:00
trie.md feat (trie.md): 补充异或和的定义 (#5454) (#5459) 2024-03-17 06:31:37 +00:00
z-func.md fix(string/z-func.md): 修改笔误和标点 (#5413) 2024-02-17 00:18:55 +08:00