CS-Notes/notes/Leetcode 题解 - 排序.md
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<!-- GFM-TOC -->
* [快速选择](#快速选择)
* [](#)
* [1. Kth Element](#1-kth-element)
* [桶排序](#桶排序)
* [1. 出现频率最多的 k 个元素](#1-出现频率最多的-k-个元素)
* [2. 按照字符出现次数对字符串排序](#2-按照字符出现次数对字符串排序)
* [荷兰国旗问题](#荷兰国旗问题)
* [1. 按颜色进行排序](#1-按颜色进行排序)
<!-- GFM-TOC -->
# 快速选择
用于求解 **Kth Element** 问题也就是第 K 个元素的问题
可以使用快速排序的 partition() 进行实现需要先打乱数组否则最坏情况下时间复杂度为 O(N<sup>2</sup>)
用于求解 **TopK Elements** 问题也就是 K 个最小元素的问题可以维护一个大小为 K 的最小堆最小堆中的元素就是最小元素最小堆需要使用大顶堆来实现大顶堆表示堆顶元素是堆中最大元素这是因为我们要得到 k 个最小的元素因此当遍历到一个新的元素时需要知道这个新元素是否比堆中最大的元素更小更小的话就把堆中最大元素去除并将新元素添加到堆中所以我们需要很容易得到最大元素并移除最大元素大顶堆就能很好满足这个要求
堆也可以用于求解 Kth Element 问题得到了大小为 k 的最小堆之后因为使用了大顶堆来实现因此堆顶元素就是第 k 大的元素
快速选择也可以求解 TopK Elements 问题因为找到 Kth Element 之后再遍历一次数组所有小于等于 Kth Element 的元素都是 TopK Elements
可以看到快速选择和堆排序都可以求解 Kth Element TopK Elements 问题
## 1. Kth Element
215\. Kth Largest Element in an Array (Medium)
[Leetcode](https://leetcode.com/problems/kth-largest-element-in-an-array/description/) / [力扣](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/kth-largest-element-in-an-array/description/)
Input: [3,2,1,5,6,4] and k = 2
Output: 5
题目描述找到倒数第 k 个的元素
**排序** 时间复杂度 O(NlogN)空间复杂度 O(1)
public int findKthLargest(int[] nums, int k) {
return nums[nums.length - k];
**** 时间复杂度 O(NlogK)空间复杂度 O(K)
public int findKthLargest(int[] nums, int k) {
PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(); // 小顶堆
for (int val : nums) {
if (pq.size() > k) // 维护堆的大小为 K
return pq.peek();
**快速选择** 时间复杂度 O(N)空间复杂度 O(1)
public int findKthLargest(int[] nums, int k) {
k = nums.length - k;
int l = 0, h = nums.length - 1;
while (l < h) {
int j = partition(nums, l, h);
if (j == k) {
} else if (j < k) {
l = j + 1;
} else {
h = j - 1;
return nums[k];
private int partition(int[] a, int l, int h) {
int i = l, j = h + 1;
while (true) {
while (a[++i] < a[l] && i < h) ;
while (a[--j] > a[l] && j > l) ;
if (i >= j) {
swap(a, i, j);
swap(a, l, j);
return j;
private void swap(int[] a, int i, int j) {
int t = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = t;
# 桶排序
## 1. 出现频率最多的 k 个元素
347\. Top K Frequent Elements (Medium)
[Leetcode](https://leetcode.com/problems/top-k-frequent-elements/description/) / [力扣](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/top-k-frequent-elements/description/)
Given [1,1,1,2,2,3] and k = 2, return [1,2].
设置若干个桶每个桶存储出现频率相同的数桶的下标表示数出现的频率即第 i 个桶中存储的数出现的频率为 i
把数都放到桶之后从后向前遍历桶最先得到的 k 个数就是出现频率最多的的 k 个数
public List<Integer> topKFrequent(int[] nums, int k) {
Map<Integer, Integer> frequencyForNum = new HashMap<>();
for (int num : nums) {
frequencyForNum.put(num, frequencyForNum.getOrDefault(num, 0) + 1);
List<Integer>[] buckets = new ArrayList[nums.length + 1];
for (int key : frequencyForNum.keySet()) {
int frequency = frequencyForNum.get(key);
if (buckets[frequency] == null) {
buckets[frequency] = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> topK = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = buckets.length - 1; i >= 0 && topK.size() < k; i--) {
if (buckets[i] == null) {
if (buckets[i].size() <= (k - topK.size())) {
} else {
topK.addAll(buckets[i].subList(0, k - topK.size()));
return topK;
## 2. 按照字符出现次数对字符串排序
451\. Sort Characters By Frequency (Medium)
[Leetcode](https://leetcode.com/problems/sort-characters-by-frequency/description/) / [力扣](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/sort-characters-by-frequency/description/)
'e' appears twice while 'r' and 't' both appear once.
So 'e' must appear before both 'r' and 't'. Therefore "eetr" is also a valid answer.
public String frequencySort(String s) {
Map<Character, Integer> frequencyForNum = new HashMap<>();
for (char c : s.toCharArray())
frequencyForNum.put(c, frequencyForNum.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);
List<Character>[] frequencyBucket = new ArrayList[s.length() + 1];
for (char c : frequencyForNum.keySet()) {
int f = frequencyForNum.get(c);
if (frequencyBucket[f] == null) {
frequencyBucket[f] = new ArrayList<>();
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = frequencyBucket.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (frequencyBucket[i] == null) {
for (char c : frequencyBucket[i]) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
return str.toString();
# 荷兰国旗问题
<div align="center"> <img src="pics/7a3215ec-6fb7-4935-8b0d-cb408208f7cb.png"/> </div><br>
## 1. 按颜色进行排序
75\. Sort Colors (Medium)
[Leetcode](https://leetcode.com/problems/sort-colors/description/) / [力扣](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/sort-colors/description/)
Input: [2,0,2,1,1,0]
Output: [0,0,1,1,2,2]
题目描述只有 0/1/2 三种颜色
public void sortColors(int[] nums) {
int zero = -1, one = 0, two = nums.length;
while (one < two) {
if (nums[one] == 0) {
swap(nums, ++zero, one++);
} else if (nums[one] == 2) {
swap(nums, --two, one);
} else {
private void swap(int[] nums, int i, int j) {
int t = nums[i];
nums[i] = nums[j];
nums[j] = t;
<div align="center"><img width="320px" src="https://cs-notes-1256109796.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/githubio/公众号二维码-1.png"></img></div>