print("CN Package Manager") print("Author: Github/Kiritow") local component=require("component") local shell=require("shell") local serialization=require("serialization") local uuid=require("uuid") local function showcmd(cmdstr,infostr) local old=component.gpu.setForeground(0xFFFF00) io.write(cmdstr) component.gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) print(" " .. infostr) component.gpu.setForeground(old) end local function showerr(infostr) local old=component.gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000) print(infostr) component.gpu.setForeground(old) end local function cwrite(color,infostr) local old=component.gpu.setForeground(color) io.write(infostr) component.gpu.setForeground(old) end local args,ops=shell.parse(...) local argc=#args if(argc<1) then print("Usage:") showcmd("cnpm install ","Install package") showcmd("cnpm list [-in] []", "Search package" .. "\tList all package if no package name given.\n" .. "\t-i Only search in installed package\n" .. "\t-n Only search in not installed package" ) showcmd("cnpm add [-gbmkno,--url=] ", "Add an external repository to cnpm\n" .. "\t-g Github repository (default)\n" .. "\t-b Bitnami repository\n" .. "\t-m Gitee repository\n" .. "\t-k CNPM official repository\n" .. "\t-n CodingNet repository\n" .. "\t-o Register as oppm repository\n" .. "\t--url= Direct repository link" ) showcmd("cnpm del ","Delete an external repository") showcmd("cnpm update","Update software info") showcmd("cnpm upgrade []","Upgrade packages") showcmd("cnpm remove ","Remove package") return 0 end -- Hardware check local network=component.internet if(network==nil) then showerr("No network device found.") end local function getdb() local"/etc/cnpm/packages.cache","r") if(f==nil) then -- Try create on first time failure local ff,"/etc/cnpm/packages.cache","w") if(ff==nil) then error("Failed to read packages cache file: " .. err) else ff:close() return {} end end local content=f:read("*all") f:close() return serialization.unserialize(content) end local function savedb(db) local str=serialization.serialize(db) local"/etc/cnpm/packages.cache","w") f:write(str) f:close() end if(args[1]=="add") then local restb=dofile("urlresolver.lua") print("Initializing...") local git=false local oppm=false local resolver local url=nil if(ops.github or ops.g) then git=true resolver=restb.github elseif(ops.bitbucket or ops.b) then git=true resolver=restb.bitbucket elseif(ops.gitee or ops.m) then git=true resolver=restb.gitee elseif(ops.cngit or ops.k) then git=true resolver=restb.cngit elseif(ops.codingnet or ops.n) then git=true resolver=restb.codingnet elseif(ops.oppm or ops.o) then -- Follow OPPM git=true oppm=true elseif(ops.url) then url=ops.url else showerr("Cannot resolve repository url.") return 1 end if(oppm) then -- TODO: Fill the gap between oppm and cnpm print("Warning: Oppm repository may not be completely supported.") end local realcfgurl="" print("Resolving url...") if(git) then realcfgurl=resolver(args[2],"mainfest.txt") else if(string.sub(url,-1)~="/") then url=url .. "/" end realcfgurl=url .. "mainfest.txt" end print("Downloading mainfest...") local hand=network.request(realcfgurl) local res="" while true do local if(tmp~=nil) then res=res .. tmp else break end end hand.close() print("Reading mainfest...") local fn=load("return " .. res,"Mainfest","t",{}) local isok,err=pcall(fn) if(not isok) then showerr("Failed to load mainfest: " .. err) return 2 end local mft=err -- If nothing wrong happend, then the second value should be mft(Mainfest Table) local function checkval(param,tp) if(tp==nil) then tp="string" end if(type(tp)~="table") then tp={tp} end for k,v in pairs(tp) do if(type(param)==v) then return param end end error("Invalid param type") end print("Checking mainfest...") local pkg={} local ret,err=pcall( function() -- Copy info,{"string","nil"}),{"string","nil"}) pkg.version=checkval(mft.version) pkg.files=checkval(mft.files,"table") pkg.depends=checkval(mft.depends,{"table","string","nil"}) pkg.precheck=checkval(mft.precheck,{"string","nil"}) pkg.setup=checkval(mft.setup,{"string","nil"}) pkg.uninst=checkval(mft.uninst,{"string","nil"}) -- Package setup check for k,v in pairs(pkg.files) do if(type(k)~="string" or type(v)~="string") then error("file list type exception.") end end if( (pkg.precheck and pkg.files[pkg.precheck]==nil) or (pkg.setup and pkg.files[pkg.setup]==nil) or (pkg.uninst and pkg.files[pkg.uninst]==nil) ) then error("special files not found in files list.") end end ) if(ret==false) then showerr("Invalid package mainfest: " .. err) return 3 end print("Adding package info...") local db=getdb() local spkg={} spkg.pkg=pkg,"/mainfest.txt","/") spkg.cert=false -- Repo add through "cnpm add" are not certified. -- Checking package repeat before adding it for k,t in pairs(db) do if( then showerr("Package already exist.") return 1 end end print("Updating package info...") -- Notice that database is stored by while(db[spkg.guid]~=nil) do end db[spkg.guid]=spkg savedb(db) print("Repository Added.") return 0 end local function format_table(t) local maxlen={} for k,v in ipairs(t.head) do table.insert(maxlen,string.len(v)) end for i,line in ipairs( do for k,v in ipairs(line) do if(maxlen[k]