
214 lines
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#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <xlnt/xlnt.hpp>
#include "stb_image.h"
// This sample demonstrates the use of some complex formatting methods to create
// a workbook in which each cell has a fill based on the pixels of an image
// thereby appearing as a mosaic of the given image. Two methods for achieving
// this effect are demonstrated: cell-level format and conditional formatting.
// Clean up the code with some alias declarations
using byte = std::uint8_t;
using pixel = std::array<byte, 3>;
using pixmap = std::vector<std::vector<pixel>>;
// Specify whether the CF or cell format method should be used
static const bool use_conditional_formatting = false;
// Returns a 2D vector of pixels from a given filename. Accepts all file types
// supported by stb_image (JPEG, PNG, TGA, BMP, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC, PNM).
pixmap load_image(const std::string &filename)
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
int bpp = 0;
// Must be freed after use with stbi_image_free
auto image_data = stbi_load(filename.c_str(), &width, &height, &bpp, 0);
if (image_data == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("bad image or file not found: " + filename);
pixmap result;
for (auto row = 0; row < height; ++row)
std::vector<pixel> row_pixels;
for (auto column = 0; column < width; ++column)
auto r = image_data[row * width * bpp + column * bpp];
auto g = image_data[row * width * bpp + column * bpp + 1];
auto b = image_data[row * width * bpp + column * bpp + 2];
auto current_pixel = pixel({ r, g, b });
return result;
// Builds and returns a workbook in which each cell has a value
// equal to the color of the pixel in the given image. A conditional format
// is created for every color to set the background fill of each cell to the
// color of its value. This is very slow for large images but is intended
// to illustrate a realistic use of conditional formatting.
xlnt::workbook build_workbook_cf(const pixmap &image)
// Create a default workbook with a single worksheet
xlnt::workbook wb;
// Get the active sheet (the only sheet in this case)
auto ws = wb.active_sheet();
// The reference to the cell which is being operated upon
auto current_cell = xlnt::cell_reference("A1");
// The range of cells which will be modified. This is required for conditional formats
auto range = ws.range(xlnt::range_reference(1, 1, image[0].size(), image.size()));
// Track the previously created conditonal formats so they are only created once
std::unordered_set<std::string> defined_colors;
// Iterate over each row in the source image
for (const auto &image_row : image)
// Iterate over each pixel in the image row
for (const auto &image_pixel : image_row)
// Build an xlnt compatible RGB color from the pixel byte array
const auto color = xlnt::rgb_color(image_pixel[0], image_pixel[1], image_pixel[2]);
// Only create the conditional format if it doesn't yet exist
if (defined_colors.count(color.hex_string()) == 0)
// The condition under which the conditional format applies to a cell
// In this case, the condition is satisfied when the text of the cell
// contains the hex string representing the pixel color.
const auto condition = xlnt::condition::text_contains(color.hex_string());
// Create a new conditional format with the above condition on the image pixel range
auto format = range.conditional_format(condition);
// Define the fill for the conditional format
// Record the created of this CF
// Dereference the cell at the current position and set its value to the pixel color
// Increment the column
current_cell.column_index(current_cell.column_index() + 1);
// Reached the end of the row--move to the first column of the next row
current_cell.row(current_cell.row() + 1);
// Show some progress, it can take a while...
std::cout << current_cell.row() << " " << defined_colors.size() << std::endl;
// Return the resulting workbook
return wb;
// Builds and returns a workbook in which each cell has a value
// equal to the color of the pixel in the given image. To accomplish this,
// a named style is created for every color in the image and is applied
// to each cell corresponding to pixels of that color.
xlnt::workbook build_workbook_normal(const pixmap &image)
// Create a default workbook with a single worksheet
xlnt::workbook wb;
// Get the active sheet (the only sheet in this case)
auto ws = wb.active_sheet();
// The reference to the cell which is being operated upon
auto current_cell = xlnt::cell_reference("A1");
// Iterate over each row in the source image
for (const auto &image_row : image)
// Iterate over each pixel in the image row
for (const auto &image_pixel : image_row)
// Build an xlnt compatible RGB color from the pixel byte array
const auto color = xlnt::rgb_color(image_pixel[0], image_pixel[1], image_pixel[2]);
// Only create the style if it doesn't yet exist in the workbook
if (!wb.has_style(color.hex_string()))
// A style is constructed on a workbook by providing a unique name
auto color_style = wb.create_style(color.hex_string());
// Set the fill to a solid fill of the pixel color
// Dereference the cell at the current position and use the previously created color style
// Increment the column
current_cell.column_index(current_cell.column_index() + 1);
// Reached the end of the row--move to the first column of the next row
current_cell.row(current_cell.row() + 1);
// Show some progress, it can take a while...
std::cout << current_cell.row() << std::endl;
// Return the resulting workbook
return wb;
// Builds and returns a workbook in which each cell has a value
// equal to the color of the pixel in the given image using the
// conditional formatting or cell-level formatting depending on
// the value of use_conditional_formatting defined at the top of
// this file.
xlnt::workbook build_workbook(const pixmap &image)
if (use_conditional_formatting)
return build_workbook_cf(image);
return build_workbook_normal(image);
// Entry point
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Ensure that there is a correct number of arguments
if (argc < 3)
std::cout << "usage: img2xlsx <input> <output>" << std::endl;
return 0;
// The first argument is the name of the input image
const auto input = std::string(argv[1]);
// Load the input image. An exception will be thrown if it doesn't exist.
const auto image = load_image(input);
// Build the workbook from the image
auto workbook = build_workbook(image);
// The second argument is the name of the file to save the workbook as.
const auto output = std::string(argv[2]);
// Save the workbook
return 0;