#pragma once

#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_set>

#include <detail/external/include_libstudxml.hpp>
#include <detail/serialization/vector_streambuf.hpp>
#include <detail/serialization/zstream.hpp>
#include <xlnt/packaging/manifest.hpp>
#include <xlnt/workbook/workbook.hpp>

class xml_helper
    static bool compare_files(const std::string &left,
		const std::string &right, const std::string &content_type)
        // content types are stored in unordered maps, too complicated to compare
        if (content_type == "[Content_Types].xml")
            return true;

        // calcChain is optional
        if (content_type == "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.calcChain+xml")
            return true;

        // compared already
        if (content_type == "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml")
            return true;

        auto is_xml = (content_type.substr(0, 12) == "application/"
            && content_type.substr(content_type.size() - 4) == "+xml")
            || content_type == "application/xml"
            || content_type == "[Content_Types].xml"
            || content_type == "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.vmlDrawing";

        if (is_xml)
            return compare_xml_exact(left, right);

        auto is_thumbnail = content_type == "image/jpeg";

        if (is_thumbnail)
            return true;

        return left == right;

    static bool compare_xml_exact(const std::string &left,
        const std::string &right, bool suppress_debug_info = false)
        xml::parser left_parser(left.data(), left.size(), "left");
        xml::parser right_parser(right.data(), right.size(), "right");

        bool difference = false;
        auto right_iter = right_parser.begin();

        auto is_whitespace = [](const std::string &v)
            return v.find_first_not_of("\n\r\t ") == std::string::npos;

        // Iterate through each node in the left document
        for (auto left_event : left_parser)
            // Ignore entirely whitespace text
            if (left_event == xml::parser::event_type::characters
                && is_whitespace(left_parser.value())) continue;

            // There's a difference if the end of the right document is reached
            if (right_iter == right_parser.end())
                difference = true;

            auto right_event = *right_iter;

            // Iterate through right document until the first non-whitespace node is reached
            while (right_iter != right_parser.end()
                && right_event == xml::parser::event_type::characters
                && is_whitespace(right_parser.value()))
                right_event = *right_iter;

            // There's a difference if the left node type differs from the right node type
            if (left_event != right_event)
                difference = true;

            if (left_event == xml::parser::event_type::start_element)
                // Store a map of all attributes from left and right elements in locals
                auto left_attr_map = left_parser.attribute_map();
                auto right_attr_map = right_parser.attribute_map();

                // Iterate through all attributes in the left element
                for (auto attr : left_attr_map)
                    // There's a difference if the rigght element doesn't have the attribute from the left element
                    if (right_attr_map.find(attr.first) == right_attr_map.end())
                        difference = true;

                    // There's a difference if the value of the right attribute doesn't match the value of the left
                    if (attr.second.value != right_attr_map.at(attr.first).value)
                        // Unless this exception holds
                        if (left_parser.qname() == xml::qname("urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml", "shape")
                            && attr.first == std::string("style"))
                            // for now this doesn't matter, so do nothing
                            // TODO: think of a better way to do this or prevent the difference in the first place
                            difference = true;

                // Iterate through all attributes in the right element
                for (auto attr : right_attr_map)
                    // There's a difference if the left element doesn't have the attribute from the right element
                    if (left_attr_map.find(attr.first) == left_attr_map.end())
                        difference = true;

                    // There's a difference if the value of the left attribute doesn't match the value of the right
                    if (attr.second.value != left_attr_map.at(attr.first).value)
                        // Unless this exception holds
                        if (left_parser.qname() == xml::qname("urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml", "shape")
                            && attr.first == std::string("style"))
                            // for now this doesn't matter, so do nothing
                            // TODO: think of a better way to do this or prevent the difference in the first place
                            difference = true;

                // break out of outer for loop too if a difference was found in attribute for loops
                if (difference)

                // Finally, there's a difference if the names of the left and right elements don't match
                if (left_parser.qname() != right_parser.qname())
                    difference = true;
            else if (left_event == xml::parser::event_type::characters)
                // There's a difference if the left text doesn't match the right text
                if (left_parser.value() != right_parser.value())
                    // Unless this exception holds
                    if (left_parser.qname() == xml::qname("urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel", "Anchor"))
                        // for now this doesn't matter, so do nothing
                        // TODO: think of a better way to do this or prevent the difference in the first place
                        difference = true;

            // Move to the next node in the right document, left node is incremented by for loop

		if (difference && !suppress_debug_info)
			std::cout << "documents don't match" << std::endl;

			std::cout << "left:" << std::endl;
            for (auto c : left)
                std::cout << c << std::flush;
			std::cout << std::endl;

			std::cout << "right:" << std::endl;
            for (auto c : right)
                std::cout << c << std::flush;
			std::cout << std::endl;

		return !difference;

    static bool compare_relationships(const xlnt::manifest &left,
        const xlnt::manifest &right)
        std::unordered_set<std::string> parts;

        for (const auto &part : left.parts())

            auto left_rels = left.relationships(part);
            auto right_rels = right.relationships(part);

            if (left_rels.size() != right_rels.size())
                return false;

            std::unordered_map<std::string, xlnt::relationship> left_rels_map;

            for (const auto &rel : left_rels)
                left_rels_map[rel.id()] = rel;

            for (const auto &right_rel : right_rels)
                if (left_rels_map.count(right_rel.id()) != 1)
                    return false;

                const auto &left_rel = left_rels_map.at(right_rel.id());

                if (left_rel != right_rel)
                    return false;

        for (const auto &part : right.parts())
            if (parts.count(part.string()) != 1)
                return false;

        return true;

	static bool xlsx_archives_match(const std::vector<std::uint8_t> &left,
        const std::vector<std::uint8_t> &right)
        xlnt::detail::vector_istreambuf left_buffer(left);
        std::istream left_stream(&left_buffer);
        xlnt::detail::izstream left_archive(left_stream);

		const auto left_info = left_archive.files();

        xlnt::detail::vector_istreambuf right_buffer(right);
        std::istream right_stream(&right_buffer);
        xlnt::detail::izstream right_archive(right_stream);

		const auto right_info = right_archive.files();

        auto difference_is_missing_calc_chain = false;

        if (std::abs(int(left_info.size()) - int(right_info.size())) == 1)
            auto is_calc_chain = [](const xlnt::path &p)
                return p.filename() == "calcChain.xml";

            auto left_has_calc_chain = std::find_if(left_info.begin(), left_info.end(), is_calc_chain)
                != left_info.end();
            auto right_has_calc_chain = std::find_if(right_info.begin(), right_info.end(), is_calc_chain)
                != right_info.end();

            if (left_has_calc_chain != right_has_calc_chain)
                difference_is_missing_calc_chain = true;

		if (left_info.size() != right_info.size() && ! difference_is_missing_calc_chain)
            std::cout << "left has a different number of files than right" << std::endl;

            std::cout << "left has: ";
            for (auto &info : left_info)
                std::cout << info.string() << ", ";
            std::cout << std::endl;

            std::cout << "right has: ";
            for (auto &info : right_info)
                std::cout << info.string() << ", ";
            std::cout << std::endl;

        bool match = true;

        xlnt::workbook left_workbook;

        xlnt::workbook right_workbook;

        auto &left_manifest = left_workbook.manifest();
        auto &right_manifest = right_workbook.manifest();

        if (!compare_relationships(left_manifest, right_manifest))
            return false;

		for (auto left_member : left_info)
			if (!right_archive.has_file(left_member))
                if (difference_is_missing_calc_chain)

                match = false;
                std::cout << "right is missing file: " << left_member.string() << std::endl;


            auto left_content_type = left_member.string() == "[Content_Types].xml"
                ? "[Content_Types].xml" : left_manifest.content_type(left_member);
            auto right_content_type = left_member.string() == "[Content_Types].xml"
                ? "[Content_Types].xml" : right_manifest.content_type(left_member);

            if (left_content_type != right_content_type)
                std::cout << "content types differ: "
                    << left_member.string()
                    << " "
                    << left_content_type
                    << " "
                    << right_content_type
                    << std::endl;
                match = false;

            if (!compare_files(left_archive.read(left_member),
                right_archive.read(left_member), left_content_type))
				std::cout << left_member.string() << std::endl;
                match = false;

		return match;