#include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "detail/cell_impl.hpp" #include "detail/include_pugixml.hpp" #include "detail/workbook_impl.hpp" #include "detail/worksheet_impl.hpp" namespace xlnt { namespace detail { workbook_impl::workbook_impl() : active_sheet_index_(0), guess_types_(false), data_only_(false), next_custom_format_id_(164) { } } // namespace detail workbook::workbook() : d_(new detail::workbook_impl()) { create_sheet("Sheet"); create_relationship("rId2", "sharedStrings.xml", relationship::type::shared_strings); create_relationship("rId3", "styles.xml", relationship::type::styles); create_relationship("rId4", "theme/theme1.xml", relationship::type::theme); } workbook::iterator::iterator(workbook &wb, std::size_t index) : wb_(wb), index_(index) { } workbook::iterator::iterator(const iterator &rhs) : wb_(rhs.wb_), index_(rhs.index_) { } worksheet workbook::iterator::operator*() { return wb_[index_]; } workbook::iterator &workbook::iterator::operator++() { index_++; return *this; } workbook::iterator workbook::iterator::operator++(int) { iterator old(wb_, index_); ++*this; return old; } bool workbook::iterator::operator==(const iterator &comparand) const { return index_ == comparand.index_ && wb_ == comparand.wb_; } workbook::const_iterator::const_iterator(const workbook &wb, std::size_t index) : wb_(wb), index_(index) { } workbook::const_iterator::const_iterator(const const_iterator &rhs) : wb_(rhs.wb_), index_(rhs.index_) { } const worksheet workbook::const_iterator::operator*() { return wb_.get_sheet_by_index(index_); } workbook::const_iterator &workbook::const_iterator::operator++() { index_++; return *this; } workbook::const_iterator workbook::const_iterator::operator++(int) { const_iterator old(wb_, index_); ++*this; return old; } bool workbook::const_iterator::operator==(const const_iterator &comparand) const { return index_ == comparand.index_ && wb_ == comparand.wb_; } worksheet workbook::get_sheet_by_name(const std::string &name) { for(auto &impl : d_->worksheets_) { if(impl.title_ == name) { return worksheet(&impl); } } return worksheet(); } worksheet workbook::get_sheet_by_index(std::size_t index) { return worksheet(&d_->worksheets_[index]); } const worksheet workbook::get_sheet_by_index(std::size_t index) const { return worksheet(&d_->worksheets_.at(index)); } worksheet workbook::get_active_sheet() { return worksheet(&d_->worksheets_[d_->active_sheet_index_]); } bool workbook::has_named_range(const std::string &name) const { for(auto worksheet : *this) { if(worksheet.has_named_range(name)) { return true; } } return false; } worksheet workbook::create_sheet() { std::string title = "Sheet1"; int index = 1; while(get_sheet_by_name(title) != nullptr) { title = "Sheet" + std::to_string(++index); } d_->worksheets_.push_back(detail::worksheet_impl(this, title)); create_relationship("rId" + std::to_string(d_->relationships_.size() + 1), "xl/worksheets/sheet" + std::to_string(d_->worksheets_.size()) + ".xml", relationship::type::worksheet); return worksheet(&d_->worksheets_.back()); } void workbook::add_sheet(xlnt::worksheet worksheet) { for(auto ws : *this) { if(worksheet == ws) { throw std::runtime_error("worksheet already in workbook"); } } d_->worksheets_.emplace_back(*worksheet.d_); } void workbook::add_sheet(xlnt::worksheet worksheet, std::size_t index) { add_sheet(worksheet); std::swap(d_->worksheets_[index], d_->worksheets_.back()); } int workbook::get_index(xlnt::worksheet worksheet) { int i = 0; for(auto ws : *this) { if(worksheet == ws) { return i; } i++; } throw std::runtime_error("worksheet isn't owned by this workbook"); } void workbook::create_named_range(const std::string &name, worksheet range_owner, const range_reference &reference) { auto match = get_sheet_by_name(range_owner.get_title()); if(match != nullptr) { match.create_named_range(name, reference); return; } throw std::runtime_error("worksheet isn't owned by this workbook"); } void workbook::remove_named_range(const std::string &name) { for(auto ws : *this) { if(ws.has_named_range(name)) { ws.remove_named_range(name); return; } } throw std::runtime_error("named range not found"); } range workbook::get_named_range(const std::string &name) { for(auto ws : *this) { if(ws.has_named_range(name)) { return ws.get_named_range(name); } } throw std::runtime_error("named range not found"); } bool workbook::load(std::istream &stream) { *this = excel_reader::load_workbook(stream); return true; } bool workbook::load(const std::vector &data) { *this = excel_reader::load_workbook(data); return true; } bool workbook::load(const std::string &filename) { *this = excel_reader::load_workbook(filename); return true; } void workbook::set_guess_types(bool guess) { d_->guess_types_ = guess; } bool workbook::get_guess_types() const { return d_->guess_types_; } void workbook::create_relationship(const std::string &id, const std::string &target, relationship::type type) { d_->relationships_.push_back(relationship(type, id, target)); } relationship workbook::get_relationship(const std::string &id) const { for(auto &rel : d_->relationships_) { if(rel.get_id() == id) { return rel; } } throw std::runtime_error(""); } void workbook::remove_sheet(worksheet ws) { auto match_iter = std::find_if(d_->worksheets_.begin(), d_->worksheets_.end(), [=](detail::worksheet_impl &comp) { return worksheet(&comp) == ws; }); if(match_iter == d_->worksheets_.end()) { throw std::runtime_error("worksheet not owned by this workbook"); } d_->worksheets_.erase(match_iter); } worksheet workbook::create_sheet(std::size_t index) { create_sheet(); if (index != d_->worksheets_.size() - 1) { std::swap(d_->worksheets_.back(), d_->worksheets_[index]); d_->worksheets_.pop_back(); } return worksheet(&d_->worksheets_[index]); } //TODO: There should be a better way to do this... std::size_t workbook::index_from_ws_filename(const std::string &ws_filename) { std::string sheet_index_string(ws_filename); sheet_index_string = sheet_index_string.substr(0, sheet_index_string.find('.')); sheet_index_string = sheet_index_string.substr(sheet_index_string.find_last_of('/')); auto iter = sheet_index_string.end(); iter--; while (isdigit(*iter)) iter--; auto first_digit = static_cast(iter - sheet_index_string.begin()); sheet_index_string = sheet_index_string.substr(first_digit + 1); auto sheet_index = static_cast(std::stoll(sheet_index_string) - 1); return sheet_index; } worksheet workbook::create_sheet(const std::string &title, const relationship &rel) { d_->worksheets_.push_back(detail::worksheet_impl(this, title)); auto index = index_from_ws_filename(rel.get_target_uri()); if (index != d_->worksheets_.size() - 1) { std::swap(d_->worksheets_.back(), d_->worksheets_[index]); d_->worksheets_.pop_back(); } return worksheet(&d_->worksheets_[index]); } worksheet workbook::create_sheet(std::size_t index, const std::string &title) { auto ws = create_sheet(index); ws.set_title(title); return ws; } worksheet workbook::create_sheet(const std::string &title) { if(title.length() > 31) { throw sheet_title_exception(title); } if(std::find_if(title.begin(), title.end(), [](char c) { return c == '*' || c == ':' || c == '/' || c == '\\' || c == '?' || c == '[' || c == ']'; }) != title.end()) { throw sheet_title_exception(title); } std::string unique_title = title; if(std::find_if(d_->worksheets_.begin(), d_->worksheets_.end(), [&](detail::worksheet_impl &ws) { return worksheet(&ws).get_title() == unique_title; }) != d_->worksheets_.end()) { std::size_t suffix = 1; while(std::find_if(d_->worksheets_.begin(), d_->worksheets_.end(), [&](detail::worksheet_impl &ws) { return worksheet(&ws).get_title() == unique_title; }) != d_->worksheets_.end()) { unique_title = title + std::to_string(suffix); suffix++; } } auto ws = create_sheet(); ws.set_title(unique_title); return ws; } workbook::iterator workbook::begin() { return iterator(*this, 0); } workbook::iterator workbook::end() { return iterator(*this, d_->worksheets_.size()); } workbook::const_iterator workbook::cbegin() const { return const_iterator(*this, 0); } workbook::const_iterator workbook::cend() const { return const_iterator(*this, d_->worksheets_.size()); } std::vector workbook::get_sheet_names() const { std::vector names; for(auto ws : *this) { names.push_back(ws.get_title()); } return names; } worksheet workbook::operator[](const std::string &name) { return get_sheet_by_name(name); } worksheet workbook::operator[](std::size_t index) { return worksheet(&d_->worksheets_[index]); } void workbook::clear() { d_->worksheets_.clear(); d_->relationships_.clear(); d_->active_sheet_index_ = 0; d_->drawings_.clear(); d_->properties_ = document_properties(); } bool workbook::save(std::vector &data) { data = save_virtual_workbook(*this); return true; } bool workbook::save(const std::string &filename) { return save_workbook(*this, filename); } bool workbook::operator==(std::nullptr_t) const { return d_.get() == nullptr; } bool workbook::operator==(const workbook &rhs) const { return d_.get() == rhs.d_.get(); } std::vector xlnt::workbook::get_relationships() const { return d_->relationships_; } std::vector xlnt::workbook::get_content_types() const { std::vector content_types; content_types.push_back({ true, "xml", "", "application/xml" }); content_types.push_back({ true, "rels", "", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml" }); content_types.push_back({ false, "", "/xl/workbook.xml", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml" }); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < get_sheet_names().size(); i++) { content_types.push_back({false, "", "/xl/worksheets/sheet" + std::to_string(i + 1) + ".xml", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml"}); } content_types.push_back({false, "", "/xl/theme/theme1.xml", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.theme+xml"}); content_types.push_back({false, "", "/xl/styles.xml", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml"}); content_types.push_back({false, "", "/xl/sharedStrings.xml", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml"}); content_types.push_back({false, "", "/docProps/core.xml", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml"}); content_types.push_back({false, "", "/docProps/app.xml", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml"}); return content_types; } document_properties &workbook::get_properties() { return d_->properties_; } const document_properties &workbook::get_properties() const { return d_->properties_; } void swap(workbook &left, workbook &right) { using std::swap; swap(left.d_, right.d_); for(auto ws : left) { ws.set_parent(left); } for(auto ws : right) { ws.set_parent(right); } } workbook &workbook::operator=(workbook other) { swap(*this, other); return *this; } workbook::workbook(workbook &&other) : workbook() { swap(*this, other); } workbook::workbook(const workbook &other) : workbook() { *d_.get() = *other.d_.get(); for(auto ws : *this) { ws.set_parent(*this); } } bool workbook::get_data_only() const { return d_->data_only_; } void workbook::set_data_only(bool data_only) { d_->data_only_ = data_only; } void workbook::add_border(const xlnt::border &border_) { d_->borders_.push_back(border_); } void workbook::add_fill(const fill &fill_) { d_->fills_.push_back(fill_); } void workbook::add_font(const font &font_) { d_->fonts_.push_back(font_); } void workbook::add_number_format(const number_format &number_format_) { d_->number_formats_.push_back(number_format_); } void workbook::set_code_name(const std::string &/*code_name*/) { } bool workbook::has_loaded_theme() { return false; } std::string workbook::get_loaded_theme() { return ""; } std::vector workbook::get_named_ranges() const { std::vector named_ranges; for(auto ws : *this) { for(auto &ws_named_range : ws.d_->named_ranges_) { named_ranges.push_back(ws_named_range.second); } } return named_ranges; } std::size_t workbook::add_style(const xlnt::style &style_) { for(std::size_t i = 0; i < d_->styles_.size(); i++) { if(d_->styles_[i] == style_) { return i; } } d_->styles_.push_back(style_); return d_->styles_.size() - 1; } const number_format &workbook::get_number_format(std::size_t style_id) const { auto number_format_id = d_->styles_[style_id].number_format_id_; for(const auto &number_format_ : d_->number_formats_) { if(number_format_.get_id() == number_format_id) { return number_format_; } } auto nf = number_format::from_builtin_id(static_cast(number_format_id)); d_->number_formats_.push_back(nf); return d_->number_formats_.back(); } const font &workbook::get_font(std::size_t style_id) const { return d_->fonts_[d_->styles_[style_id].font_id_]; } std::size_t workbook::set_font(const font &font_, std::size_t style_id) { auto match = std::find(d_->fonts_.begin(), d_->fonts_.end(), font_); auto font_index = 0; if(match == d_->fonts_.end()) { d_->fonts_.push_back(font_); font_index = d_->fonts_.size() - 1; } else { font_index = match - d_->fonts_.begin(); } auto existing_style = d_->styles_[style_id]; if(font_index == existing_style.font_id_) { // no change return style_id; } auto new_style = existing_style; new_style.font_id_ = font_index; auto style_match = std::find(d_->styles_.begin(), d_->styles_.end(), new_style); if(style_match != d_->styles_.end()) { return style_match - d_->styles_.begin(); } d_->styles_.push_back(new_style); return d_->styles_.size() - 1; } const fill &workbook::get_fill(std::size_t style_id) const { return d_->fills_[d_->styles_[style_id].fill_id_]; } std::size_t workbook::set_fill(const fill &fill_, std::size_t style_id) { return style_id; } const border &workbook::get_border(std::size_t style_id) const { return d_->borders_[d_->styles_[style_id].border_id_]; } std::size_t workbook::set_border(const border &border_, std::size_t style_id) { return style_id; } const alignment &workbook::get_alignment(std::size_t style_id) const { return d_->styles_[style_id].alignment_; } std::size_t workbook::set_alignment(const alignment &alignment_, std::size_t style_id) { return style_id; } const protection &workbook::get_protection(std::size_t style_id) const { return d_->styles_[style_id].protection_; } std::size_t workbook::set_protection(const protection &protection_, std::size_t style_id) { return style_id; } bool workbook::get_pivot_button(std::size_t style_id) const { return d_->styles_[style_id].pivot_button_; } bool workbook::get_quote_prefix(std::size_t style_id) const { return d_->styles_[style_id].quote_prefix_; } std::size_t workbook::set_number_format(const xlnt::number_format &format, std::size_t style_id) { auto match = std::find(d_->number_formats_.begin(), d_->number_formats_.end(), format); std::size_t format_id = 0; if(match == d_->number_formats_.end()) { d_->number_formats_.push_back(format); if(format.get_id() == -1) { d_->number_formats_.back().set_id(d_->next_custom_format_id_++); } format_id = d_->number_formats_.back().get_id(); } else { format_id = match->get_id(); } if(d_->styles_.empty()) { style new_style; new_style.id_ = 0; new_style.border_id_ = 0; new_style.fill_id_ = 0; new_style.font_id_ = 0; new_style.number_format_id_ = format_id; new_style.number_format_apply_ = true; if(d_->borders_.empty()) { d_->borders_.push_back(new_style.get_border()); } if(d_->fills_.empty()) { d_->fills_.push_back(new_style.get_fill()); } if(d_->fonts_.empty()) { d_->fonts_.push_back(new_style.get_font()); } d_->styles_.push_back(new_style); return 0; } // If the style is unchanged, just return it. auto existing_style = d_->styles_[style_id]; existing_style.number_format_apply_ = true; if(format_id == existing_style.number_format_id_) { // no change return style_id; } // Make a new style with this format. auto new_style = existing_style; new_style.number_format_id_ = format_id; new_style.number_format_ = format; // Check if the new style is already applied to a different cell. If so, reuse it. auto style_match = std::find(d_->styles_.begin(), d_->styles_.end(), new_style); if(style_match != d_->styles_.end()) { return style_match->get_id(); } // No match found, so add it. new_style.id_ = d_->styles_.size(); d_->styles_.push_back(new_style); return new_style.id_; } std::vector