cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1) project(xlnt_all) # CTest setup # include (CTest) # Add this for valgrind support; CTest works without it enable_testing() # This indicates to CMakeLists in subdirectories that they are part of a larger project set(COMBINED_PROJECT TRUE) # Library type option(STATIC "Set to ON to build xlnt as a static library instead of a shared library" OFF) # c++ language standard to use set(XLNT_VALID_LANGS 11 14 17) set(XLNT_CXX_LANG "14" CACHE STRING "c++ language features to compile with") # enumerate allowed values for cmake gui set_property(CACHE XLNT_CXX_LANG PROPERTY STRINGS ${XLNT_VALID_LANGS}) # validate value is in XLNT_VALID_LANGS list(FIND XLNT_VALID_LANGS ${XLNT_CXX_LANG} index) if(index EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "XLNT_CXX_LANG must be one of ${XLNT_VALID_LANGS}") endif() # Optional components option(TESTS "Set to OFF to skip building test executable (in ./tests)" ON) option(SAMPLES "Set to ON to build executable code samples (in ./samples)" OFF) option(BENCHMARKS "Set to ON to build performance benchmarks (in ./benchmarks)" OFF) option(PYTHON "Set to ON to build Arrow conversion functions (in ./python)" OFF) # Platform specific options if(MSVC) option(STATIC_CRT "Link with the static version of MSVCRT (/MD[d])" OFF) else() option(COVERAGE "Generate coverage data using gcov" OFF) endif() # Add components according to selected options if(SAMPLES) add_subdirectory(samples) endif() if(BENCHMARKS) add_subdirectory(benchmarks) endif() if(TESTS) add_subdirectory(tests) endif() if(PYTHON) add_subdirectory(python) endif() add_subdirectory(source)