#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "detail/include_pugixml.hpp" namespace { } // namespace namespace xlnt { void read_worksheet(worksheet ws, zip_file &archive, const relationship &rel, const std::vector &string_table) { pugi::xml_document doc; doc.load(archive.read(rel.get_target_uri()).c_str()); auto root_node = doc.child("worksheet"); auto dimension_node = root_node.child("dimension"); std::string dimension = dimension_node.attribute("ref").as_string(); auto full_range = xlnt::range_reference(dimension); auto sheet_data_node = root_node.child("sheetData"); auto merge_cells_node = root_node.child("mergeCells"); if(merge_cells_node != nullptr) { int count = merge_cells_node.attribute("count").as_int(); for(auto merge_cell_node : merge_cells_node.children("mergeCell")) { ws.merge_cells(merge_cell_node.attribute("ref").as_string()); count--; } if(count != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("mismatch between count and actual number of merged cells"); } } for(auto row_node : sheet_data_node.children("row")) { int row_index = row_node.attribute("r").as_int(); std::string span_string = row_node.attribute("spans").as_string(); auto colon_index = span_string.find(':'); column_t min_column = 0; column_t max_column = 0; if(colon_index != std::string::npos) { min_column = static_cast(std::stoll(span_string.substr(0, colon_index))); max_column = static_cast(std::stoll(span_string.substr(colon_index + 1))); } else { min_column = static_cast(full_range.get_top_left().get_column_index()); max_column = static_cast(full_range.get_bottom_right().get_column_index()); } for(column_t i = min_column; i <= max_column; i++) { std::string address = xlnt::cell_reference::column_string_from_index(i) + std::to_string(row_index); auto cell_node = row_node.find_child_by_attribute("c", "r", address.c_str()); if(cell_node != nullptr) { bool has_value = cell_node.child("v") != nullptr; std::string value_string = has_value ? cell_node.child("v").text().as_string() : ""; bool has_type = cell_node.attribute("t") != nullptr; std::string type = has_type ? cell_node.attribute("t").as_string() : ""; bool has_style = cell_node.attribute("s") != nullptr; int style_id = has_style ? cell_node.attribute("s").as_int() : 0; bool has_formula = cell_node.child("f") != nullptr; bool has_shared_formula = has_formula && cell_node.child("f").attribute("t") != nullptr && std::string(cell_node.child("f").attribute("t").as_string()) == "shared"; auto cell = ws.get_cell(address); if(has_formula && !has_shared_formula && !ws.get_parent().get_data_only()) { std::string formula = cell_node.child("f").text().as_string(); cell.set_formula(formula); } if(has_type && type == "inlineStr") // inline string { std::string inline_string = cell_node.child("is").child("t").text().as_string(); cell.set_value(inline_string); } else if(has_type && type == "s" && !has_formula) // shared string { auto shared_string_index = std::stoull(value_string); auto shared_string = string_table.at(shared_string_index); cell.set_value(shared_string); } else if(has_type && type == "b") // boolean { cell.set_value(value_string != "0"); } else if(has_type && type == "str") { cell.set_value(value_string); } else if(has_value && !value_string.empty()) { if(!value_string.empty() && value_string[0] == '#') { cell.set_error(value_string); } else { cell.set_value(std::stold(value_string)); } } if(has_style) { cell.set_style_id(style_id); } } } } auto auto_filter_node = root_node.child("autoFilter"); if(auto_filter_node != nullptr) { xlnt::range_reference ref(auto_filter_node.attribute("ref").as_string()); ws.auto_filter(ref); } } } // namespace xlnt