// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Thomas Fussell // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, WRISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE // // @license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php // @author: see AUTHORS file #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace xlnt { namespace detail { /// /// Returns the string representation of the underline style. /// std::string to_string(font::underline_style underline_style); /// /// Returns the string representation of the relationship type. /// std::string to_string(relationship_type t); std::string to_string(pattern_fill_type fill_type); std::string to_string(gradient_fill_type fill_type); std::string to_string(border_style border_style); std::string to_string(vertical_alignment vertical_alignment); std::string to_string(horizontal_alignment horizontal_alignment); std::string to_string(border_side side); std::string to_string(core_property prop); std::string to_string(extended_property prop); std::string to_string(variant::type type); std::string to_string(pane_corner corner); std::string to_string(target_mode mode); std::string to_string(pane_state state); std::string to_string(orientation state); template static T from_string(const std::string &string_value); template<> font::underline_style from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "double") return font::underline_style::double_; if (string == "doubleAccounting") return font::underline_style::double_accounting; if (string == "single") return font::underline_style::single; if (string == "singleAccounting") return font::underline_style::single_accounting; if (string == "none") return font::underline_style::none; default_case(font::underline_style::none); } template<> relationship_type from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/officeDocument") return relationship_type::office_document; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships/metadata/thumbnail") return relationship_type::thumbnail; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/calcChain") return relationship_type::calculation_chain; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/extended-properties") return relationship_type::extended_properties; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships/metadata/core-properties" || string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officedocument/2006/relationships/metadata/core-properties") return relationship_type::core_properties; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/worksheet") return relationship_type::worksheet; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/sharedStrings") return relationship_type::shared_string_table; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/styles") return relationship_type::stylesheet; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/theme") return relationship_type::theme; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink") return relationship_type::hyperlink; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/chartsheet") return relationship_type::chartsheet; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/comments") return relationship_type::comments; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/vmlDrawing") return relationship_type::vml_drawing; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/custom-properties") return relationship_type::custom_properties; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/printerSettings") return relationship_type::printer_settings; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/connections") return relationship_type::connections; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/customProperty") return relationship_type::custom_property; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/customXmlMappings") return relationship_type::custom_xml_mappings; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/dialogsheet") return relationship_type::dialogsheet; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/drawing") return relationship_type::drawings; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/externalLinkPath") return relationship_type::external_workbook_references; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/pivotTable") return relationship_type::pivot_table; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/pivotCacheDefinition") return relationship_type::pivot_table_cache_definition; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/pivotCacheRecords") return relationship_type::pivot_table_cache_records; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/queryTable") return relationship_type::query_table; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/revisionHeaders") return relationship_type::shared_workbook_revision_headers; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/sharedWorkbook") return relationship_type::shared_workbook; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/revisionLog") return relationship_type::revision_log; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/usernames") return relationship_type::shared_workbook_user_data; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/tableSingleCells") return relationship_type::single_cell_table_definitions; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/table") return relationship_type::table_definition; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/volatileDependencies") return relationship_type::volatile_dependencies; else if (string == "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image") return relationship_type::image; // ECMA 376-4 Part 1 Section 9.1.7 says consumers shall not fail to load // a document with unknown relationships. return relationship_type::unknown; } template<> pattern_fill_type from_string(const std::string &string) { #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wexit-time-destructors" static std::unordered_map patternFill { {"darkdown", pattern_fill_type::darkdown }, { "darkgray", pattern_fill_type::darkgray }, { "darkgrid", pattern_fill_type::darkgrid }, { "darkhorizontal", pattern_fill_type::darkhorizontal }, { "darktrellis", pattern_fill_type::darktrellis }, { "darkup", pattern_fill_type::darkup }, { "darkvertical", pattern_fill_type::darkvertical }, { "gray0625", pattern_fill_type::gray0625 }, { "gray125", pattern_fill_type::gray125 }, { "lightdown", pattern_fill_type::lightdown }, { "lightgray", pattern_fill_type::lightgray }, { "lightgrid", pattern_fill_type::lightgrid }, { "lighthorizontal", pattern_fill_type::lighthorizontal }, { "lighttrellis", pattern_fill_type::lighttrellis }, { "lightup", pattern_fill_type::lightup }, { "lightvertical", pattern_fill_type::lightvertical }, { "mediumgray", pattern_fill_type::mediumgray }, { "none", pattern_fill_type::none }, { "solid", pattern_fill_type::solid } }; #pragma clang diagnostic pop auto toLower = [](std::string str) { auto bg{ std::begin (str) }; auto en{ std::end (str) }; std::transform(bg, en, bg, [](char c) { // static cast to avoid int -> char narrowing warning return static_cast(tolower(c)); }); return str; }; auto patternLookup = [](const std::string& key) { auto entry { patternFill.find (key) }; if (entry != std::end (patternFill)) { return entry->second; } else { // Note: there won't be an error if there is an unsupported pattern return pattern_fill_type::none; } }; std::string lowerString {toLower (string) }; return patternLookup (lowerString); } template<> gradient_fill_type from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "linear") return gradient_fill_type::linear; else if (string == "path") return gradient_fill_type::path; default_case(gradient_fill_type::linear); } template<> border_style from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "dashDot") return border_style::dashdot; else if (string == "dashDotDot") return border_style::dashdotdot; else if (string == "dashed") return border_style::dashed; else if (string == "dotted") return border_style::dotted; else if (string == "double") return border_style::double_; else if (string == "hair") return border_style::hair; else if (string == "medium") return border_style::medium; else if (string == "mediumDashdot") return border_style::mediumdashdot; else if (string == "mediumDashDotDot") return border_style::mediumdashdotdot; else if (string == "mediumDashed") return border_style::mediumdashed; else if (string == "none") return border_style::none; else if (string == "slantDashDot") return border_style::slantdashdot; else if (string == "thick") return border_style::thick; else if (string == "thin") return border_style::thin; default_case(border_style::dashdot); } template<> vertical_alignment from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "bottom") return vertical_alignment::bottom; else if (string == "center") return vertical_alignment::center; else if (string == "distributed") return vertical_alignment::distributed; else if (string == "justify") return vertical_alignment::justify; else if (string == "top") return vertical_alignment::top; default_case(vertical_alignment::top); } template<> horizontal_alignment from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "center") return horizontal_alignment::center; else if (string == "centerContinuous") return horizontal_alignment::center_continuous; else if (string == "distributed") return horizontal_alignment::distributed; else if (string == "fill") return horizontal_alignment::fill; else if (string == "general") return horizontal_alignment::general; else if (string == "justify") return horizontal_alignment::justify; else if (string == "left") return horizontal_alignment::left; else if (string == "right") return horizontal_alignment::right; default_case(horizontal_alignment::general); } template<> border_side from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "bottom") return border_side::bottom; else if (string == "diagonal") return border_side::diagonal; else if (string == "right") return border_side::end; else if (string == "horizontal") return border_side::horizontal; else if (string == "left") return border_side::start; else if (string == "top") return border_side::top; else if (string == "vertical") return border_side::vertical; default_case(border_side::bottom); } template<> core_property from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "category") return core_property::category; else if (string == "contentStatus") return core_property::content_status; else if (string == "created") return core_property::created; else if (string == "creator") return core_property::creator; else if (string == "description") return core_property::description; else if (string == "identifier") return core_property::identifier; else if (string == "keywords") return core_property::keywords; else if (string == "language") return core_property::language; else if (string == "lastModifiedBy") return core_property::last_modified_by; else if (string == "lastPrinted") return core_property::last_printed; else if (string == "modified") return core_property::modified; else if (string == "revision") return core_property::revision; else if (string == "subject") return core_property::subject; else if (string == "title") return core_property::title; else if (string == "version") return core_property::version; default_case(core_property::category); } template<> extended_property from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "Application") return extended_property::application; else if (string == "AppVersion") return extended_property::app_version; else if (string == "Characters") return extended_property::characters; else if (string == "CharactersWithSpaces") return extended_property::characters_with_spaces; else if (string == "Company") return extended_property::company; else if (string == "DigSig") return extended_property::dig_sig; else if (string == "DocSecurity") return extended_property::doc_security; else if (string == "HeadingPairs") return extended_property::heading_pairs; else if (string == "HiddenSlides") return extended_property::hidden_slides; else if (string == "HyperlinksChanged") return extended_property::hyperlinks_changed; else if (string == "HyperlinkBase") return extended_property::hyperlink_base; else if (string == "HLinks") return extended_property::h_links; else if (string == "Lines") return extended_property::lines; else if (string == "LinksUpToDate") return extended_property::links_up_to_date; else if (string == "Manager") return extended_property::manager; else if (string == "MMClips") return extended_property::m_m_clips; else if (string == "Notes") return extended_property::notes; else if (string == "Pages") return extended_property::pages; else if (string == "Paragraphs") return extended_property::paragraphs; else if (string == "PresentationFormat") return extended_property::presentation_format; else if (string == "ScaleCrop") return extended_property::scale_crop; else if (string == "SharedDoc") return extended_property::shared_doc; else if (string == "Slides") return extended_property::slides; else if (string == "Template") return extended_property::template_; else if (string == "TitlesOfParts") return extended_property::titles_of_parts; else if (string == "TotalTime") return extended_property::total_time; else if (string == "Words") return extended_property::words; default_case(extended_property::application); } /* template<> variant::type from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "bool") return variant::type::boolean; else if (string == "date") return variant::type::date; else if (string == "i4") return variant::type::i4; else if (string == "lpstr") return variant::type::lpstr; else if (string == "null") return variant::type::null; else if (string == "vector") return variant::type::vector; default_case(variant::type::null); } */ template<> xlnt::pane_state from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "frozen") return xlnt::pane_state::frozen; else if (string == "frozenSplit") return xlnt::pane_state::frozen_split; else if (string == "split") return xlnt::pane_state::split; default_case(xlnt::pane_state::frozen); } template<> target_mode from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "Internal") return target_mode::internal; else if (string == "External") return target_mode::external; default_case(target_mode::internal); } template<> pane_corner from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "bottomLeft") return pane_corner::bottom_left; else if (string == "bottomRight") return pane_corner::bottom_right; else if (string == "topLeft") return pane_corner::top_left; else if (string == "topRight") return pane_corner::top_right; default_case(pane_corner::bottom_left); } template <> orientation from_string(const std::string &string) { if (string == "default") return orientation::default_orientation; else if (string == "landscape") return orientation::landscape; else if (string == "portrait") return orientation::portrait; default_case(orientation::default_orientation); } } // namespace detail } // namespace xlnt namespace xml { template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::font::underline_style parse(std::string underline_string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(underline_string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::font::underline_style underline_style, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(underline_style); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::relationship_type parse(std::string relationship_type_string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(relationship_type_string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::relationship_type type, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(type); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::pattern_fill_type parse(std::string fill_type_string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(fill_type_string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::pattern_fill_type fill_type, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(fill_type); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::gradient_fill_type parse(std::string fill_type_string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(fill_type_string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::gradient_fill_type fill_type, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(fill_type); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::border_style parse(std::string style_string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(style_string); } static std::string serialize (xlnt::border_style style, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(style); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::vertical_alignment parse(std::string alignment_string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(alignment_string); } static std::string serialize (xlnt::vertical_alignment alignment, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(alignment); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::horizontal_alignment parse(std::string alignment_string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(alignment_string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::horizontal_alignment alignment, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(alignment); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::border_side parse(std::string side_string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(side_string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::border_side side, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(side); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::target_mode parse(std::string mode_string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(mode_string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::target_mode mode, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(mode); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::pane_state parse(std::string string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::pane_state state, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(state); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::pane_corner parse(std::string string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::pane_corner corner, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(corner); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::core_property parse(std::string string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::core_property corner, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(corner); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::extended_property parse(std::string string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::extended_property corner, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(corner); } }; template <> struct value_traits { static xlnt::orientation parse(std::string string, const parser &) { return xlnt::detail::from_string(string); } static std::string serialize(xlnt::orientation orientation, const serializer &) { return xlnt::detail::to_string(orientation); } }; } // namespace xml