// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Thomas Fussell // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, WRISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE // // @license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php // @author: see AUTHORS file #include <xlnt/xlnt.hpp> #include "helpers/path_helper.hpp" // Readme // from https://tfussell.gitbooks.io/xlnt/content/ and https://github.com/tfussell/xlnt/blob/master/README.md void sample_readme_example1() { xlnt::workbook wb; xlnt::worksheet ws = wb.active_sheet(); ws.cell("A1").value(5); ws.cell("B2").value("string data"); ws.cell("C3").formula("=RAND()"); ws.merge_cells("C3:C4"); ws.freeze_panes("B2"); wb.save("sample.xlsx"); } // Simple - reading from an existing xlsx spread sheet. // from https://tfussell.gitbooks.io/xlnt/content/docs/introduction/Examples.html void sample_read_and_print_example() { xlnt::workbook wb; wb.load(path_helper::sample_file("documentation-print.xlsx")); // modified to use the test data directory auto ws = wb.active_sheet(); std::clog << "Processing spread sheet" << std::endl; for (auto row : ws.rows(false)) { for (auto cell : row) { std::clog << cell.to_string() << std::endl; } } std::clog << "Processing complete" << std::endl; } // Simple - storing a spread sheet in a 2 dimensional C++ Vector for further processing // from https://tfussell.gitbooks.io/xlnt/content/docs/introduction/Examples.html void sample_read_into_vector_example() { xlnt::workbook wb; wb.load(path_helper::sample_file("documentation-print.xlsx")); // modified to use the test data directory auto ws = wb.active_sheet(); std::clog << "Processing spread sheet" << std::endl; std::clog << "Creating a single vector which stores the whole spread sheet" << std::endl; std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> theWholeSpreadSheet; for (auto row : ws.rows(false)) { std::clog << "Creating a fresh vector for just this row in the spread sheet" << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> aSingleRow; for (auto cell : row) { std::clog << "Adding this cell to the row" << std::endl; aSingleRow.push_back(cell.to_string()); } std::clog << "Adding this entire row to the vector which stores the whole spread sheet" << std::endl; theWholeSpreadSheet.push_back(aSingleRow); } std::clog << "Processing complete" << std::endl; std::clog << "Reading the vector and printing output to the screen" << std::endl; for (int rowInt = 0; rowInt < theWholeSpreadSheet.size(); rowInt++) { for (int colInt = 0; colInt < theWholeSpreadSheet.at(rowInt).size(); colInt++) { std::cout << theWholeSpreadSheet.at(rowInt).at(colInt) << std::endl; } } } // Simple - writing values to a new xlsx spread sheet. // from https://tfussell.gitbooks.io/xlnt/content/docs/introduction/Examples.html void sample_write_sheet_to_file_example() { // Creating a 2 dimensional vector which we will write values to std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> wholeWorksheet; //Looping through each row (100 rows as per the second argument in the for loop) for (int outer = 0; outer < 100; outer++) { //Creating a fresh vector for a fresh row std::vector<std::string> singleRow; //Looping through each of the columns (100 as per the second argument in the for loop) in this particular row for (int inner = 0; inner < 100; inner++) { //Adding a single value in each cell of the row std::string val = std::to_string(inner + 1); singleRow.push_back(val); } //Adding the single row to the 2 dimensional vector wholeWorksheet.push_back(singleRow); std::clog << "Writing to row " << outer << " in the vector " << std::endl; } //Writing to the spread sheet //Creating the output workbook std::clog << "Creating workbook" << std::endl; xlnt::workbook wbOut; //Setting the destination output file name std::string dest_filename = "output.xlsx"; //Creating the output worksheet xlnt::worksheet wsOut = wbOut.active_sheet(); //Giving the output worksheet a title/name wsOut.title("data"); //We will now be looping through the 2 dimensional vector which we created above //In this case we have two iterators one for the outer loop (row) and one for the inner loop (column) std::clog << "Looping through vector and writing to spread sheet" << std::endl; for (int fOut = 0; fOut < wholeWorksheet.size(); fOut++) { std::clog << "Row" << fOut << std::endl; for (int fIn = 0; fIn < wholeWorksheet.at(fOut).size(); fIn++) { //Take notice of the difference between accessing the vector and accessing the work sheet //As you may already know Excel spread sheets start at row 1 and column 1 (not row 0 and column 0 like you would expect from a C++ vector) //In short the xlnt cell reference starts at column 1 row 1 (hence the + 1s below) and the vector reference starts at row 0 and column 0 wsOut.cell(xlnt::cell_reference(fIn + 1, fOut + 1)).value(wholeWorksheet.at(fOut).at(fIn)); //Further clarification to avoid confusion //Cell reference arguments are (column number, row number); e.g. cell_reference(fIn + 1, fOut + 1) //Vector arguments are (row number, column number); e.g. wholeWorksheet.at(fOut).at(fIn) } } std::clog << "Finished writing spread sheet" << std::endl; wbOut.save(dest_filename); } // Number Formatting // from https://tfussell.gitbooks.io/xlnt/content/docs/advanced/Formatting.html void sample_number_formatting_example() { xlnt::workbook wb; auto cell = wb.active_sheet().cell("A1"); cell.number_format(xlnt::number_format::percentage()); cell.value(0.513); std::cout << '\n' << cell.to_string() << std::endl; } // Properties // from https://tfussell.gitbooks.io/xlnt/content/docs/advanced/Properties.html void sample_properties_example() { xlnt::workbook wb; wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::category, "hors categorie"); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::content_status, "good"); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::created, xlnt::datetime(2017, 1, 15)); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::creator, "me"); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::description, "description"); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::identifier, "id"); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::keywords, {"wow", "such"}); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::language, "Esperanto"); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::last_modified_by, "someone"); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::last_printed, xlnt::datetime(2017, 1, 15)); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::modified, xlnt::datetime(2017, 1, 15)); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::revision, "3"); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::subject, "subject"); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::title, "title"); wb.core_property(xlnt::core_property::version, "1.0"); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::application, "xlnt"); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::app_version, "0.9.3"); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::characters, 123); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::characters_with_spaces, 124); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::company, "Incorporated Inc."); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::dig_sig, "?"); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::doc_security, 0); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::heading_pairs, true); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::hidden_slides, false); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::h_links, 0); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::hyperlink_base, 0); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::hyperlinks_changed, true); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::lines, 42); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::links_up_to_date, false); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::manager, "johnny"); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::m_m_clips, "?"); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::notes, "note"); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::pages, 19); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::paragraphs, 18); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::presentation_format, "format"); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::scale_crop, true); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::shared_doc, false); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::slides, 17); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::template_, "template!"); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::titles_of_parts, {"title"}); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::total_time, 16); wb.extended_property(xlnt::extended_property::words, 101); wb.custom_property("test", {1, 2, 3}); wb.custom_property("Editor", "John Smith"); wb.save("lots_of_properties.xlsx"); } int main() { sample_readme_example1(); std::clog << '\n'; sample_read_and_print_example(); std::clog << '\n'; sample_read_into_vector_example(); std::clog << '\n'; sample_write_sheet_to_file_example(); std::clog << '\n'; sample_number_formatting_example(); std::clog << '\n'; sample_properties_example(); std::clog.flush(); return 0; }