#include #include "cell/cell_reference.hpp" #include "constants.hpp" #include "common/exceptions.hpp" #include "worksheet/range_reference.hpp" namespace xlnt { std::size_t cell_reference_hash::operator()(const cell_reference &k) const { return k.get_row_index() * constants::MaxColumn + k.get_column_index(); } cell_reference cell_reference::make_absolute(const cell_reference &relative_reference) { cell_reference copy = relative_reference; copy.absolute_ = true; return copy; } cell_reference::cell_reference() : cell_reference(0, 0, false) { } cell_reference::cell_reference(const std::string &string) { bool absolute = false; auto split = split_reference(string, absolute, absolute); *this = cell_reference(split.first, split.second, absolute); } cell_reference::cell_reference(const char *reference_string) : cell_reference(std::string(reference_string)) { } cell_reference::cell_reference(const std::string &column, row_t row, bool absolute) : column_index_(column_index_from_string(column) - 1), row_index_(row - 1), absolute_(absolute) { if(row == 0 || row_index_ >= constants::MaxRow || column_index_ >= constants::MaxColumn) { throw cell_coordinates_exception(column_index_, row_index_); } } cell_reference::cell_reference(column_t column_index, row_t row_index, bool absolute) : column_index_(column_index), row_index_(row_index), absolute_(absolute) { if(row_index_ >= constants::MaxRow || column_index_ >= constants::MaxColumn) { throw cell_coordinates_exception(column_index_, row_index_); } } range_reference cell_reference::operator,(const xlnt::cell_reference &other) const { return range_reference(*this, other); } std::string cell_reference::to_string() const { if(absolute_) { return std::string("$") + column_string_from_index(column_index_ + 1) + "$" + std::to_string(row_index_ + 1); } return column_string_from_index(column_index_ + 1) + std::to_string(row_index_ + 1); } range_reference cell_reference::to_range() const { return range_reference(column_index_, row_index_, column_index_, row_index_); } std::pair cell_reference::split_reference(const std::string &reference_string, bool &absolute_column, bool &absolute_row) { absolute_column = false; absolute_row = false; // Convert a coordinate string like 'B12' to a tuple ('B', 12) bool column_part = true; std::string column_string; for(auto character : reference_string) { char upper = std::toupper(character, std::locale::classic()); if(std::isalpha(character, std::locale::classic())) { if(column_part) { column_string.append(1, upper); } else { throw cell_coordinates_exception(reference_string); } } else { if(column_part) { column_part = false; } else if(!(std::isdigit(character, std::locale::classic()) || character == '$')) { throw cell_coordinates_exception(reference_string); } } } std::string row_string = reference_string.substr(column_string.length()); if(row_string.length() == 0) { throw cell_coordinates_exception(reference_string); } if(column_string[0] == '$') { absolute_row = true; column_string = column_string.substr(1); } if(row_string[0] == '$') { absolute_column = true; row_string = row_string.substr(1); } return {column_string, std::stoi(row_string)}; } cell_reference cell_reference::make_offset(int column_offset, int row_offset) const { return cell_reference(column_index_ + column_offset, row_index_ + row_offset); } bool cell_reference::operator==(const cell_reference &comparand) const { return comparand.column_index_ == column_index_ && comparand.row_index_ == row_index_ && absolute_ == comparand.absolute_; } column_t cell_reference::column_index_from_string(const std::string &column_string) { if(column_string.length() > 3 || column_string.empty()) { throw column_string_index_exception(); } column_t column_index = 0; int place = 1; for(int i = static_cast(column_string.length()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(!std::isalpha(column_string[i], std::locale::classic())) { throw column_string_index_exception(); } column_index += (std::toupper(column_string[i], std::locale::classic()) - 'A' + 1) * place; place *= 26; } return column_index; } // Convert a column number into a column letter (3 -> 'C') // Right shift the column col_idx by 26 to find column letters in reverse // order.These numbers are 1 - based, and can be converted to ASCII // ordinals by adding 64. std::string cell_reference::column_string_from_index(column_t column_index) { // these indicies corrospond to A->ZZZ and include all allowed // columns if(column_index < 1 || column_index > constants::MaxColumn) { // auto msg = "Column index out of bounds: " + std::to_string(column_index); throw column_string_index_exception(); } auto temp = column_index; std::string column_letter = ""; while(temp > 0) { int quotient = temp / 26, remainder = temp % 26; // check for exact division and borrow if needed if(remainder == 0) { quotient -= 1; remainder = 26; } column_letter = std::string(1, char(remainder + 64)) + column_letter; temp = quotient; } return column_letter; } bool operator<(const cell_reference &left, const cell_reference &right) { if(left.row_index_ != right.row_index_) { return left.row_index_ < right.row_index_; } return left.column_index_ < right.column_index_; } }