Previously, an empty row would mess with the parser: if we're in an
empty row, our helper methods don't detect us as being in the "row" _or_
in the "sheetData". So `has_cell()` would return false when it
shouldn't. Similarly, `read_cell()` wouldn't skip rows; so `read_cell()`
would return an invalid cell when placed in an empty row, causing a
segfault when the caller tried to use the cell.
Callers must take care to call `has_next()` before `read_next()`. In
the future, perhaps we can make `read_next()` return a `std::optional`
and nix `has_next()` altogether?
inlineStr XML structure is <c><is><t>. This was being parsed incorrectly
when streaming (because has_value wasn't being set to true) and when
reading the whole file (because the <t> was ignored).
- hyperlinks to cells and ranges are complete
- hyperlink::display is now set as well as the cell value (in excel these can be different)
-- if a cell is empty, display is equal to value text
-- if a cell has a value, display can be just about anything
- This version copies excel in that display is completely ignored once value is set
- All hyperlink tests are now part of the cell test suite (not the worksheet test suite which the majority were previously located)