iphydf c08b2fb3e2
Remove tokstyle exemptions from build files.
We put some tokstyle exemptions into the source files themselves,
instead. This way we can check some of the code in those files, and more
in the future when tokstyle supports more constructs (like apidsl).

Also: hacked ping_array.api.h to not emit `_array` as parameter names.
We'll need to fix apidsl to do this better. This works for now.
2020-04-16 11:05:08 +00:00

823 lines
25 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Copyright © 2016-2018 The TokTok team.
* Copyright © 2013-2015 Tox project.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** \page av Public audio/video API for Tox clients.
* This API can handle multiple calls. Each call has its state, in very rare
* occasions the library can change the state of the call without apps knowledge.
/** \subsection events Events and callbacks
* As in Core API, events are handled by callbacks. One callback can be
* registered per event. All events have a callback function type named
* `toxav_{event}_cb` and a function to register it named `toxav_callback_{event}`.
* Passing a NULL callback will result in no callback being registered for that
* event. Only one callback per event can be registered, so if a client needs
* multiple event listeners, it needs to implement the dispatch functionality
* itself. Unlike Core API, lack of some event handlers will cause the the
* library to drop calls before they are started. Hanging up call from a
* callback causes undefined behaviour.
/** \subsection threading Threading implications
* Only toxav_iterate is thread-safe, all other functions must run from the
* tox thread.
* A common way to run ToxAV (multiple or single instance) is to have a thread,
* separate from tox instance thread, running a simple toxav_iterate loop,
* sleeping for toxav_iteration_interval * milliseconds on each iteration.
* An important thing to note is that events are triggered from both tox and
* toxav thread (see above). Audio and video receive frame events are triggered
* from toxav thread while all the other events are triggered from tox thread.
* Tox thread has priority with mutex mechanisms. Any api function can
* fail if mutexes are held by tox thread in which case they will set SYNC
* error code.
* External Tox type.
typedef struct Tox Tox;
#endif /* TOX_DEFINED */
* ToxAV.
* The ToxAV instance type. Each ToxAV instance can be bound to only one Tox
* instance, and Tox instance can have only one ToxAV instance. One must make
* sure to close ToxAV instance prior closing Tox instance otherwise undefined
* behaviour occurs. Upon closing of ToxAV instance, all active calls will be
* forcibly terminated without notifying peers.
typedef struct ToxAV ToxAV;
#endif /* TOXAV_DEFINED */
* :: Creation and destruction
typedef enum TOXAV_ERR_NEW {
* The function returned successfully.
* One of the arguments to the function was NULL when it was not expected.
* Memory allocation failure while trying to allocate structures required for
* the A/V session.
* Attempted to create a second session for the same Tox instance.
* Start new A/V session. There can only be only one session per Tox instance.
ToxAV *toxav_new(Tox *tox, TOXAV_ERR_NEW *error);
* Releases all resources associated with the A/V session.
* If any calls were ongoing, these will be forcibly terminated without
* notifying peers. After calling this function, no other functions may be
* called and the av pointer becomes invalid.
void toxav_kill(ToxAV *av);
* Returns the Tox instance the A/V object was created for.
Tox *toxav_get_tox(const ToxAV *av);
* :: A/V event loop
* Returns the interval in milliseconds when the next toxav_iterate call should
* be. If no call is active at the moment, this function returns 200.
uint32_t toxav_iteration_interval(const ToxAV *av);
* Main loop for the session. This function needs to be called in intervals of
* toxav_iteration_interval() milliseconds. It is best called in the separate
* thread from tox_iterate.
void toxav_iterate(ToxAV *av);
* :: Call setup
typedef enum TOXAV_ERR_CALL {
* The function returned successfully.
* A resource allocation error occurred while trying to create the structures
* required for the call.
* Synchronization error occurred.
* The friend number did not designate a valid friend.
* The friend was valid, but not currently connected.
* Attempted to call a friend while already in an audio or video call with
* them.
* Audio or video bit rate is invalid.
* Call a friend. This will start ringing the friend.
* It is the client's responsibility to stop ringing after a certain timeout,
* if such behaviour is desired. If the client does not stop ringing, the
* library will not stop until the friend is disconnected. Audio and video
* receiving are both enabled by default.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend that should be called.
* @param audio_bit_rate Audio bit rate in Kb/sec. Set this to 0 to disable
* audio sending.
* @param video_bit_rate Video bit rate in Kb/sec. Set this to 0 to disable
* video sending.
bool toxav_call(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t audio_bit_rate, uint32_t video_bit_rate,
* The function type for the call callback.
* @param friend_number The friend number from which the call is incoming.
* @param audio_enabled True if friend is sending audio.
* @param video_enabled True if friend is sending video.
typedef void toxav_call_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, bool audio_enabled, bool video_enabled, void *user_data);
* Set the callback for the `call` event. Pass NULL to unset.
void toxav_callback_call(ToxAV *av, toxav_call_cb *callback, void *user_data);
typedef enum TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER {
* The function returned successfully.
* Synchronization error occurred.
* Failed to initialize codecs for call session. Note that codec initiation
* will fail if there is no receive callback registered for either audio or
* video.
* The friend number did not designate a valid friend.
* The friend was valid, but they are not currently trying to initiate a call.
* This is also returned if this client is already in a call with the friend.
* Audio or video bit rate is invalid.
* Accept an incoming call.
* If answering fails for any reason, the call will still be pending and it is
* possible to try and answer it later. Audio and video receiving are both
* enabled by default.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend that is calling.
* @param audio_bit_rate Audio bit rate in Kb/sec. Set this to 0 to disable
* audio sending.
* @param video_bit_rate Video bit rate in Kb/sec. Set this to 0 to disable
* video sending.
bool toxav_answer(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t audio_bit_rate, uint32_t video_bit_rate,
* :: Call state graph
* The empty bit mask. None of the bits specified below are set.
* Set by the AV core if an error occurred on the remote end or if friend
* timed out. This is the final state after which no more state
* transitions can occur for the call. This call state will never be triggered
* in combination with other call states.
* The call has finished. This is the final state after which no more state
* transitions can occur for the call. This call state will never be
* triggered in combination with other call states.
* The flag that marks that friend is sending audio.
* The flag that marks that friend is sending video.
* The flag that marks that friend is receiving audio.
* The flag that marks that friend is receiving video.
* The function type for the call_state callback.
* @param friend_number The friend number for which the call state changed.
* @param state The bitmask of the new call state which is guaranteed to be
* different than the previous state. The state is set to 0 when the call is
* paused. The bitmask represents all the activities currently performed by the
* friend.
typedef void toxav_call_state_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t state, void *user_data);
* Set the callback for the `call_state` event. Pass NULL to unset.
void toxav_callback_call_state(ToxAV *av, toxav_call_state_cb *callback, void *user_data);
* :: Call control
typedef enum TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL {
* Resume a previously paused call. Only valid if the pause was caused by this
* client, if not, this control is ignored. Not valid before the call is accepted.
* Put a call on hold. Not valid before the call is accepted.
* Reject a call if it was not answered, yet. Cancel a call after it was
* answered.
* Request that the friend stops sending audio. Regardless of the friend's
* compliance, this will cause the audio_receive_frame event to stop being
* triggered on receiving an audio frame from the friend.
* Calling this control will notify client to start sending audio again.
* Request that the friend stops sending video. Regardless of the friend's
* compliance, this will cause the video_receive_frame event to stop being
* triggered on receiving a video frame from the friend.
* Calling this control will notify client to start sending video again.
* The function returned successfully.
* Synchronization error occurred.
* The friend_number passed did not designate a valid friend.
* This client is currently not in a call with the friend. Before the call is
* answered, only CANCEL is a valid control.
* Happens if user tried to pause an already paused call or if trying to
* resume a call that is not paused.
* Sends a call control command to a friend.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend this client is in a call
* with.
* @param control The control command to send.
* @return true on success.
bool toxav_call_control(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL control, TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL *error);
* :: Controlling bit rates
typedef enum TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET {
* The function returned successfully.
* Synchronization error occurred.
* The bit rate passed was not one of the supported values.
* The friend_number passed did not designate a valid friend.
* This client is currently not in a call with the friend.
* :: A/V sending
typedef enum TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME {
* The function returned successfully.
* In case of video, one of Y, U, or V was NULL. In case of audio, the samples
* data pointer was NULL.
* The friend_number passed did not designate a valid friend.
* This client is currently not in a call with the friend.
* Synchronization error occurred.
* One of the frame parameters was invalid. E.g. the resolution may be too
* small or too large, or the audio sampling rate may be unsupported.
* Either friend turned off audio or video receiving or we turned off sending
* for the said payload.
* Failed to push frame through rtp interface.
* Send an audio frame to a friend.
* The expected format of the PCM data is: [s1c1][s1c2][...][s2c1][s2c2][...]...
* Meaning: sample 1 for channel 1, sample 1 for channel 2, ...
* For mono audio, this has no meaning, every sample is subsequent. For stereo,
* this means the expected format is LRLRLR... with samples for left and right
* alternating.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend to which to send an
* audio frame.
* @param pcm An array of audio samples. The size of this array must be
* sample_count * channels.
* @param sample_count Number of samples in this frame. Valid numbers here are
* ((sample rate) * (audio length) / 1000), where audio length can be
* 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 or 60 millseconds.
* @param channels Number of audio channels. Supported values are 1 and 2.
* @param sampling_rate Audio sampling rate used in this frame. Valid sampling
* rates are 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000.
bool toxav_audio_send_frame(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, const int16_t *pcm, size_t sample_count,
uint8_t channels, uint32_t sampling_rate, TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME *error);
* Set the bit rate to be used in subsequent video frames.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend for which to set the
* bit rate.
* @param bit_rate The new audio bit rate in Kb/sec. Set to 0 to disable.
* @return true on success.
bool toxav_audio_set_bit_rate(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t bit_rate, TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET *error);
* The function type for the audio_bit_rate callback. The event is triggered
* when the network becomes too saturated for current bit rates at which
* point core suggests new bit rates.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend for which to set the
* bit rate.
* @param audio_bit_rate Suggested maximum audio bit rate in Kb/sec.
typedef void toxav_audio_bit_rate_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t audio_bit_rate, void *user_data);
* Set the callback for the `audio_bit_rate` event. Pass NULL to unset.
void toxav_callback_audio_bit_rate(ToxAV *av, toxav_audio_bit_rate_cb *callback, void *user_data);
* Send a video frame to a friend.
* Y - plane should be of size: height * width
* U - plane should be of size: (height/2) * (width/2)
* V - plane should be of size: (height/2) * (width/2)
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend to which to send a video
* frame.
* @param width Width of the frame in pixels.
* @param height Height of the frame in pixels.
* @param y Y (Luminance) plane data.
* @param u U (Chroma) plane data.
* @param v V (Chroma) plane data.
bool toxav_video_send_frame(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, const uint8_t *y,
const uint8_t *u, const uint8_t *v, TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME *error);
* Set the bit rate to be used in subsequent video frames.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend for which to set the
* bit rate.
* @param bit_rate The new video bit rate in Kb/sec. Set to 0 to disable.
* @return true on success.
bool toxav_video_set_bit_rate(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t bit_rate, TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET *error);
* The function type for the video_bit_rate callback. The event is triggered
* when the network becomes too saturated for current bit rates at which
* point core suggests new bit rates.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend for which to set the
* bit rate.
* @param video_bit_rate Suggested maximum video bit rate in Kb/sec.
typedef void toxav_video_bit_rate_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t video_bit_rate, void *user_data);
* Set the callback for the `video_bit_rate` event. Pass NULL to unset.
void toxav_callback_video_bit_rate(ToxAV *av, toxav_video_bit_rate_cb *callback, void *user_data);
* :: A/V receiving
* The function type for the audio_receive_frame callback. The callback can be
* called multiple times per single iteration depending on the amount of queued
* frames in the buffer. The received format is the same as in send function.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend who sent an audio frame.
* @param pcm An array of audio samples (sample_count * channels elements).
* @param sample_count The number of audio samples per channel in the PCM array.
* @param channels Number of audio channels.
* @param sampling_rate Sampling rate used in this frame.
typedef void toxav_audio_receive_frame_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, const int16_t *pcm, size_t sample_count,
uint8_t channels, uint32_t sampling_rate, void *user_data);
* Set the callback for the `audio_receive_frame` event. Pass NULL to unset.
void toxav_callback_audio_receive_frame(ToxAV *av, toxav_audio_receive_frame_cb *callback, void *user_data);
* The function type for the video_receive_frame callback.
* The size of plane data is derived from width and height as documented
* below.
* Strides represent padding for each plane that may or may not be present.
* You must handle strides in your image processing code. Strides are
* negative if the image is bottom-up hence why you MUST abs() it when
* calculating plane buffer size.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend who sent a video frame.
* @param width Width of the frame in pixels.
* @param height Height of the frame in pixels.
* @param y Luminosity plane. Size = MAX(width, abs(ystride)) * height.
* @param u U chroma plane. Size = MAX(width/2, abs(ustride)) * (height/2).
* @param v V chroma plane. Size = MAX(width/2, abs(vstride)) * (height/2).
* @param ystride Luminosity plane stride.
* @param ustride U chroma plane stride.
* @param vstride V chroma plane stride.
typedef void toxav_video_receive_frame_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
const uint8_t *y, const uint8_t *u, const uint8_t *v, int32_t ystride, int32_t ustride, int32_t vstride,
void *user_data);
* Set the callback for the `video_receive_frame` event. Pass NULL to unset.
void toxav_callback_video_receive_frame(ToxAV *av, toxav_video_receive_frame_cb *callback, void *user_data);
* NOTE Compatibility with old toxav group calls. TODO(iphydf): remove
* TODO(iphydf): Use proper new API guidelines for these. E.g. don't use inline
* function types, don't have per-callback userdata, especially don't have one
* userdata per group.
/* Create a new toxav group.
* return group number on success.
* return -1 on failure.
* Audio data callback format:
* audio_callback(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, const int16_t *pcm, unsigned int samples, uint8_t channels, uint32_t sample_rate, void *userdata)
* Note that total size of pcm in bytes is equal to (samples * channels * sizeof(int16_t)).
int toxav_add_av_groupchat(Tox *tox,
void (*audio_callback)(void *, uint32_t, uint32_t, const int16_t *, unsigned int, uint8_t, uint32_t, void *),
void *userdata);
/* Join a AV group (you need to have been invited first.)
* returns group number on success
* returns -1 on failure.
* Audio data callback format (same as the one for toxav_add_av_groupchat()):
* audio_callback(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, const int16_t *pcm, unsigned int samples, uint8_t channels, uint32_t sample_rate, void *userdata)
* Note that total size of pcm in bytes is equal to (samples * channels * sizeof(int16_t)).
int toxav_join_av_groupchat(Tox *tox, uint32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length,
void (*audio_callback)(void *, uint32_t, uint32_t, const int16_t *, unsigned int, uint8_t, uint32_t, void *),
void *userdata);
/* Send audio to the group chat.
* return 0 on success.
* return -1 on failure.
* Note that total size of pcm in bytes is equal to (samples * channels * sizeof(int16_t)).
* Valid number of samples are ((sample rate) * (audio length (Valid ones are: 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 or 60 ms)) / 1000)
* Valid number of channels are 1 or 2.
* Valid sample rates are 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000.
* Recommended values are: samples = 960, channels = 1, sample_rate = 48000
int toxav_group_send_audio(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber, const int16_t *pcm, unsigned int samples, uint8_t channels,
uint32_t sample_rate);
/* Enable A/V in a groupchat.
* A/V must be enabled on a groupchat for audio to be sent to it and for
* received audio to be handled.
* An A/V group created with toxav_add_av_groupchat or toxav_join_av_groupchat
* will start with A/V enabled.
* An A/V group loaded from a savefile will start with A/V disabled.
* return 0 on success.
* return -1 on failure.
* Audio data callback format (same as the one for toxav_add_av_groupchat()):
* audio_callback(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, const int16_t *pcm, unsigned int samples, uint8_t channels, uint32_t sample_rate, void *userdata)
* Note that total size of pcm in bytes is equal to (samples * channels * sizeof(int16_t)).
int toxav_groupchat_enable_av(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber,
void (*audio_callback)(void *, uint32_t, uint32_t, const int16_t *, unsigned int, uint8_t, uint32_t, void *),
void *userdata);
/* Disable A/V in a groupchat.
* return 0 on success.
* return -1 on failure.
int toxav_groupchat_disable_av(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber);
/* Return whether A/V is enabled in the groupchat.
bool toxav_groupchat_av_enabled(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber);
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef void toxav_group_audio_cb(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, const int16_t *pcm,
uint32_t samples, uint8_t channels, uint32_t sample_rate, void *user_data);
typedef TOXAV_ERR_CALL Toxav_Err_Call;
typedef TOXAV_ERR_NEW Toxav_Err_New;
typedef TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER Toxav_Err_Answer;
typedef TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL Toxav_Err_Call_Control;
typedef TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET Toxav_Err_Bit_Rate_Set;
typedef TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME Toxav_Err_Send_Frame;
typedef TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL Toxav_Call_Control;