iphydf 71965a0f3b
feat: Add WASM build for toxcore and websocket bootstrap node.
The websocket bootstrap node will be running on Heroku.
2022-02-02 16:05:25 +00:00

26 lines
783 B
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
docker_build() {
readarray -t FILES <<<"$(git ls-files)"
tar c "${FILES[@]}" | docker build -f other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/Dockerfile -t toxchat/bootstrap-node -
# Run Docker build once. If it succeeds, we're good.
if docker_build; then
exit 0
# We're not good. Run it again, but now capture the output.
OUTPUT=$(docker_build || true 2>&1)
if echo "$OUTPUT" | grep '/usr/local/bin/tox-bootstrapd: FAILED'; then
# This is a checksum warning, so we need to update it.
IMAGE=$(echo "$OUTPUT" | grep '^ ---> [0-9a-f]*$' | grep -o '[0-9a-f]*$' | tail -n1)
docker run --rm "$IMAGE" sha256sum /usr/local/bin/tox-bootstrapd >other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/tox-bootstrapd.sha256
# Run once last time to complete the build.