156 lines
3.2 KiB

* Toxic -- Tox Curses Client
#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "../../core/Messenger.h"
#include "../../core/network.h"
#include "windows.h"
typedef struct {
int friendnum;
char line[256];
size_t pos;
WINDOW* history;
WINDOW* linewin;
} ChatContext;
extern void fix_name(uint8_t* name);
static void chat_onMessage(ToxWindow* self, int num, uint8_t* msg, uint16_t len) {
ChatContext* ctx = (ChatContext*) self->x;
uint8_t nick[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = {0};
if(ctx->friendnum != num)
getname(num, (uint8_t*) &nick);
msg[len-1] = '\0';
nick[MAX_NAME_LENGTH-1] = '\0';
wattron(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(4));
wprintw(ctx->history, "%s: ", nick);
wattroff(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(4));
wprintw(ctx->history, "%s\n", msg);
self->blink = true;
static void chat_onNickChange(ToxWindow* self, int num, uint8_t* nick, uint16_t len) {
ChatContext* ctx = (ChatContext*) self->x;
if(ctx->friendnum != num)
nick[len-1] = '\0';
wattron(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(3));
wprintw(ctx->history, " * Your partner changed nick to '%s'\n", nick);
wattroff(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(3));
static void chat_onStatusChange(ToxWindow* self, int num, uint8_t* status, uint16_t len) {
static void chat_onKey(ToxWindow* self, int key) {
ChatContext* ctx = (ChatContext*) self->x;
if(isprint(key)) {
if(ctx->pos != sizeof(ctx->line)-1) {
ctx->line[ctx->pos++] = key;
ctx->line[ctx->pos] = '\0';
else if(key == '\n') {
wattron(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(1));
wprintw(ctx->history, "you: ", ctx->line);
wattroff(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(1));
wprintw(ctx->history, "%s\n", ctx->line);
if(m_sendmessage(ctx->friendnum, (uint8_t*) ctx->line, strlen(ctx->line)+1) < 0) {
wattron(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(3));
wprintw(ctx->history, " * Failed to send message.\n");
wattroff(ctx->history, COLOR_PAIR(3));
ctx->line[0] = '\0';
ctx->pos = 0;
else if(key == 0x107 || key == 0x8 || key == 0x7f) {
if(ctx->pos != 0) {
ctx->line[--ctx->pos] = '\0';
static void chat_onDraw(ToxWindow* self) {
int x, y;
ChatContext* ctx = (ChatContext*) self->x;
getmaxyx(self->window, y, x);
(void) x;
if(y < 3)
mvwhline(ctx->linewin, 0, 0, '_', COLS);
mvwprintw(ctx->linewin, 1, 0, "%s\n", ctx->line);
static void chat_onInit(ToxWindow* self) {
int x, y;
ChatContext* ctx = (ChatContext*) self->x;
getmaxyx(self->window, y, x);
ctx->history = subwin(self->window, y - 4, x, 0, 0);
scrollok(ctx->history, 1);
ctx->linewin = subwin(self->window, 2, x, y - 3, 0);
ToxWindow new_chat(int friendnum) {
ToxWindow ret;
memset(&ret, 0, sizeof(ret));
ret.onKey = &chat_onKey;
ret.onDraw = &chat_onDraw;
ret.onInit = &chat_onInit;
ret.onMessage = &chat_onMessage;
ret.onNickChange = &chat_onNickChange;
ret.onStatusChange = &chat_onStatusChange;
snprintf(ret.title, sizeof(ret.title), "[chat %d]", friendnum);
ChatContext* x = calloc(1, sizeof(ChatContext));
x->friendnum = friendnum;
ret.x = (void*) x;
return ret;