iphydf 82515f92ee
Move log callback to options.
Previously, all log messages generated by tox_new (which is quite a lot)
were dropped, because client code had no chance to register a logging
callback, yet. This change allows setting the log callback from the
beginning and removes the ability to unset it.

Since the log callback is forever special, since it can't be stateless,
we don't necessarily need to treat it uniformly (with `event`).
2016-11-06 20:35:09 +00:00

214 lines
6.4 KiB

/* Messenger test
* This program adds a friend and accepts all friend requests with the proper message.
* It tries sending a message to the added friend.
* If it receives a message from a friend it replies back.
* This is how I compile it: gcc -O2 -Wall -D VANILLA_NACL -o test ../core/Lossless_UDP.c ../core/network.c ../core/net_crypto.c ../core/Messenger.c ../core/DHT.c ../nacl/build/${HOSTNAME%.*}/lib/amd64/{cpucycles.o,libnacl.a,randombytes.o} Messenger_test.c
* Command line arguments are the ip, port and public_key of a node (for bootstrapping).
* EX: ./test 33445 CDCFD319CE3460824B33BE58FD86B8941C9585181D8FBD7C79C5721D7C2E9F7C
* Or the argument can be the path to the save file.
* EX: ./test Save.bak
* Copyright (C) 2013 Tox project All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of Tox.
* Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Tox. If not, see <>.
#include "config.h"
#include "../toxcore/Messenger.h"
#include "misc_tools.c"
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined (WIN32)
#define c_sleep(x) Sleep(1*x)
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define c_sleep(x) usleep(1000*x)
#define PORT 33445
static void print_message(Messenger *m, uint32_t friendnumber, unsigned int type, const uint8_t *string, size_t length,
void *userdata)
printf("Message with length %zu received from %u: %s \n", length, friendnumber, string);
m_send_message_generic(m, friendnumber, type, (const uint8_t *)"Test1", 6, 0);
/* TODO(irungentoo): needed as print_request has to match the interface expected by
* networking_requesthandler and so cannot take a Messenger * */
static Messenger *m;
static void print_request(Messenger *m2, const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, void *userdata)
printf("Friend request received from: \n");
printf("ClientID: ");
uint32_t j;
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
if (public_key[j] < 16) {
printf("%hhX", public_key[j]);
printf("\nOf length: %zu with data: %s \n", length, data);
if (length != sizeof("Install Gentoo")) {
if (memcmp(data , "Install Gentoo", sizeof("Install Gentoo")) == 0)
//if the request contained the message of peace the person is obviously a friend so we add him.
printf("Friend request accepted.\n");
m_addfriend_norequest(m2, public_key);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* let user override default by cmdline */
uint8_t ipv6enabled = TOX_ENABLE_IPV6_DEFAULT; /* x */
int argvoffset = cmdline_parsefor_ipv46(argc, argv, &ipv6enabled);
if (argvoffset < 0) {
/* with optional --ipvx, now it can be 1-4 arguments... */
if ((argc != argvoffset + 2) && (argc != argvoffset + 4)) {
printf("Usage: %s [--ipv4|--ipv6] ip port public_key (of the DHT bootstrap node)\n", argv[0]);
printf(" %s [--ipv4|--ipv6] Save.bak (to read Save.bak as state file)\n", argv[0]);
Messenger_Options options = {0};
options.ipv6enabled = ipv6enabled;
m = new_messenger(&options, 0);
if (!m) {
fputs("Failed to allocate messenger datastructure\n", stderr);
if (argc == argvoffset + 4) {
uint16_t port = htons(atoi(argv[argvoffset + 2]));
uint8_t *bootstrap_key = hex_string_to_bin(argv[argvoffset + 3]);
int res = DHT_bootstrap_from_address(m->dht, argv[argvoffset + 1],
ipv6enabled, port, bootstrap_key);
if (!res) {
printf("Failed to convert \"%s\" into an IP address. Exiting...\n", argv[argvoffset + 1]);
} else {
FILE *file = fopen(argv[argvoffset + 1], "rb");
if (file == NULL) {
printf("Failed to open \"%s\" - does it exist?\n", argv[argvoffset + 1]);
return 1;
int read;
uint8_t buffer[128000];
read = fread(buffer, 1, 128000, file);
printf("Messenger loaded: %i\n", messenger_load(m, buffer, read));
m_callback_friendrequest(m, print_request);
m_callback_friendmessage(m, print_message);
printf("OUR ID: ");
uint32_t i;
uint8_t address[FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE];
getaddress(m, address);
for (i = 0; i < FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE; i++) {
if (address[i] < 16) {
printf("%hhX", address[i]);
setname(m, (const uint8_t *)"Anon", 5);
char temp_hex_id[128];
printf("\nEnter the address of the friend you wish to add (38 bytes HEX format):\n");
if (!fgets(temp_hex_id, sizeof(temp_hex_id), stdin)) {
if ((strlen(temp_hex_id) > 0) && (temp_hex_id[strlen(temp_hex_id) - 1] == '\n')) {
temp_hex_id[strlen(temp_hex_id) - 1] = '\0';
uint8_t *bin_id = hex_string_to_bin(temp_hex_id);
int num = m_addfriend(m, bin_id, (const uint8_t *)"Install Gentoo", sizeof("Install Gentoo"));
while (1) {
uint8_t name[128];
getname(m, num, name);
printf("%s\n", name);
m_send_message_generic(m, num, MESSAGE_NORMAL, (const uint8_t *)"Test", 5, 0);
do_messenger(m, NULL);
FILE *file = fopen("Save.bak", "wb");
if (file == NULL) {
return 1;
uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(messenger_size(m));
messenger_save(m, buffer);
size_t write_result = fwrite(buffer, 1, messenger_size(m), file);
if (write_result < messenger_size(m)) {
return 1;