iphydf a2d586b782
Rework the toxchat/bootstrap-node Docker image.
* Use fully static build for the bootstrap daemon.
* Store a sha256sum of the binary in the repo.
* Updated documentation for it.
* Add support for fully static build in cmake.
* Enable the docker build on every PR, so we catch changes to the
  checksum. I realise this is adding toil, but having the checksum is
  valuable for security of released binaries.
2020-04-26 16:13:24 +00:00

82 lines
2.7 KiB

# Builder image: we compile the code here (static build)
FROM alpine:3.11.5 AS build
RUN ["apk", "--no-cache", "add",\
WORKDIR /src/c-toxcore
# Very selectively add files to the image, because we may have random stuff
# lying around. In particular, we don't need to rebuild the docker image when
# toxav changes or the Dockerfile changes down from the build.
COPY cmake cmake
COPY other/bootstrap_daemon/src other/bootstrap_daemon/src
COPY other/bootstrap_node_packets.[ch] other/
COPY other/DHT_bootstrap.c other/
COPY other/pkgconfig other/pkgconfig
COPY other/rpm other/rpm
COPY testing/misc_tools.[ch] testing/
COPY toxcore toxcore
COPY toxencryptsave toxencryptsave
COPY CMakeLists.txt so.version ./
RUN ["cmake", "-B_build", "-H.",\
RUN ["cmake", "--build", "_build", "--target", "install"]
# Verify checksum from dev-built binary, so we can be sure Docker Hub doesn't
# mess with your binaries.
COPY other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/tox-bootstrapd.sha256 other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/
RUN ["sha256sum", "/usr/local/bin/tox-bootstrapd"]
RUN ["sha256sum", "-c", "other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/tox-bootstrapd.sha256"]
# Remove all the example bootstrap nodes from the config file.
COPY other/bootstrap_daemon/tox-bootstrapd.conf other/bootstrap_daemon/
# hadolint ignore=SC2086,SC2154
RUN ["sed", "-i", "/^bootstrap_nodes = /,$d", "other/bootstrap_daemon/tox-bootstrapd.conf"]
# Add bootstrap nodes from
COPY other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/ other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/
RUN ["other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/", "other/bootstrap_daemon/tox-bootstrapd.conf"]
# Final image build: this is what runs the bootstrap node
FROM debian:buster-slim
COPY --from=build /usr/local/bin/tox-bootstrapd /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=build /src/c-toxcore/other/bootstrap_daemon/tox-bootstrapd.conf /etc/tox-bootstrapd.conf
RUN ["useradd", "--home-dir", "/var/lib/tox-bootstrapd", "--create-home",\
"--system", "--shell", "/sbin/nologin",\
"--comment", "Account to run the Tox DHT bootstrap daemon",\
"--user-group", "tox-bootstrapd"\
RUN ["chmod", "644", "/etc/tox-bootstrapd.conf"]
RUN ["chmod", "700", "/var/lib/tox-bootstrapd"]
WORKDIR /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd
USER tox-bootstrapd
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/tox-bootstrapd",\
"--config", "/etc/tox-bootstrapd.conf",\
"--log-backend", "stdout",\
EXPOSE 443/tcp 3389/tcp 33445/tcp 33445/udp