iphydf 727982d2f9
fix: Fix bootstrap on emscripten/wasm.
Also added a whole bunch of logging that I needed while debugging the
issue. The solution in the end is that bootstrap needs to resolve IPs,
and getaddrinfo fails in the browser. Most of the time we bootstrap
against IPs anyway, so trying to parse as IP address first will shortcut
2022-02-01 21:00:09 +00:00

82 lines
2.8 KiB

# Builder image: we compile the code here (static build)
FROM alpine:3.15.0 AS build
RUN ["apk", "--no-cache", "add",\
WORKDIR /src/c-toxcore
# Very selectively add files to the image, because we may have random stuff
# lying around. In particular, we don't need to rebuild the docker image when
# toxav changes or the Dockerfile changes down from the build.
COPY cmake cmake
COPY other/bootstrap_daemon/src other/bootstrap_daemon/src
COPY other/bootstrap_node_packets.[ch] other/
COPY other/DHT_bootstrap.c other/
COPY other/pkgconfig other/pkgconfig
COPY other/rpm other/rpm
COPY testing/misc_tools.[ch] testing/
COPY toxcore toxcore
COPY toxencryptsave toxencryptsave
COPY CMakeLists.txt so.version ./
RUN cmake -B_build -H. \
-GNinja \
cmake --build _build --target install
# Verify checksum from dev-built binary, so we can be sure Docker Hub doesn't
# mess with your binaries.
COPY other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/tox-bootstrapd.sha256 other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/
RUN sha256sum /usr/local/bin/tox-bootstrapd && \
sha256sum -c other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/tox-bootstrapd.sha256
# Remove all the example bootstrap nodes from the config file.
COPY other/bootstrap_daemon/tox-bootstrapd.conf other/bootstrap_daemon/
# hadolint ignore=SC2086,SC2154
RUN ["sed", "-i", "/^bootstrap_nodes = /,$d", "other/bootstrap_daemon/tox-bootstrapd.conf"]
# Add bootstrap nodes from
COPY other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/ other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/
RUN ["other/bootstrap_daemon/docker/", "other/bootstrap_daemon/tox-bootstrapd.conf"]
# Final image build: this is what runs the bootstrap node
FROM debian:bullseye-slim
COPY --from=build /usr/local/bin/tox-bootstrapd /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=build /src/c-toxcore/other/bootstrap_daemon/tox-bootstrapd.conf /etc/tox-bootstrapd.conf
RUN useradd --home-dir /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd --create-home \
--system --shell /sbin/nologin \
--comment "Account to run the Tox DHT bootstrap daemon" \
--user-group tox-bootstrapd && \
chmod 644 /etc/tox-bootstrapd.conf && \
chmod 700 /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd
WORKDIR /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd
USER tox-bootstrapd
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/tox-bootstrapd",\
"--config", "/etc/tox-bootstrapd.conf",\
"--log-backend", "stdout",\
EXPOSE 443/tcp 3389/tcp 33445/tcp 33445/udp