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Executable File
/** toxmsi.c
* Copyright (C) 2013 Tox project All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of Tox.
* Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Tox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Report bugs/suggestions to me ( mannol ) at either #tox-dev @ freenode.net:6667 or
* my email: eniz_vukovic@hotmail.com
#include "config.h"
#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
#define _BSD_SOURCE
#include "toxmsi.h"
#include "../toxcore/util.h"
#include "../toxcore/network.h"
#include "../toxcore/event.h"
#include "../toxcore/Messenger.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define same(x, y) strcmp((const char*) x, (const char*) y) == 0
#define MSI_MAXMSG_SIZE 1024
#define TYPE_REQUEST 1
#define VERSION_STRING "0.3.1"
/* Define default timeout for a request.
* There is no behavior specified by the msi on what will
* client do on timeout, but to call timeout callback.
#define m_deftout 10000 /* in milliseconds */
* Protocol:
* | desc. ( 1 byte ) | length ( 2 bytes ) | value ( length bytes ) |
* ie.
* | 0x1 | 0x0 0x7 | "version"
* Means: it's field value with length of 7 bytes and value of "version"
* It's similar to amp protocol
#define GENERIC_HEADER(header) \
typedef struct _MSIHeader##header { \
uint8_t* header_value; \
uint16_t size; \
} MSIHeader##header;
* @brief This is the message structure. It contains all of the headers and
* destination/source of the message stored in friend_id.
typedef struct _MSIMessage {
MSIHeaderVersion version;
MSIHeaderRequest request;
MSIHeaderResponse response;
MSIHeaderCallType calltype;
MSIHeaderUserAgent useragent;
MSIHeaderInfo info;
MSIHeaderReason reason;
MSIHeaderCallId callid;
MSIHeaderCryptoKey cryptokey;
MSIHeaderNonce nonce;
struct _MSIMessage* next;
int friend_id;
} MSIMessage;
static MSICallback callbacks[9] = {0};
/* define strings for the identifiers */
#define VERSION_FIELD "Version"
#define REQUEST_FIELD "Request"
#define RESPONSE_FIELD "Response"
#define REASON_FIELD "Reason"
#define CALLTYPE_FIELD "Call-type"
#define USERAGENT_FIELD "User-agent"
#define CALLID_FIELD "Call-id"
#define CRYPTOKEY_FIELD "Crypto-key"
#define NONCE_FIELD "Nonce"
/* protocol descriptors */
#define end_byte 0x0
#define field_byte 0x1
#define value_byte 0x2
typedef enum {
} MSIRequest;
* @brief Get string value for request.
* @param request The request.
* @return const uint8_t* The string
static inline const uint8_t *stringify_request ( MSIRequest request ) {
static const uint8_t* strings[] = {
( uint8_t* ) "INVITE",
( uint8_t* ) "START",
( uint8_t* ) "CANCEL",
( uint8_t* ) "REJECT",
( uint8_t* ) "END"
return strings[request];
typedef enum {
} MSIResponse;
* @brief Get string value for response.
* @param response The response.
* @return const uint8_t* The string
static inline const uint8_t *stringify_response ( MSIResponse response ) {
static const uint8_t* strings[] = {
( uint8_t* ) "ringing",
( uint8_t* ) "starting",
( uint8_t* ) "ending",
( uint8_t* ) "error"
return strings[response];
#define ON_HEADER(iterator, header, descriptor, size_const) \
( memcmp(iterator, descriptor, size_const) == 0){ /* Okay */ \
iterator += size_const; /* Set iterator at begining of value part */ \
if ( *iterator != value_byte ) { assert(0); return -1; }\
iterator ++;\
uint16_t _value_size = (uint16_t) *(iterator ) << 8 | \
(uint16_t) *(iterator + 1); \
header.header_value = calloc(sizeof(uint8_t), _value_size); \
header.size = _value_size; \
memcpy(header.header_value, iterator + 2, _value_size);\
iterator = iterator + 2 + _value_size; /* set iterator at new header or end_byte */ \
* @brief Parse raw 'data' received from socket into MSIMessage struct.
* Every message has to have end value of 'end_byte' or _undefined_ behavior
* occures. The best practice is to check the end of the message at the handle_packet.
* @param msg Container.
* @param data The data.
* @return int
* @retval -1 Error occured.
* @retval 0 Success.
int parse_raw_data ( MSIMessage* msg, const uint8_t* data ) {
assert ( msg );
const uint8_t* _it = data;
while ( *_it ) {/* until end_byte is hit */
if ( *_it == field_byte ) {
uint16_t _size = ( uint16_t ) * ( _it + 1 ) << 8 |
( uint16_t ) * ( _it + 2 );
_it += 3; /*place it at the field value beginning*/
switch ( _size ) { /* Compare the size of the hardcoded values ( vary fast and convenient ) */
case 4: { /* INFO header */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, msg->info, INFO_FIELD, 4 )
case 5: { /* NONCE header */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, msg->nonce, NONCE_FIELD, 5 )
case 6: { /* Reason header */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, msg->reason, REASON_FIELD, 6 )
case 7: { /* Version, Request, Call-id headers */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, msg->version, VERSION_FIELD, 7 )
else if ON_HEADER ( _it, msg->request, REQUEST_FIELD, 7 )
else if ON_HEADER ( _it, msg->callid, CALLID_FIELD, 7 )
case 8: { /* Response header */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, msg->response, RESPONSE_FIELD, 8 )
case 9: { /* Call-type header */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, msg->calltype, CALLTYPE_FIELD, 9 )
case 10: { /* User-agent, Crypto-key headers */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, msg->useragent, USERAGENT_FIELD, 10 )
else if ON_HEADER ( _it, msg->cryptokey, CRYPTOKEY_FIELD, 10 )
return -1;
} else return -1;
/* If it's anything else return failure as the message is invalid */
return 0;
#define ALLOCATE_HEADER( var, mheader_value, t_size) \
var.header_value = calloc(sizeof *mheader_value, t_size); \
memcpy(var.header_value, mheader_value, t_size); \
var.size = t_size;
* @brief Speaks for it self.
* @param msg The message.
* @return void
void free_message ( MSIMessage* msg ) {
assert ( msg );
free ( msg->calltype.header_value );
free ( msg->request.header_value );
free ( msg->response.header_value );
free ( msg->useragent.header_value );
free ( msg->version.header_value );
free ( msg->info.header_value );
free ( msg->cryptokey.header_value );
free ( msg->nonce.header_value );
free ( msg->reason.header_value );
free ( msg->callid.header_value );
free ( msg );
* @brief Create the message.
* @param type Request or response.
* @param type_id Type of request/response.
* @return MSIMessage* Created message.
* @retval NULL Error occured.
MSIMessage* msi_new_message ( uint8_t type, const uint8_t* type_id ) {
MSIMessage* _retu = calloc ( sizeof ( MSIMessage ), 1 );
assert ( _retu );
memset ( _retu, 0, sizeof ( MSIMessage ) );
if ( type == TYPE_REQUEST ) {
ALLOCATE_HEADER ( _retu->request, type_id, strlen ( type_id ) )
} else if ( type == TYPE_RESPONSE ) {
ALLOCATE_HEADER ( _retu->response, type_id, strlen ( type_id ) )
} else {
free_message ( _retu );
return NULL;
return _retu;
* @brief Parse data from handle_packet.
* @param data The data.
* @return MSIMessage* Parsed message.
* @retval NULL Error occured.
MSIMessage* parse_message ( const uint8_t* data ) {
assert ( data );
MSIMessage* _retu = calloc ( sizeof ( MSIMessage ), 1 );
assert ( _retu );
memset ( _retu, 0, sizeof ( MSIMessage ) );
if ( parse_raw_data ( _retu, data ) == -1 ) {
free_message ( _retu );
return NULL;
if ( !_retu->version.header_value || VERSION_STRLEN != _retu->version.size ||
memcmp ( _retu->version.header_value, VERSION_STRING, VERSION_STRLEN ) != 0 ) {
free_message ( _retu );
return NULL;
return _retu;
* @brief Speaks for it self.
* @param dest Container.
* @param header_field Field.
* @param header_value Field value.
* @param value_len Length of field value.
* @param length Pointer to container length.
* @return uint8_t* Iterated container.
uint8_t* append_header_to_string (
uint8_t* dest,
const uint8_t* header_field,
const uint8_t* header_value,
uint16_t value_len,
uint16_t* length )
assert ( dest );
assert ( header_value );
assert ( header_field );
const uint8_t* _hvit = header_value;
uint16_t _total = 6 + value_len; /* 6 is known plus header value len + field len*/
*dest = field_byte; /* Set the first byte */
uint8_t* _getback_byte = dest + 1; /* remeber the byte we were on */
dest += 3; /* swith to 4th byte where field value starts */
/* Now set the field value and calculate it's length */
uint16_t _i = 0;
for ( ; header_field[_i]; ++_i ) {
*dest = header_field[_i];
_total += _i;
/* Now set the length of the field byte */
*_getback_byte = ( uint8_t ) _i >> 8;
*_getback_byte = ( uint8_t ) _i;
/* for value part do it regulary */
*dest = value_byte;
*dest = ( uint8_t ) value_len >> 8;
*dest = ( uint8_t ) value_len;
for ( _i = value_len; _i; --_i ) {
*dest = *_hvit;
*length += _total;
return dest;
#define CLEAN_ASSIGN(added, var, field, header)\
if ( header.header_value ) { var = append_header_to_string(var, (const uint8_t*)field, header.header_value, header.size, &added); }
* @brief Convert MSIMessage struct to _sendable_ string.
* @param msg The message.
* @param dest Destination.
* @return uint16_t It's final size.
uint16_t message_to_string ( MSIMessage* msg, uint8_t* dest ) {
assert ( msg );
assert ( dest );
uint8_t* _iterated = dest;
uint16_t _size = 0;
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, VERSION_FIELD, msg->version );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, REQUEST_FIELD, msg->request );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, RESPONSE_FIELD, msg->response );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, CALLTYPE_FIELD, msg->calltype );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, USERAGENT_FIELD, msg->useragent );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, INFO_FIELD, msg->info );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, CALLID_FIELD, msg->callid );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, REASON_FIELD, msg->reason );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, CRYPTOKEY_FIELD, msg->cryptokey );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, NONCE_FIELD, msg->nonce );
*_iterated = end_byte;
_size ++;
return _size;
void msi_msg_set_##header ( MSIMessage* _msg, const uint8_t* header_value, uint16_t _size ) \
{ assert(_msg); assert(header_value); \
free(_msg->header.header_value); \
ALLOCATE_HEADER( _msg->header, header_value, _size )}
* @brief Generate _random_ alphanumerical string.
* @param str Destination.
* @param size Size of string.
* @return void
void t_randomstr ( uint8_t* str, size_t size ) {
assert ( str );
static const uint8_t _bytes[] =
int _it = 0;
for ( ; _it < size; _it++ ) {
str[_it] = _bytes[ randombytes_random() % 61 ];
typedef enum {
error_deadcall = 1, /* has call id but it's from old call */
error_id_mismatch, /* non-existing call */
error_no_callid, /* not having call id */
error_no_call, /* no call in session */
error_no_crypto_key, /* no crypto key */
} MSICallError; /* Error codes */
* @brief Stringify error code.
* @param error_code The code.
* @return const uint8_t* The string.
static inline const uint8_t *stringify_error ( MSICallError error_code ) {
static const uint8_t* strings[] = {
( uint8_t* ) "",
( uint8_t* ) "Using dead call",
( uint8_t* ) "Call id not set to any call",
( uint8_t* ) "Call id not available",
( uint8_t* ) "No active call in session",
( uint8_t* ) "No Crypto-key set",
( uint8_t* ) "Callee busy"
return strings[error_code];
* @brief Convert error_code into string.
* @param error_code The code.
* @return const uint8_t* The string.
static inline const uint8_t *stringify_error_code ( MSICallError error_code ) {
static const uint8_t* strings[] = {
( uint8_t* ) "",
( uint8_t* ) "1",
( uint8_t* ) "2",
( uint8_t* ) "3",
( uint8_t* ) "4",
( uint8_t* ) "5",
( uint8_t* ) "6"
return strings[error_code];
* @brief Speaks for it self.
* @param session Control session.
* @param msg The message.
* @param to Where to.
* @return int
* @retval -1 Error occured.
* @retval 0 Success.
int send_message ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg, uint32_t to )
msi_msg_set_callid ( msg, session->call->id, CALL_ID_LEN );
uint8_t _msg_string_final [MSI_MAXMSG_SIZE];
uint16_t _length = message_to_string ( msg, _msg_string_final );
return m_msi_packet((struct Messenger*) session->messenger_handle, to, _msg_string_final, _length) ? 0 : -1;
* @brief Speaks for it self.
* @param session Control session.
* @param msg The message.
* @param peer_id The peer.
* @return void
void flush_peer_type ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg, int peer_id ) {
if ( msg->calltype.header_value ) {
if ( strcmp ( ( const char* ) msg->calltype.header_value, CT_AUDIO_HEADER_VALUE ) == 0 ) {
session->call->type_peer[peer_id] = type_audio;
} else if ( strcmp ( ( const char* ) msg->calltype.header_value, CT_VIDEO_HEADER_VALUE ) == 0 ) {
session->call->type_peer[peer_id] = type_video;
} else {} /* Error */
} else {} /* Error */
* @brief Sends error response to peer.
* @param session The session.
* @param errid The id.
* @param to Where to?
* @return int
* @retval 0 It's always success.
int handle_error ( MSISession* session, MSICallError errid, uint32_t to ) {
MSIMessage* _msg_error = msi_new_message ( TYPE_RESPONSE, stringify_response ( error ) );
const uint8_t* _error_code_str = stringify_error_code ( errid );
msi_msg_set_reason ( _msg_error, _error_code_str, strlen ( ( const char* ) _error_code_str ) );
send_message ( session, _msg_error, to );
free_message ( _msg_error );
session->last_error_id = errid;
session->last_error_str = stringify_error ( errid );
event.rise ( callbacks[cb_error], session );
return 0;
* @brief Determine the error if any.
* @param session Control session.
* @param msg The message.
* @return int
* @retval -1 No error.
* @retval 0 Error occured and response sent.
int has_call_error ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg ) {
if ( !msg->callid.header_value ) {
return handle_error ( session, error_no_callid, msg->friend_id );
} else if ( !session->call ) {
return handle_error ( session, error_no_call, msg->friend_id );
} else if ( memcmp ( session->call->id, msg->callid.header_value, CALL_ID_LEN ) != 0 ) {
return handle_error ( session, error_id_mismatch, msg->friend_id );
return -1;
* @brief Function called at request timeout.
* @param arg Control session
* @return void*
void* handle_timeout ( void* arg )
/* Send hangup either way */
MSISession* _session = arg;
uint32_t* _peers = _session->call->peers;
uint16_t _peer_count = _session->call->peer_count;
/* Cancel all? */
uint16_t _it = 0;
for ( ; _it < _peer_count; _it++ )
msi_cancel ( arg, _peers[_it] );
( *callbacks[cb_timeout] ) ( arg );
( *callbacks[cb_ending ] ) ( arg );
return NULL;
* @brief Add peer to peer list.
* @param call What call.
* @param peer_id Its id.
* @return void
void add_peer( MSICall* call, int peer_id )
if ( !call->peers ) {
call->peers = calloc(sizeof(int), 1);
call->peer_count = 1;
} else{
call->peer_count ++;
call->peers = realloc( call->peers, sizeof(int) * call->peer_count);
call->peers[call->peer_count - 1] = peer_id;
* @brief BASIC call flow:
* | invite --> |
* | |
* | <-- ringing |
* | |
* | <-- starting |
* | |
* | start --> |
* | |
* | <-- MEDIA TRANS --> |
* | |
* | end --> |
* | |
* | <-- ending |
* Alice calls Bob by sending invite packet.
* Bob recvs the packet and sends an ringing packet;
* which notifies Alice that her invite is acknowledged.
* Ringing screen shown on both sides.
* Bob accepts the invite for a call by sending starting packet.
* Alice recvs the starting packet and sends the started packet to
* inform Bob that she recved the starting packet.
* Now the media transmission is established ( i.e. RTP transmission ).
* Alice hangs up and sends end packet.
* Bob recves the end packet and sends ending packet
* as the acknowledgement that the call is ending.
void msi_handle_packet ( Messenger* messenger, int source, uint8_t* data, uint16_t length, void* object )
MSISession* _session = object;
MSIMessage* _msg;
_msg = parse_message ( data );
if ( !_msg ) return;
_msg->friend_id = source;
/* Now handle message */
if ( _msg->request.header_value ) { /* Handle request */
const uint8_t* _request_value = _msg->request.header_value;
if ( same ( _request_value, stringify_request ( invite ) ) ) {
handle_recv_invite ( _session, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _request_value, stringify_request ( start ) ) ) {
handle_recv_start ( _session, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _request_value, stringify_request ( cancel ) ) ) {
handle_recv_cancel ( _session, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _request_value, stringify_request ( reject ) ) ) {
handle_recv_reject ( _session, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _request_value, stringify_request ( end ) ) ) {
handle_recv_end ( _session, _msg );
else {
free_message ( _msg );
} else if ( _msg->response.header_value ) { /* Handle response */
const uint8_t* _response_value = _msg->response.header_value;
if ( same ( _response_value, stringify_response ( ringing ) ) ) {
handle_recv_ringing ( _session, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _response_value, stringify_response ( starting ) ) ) {
handle_recv_starting ( _session, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _response_value, stringify_response ( ending ) ) ) {
handle_recv_ending ( _session, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _response_value, stringify_response ( error ) ) ) {
handle_recv_error ( _session, _msg );
} else {
free_message ( _msg );
/* Got response so cancel timer */
if ( _session->call )
event.timer_release ( _session->call->request_timer_id );
free_message ( _msg );
* @brief Speaks for it self.
* @param session Control session.
* @param peers Amount of peers. (Currently it only supports 1)
* @param ringing_timeout Ringing timeout.
* @return MSICall* The created call.
MSICall* init_call ( MSISession* session, int peers, int ringing_timeout ) {
assert ( session );
assert ( peers );
MSICall* _call = calloc ( sizeof ( MSICall ), 1 );
_call->type_peer = calloc ( sizeof ( MSICallType ), peers );
assert ( _call );
assert ( _call->type_peer );
/*_call->_participant_count = _peers;*/
_call->request_timer_id = 0;
_call->ringing_timer_id = 0;
_call->key_local = NULL;
_call->key_peer = NULL;
_call->nonce_local = NULL;
_call->nonce_peer = NULL;
_call->ringing_tout_ms = ringing_timeout;
pthread_mutex_init ( &_call->mutex, NULL );
return _call;
* @brief Terminate the call.
* @param session Control session.
* @return int
* @retval -1 Error occured.
* @retval 0 Success.
int terminate_call ( MSISession* session ) {
assert ( session );
if ( !session->call )
return -1;
/* Check event loop and cancel timed events if there are any
* Notice: This has to be done before possibly
* locking the mutex the second time
event.timer_release ( session->call->request_timer_id );
event.timer_release ( session->call->ringing_timer_id );
/* Get a handle */
pthread_mutex_lock ( &session->call->mutex );
MSICall* _call = session->call;
session->call = NULL;
free ( _call->type_peer );
free ( _call->key_local );
free ( _call->key_peer );
free ( _call->peers);
/* Release handle */
pthread_mutex_unlock ( &_call->mutex );
pthread_mutex_destroy ( &_call->mutex );
free ( _call );
return 0;
/********** Request handlers **********/
int handle_recv_invite ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg ) {
assert ( session );
if ( session->call ) {
handle_error ( session, error_busy, msg->friend_id );
return 0;
if ( !msg->callid.header_value ) {
handle_error ( session, error_no_callid, msg->friend_id );
return 0;
session->call = init_call ( session, 1, 0 );
memcpy ( session->call->id, msg->callid.header_value, CALL_ID_LEN );
session->call->state = call_starting;
add_peer( session->call, msg->friend_id);
flush_peer_type ( session, msg, 0 );
MSIMessage* _msg_ringing = msi_new_message ( TYPE_RESPONSE, stringify_response ( ringing ) );
send_message ( session, _msg_ringing, msg->friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_ringing );
event.rise ( callbacks[cb_oninvite], session );
return 1;
int handle_recv_start ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg ) {
assert ( session );
if ( has_call_error ( session, msg ) == 0 )
return 0;
if ( !msg->cryptokey.header_value )
return handle_error ( session, error_no_crypto_key, msg->friend_id );
session->call->state = call_active;
session->call->key_peer = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES );
memcpy ( session->call->key_peer, msg->cryptokey.header_value, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES );
session->call->nonce_peer = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
memcpy ( session->call->nonce_peer, msg->nonce.header_value, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
flush_peer_type ( session, msg, 0 );
event.rise ( callbacks[cb_onstart], session );
return 1;
int handle_recv_reject ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg ) {
assert ( session );
if ( has_call_error ( session, msg ) == 0 )
return 0;
MSIMessage* _msg_end = msi_new_message ( TYPE_REQUEST, stringify_request ( end ) );
send_message ( session, _msg_end, msg->friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_end );
event.timer_release ( session->call->request_timer_id );
event.rise ( callbacks[cb_onreject], session );
session->call->request_timer_id = event.timer_alloc ( handle_timeout, session, m_deftout );
return 1;
int handle_recv_cancel ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg ) {
assert ( session );
if ( has_call_error ( session, msg ) == 0 )
return 0;
terminate_call ( session );
event.rise ( callbacks[cb_oncancel], session );
return 1;
int handle_recv_end ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg ) {
assert ( session );
if ( has_call_error ( session, msg ) == 0 )
return 0;
MSIMessage* _msg_ending = msi_new_message ( TYPE_RESPONSE, stringify_response ( ending ) );
send_message ( session, _msg_ending, msg->friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_ending );
terminate_call ( session );
event.rise ( callbacks[cb_onend], session );
return 1;
/********** Response handlers **********/
int handle_recv_ringing ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg ) {
assert ( session );
if ( has_call_error ( session, msg ) == 0 )
return 0;
session->call->ringing_timer_id = event.timer_alloc ( handle_timeout, session, session->call->ringing_tout_ms );
event.rise ( callbacks[cb_ringing], session );
return 1;
int handle_recv_starting ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg ) {
assert ( session );
if ( has_call_error ( session, msg ) == 0 )
return 0;
if ( !msg->cryptokey.header_value ) {
return handle_error ( session, error_no_crypto_key, msg->friend_id );
/* Generate local key/nonce to send */
session->call->key_local = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES );
new_symmetric_key ( session->call->key_local );
session->call->nonce_local = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
new_nonce ( session->call->nonce_local );
/* Save peer key/nonce */
session->call->key_peer = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES );
memcpy ( session->call->key_peer, msg->cryptokey.header_value, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES );
session->call->nonce_peer = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
memcpy ( session->call->nonce_peer, msg->nonce.header_value, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
session->call->state = call_active;
MSIMessage* _msg_start = msi_new_message ( TYPE_REQUEST, stringify_request ( start ) );
msi_msg_set_cryptokey ( _msg_start, session->call->key_local, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES );
msi_msg_set_nonce ( _msg_start, session->call->nonce_local, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
send_message ( session, _msg_start, msg->friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_start );
flush_peer_type ( session, msg, 0 );
event.rise ( callbacks[cb_starting], session );
event.timer_release ( session->call->ringing_timer_id );
return 1;
int handle_recv_ending ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg ) {
assert ( session );
if ( has_call_error ( session, msg ) == 0 )
return 0;
terminate_call ( session );
event.rise ( callbacks[cb_ending], session );
return 1;
int handle_recv_error ( MSISession* session, MSIMessage* msg ) {
assert ( session );
assert ( session->call );
/* Handle error accordingly */
if ( msg->reason.header_value ) {
session->last_error_id = atoi ( ( const char* ) msg->reason.header_value );
session->last_error_str = stringify_error ( session->last_error_id );
terminate_call ( session );
event.rise ( callbacks[cb_ending], session );
return 1;
* *******************************************************************************************************************
* @brief Callback setter.
* @param callback The callback.
* @param id The id.
* @return void
void msi_register_callback ( MSICallback callback, MSICallbackID id )
callbacks[id] = callback;
* @brief Start the control session.
* @param messenger Tox* object.
* @param user_agent User agent, i.e. 'Venom'; 'QT-gui'
* @return MSISession* The created session.
* @retval NULL Error occured.
MSISession* msi_init_session ( Tox* messenger, const uint8_t* user_agent ) {
assert ( messenger );
assert ( user_agent );
MSISession* _retu = calloc ( sizeof ( MSISession ), 1 );
assert ( _retu );
_retu->user_agent = user_agent;
_retu->messenger_handle = messenger;
_retu->agent_handler = NULL;
_retu->call = NULL;
_retu->frequ = 10000; /* default value? */
_retu->call_timeout = 30000; /* default value? */
m_callback_msi_packet((struct Messenger*) messenger, msi_handle_packet, _retu );
return _retu;
* @brief Terminate control session.
* @param session The session
* @return int
int msi_terminate_session ( MSISession* session ) {
assert ( session );
int _status = 0;
terminate_call ( session );
/* TODO: Clean it up more? */
free ( session );
return _status;
* @brief Send invite request to friend_id.
* @param session Control session.
* @param call_type Type of the call. Audio or Video(both audio and video)
* @param rngsec Ringing timeout.
* @param friend_id The friend.
* @return int
int msi_invite ( MSISession* session, MSICallType call_type, uint32_t rngsec, uint32_t friend_id ) {
assert ( session );
MSIMessage* _msg_invite = msi_new_message ( TYPE_REQUEST, stringify_request ( invite ) );
session->call = init_call ( session, 1, rngsec ); /* Just one for now */
t_randomstr ( session->call->id, CALL_ID_LEN );
add_peer(session->call, friend_id );
session->call->type_local = call_type;
/* Do whatever with message */
if ( call_type == type_audio ) {
( _msg_invite, ( const uint8_t* ) CT_AUDIO_HEADER_VALUE, strlen ( CT_AUDIO_HEADER_VALUE ) );
} else {
( _msg_invite, ( const uint8_t* ) CT_VIDEO_HEADER_VALUE, strlen ( CT_VIDEO_HEADER_VALUE ) );
send_message ( session, _msg_invite, friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_invite );
session->call->state = call_inviting;
session->call->request_timer_id = event.timer_alloc ( handle_timeout, session, m_deftout );
return 0;
* @brief Hangup active call.
* @param session Control session.
* @return int
* @retval -1 Error occured.
* @retval 0 Success.
int msi_hangup ( MSISession* session ) {
assert ( session );
if ( !session->call && session->call->state != call_active )
return -1;
MSIMessage* _msg_ending = msi_new_message ( TYPE_REQUEST, stringify_request ( end ) );
/* hangup for each peer */
int _it = 0;
for ( ; _it < session->call->peer_count; _it ++ )
send_message ( session, _msg_ending, session->call->peers[_it] );
free_message ( _msg_ending );
session->call->request_timer_id = event.timer_alloc ( handle_timeout, session, m_deftout );
return 0;
* @brief Answer active call request.
* @param session Control session.
* @param call_type Answer with Audio or Video(both).
* @return int
int msi_answer ( MSISession* session, MSICallType call_type ) {
assert ( session );
MSIMessage* _msg_starting = msi_new_message ( TYPE_RESPONSE, stringify_response ( starting ) );
session->call->type_local = call_type;
if ( call_type == type_audio ) {
( _msg_starting, ( const uint8_t* ) CT_AUDIO_HEADER_VALUE, strlen ( CT_AUDIO_HEADER_VALUE ) );
} else {
( _msg_starting, ( const uint8_t* ) CT_VIDEO_HEADER_VALUE, strlen ( CT_VIDEO_HEADER_VALUE ) );
/* Now set the local encryption key and pass it with STARTING message */
session->call->key_local = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES );
new_symmetric_key ( session->call->key_local );
session->call->nonce_local = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
new_nonce ( session->call->nonce_local );
msi_msg_set_cryptokey ( _msg_starting, session->call->key_local, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES );
msi_msg_set_nonce ( _msg_starting, session->call->nonce_local, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
send_message ( session, _msg_starting, session->call->peers[session->call->peer_count - 1] );
free_message ( _msg_starting );
session->call->state = call_active;
return 0;
* @brief Cancel request.
* @param session Control session.
* @param friend_id The friend.
* @return int
int msi_cancel ( MSISession* session, int friend_id ) {
assert ( session );
MSIMessage* _msg_cancel = msi_new_message ( TYPE_REQUEST, stringify_request ( cancel ) );
send_message ( session, _msg_cancel, friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_cancel );
terminate_call ( session );
return 0;
* @brief Reject request.
* @param session Control session.
* @return int
int msi_reject ( MSISession* session ) {
assert ( session );
MSIMessage* _msg_reject = msi_new_message ( TYPE_REQUEST, stringify_request ( reject ) );
send_message ( session, _msg_reject, session->call->peers[session->call->peer_count - 1] );
free_message ( _msg_reject );
session->call->request_timer_id = event.timer_alloc ( handle_timeout, session, m_deftout );
return 0;
* @brief Terminate the current call.
* @param session Control session.
* @return int
int msi_stopcall ( MSISession* session ) {
assert ( session );
if ( !session->call )
return -1;
/* just terminate it */
terminate_call ( session );
return 0;
} |