hugbubby 47a527509d
lan_discovery_test and version_test cleanup
Removed a pointless declaration of a function in lan_discovery_test
and cleaned up the one error message there. Did an entire restructuring
of the version_test using macros that resulted in fewer lines of code but more
thorough testing.

Formatting of version_test.c

back to old way, save comments and one change

Missing space
My greatest enemy

Add `#include <cstdio>` for `std::printf`.

Make tox.c unambiguously parseable.

1. Constants are uppercase names: THE_CONSTANT.
2. SUE[1] types start with an uppercase letter and have at least one
   lowercase letter in it: The_Type, THE_Type.
3. Function types end in "_cb": tox_friend_connection_cb.
4. Variable and function names are all lowercase: the_function.

This makes it easier for humans reading the code to determine what an
identifier means. I'm not convinced by the enum type name change, but I
don't know a better rule. Currently, a lot of enum types are spelled like
constants, which is confusing.

[1] struct/union/enum

Use run_auto_test.h test fixture for some auto-tests.

Most of the auto-tests should use this fixture, but I've only done a few
to set an example.
2018-07-06 10:25:47 +00:00

33 lines
878 B

#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
#include "helpers.h"
int main(void)
setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0);
Tox *tox1 = tox_new_log_lan(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, /* lan_discovery */true);
Tox *tox2 = tox_new_log_lan(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, /* lan_discovery */true);
printf("Waiting for LAN discovery. This loop will attempt to run until successful.");
while (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE ||
tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) {
tox_iterate(tox1, nullptr);
tox_iterate(tox2, nullptr);
printf(" %d <-> %d\n",
return 0;