zugz (tox) e43b2eadc0
Send rejoin packets on conference disconnection
We were mistakenly not making a rejoin attempt on freezing connections
due to all closest connections going down. This fixes that, and tweaks
the test. I've still only done tens rather than hundreds of tests, but
I'm fairly confident that the conference test now consistently passes.
2018-09-20 22:30:28 +02:00

358 lines
12 KiB

/* Auto Tests: Conferences.
#include "config.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "../testing/misc_tools.h"
#include "../toxcore/crypto_core.h"
#include "../toxcore/tox.h"
#include "../toxcore/util.h"
#include "check_compat.h"
#define NUM_GROUP_TOX 16
#define GROUP_MESSAGE "Install Gentoo"
#define NAMELEN 9
#define NAME_FORMAT_STR "Tox #%4u"
#define NEW_NAME_FORMAT_STR "New #%4u"
typedef struct State {
uint32_t index;
uint64_t clock;
bool invited_next;
} State;
#include "run_auto_test.h"
static void handle_self_connection_status(
Tox *tox, TOX_CONNECTION connection_status, void *user_data)
const State *state = (State *)user_data;
if (connection_status != TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) {
printf("tox #%u: is now connected\n", state->index);
} else {
printf("tox #%u: is now disconnected\n", state->index);
static void handle_friend_connection_status(
Tox *tox, uint32_t friendnumber, TOX_CONNECTION connection_status, void *user_data)
const State *state = (State *)user_data;
if (connection_status != TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) {
printf("tox #%u: is now connected to friend %u\n", state->index, friendnumber);
} else {
printf("tox #%u: is now disconnected from friend %u\n", state->index, friendnumber);
static void handle_conference_invite(
Tox *tox, uint32_t friendnumber, TOX_CONFERENCE_TYPE type,
const uint8_t *data, size_t length, void *user_data)
const State *state = (State *)user_data;
ck_assert_msg(type == TOX_CONFERENCE_TYPE_TEXT, "tox #%u: wrong conference type: %d", state->index, type);
uint32_t g_num = tox_conference_join(tox, friendnumber, data, length, &err);
ck_assert_msg(err == TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_JOIN_OK, "tox #%u: error joining group: %d", state->index, err);
ck_assert_msg(g_num == 0, "tox #%u: group number was not 0", state->index);
// Try joining again. We should only be allowed to join once.
tox_conference_join(tox, friendnumber, data, length, &err);
ck_assert_msg(err != TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_JOIN_OK,
"tox #%u: joining groupchat twice should be impossible.", state->index);
static void handle_conference_connected(
Tox *tox, uint32_t conference_number, void *user_data)
State *state = (State *)user_data;
if (state->invited_next || tox_self_get_friend_list_size(tox) <= 1) {
tox_conference_invite(tox, 1, 0, &err);
ck_assert_msg(err == TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_INVITE_OK, "tox #%u failed to invite next friend: err = %d", state->index, err);
printf("tox #%u: invited next friend\n", state->index);
state->invited_next = true;
static uint16_t num_recv;
static void handle_conference_message(
Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE type,
const uint8_t *message, size_t length, void *user_data)
if (length == (sizeof(GROUP_MESSAGE) - 1) && memcmp(message, GROUP_MESSAGE, sizeof(GROUP_MESSAGE) - 1) == 0) {
static bool toxes_are_disconnected_from_group(uint32_t tox_count, Tox **toxes, int disconnected_count,
bool *disconnected)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tox_count; i++) {
if (disconnected[i]) {
if (tox_conference_peer_count(toxes[i], 0, nullptr) > tox_count - NUM_DISCONNECT) {
return false;
return true;
static bool all_connected_to_group(uint32_t tox_count, Tox **toxes)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tox_count; i++) {
if (tox_conference_peer_count(toxes[i], 0, nullptr) < tox_count) {
return false;
return true;
static bool names_propagated(uint32_t tox_count, Tox **toxes, State *state)
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < tox_count; ++i) {
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < tox_count; ++j) {
const size_t len = tox_conference_peer_get_name_size(toxes[i], 0, j, nullptr);
if (len != NAMELEN) {
return false;
return true;
/* returns a random index at which a list of booleans is false
* (some such index is required to exist)
* */
static uint32_t random_false_index(bool *list, const uint32_t length)
uint32_t index;
do {
index = random_u32() % length;
} while (list[index]);
return index;
static void run_conference_tests(Tox **toxes, State *state)
/* disabling name change propagation check for now, as it occasionally
* fails due to disconnections too short to trigger freezing */
const bool check_name_change_propagation = false;
printf("letting random toxes timeout\n");
bool disconnected[NUM_GROUP_TOX] = {0};
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_DISCONNECT; ++i) {
uint32_t disconnect = random_false_index(disconnected, NUM_GROUP_TOX);
disconnected[disconnect] = true;
printf("Disconnecting #%u\n", state[disconnect].index);
do {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_GROUP_TOX; ++i) {
if (!disconnected[i]) {
tox_iterate(toxes[i], &state[i]);
state[i].clock += 1000;
} while (!toxes_are_disconnected_from_group(NUM_GROUP_TOX, toxes, NUM_DISCONNECT, disconnected));
if (check_name_change_propagation) {
printf("changing names\n");
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_GROUP_TOX; ++i) {
char name[NAMELEN + 1];
snprintf(name, NAMELEN + 1, NEW_NAME_FORMAT_STR, state[i].index);
tox_self_set_name(toxes[i], (const uint8_t *)name, NAMELEN, nullptr);
printf("reconnecting toxes\n");
do {
iterate_all_wait(NUM_GROUP_TOX, toxes, state, ITERATION_INTERVAL);
} while (!all_connected_to_group(NUM_GROUP_TOX, toxes));
printf("running conference tests\n");
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_GROUP_TOX; ++i) {
tox_callback_conference_message(toxes[i], &handle_conference_message);
iterate_all_wait(NUM_GROUP_TOX, toxes, state, ITERATION_INTERVAL);
toxes[random_u32() % NUM_GROUP_TOX], 0, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, (const uint8_t *)GROUP_MESSAGE,
sizeof(GROUP_MESSAGE) - 1, &err) != 0, "failed to send group message");
err == TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_SEND_MESSAGE_OK, "failed to send group message");
num_recv = 0;
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < NUM_GROUP_TOX * 2; ++j) {
iterate_all_wait(NUM_GROUP_TOX, toxes, state, ITERATION_INTERVAL);
ck_assert_msg(num_recv == NUM_GROUP_TOX, "failed to recv group messages");
if (check_name_change_propagation) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_GROUP_TOX; ++i) {
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < NUM_GROUP_TOX; ++j) {
uint8_t name[NAMELEN];
tox_conference_peer_get_name(toxes[i], 0, j, name, nullptr);
/* Note the toxes will have been reordered */
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(name, "New", 3) == 0,
"name of #%u according to #%u not updated", state[j].index, state[i].index);
for (uint16_t k = NUM_GROUP_TOX; k != 0 ; --k) {
tox_conference_delete(toxes[k - 1], 0, nullptr);
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 10 || j < NUM_GROUP_TOX; ++j) {
iterate_all_wait(NUM_GROUP_TOX, toxes, state, ITERATION_INTERVAL);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < k - 1; ++i) {
uint32_t peer_count = tox_conference_peer_count(toxes[i], 0, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(peer_count == (k - 1), "\n\tBad number of group peers (post check)."
"\n\t\t\tExpected: %u but tox_instance(%u) only has: %u\n\n",
k - 1, i, (unsigned)peer_count);
static void test_many_group(Tox **toxes, State *state)
const time_t test_start_time = time(nullptr);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_GROUP_TOX; ++i) {
tox_callback_self_connection_status(toxes[i], &handle_self_connection_status);
tox_callback_friend_connection_status(toxes[i], &handle_friend_connection_status);
tox_callback_conference_invite(toxes[i], &handle_conference_invite);
tox_callback_conference_connected(toxes[i], &handle_conference_connected);
char name[NAMELEN + 1];
snprintf(name, NAMELEN + 1, NAME_FORMAT_STR, state[i].index);
tox_self_set_name(toxes[i], (const uint8_t *)name, NAMELEN, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tox_conference_new(toxes[0], nullptr) != UINT32_MAX, "failed to create group");
printf("tox #%u: inviting its first friend\n", state[0].index);
ck_assert_msg(tox_conference_invite(toxes[0], 0, 0, nullptr) != 0, "failed to invite friend");
state[0].invited_next = true;
ck_assert_msg(tox_conference_set_title(toxes[0], 0, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo", sizeof("Gentoo") - 1, nullptr) != 0,
"failed to set group title");
printf("waiting for invitations to be made\n");
uint16_t invited_count = 0;
do {
iterate_all_wait(NUM_GROUP_TOX, toxes, state, ITERATION_INTERVAL);
invited_count = 0;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_GROUP_TOX; ++i) {
invited_count += state[i].invited_next;
} while (invited_count != NUM_GROUP_TOX - 1);
uint64_t pregroup_clock = state[0].clock;
printf("waiting for all toxes to be in the group\n");
uint16_t fully_connected_count = 0;
do {
fully_connected_count = 0;
printf("current peer counts: [");
iterate_all_wait(NUM_GROUP_TOX, toxes, state, ITERATION_INTERVAL);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_GROUP_TOX; ++i) {
uint32_t peer_count = tox_conference_peer_count(toxes[i], 0, &err);
peer_count = 0;
fully_connected_count += peer_count == NUM_GROUP_TOX;
if (i != 0) {
printf(", ");
printf("%u", peer_count);
} while (fully_connected_count != NUM_GROUP_TOX);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_GROUP_TOX; ++i) {
uint32_t peer_count = tox_conference_peer_count(toxes[i], 0, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(peer_count == NUM_GROUP_TOX, "\n\tBad number of group peers (pre check)."
"\n\t\t\tExpected: %d but tox_instance(%u) only has: %u\n\n",
NUM_GROUP_TOX, i, (unsigned)peer_count);
uint8_t title[2048];
size_t ret = tox_conference_get_title_size(toxes[i], 0, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(ret == sizeof("Gentoo") - 1, "Wrong title length");
tox_conference_get_title(toxes[i], 0, title, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp("Gentoo", title, ret) == 0, "Wrong title");
printf("waiting for names to propagate\n");
do {
iterate_all_wait(NUM_GROUP_TOX, toxes, state, ITERATION_INTERVAL);
} while (!names_propagated(NUM_GROUP_TOX, toxes, state));
printf("group connected, took %d seconds\n", (int)((state[0].clock - pregroup_clock) / 1000));
run_conference_tests(toxes, state);
printf("test_many_group succeeded, took %d seconds\n", (int)(time(nullptr) - test_start_time));
int main(void)
setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0);
run_auto_test(NUM_GROUP_TOX, test_many_group, true);
return 0;