sudden6 683bc802e2
fix ToxAV threading documentation
ToxAV is not thread-safe at the moment, remove that claim from the
header file.
2020-01-02 11:58:52 +01:00

706 lines
22 KiB

* Copyright © 2016-2018 The TokTok team.
* Copyright © 2013-2015 Tox project.
* This file is part of Tox, the free peer to peer instant messenger.
* Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Tox. If not, see <>.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** \page av Public audio/video API for Tox clients.
* This API can handle multiple calls. Each call has its state, in very rare
* occasions the library can change the state of the call without apps knowledge.
/** \subsection events Events and callbacks
* As in Core API, events are handled by callbacks. One callback can be
* registered per event. All events have a callback function type named
* `toxav_{event}_cb` and a function to register it named `toxav_callback_{event}`.
* Passing a NULL callback will result in no callback being registered for that
* event. Only one callback per event can be registered, so if a client needs
* multiple event listeners, it needs to implement the dispatch functionality
* itself. Unlike Core API, lack of some event handlers will cause the the
* library to drop calls before they are started. Hanging up call from a
* callback causes undefined behaviour.
/** \subsection threading Threading implications
* Only ${toxAV.iterate} is thread-safe, all other functions must run from the
* tox thread.
* A common way to run ToxAV (multiple or single instance) is to have a thread,
* separate from tox instance thread, running a simple ${toxAV.iterate} loop,
* sleeping for ${toxAV.iteration_interval} * milliseconds on each iteration.
* An important thing to note is that events are triggered from both tox and
* toxav thread (see above). Audio and video receive frame events are triggered
* from toxav thread while all the other events are triggered from tox thread.
* Tox thread has priority with mutex mechanisms. Any api function can
* fail if mutexes are held by tox thread in which case they will set SYNC
* error code.
* External Tox type.
class tox {
struct this;
* ToxAV.
class toxAV {
* The ToxAV instance type. Each ToxAV instance can be bound to only one Tox
* instance, and Tox instance can have only one ToxAV instance. One must make
* sure to close ToxAV instance prior closing Tox instance otherwise undefined
* behaviour occurs. Upon closing of ToxAV instance, all active calls will be
* forcibly terminated without notifying peers.
struct this;
* :: Creation and destruction
* Start new A/V session. There can only be only one session per Tox instance.
static this new(tox::this *tox) {
* Memory allocation failure while trying to allocate structures required for
* the A/V session.
* Attempted to create a second session for the same Tox instance.
* Releases all resources associated with the A/V session.
* If any calls were ongoing, these will be forcibly terminated without
* notifying peers. After calling this function, no other functions may be
* called and the av pointer becomes invalid.
void kill();
* Returns the Tox instance the A/V object was created for.
tox::this *tox { get(); }
* :: A/V event loop
* Returns the interval in milliseconds when the next toxav_iterate call should
* be. If no call is active at the moment, this function returns 200.
const uint32_t iteration_interval();
* Main loop for the session. This function needs to be called in intervals of
* toxav_iteration_interval() milliseconds. It is best called in the separate
* thread from tox_iterate.
void iterate();
* :: Call setup
* Call a friend. This will start ringing the friend.
* It is the client's responsibility to stop ringing after a certain timeout,
* if such behaviour is desired. If the client does not stop ringing, the
* library will not stop until the friend is disconnected. Audio and video
* receiving are both enabled by default.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend that should be called.
* @param audio_bit_rate Audio bit rate in Kb/sec. Set this to 0 to disable
* audio sending.
* @param video_bit_rate Video bit rate in Kb/sec. Set this to 0 to disable
* video sending.
bool call(uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t audio_bit_rate, uint32_t video_bit_rate) {
* A resource allocation error occurred while trying to create the structures
* required for the call.
* Synchronization error occurred.
* The friend number did not designate a valid friend.
* The friend was valid, but not currently connected.
* Attempted to call a friend while already in an audio or video call with
* them.
* Audio or video bit rate is invalid.
event call {
* The function type for the ${event call} callback.
* @param friend_number The friend number from which the call is incoming.
* @param audio_enabled True if friend is sending audio.
* @param video_enabled True if friend is sending video.
typedef void(uint32_t friend_number, bool audio_enabled, bool video_enabled);
* Accept an incoming call.
* If answering fails for any reason, the call will still be pending and it is
* possible to try and answer it later. Audio and video receiving are both
* enabled by default.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend that is calling.
* @param audio_bit_rate Audio bit rate in Kb/sec. Set this to 0 to disable
* audio sending.
* @param video_bit_rate Video bit rate in Kb/sec. Set this to 0 to disable
* video sending.
bool answer(uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t audio_bit_rate, uint32_t video_bit_rate) {
* Synchronization error occurred.
* Failed to initialize codecs for call session. Note that codec initiation
* will fail if there is no receive callback registered for either audio or
* video.
* The friend number did not designate a valid friend.
* The friend was valid, but they are not currently trying to initiate a call.
* This is also returned if this client is already in a call with the friend.
* Audio or video bit rate is invalid.
* :: Call state graph
* Set by the AV core if an error occurred on the remote end or if friend
* timed out. This is the final state after which no more state
* transitions can occur for the call. This call state will never be triggered
* in combination with other call states.
* The call has finished. This is the final state after which no more state
* transitions can occur for the call. This call state will never be
* triggered in combination with other call states.
* The flag that marks that friend is sending audio.
* The flag that marks that friend is sending video.
* The flag that marks that friend is receiving audio.
* The flag that marks that friend is receiving video.
event call_state {
* The function type for the ${event call_state} callback.
* @param friend_number The friend number for which the call state changed.
* @param state The bitmask of the new call state which is guaranteed to be
* different than the previous state. The state is set to 0 when the call is
* paused. The bitmask represents all the activities currently performed by the
* friend.
typedef void(uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t state);
* :: Call control
enum class CALL_CONTROL {
* Resume a previously paused call. Only valid if the pause was caused by this
* client, if not, this control is ignored. Not valid before the call is accepted.
* Put a call on hold. Not valid before the call is accepted.
* Reject a call if it was not answered, yet. Cancel a call after it was
* answered.
* Request that the friend stops sending audio. Regardless of the friend's
* compliance, this will cause the ${event audio.receive_frame} event to stop being
* triggered on receiving an audio frame from the friend.
* Calling this control will notify client to start sending audio again.
* Request that the friend stops sending video. Regardless of the friend's
* compliance, this will cause the ${event video.receive_frame} event to stop being
* triggered on receiving a video frame from the friend.
* Calling this control will notify client to start sending video again.
* Sends a call control command to a friend.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend this client is in a call
* with.
* @param control The control command to send.
* @return true on success.
bool call_control(uint32_t friend_number, CALL_CONTROL control) {
* Synchronization error occurred.
* The friend_number passed did not designate a valid friend.
* This client is currently not in a call with the friend. Before the call is
* answered, only CANCEL is a valid control.
* Happens if user tried to pause an already paused call or if trying to
* resume a call that is not paused.
* :: Controlling bit rates
error for bit_rate_set {
* Synchronization error occurred.
* The bit rate passed was not one of the supported values.
* The friend_number passed did not designate a valid friend.
* This client is currently not in a call with the friend.
* :: A/V sending
error for send_frame {
* In case of video, one of Y, U, or V was NULL. In case of audio, the samples
* data pointer was NULL.
* The friend_number passed did not designate a valid friend.
* This client is currently not in a call with the friend.
* Synchronization error occurred.
* One of the frame parameters was invalid. E.g. the resolution may be too
* small or too large, or the audio sampling rate may be unsupported.
* Either friend turned off audio or video receiving or we turned off sending
* for the said payload.
* Failed to push frame through rtp interface.
namespace audio {
* Send an audio frame to a friend.
* The expected format of the PCM data is: [s1c1][s1c2][...][s2c1][s2c2][...]...
* Meaning: sample 1 for channel 1, sample 1 for channel 2, ...
* For mono audio, this has no meaning, every sample is subsequent. For stereo,
* this means the expected format is LRLRLR... with samples for left and right
* alternating.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend to which to send an
* audio frame.
* @param pcm An array of audio samples. The size of this array must be
* sample_count * channels.
* @param sample_count Number of samples in this frame. Valid numbers here are
* ((sample rate) * (audio length) / 1000), where audio length can be
* 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 or 60 millseconds.
* @param channels Number of audio channels. Supported values are 1 and 2.
* @param sampling_rate Audio sampling rate used in this frame. Valid sampling
* rates are 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000.
bool send_frame(uint32_t friend_number, const int16_t *pcm, size_t sample_count,
uint8_t channels, uint32_t sampling_rate) with error for send_frame;
uint32_t bit_rate {
* Set the bit rate to be used in subsequent video frames.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend for which to set the
* bit rate.
* @param bit_rate The new audio bit rate in Kb/sec. Set to 0 to disable.
* @return true on success.
set(uint32_t friend_number) with error for bit_rate_set;
event bit_rate {
* The function type for the ${event bit_rate} callback. The event is triggered
* when the network becomes too saturated for current bit rates at which
* point core suggests new bit rates.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend for which to set the
* bit rate.
* @param audio_bit_rate Suggested maximum audio bit rate in Kb/sec.
typedef void(uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t audio_bit_rate);
namespace video {
* Send a video frame to a friend.
* Y - plane should be of size: height * width
* U - plane should be of size: (height/2) * (width/2)
* V - plane should be of size: (height/2) * (width/2)
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend to which to send a video
* frame.
* @param width Width of the frame in pixels.
* @param height Height of the frame in pixels.
* @param y Y (Luminance) plane data.
* @param u U (Chroma) plane data.
* @param v V (Chroma) plane data.
bool send_frame(uint32_t friend_number, uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
const uint8_t *y, const uint8_t *u, const uint8_t *v) with error for send_frame;
uint32_t bit_rate {
* Set the bit rate to be used in subsequent video frames.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend for which to set the
* bit rate.
* @param bit_rate The new video bit rate in Kb/sec. Set to 0 to disable.
* @return true on success.
set(uint32_t friend_number) with error for bit_rate_set;
event bit_rate {
* The function type for the ${event bit_rate} callback. The event is triggered
* when the network becomes too saturated for current bit rates at which
* point core suggests new bit rates.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend for which to set the
* bit rate.
* @param video_bit_rate Suggested maximum video bit rate in Kb/sec.
typedef void(uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t video_bit_rate);
* :: A/V receiving
namespace audio {
event receive_frame {
* The function type for the ${event receive_frame} callback. The callback can be
* called multiple times per single iteration depending on the amount of queued
* frames in the buffer. The received format is the same as in send function.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend who sent an audio frame.
* @param pcm An array of audio samples (sample_count * channels elements).
* @param sample_count The number of audio samples per channel in the PCM array.
* @param channels Number of audio channels.
* @param sampling_rate Sampling rate used in this frame.
typedef void(uint32_t friend_number, const int16_t *pcm, size_t sample_count,
uint8_t channels, uint32_t sampling_rate);
namespace video {
event receive_frame {
* The function type for the ${event receive_frame} callback.
* The size of plane data is derived from width and height as documented
* below.
* Strides represent padding for each plane that may or may not be present.
* You must handle strides in your image processing code. Strides are
* negative if the image is bottom-up hence why you MUST abs() it when
* calculating plane buffer size.
* @param friend_number The friend number of the friend who sent a video frame.
* @param width Width of the frame in pixels.
* @param height Height of the frame in pixels.
* @param y Luminosity plane. Size = MAX(width, abs(ystride)) * height.
* @param u U chroma plane. Size = MAX(width/2, abs(ustride)) * (height/2).
* @param v V chroma plane. Size = MAX(width/2, abs(vstride)) * (height/2).
* @param ystride Luminosity plane stride.
* @param ustride U chroma plane stride.
* @param vstride V chroma plane stride.
typedef void(uint32_t friend_number, uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
const uint8_t *y, const uint8_t *u, const uint8_t *v,
int32_t ystride, int32_t ustride, int32_t vstride);
* NOTE Compatibility with old toxav group calls. TODO(iphydf): remove
* TODO(iphydf): Use proper new API guidelines for these. E.g. don't use inline
* function types, don't have per-callback userdata, especially don't have one
* userdata per group.
/* Create a new toxav group.
* return group number on success.
* return -1 on failure.
* Audio data callback format:
* audio_callback(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, const int16_t *pcm, unsigned int samples, uint8_t channels, uint32_t sample_rate, void *userdata)
* Note that total size of pcm in bytes is equal to (samples * channels * sizeof(int16_t)).
int toxav_add_av_groupchat(Tox *tox,
void (*audio_callback)(void *, uint32_t, uint32_t, const int16_t *, unsigned int, uint8_t, uint32_t, void *),
void *userdata);
/* Join a AV group (you need to have been invited first.)
* returns group number on success
* returns -1 on failure.
* Audio data callback format (same as the one for toxav_add_av_groupchat()):
* audio_callback(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, const int16_t *pcm, unsigned int samples, uint8_t channels, uint32_t sample_rate, void *userdata)
* Note that total size of pcm in bytes is equal to (samples * channels * sizeof(int16_t)).
int toxav_join_av_groupchat(Tox *tox, uint32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length,
void (*audio_callback)(void *, uint32_t, uint32_t, const int16_t *, unsigned int, uint8_t, uint32_t, void *),
void *userdata);
/* Send audio to the group chat.
* return 0 on success.
* return -1 on failure.
* Note that total size of pcm in bytes is equal to (samples * channels * sizeof(int16_t)).
* Valid number of samples are ((sample rate) * (audio length (Valid ones are: 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 or 60 ms)) / 1000)
* Valid number of channels are 1 or 2.
* Valid sample rates are 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000.
* Recommended values are: samples = 960, channels = 1, sample_rate = 48000
int toxav_group_send_audio(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber, const int16_t *pcm, unsigned int samples, uint8_t channels,
uint32_t sample_rate);
/* Enable A/V in a groupchat.
* A/V must be enabled on a groupchat for audio to be sent to it and for
* received audio to be handled.
* An A/V group created with toxav_add_av_groupchat or toxav_join_av_groupchat
* will start with A/V enabled.
* An A/V group loaded from a savefile will start with A/V disabled.
* return 0 on success.
* return -1 on failure.
* Audio data callback format (same as the one for toxav_add_av_groupchat()):
* audio_callback(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, const int16_t *pcm, unsigned int samples, uint8_t channels, uint32_t sample_rate, void *userdata)
* Note that total size of pcm in bytes is equal to (samples * channels * sizeof(int16_t)).
int toxav_groupchat_enable_av(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber,
void (*audio_callback)(void *, uint32_t, uint32_t, const int16_t *, unsigned int, uint8_t, uint32_t, void *),
void *userdata);
/* Disable A/V in a groupchat.
* return 0 on success.
* return -1 on failure.
int toxav_groupchat_disable_av(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber);
/* Return whether A/V is enabled in the groupchat.
bool toxav_groupchat_av_enabled(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber);
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef void toxav_group_audio_cb(Tox *tox, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, const int16_t *pcm, uint32_t samples, uint8_t channels, uint32_t sample_rate, void *user_data);
typedef TOXAV_ERR_CALL Toxav_Err_Call;
typedef TOXAV_ERR_NEW Toxav_Err_New;
typedef TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER Toxav_Err_Answer;
typedef TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL Toxav_Err_Call_Control;
typedef TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET Toxav_Err_Bit_Rate_Set;
typedef TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME Toxav_Err_Send_Frame;
typedef TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL Toxav_Call_Control;