iphydf ad26560516
Improve static and const correctness.
- Any non-externally-visible declarations should be `static`.
- Casting away the `const` qualifier from pointers-to-const is
  dangerous. All but one instance of this are now correct. The one
  instance where we can't keep `const` is one where toxav code actually
  writes to a chunk of memory marked as `const`. This code also assumes
  4 byte alignment of data packets. I don't know whether that is a valid
  assumption, but it's likely unportable, and *not* obviously correct.
- Replaced empty parameter lists with `(void)` to avoid passing
  parameters to it. Empty parameter lists are old style declarations for
  unknown number and type of arguments.
- Commented out (as `#if DHT_HARDENING` block) the hardening code that
  was never executed.
- Minor style fix: don't use `default` in enum-switches unless the number
  of enumerators in the default case is very large. In this case, it was
  2, so we want to list them both explicitly to be warned about missing
  one if we add one in the future.
- Removed the only two function declarations from nTox.h and put them
  into nTox.c. They are not used outside and nTox is not a library.
2016-09-06 11:54:37 +01:00

368 lines
13 KiB

/* unit tests for /core/Messenger.c
* Design:
* Just call every non-static function in Messenger.c, checking that
* they return as they should with check calls. "Bad" calls of the type
* function(bad_data, good_length) are _not_ checked for, this type
* of call is the fault of the client code.
* Note:
* None of the functions here test things that rely on the network, i.e.
* checking that status changes are received, messages can be sent, etc.
* All of that is done in a separate test, with two local clients running. */
#include "config.h"
#include <check.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "../testing/misc_tools.c" // hex_string_to_bin
#include "../toxcore/Messenger.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#define REALLY_BIG_NUMBER ((1) << (sizeof(uint16_t) * 7))
#define STRINGS_EQUAL(X, Y) (strcmp(X, Y) == 0)
static const char *friend_id_str = "e4b3d5030bc99494605aecc33ceec8875640c1d74aa32790e821b17e98771c4a00000000f1db";
/* in case we need more than one ID for a test */
static const char *good_id_a_str = "DB9B569D14850ED8364C3744CAC2C8FF78985D213E980C7C508D0E91E8E45441";
static const char *good_id_b_str = "d3f14b6d384d8f5f2a66cff637e69f28f539c5de61bc29744785291fa4ef4d64";
static const char *bad_id_str = "9B569D14ff637e69f2";
static unsigned char *friend_id = NULL;
static unsigned char *good_id_a = NULL;
static unsigned char *good_id_b = NULL;
static unsigned char *bad_id = NULL;
static int friend_id_num = 0;
static Messenger *m;
const char *message = "h-hi :3";
int good_len = strlen(message);
ck_assert(m_send_message_generic(m, -1, MESSAGE_NORMAL, (const uint8_t *)message, good_len, 0) == -1);
ck_assert(m_send_message_generic(m, REALLY_BIG_NUMBER, MESSAGE_NORMAL, (const uint8_t *)message, good_len, 0) == -1);
ck_assert(m_send_message_generic(m, 17, MESSAGE_NORMAL, (const uint8_t *)message, good_len, 0) == -1);
ck_assert(m_send_message_generic(m, friend_id_num, MESSAGE_NORMAL, (const uint8_t *)message, bad_len, 0) == -2);
int rc = 0;
ck_assert_msg((m_get_statusmessage_size(m, -1) == -1),
"m_get_statusmessage_size did NOT catch an argument of -1");
ck_assert_msg((m_get_statusmessage_size(m, REALLY_BIG_NUMBER) == -1),
"m_get_statusmessage_size did NOT catch the following argument: %d\n",
rc = m_get_statusmessage_size(m, friend_id_num);
/* this WILL error if the original m_addfriend_norequest() failed */
ck_assert_msg((rc >= 0 && rc <= MAX_STATUSMESSAGE_LENGTH),
"m_get_statusmessage_size is returning out of range values! (%i)\n"
"(this can be caused by the error of m_addfriend_norequest"
" in the beginning of the suite)\n", rc);
const char *status = "online!";
uint16_t good_length = strlen(status);
uint16_t bad_length = REALLY_BIG_NUMBER;
ck_assert_msg((m_set_statusmessage(m, (const uint8_t *)status, bad_length) == -1),
"m_set_userstatus did NOT catch the following length: %d\n",
ck_assert_msg((m_set_statusmessage(m, (const uint8_t *)status, good_length) == 0),
"m_set_userstatus did NOT return 0 on the following length: %d\n"
ck_assert_msg((m_get_friend_connectionstatus(m, -1) == -1),
"m_get_friend_connectionstatus did NOT catch an argument of -1.\n");
ck_assert_msg((m_get_friend_connectionstatus(m, REALLY_BIG_NUMBER) == -1),
"m_get_friend_connectionstatus did NOT catch an argument of %d.\n",
ck_assert_msg((m_friend_exists(m, -1) == 0),
"m_friend_exists did NOT catch an argument of -1.\n");
ck_assert_msg((m_friend_exists(m, REALLY_BIG_NUMBER) == 0),
"m_friend_exists did NOT catch an argument of %d.\n",
ck_assert_msg((m_delfriend(m, -1) == -1),
"m_delfriend did NOT catch an argument of -1\n");
ck_assert_msg((m_delfriend(m, REALLY_BIG_NUMBER) == -1),
"m_delfriend did NOT catch the following number: %d\n",
char *good_data = "test";
char *bad_data = "";
int good_len = strlen(good_data);
int bad_len = strlen(bad_data);
int really_bad_len = (MAX_CRYPTO_PACKET_SIZE - crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES
- crypto_box_NONCEBYTES - crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES
+ crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 100); */
/* TODO: Update this properly to latest master
if(m_addfriend(m, (uint8_t *)friend_id, (uint8_t *)good_data, really_bad_len) != FAERR_TOOLONG)
ck_abort_msg("m_addfriend did NOT catch the following length: %d\n", really_bad_len);
/* this will return an error if the original m_addfriend_norequest() failed */
/* if(m_addfriend(m, (uint8_t *)friend_id, (uint8_t *)good_data, good_len) != FAERR_ALREADYSENT)
ck_abort_msg("m_addfriend did NOT catch adding a friend we already have.\n"
"(this can be caused by the error of m_addfriend_norequest in"
" the beginning of the suite)\n");
if(m_addfriend(m, (uint8_t *)good_id_b, (uint8_t *)bad_data, bad_len) != FAERR_NOMESSAGE)
ck_abort_msg("m_addfriend did NOT catch the following length: %d\n", bad_len);
/* this should REALLY return an error */
* TODO: validate client_id in m_addfriend?
if(m_addfriend((uint8_t *)bad_id, (uint8_t *)good_data, good_len) >= 0)
ck_abort_msg("The following ID passed through "
"m_addfriend without an error:\n'%s'\n", bad_id_str);
const char *good_name = "consensualCorn";
int good_length = strlen(good_name);
int bad_length = REALLY_BIG_NUMBER;
ck_assert_msg((setname(m, (const uint8_t *)good_name, bad_length) == -1),
"setname() did NOT error on %d as a length argument!\n", bad_length);
ck_assert_msg((setname(m, (const uint8_t *)good_name, good_length) == 0),
"setname() did NOT return 0 on good arguments!\n");
const char *nickname = "testGallop";
int len = strlen(nickname);
char nick_check[len];
setname(m, (const uint8_t *)nickname, len);
getself_name(m, (uint8_t *)nick_check);
ck_assert_msg((memcmp(nickname, nick_check, len) == 0),
"getself_name failed to return the known name!\n"
"known name: %s\nreturned: %s\n", nickname, nick_check);
/* this test is excluded for now, due to lack of a way
* to set a friend's status for now.
* ideas:
* if we have access to the friends list, we could
* just add a status manually ourselves. */
assert(m_copy_userstatus(-1, buf, MAX_USERSTATUS_LENGTH) == -1);
assert(m_copy_userstatus(REALLY_BIG_NUMBER, buf, MAX_USERSTATUS_LENGTH) == -1);
m_copy_userstatus(friend_id_num, buf, MAX_USERSTATUS_LENGTH + 6);
assert(STRINGS_EQUAL(name_buf, friend_id_status));
uint8_t name_buf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
uint8_t test_name[] = {'f', 'o', 'o'};
ck_assert(getname(m, -1, name_buf) == -1);
ck_assert(getname(m, REALLY_BIG_NUMBER, name_buf) == -1);
memcpy(m->friendlist[0].name, &test_name[0], 3);
m->friendlist[0].name_length = 4;
ck_assert(getname(m, 0, &name_buf[0]) == 4);
ck_assert(strcmp((char *)&name_buf[0], "foo") == 0);
/* validate that:
* a) saving stays within the confined space
* b) a save()d state can be load()ed back successfully
* c) a second save() is of equal size
* d) the second save() is of equal content */
size_t i, extra = 64;
size_t size = DHT_size(m->dht);
uint8_t buffer[size + 2 * extra];
memset(buffer, 0xCD, extra);
memset(buffer + extra + size, 0xCD, extra);
DHT_save(m->dht, buffer + extra);
for (i = 0; i < extra; i++) {
ck_assert_msg(buffer[i] == 0xCD, "Buffer underwritten from DHT_save() @%u", i);
ck_assert_msg(buffer[extra + size + i] == 0xCD, "Buffer overwritten from DHT_save() @%u", i);
int res = DHT_load(m->dht, buffer + extra, size);
if (res == -1) {
ck_assert_msg(res == 0, "Failed to load back stored buffer: res == -1");
} else {
char msg[128];
size_t offset = res >> 4;
uint8_t *ptr = buffer + extra + offset;
sprintf(msg, "Failed to load back stored buffer: 0x%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx @%zu/%zu, code %d",
ptr[-2], ptr[-1], ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3], ptr[4], ptr[5], offset, size, res & 0x0F);
ck_assert_msg(res == 0, msg);
size_t size2 = DHT_size(m->dht);
ck_assert_msg(size == size2, "Messenger \"grew\" in size from a store/load cycle: %u -> %u", size, size2);
uint8_t buffer2[size2];
DHT_save(m->dht, buffer2);
ck_assert_msg(!memcmp(buffer + extra, buffer2, size), "DHT state changed by store/load/store cycle");
/* validate that:
* a) saving stays within the confined space
* b) a save()d state can be load()ed back successfully
* c) a second save() is of equal size
* d) the second save() is of equal content */
size_t i, extra = 64;
size_t size = messenger_size(m);
uint8_t buffer[size + 2 * extra];
memset(buffer, 0xCD, extra);
memset(buffer + extra + size, 0xCD, extra);
messenger_save(m, buffer + extra);
for (i = 0; i < extra; i++) {
ck_assert_msg(buffer[i] == 0xCD, "Buffer underwritten from messenger_save() @%u", i);
ck_assert_msg(buffer[extra + size + i] == 0xCD, "Buffer overwritten from messenger_save() @%u", i);
int res = messenger_load(m, buffer + extra, size);
if (res == -1) {
ck_assert_msg(res == 0, "Failed to load back stored buffer: res == -1");
} else {
char msg[128];
size_t offset = res >> 4;
uint8_t *ptr = buffer + extra + offset;
sprintf(msg, "Failed to load back stored buffer: 0x%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx @%zu/%zu, code %d",
ptr[-2], ptr[-1], ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3], ptr[4], ptr[5], offset, size, res & 0x0F);
ck_assert_msg(res == 0, msg);
size_t size2 = messenger_size(m);
ck_assert_msg(size == size2, "Messenger \"grew\" in size from a store/load cycle: %u -> %u", size, size2);
uint8_t buffer2[size2];
messenger_save(m, buffer2);
ck_assert_msg(!memcmp(buffer + extra, buffer2, size), "Messenger state changed by store/load/store cycle");
static Suite *messenger_suite(void)
Suite *s = suite_create("Messenger");
/* DEFTESTCASE(m_addfriend); */
return s;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Suite *messenger = messenger_suite();
SRunner *test_runner = srunner_create(messenger);
int number_failed = 0;
friend_id = hex_string_to_bin(friend_id_str);
good_id_a = hex_string_to_bin(good_id_a_str);
good_id_b = hex_string_to_bin(good_id_b_str);
bad_id = hex_string_to_bin(bad_id_str);
/* IPv6 status from global define */
Messenger_Options options = {0};
options.ipv6enabled = TOX_ENABLE_IPV6_DEFAULT;
m = new_messenger(NULL, &options, 0);
/* setup a default friend and friendnum */
if (m_addfriend_norequest(m, (uint8_t *)friend_id) < 0) {
fputs("m_addfriend_norequest() failed on a valid ID!\n"
"this was CRITICAL to the test, and the build WILL fail.\n"
"the tests will continue now...\n\n", stderr);
if ((friend_id_num = getfriend_id(m, (uint8_t *)friend_id)) < 0) {
fputs("getfriend_id() failed on a valid ID!\n"
"this was CRITICAL to the test, and the build WILL fail.\n"
"the tests will continue now...\n\n", stderr);
srunner_run_all(test_runner, CK_NORMAL);
number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(test_runner);
return number_failed;