iphydf c037100747
Import the hstox SUT interface from hstox.
We'll maintain it in the c-toxcore repo, where it belongs.
2016-10-01 02:13:34 +01:00

32 lines
1.1 KiB

module Main (main) where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs)
import System.Process (createProcess, proc, terminateProcess)
import Network.Tox.Testing (serve)
import qualified ToxTestSuite
foreign import ccall test_main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
["--sut"] -> test_main
self : testArgs -> do
-- Start a toxcore SUT (System Under Test) process that will listen on
-- port 1234. We call ourselves here, so the branch above is taken.
(_, _, _, sut) <- createProcess $ proc self ["--sut"]
-- 100ms delay to give the SUT time to set up its socket before we try to
-- build connections in the test runner.
threadDelay $ 100 * 1000
-- ToxTestSuite (the test runner) makes connections to port 1234 to
-- communicate with the SUT.
withArgs (["--print-cpu-time", "--color"] ++ testArgs) ToxTestSuite.main
terminateProcess sut
_ ->
fail "Usage: toxcore-sut <path-to-toxcore-sut> [test-args...]"