Tux3 / Mlkj / !Lev.uXFMLA 3044bd8101 Fix CppCheck style errors
#if 0 the content of toxav/msi.c : int stringify_message(MSIMessage
*msg, char *dest)
This function has no effect and does not seem to be used for actively

Fix various other style errors, reduce scope when possible, avoid
redundant writes, clarify operator priorities, etc.
2014-06-20 21:43:21 +02:00

1831 lines
50 KiB

/** toxmsi.c
* Copyright (C) 2013 Tox project All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of Tox.
* Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Tox. If not, see <>.
#include "config.h"
#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
#include "../toxcore/logger.h"
#include "../toxcore/util.h"
#include "msi.h"
#include "event.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define same(x, y) strcmp((const char*) x, (const char*) y) == 0
#define MSI_MAXMSG_SIZE 1024
#define TYPE_REQUEST 1
unsigned char *VERSION_STRING = (unsigned char *)"0.3.1";
/* Define default timeout for a request.
* There is no behavior specified by the msi on what will
* client do on timeout, but to call timeout callback.
#define m_deftout 10000 /* in milliseconds */
* Protocol:
* | desc. ( 1 byte ) | length ( 2 bytes ) | value ( length bytes ) |
* ie.
* | 0x1 | 0x0 0x7 | "version"
* Means: it's field value with length of 7 bytes and value of "version"
* It's similar to amp protocol
#define GENERIC_HEADER(header) \
typedef struct _MSIHeader##header { \
uint8_t* header_value; \
uint16_t size; \
} MSIHeader##header;
* @brief This is the message structure. It contains all of the headers and
* destination/source of the message stored in friend_id.
typedef struct _MSIMessage {
MSIHeaderVersion version;
MSIHeaderRequest request;
MSIHeaderResponse response;
MSIHeaderCallType calltype;
MSIHeaderInfo info;
MSIHeaderReason reason;
MSIHeaderCallId callid;
MSIHeaderCryptoKey cryptokey;
MSIHeaderNonce nonce;
struct _MSIMessage *next;
int friend_id;
} MSIMessage;
static struct _Callbacks {
MSICallback function;
void *data;
} callbacks[11] = {0};
inline__ void invoke_callback(int32_t call_index, MSICallbackID id)
/*if ( callbacks[id].function ) event.rise ( callbacks[id].function, callbacks[id].data );*/
if ( callbacks[id].function ) {
LOGGER_DEBUG("Invoking callback function: %d", id);
callbacks[id].function ( call_index, callbacks[id].data );
/*static MSICallback callbacks[10] = {0};*/
/* define strings for the identifiers */
#define VERSION_FIELD "Version"
#define REQUEST_FIELD "Request"
#define RESPONSE_FIELD "Response"
#define REASON_FIELD "Reason"
#define CALLTYPE_FIELD "Call-type"
#define CALLID_FIELD "Call-id"
#define CRYPTOKEY_FIELD "Crypto-key"
#define NONCE_FIELD "Nonce"
/* protocol descriptors */
#define end_byte 0x0
#define field_byte 0x1
#define value_byte 0x2
typedef enum {
} MSIRequest;
* @brief Get string value for request.
* @param request The request.
* @return const uint8_t* The string
static inline__ const uint8_t *stringify_request ( MSIRequest request )
static const uint8_t *strings[] = {
( uint8_t *) "INVITE",
( uint8_t *) "START",
( uint8_t *) "CANCEL",
( uint8_t *) "REJECT",
( uint8_t *) "END"
return strings[request];
typedef enum {
} MSIResponse;
* @brief Get string value for response.
* @param response The response.
* @return const uint8_t* The string
static inline__ const uint8_t *stringify_response ( MSIResponse response )
static const uint8_t *strings[] = {
( uint8_t *) "ringing",
( uint8_t *) "starting",
( uint8_t *) "ending",
( uint8_t *) "error"
return strings[response];
* @brief Parse raw 'data' received from socket into MSIMessage struct.
* Every message has to have end value of 'end_byte' or _undefined_ behavior
* occures. The best practice is to check the end of the message at the handle_packet.
* @param msg Container.
* @param data The data.
* @return int
* @retval -1 Error occurred.
* @retval 0 Success.
int parse_raw_data ( MSIMessage *msg, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length )
#define ON_HEADER(iterator, size_con, header, descriptor, type_size_const) \
( memcmp(iterator, descriptor, type_size_const) == 0){ /* Okay */ \
iterator += type_size_const; /* Set iterator at begining of value part */ \
if ( *iterator != value_byte || size_con <= type_size_const) { return -1; } size_con -= type_size_const; \
iterator ++; if(size_con <= 3) {return -1;} size_con -= 3; \
uint16_t _value_size; memcpy(&_value_size, iterator, sizeof(_value_size)); _value_size = ntohs(_value_size);\
if(size_con < _value_size) { return -1; } size_con -= _value_size; \
header.header_value = calloc(sizeof(uint8_t), _value_size); \
header.size = _value_size; \
memcpy(header.header_value, iterator + 2, _value_size);\
iterator = iterator + 2 + _value_size; /* set iterator at new header or end_byte */ }
if ( msg == NULL ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Could not parse message: no storage!");
return -1;
if ( data[length - 1] ) /* End byte must have value 0 */
return -1;
const uint8_t *_it = data;
uint16_t size_max = length;
while ( *_it ) {/* until end_byte is hit */
uint16_t itedlen = (_it - data) + 2;
if ( *_it == field_byte && itedlen < length ) {
uint16_t _size;
memcpy(&_size, _it + 1, sizeof(_size));
_size = ntohs(_size);
if ( itedlen + _size > length ) return -1;
_it += 3; /* place it at the field value beginning */
size_max -= 3;
switch ( _size ) { /* Compare the size of the hardcoded values ( vary fast and convenient ) */
case 4: { /* INFO header */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, size_max, msg->info, INFO_FIELD, 4 )
case 5: { /* NONCE header */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, size_max, msg->nonce, NONCE_FIELD, 5 )
case 6: { /* Reason header */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, size_max, msg->reason, REASON_FIELD, 6 )
case 7: { /* Version, Request, Call-id headers */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, size_max, msg->version, VERSION_FIELD, 7 )
else if ON_HEADER ( _it, size_max, msg->request, REQUEST_FIELD, 7 )
else if ON_HEADER ( _it, size_max, msg->callid, CALLID_FIELD, 7 )
case 8: { /* Response header */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, size_max, msg->response, RESPONSE_FIELD, 8 )
case 9: { /* Call-type header */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, size_max, msg->calltype, CALLTYPE_FIELD, 9 )
case 10: { /* Crypto-key headers */
if ON_HEADER ( _it, size_max, msg->cryptokey, CRYPTOKEY_FIELD, 10 )
LOGGER_ERROR("Unkown field value");
return -1;
} else {
LOGGER_ERROR("Invalid field byte or field size too large");
return -1;
/* If it's anything else return failure as the message is invalid */
return 0;
#define ALLOCATE_HEADER( var, mheader_value, t_size) \
var.header_value = calloc(sizeof *mheader_value, t_size); \
if (var.header_value == NULL) { LOGGER_WARNING("Header allocation failed!"); } \
else { memcpy(var.header_value, mheader_value, t_size); \
var.size = t_size; }
* @brief Speaks for it self.
* @param msg The message.
* @return void
void free_message ( MSIMessage *msg )
if ( msg == NULL ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Tried to free empty message");
free ( msg->calltype.header_value );
free ( msg->request.header_value );
free ( msg->response.header_value );
free ( msg->version.header_value );
free ( msg->info.header_value );
free ( msg->cryptokey.header_value );
free ( msg->nonce.header_value );
free ( msg->reason.header_value );
free ( msg->callid.header_value );
free ( msg );
* @brief Create the message.
* @param type Request or response.
* @param type_id Type of request/response.
* @return MSIMessage* Created message.
* @retval NULL Error occurred.
MSIMessage *msi_new_message ( uint8_t type, const uint8_t *type_id )
MSIMessage *_retu = calloc ( sizeof ( MSIMessage ), 1 );
if ( _retu == NULL ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Allocation failed!");
return NULL;
if ( type == TYPE_REQUEST ) {
ALLOCATE_HEADER ( _retu->request, type_id, strlen ( (const char *)type_id ) )
} else if ( type == TYPE_RESPONSE ) {
ALLOCATE_HEADER ( _retu->response, type_id, strlen ( (const char *)type_id ) )
} else {
free_message ( _retu );
return NULL;
ALLOCATE_HEADER ( _retu->version, VERSION_STRING, strlen ( (const char *)VERSION_STRING ) )
return _retu;
* @brief Parse data from handle_packet.
* @param data The data.
* @return MSIMessage* Parsed message.
* @retval NULL Error occurred.
MSIMessage *parse_message ( const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length )
if ( data == NULL ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Tried to parse empty message!");
return NULL;
MSIMessage *_retu = calloc ( sizeof ( MSIMessage ), 1 );
if ( _retu == NULL ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Allocation failed!");
return NULL;
memset ( _retu, 0, sizeof ( MSIMessage ) );
if ( parse_raw_data ( _retu, data, length ) == -1 ) {
free_message ( _retu );
return NULL;
if ( !_retu->version.header_value || VERSION_STRLEN != _retu->version.size ||
memcmp ( _retu->version.header_value, VERSION_STRING, VERSION_STRLEN ) != 0 ) {
free_message ( _retu );
return NULL;
return _retu;
* @brief Makes clear message presentation
* @param msg Message
* @param dest Dest string
* @return int
int stringify_message(MSIMessage *msg, char *dest)
#if 0
#define HDR_TO_STR(__dest, __hdr) if (__hdr.header_value) {\
char nltstr[MSI_MAXMSG_SIZE]; memset(nltstr+__hdr.size, '\0', MSI_MAXMSG_SIZE-__hdr.size); int i = 0; \
for ( ; i < __hdr.size; i ++) nltstr[i] = (char)__hdr.header_value[i]; \
if ( !msg || !dest )
return -1;
HDR_TO_STR(dest, msg->version);
HDR_TO_STR(dest, msg->request);
HDR_TO_STR(dest, msg->response);
HDR_TO_STR(dest, msg->reason);
HDR_TO_STR(dest, msg->callid);
HDR_TO_STR(dest, msg->calltype);
HDR_TO_STR(dest, msg->cryptokey);
HDR_TO_STR(dest, msg->nonce);
// if (msg->version.header_value) {
// U8_TO_NLTCHAR(msg->version.header_value, msg->version.size, nltstr, MSI_MAXMSG_SIZE);
// sprintf(dest, "Version: %s\n", nltstr);
// }
return 0;
* @brief Speaks for it self.
* @param dest Container.
* @param header_field Field.
* @param header_value Field value.
* @param value_len Length of field value.
* @param length Pointer to container length.
* @return uint8_t* Iterated container.
uint8_t *append_header_to_string (
uint8_t *dest,
const uint8_t *header_field,
const uint8_t *header_value,
uint16_t value_len,
uint16_t *length )
if ( dest == NULL ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("No destination space!");
if (header_value == NULL) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Empty header value");
return NULL;
if ( header_field == NULL ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Empty header field");
return NULL;
const uint8_t *_hvit = header_value;
uint16_t _total = 6 + value_len; /* 6 is known plus header value len + field len*/
*dest = field_byte; /* Set the first byte */
uint8_t *_getback_byte = dest + 1; /* remember the byte we were on */
dest += 3; /* swith to 4th byte where field value starts */
/* Now set the field value and calculate it's length */
uint16_t _i = 0;
for ( ; header_field[_i]; ++_i ) {
*dest = header_field[_i];
_total += _i;
/* Now set the length of the field byte */
uint16_t _convert;
_convert = htons(_i);
memcpy(_getback_byte, &_convert, sizeof(_convert));
/* for value part do it regulary */
*dest = value_byte;
_convert = htons(value_len);
memcpy(dest, &_convert, sizeof(_convert));
dest += 2;
for ( _i = value_len; _i; --_i ) {
*dest = *_hvit;
*length += _total;
return dest;
* @brief Convert MSIMessage struct to _sendable_ string.
* @param msg The message.
* @param dest Destination.
* @return uint16_t It's final size.
uint16_t message_to_send ( MSIMessage *msg, uint8_t *dest )
#define CLEAN_ASSIGN(added, var, field, header)\
if ( header.header_value ) { var = append_header_to_string(var, (const uint8_t*)field, header.header_value, header.size, &added); }
if (msg == NULL) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Empty message!");
return 0;
if (dest == NULL ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Empty destination!");
return 0;
uint8_t *_iterated = dest;
uint16_t _size = 0;
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, VERSION_FIELD, msg->version );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, REQUEST_FIELD, msg->request );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, RESPONSE_FIELD, msg->response );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, CALLTYPE_FIELD, msg->calltype );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, INFO_FIELD, msg->info );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, CALLID_FIELD, msg->callid );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, REASON_FIELD, msg->reason );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, CRYPTOKEY_FIELD, msg->cryptokey );
CLEAN_ASSIGN ( _size, _iterated, NONCE_FIELD, msg->nonce );
*_iterated = end_byte;
_size ++;
return _size;
void msi_msg_set_##header ( MSIMessage* _msg, const uint8_t* header_value, uint16_t _size ) \
{ assert(_msg); assert(header_value); \
free(_msg->header.header_value); \
ALLOCATE_HEADER( _msg->header, header_value, _size )}
* @brief Generate _random_ alphanumerical string.
* @param str Destination.
* @param size Size of string.
* @return void
void t_randomstr ( uint8_t *str, size_t size )
if (str == NULL) {
LOGGER_DEBUG("Empty destination!");
static const uint8_t _bytes[] =
size_t _it = 0;
for ( ; _it < size; _it++ ) {
str[_it] = _bytes[ random_int() % 61 ];
typedef enum {
error_deadcall = 1, /* has call id but it's from old call */
error_id_mismatch, /* non-existing call */
error_no_callid, /* not having call id */
error_no_call, /* no call in session */
error_no_crypto_key, /* no crypto key */
} MSICallError; /* Error codes */
* @brief Stringify error code.
* @param error_code The code.
* @return const uint8_t* The string.
static inline__ const uint8_t *stringify_error ( MSICallError error_code )
static const uint8_t *strings[] = {
( uint8_t *) "",
( uint8_t *) "Using dead call",
( uint8_t *) "Call id not set to any call",
( uint8_t *) "Call id not available",
( uint8_t *) "No active call in session",
( uint8_t *) "No Crypto-key set",
( uint8_t *) "Callee busy"
return strings[error_code];
* @brief Convert error_code into string.
* @param error_code The code.
* @return const uint8_t* The string.
static inline__ const uint8_t *stringify_error_code ( MSICallError error_code )
static const uint8_t *strings[] = {
( uint8_t *) "",
( uint8_t *) "1",
( uint8_t *) "2",
( uint8_t *) "3",
( uint8_t *) "4",
( uint8_t *) "5",
( uint8_t *) "6"
return strings[error_code];
* @brief Speaks for it self.
* @param session Control session.
* @param msg The message.
* @param to Where to.
* @return int
* @retval -1 Error occurred.
* @retval 0 Success.
int send_message ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg, uint32_t to )
msi_msg_set_callid ( msg, call->id, CALL_ID_LEN );
uint8_t _msg_string_final [MSI_MAXMSG_SIZE];
uint16_t _length = message_to_send ( msg, _msg_string_final );
if (!_length) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Parsing message failed; nothing sent!");
return -1;
char cast[MSI_MAXMSG_SIZE];
stringify_message(msg, cast);
LOGGER_DEBUG("[Call: %s] [to: %u] Sending message: len: %d\n%s", call->id, to, _length, cast);
if ( m_msi_packet(session->messenger_handle, to, _msg_string_final, _length) ) {
LOGGER_DEBUG("Sent message");
return 0;
return -1;
* @brief Determine 'bigger' call id
* @param first duh
* @param second duh
* @return int
* @retval 0 it's first
* @retval 1 it's second
int call_id_bigger( const uint8_t *first, const uint8_t *second)
int i = 0;
for (; i < CALL_ID_LEN; i ++) {
if ( first[i] != second[i] )
return first[i] > second [i] ? 0 : 1;
* @brief Speaks for it self.
* @param session Control session.
* @param msg The message.
* @param peer_id The peer.
* @return void
void flush_peer_type ( MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg, int peer_id )
if ( msg->calltype.header_value ) {
uint8_t hdrval [MSI_MAXMSG_SIZE]; /* Make sure no overflow */
memcpy(hdrval, msg->calltype.header_value, msg->calltype.size);
hdrval[msg->calltype.size] = '\0';
if ( strcmp ( ( const char *) hdrval, CT_AUDIO_HEADER_VALUE ) == 0 ) {
call->type_peer[peer_id] = type_audio;
} else if ( strcmp ( ( const char *) hdrval, CT_VIDEO_HEADER_VALUE ) == 0 ) {
call->type_peer[peer_id] = type_video;
} else {} /* Error */
} else {} /* Error */
void handle_remote_connection_change(Messenger *messenger, int friend_num, uint8_t status, void *session_p)
MSISession *session = session_p;
switch ( status ) {
case 0: { /* Went offline */
uint32_t j = 0;
for ( ; j < session->max_calls; j ++ ) {
if ( !session->calls[j] ) continue;
int i = 0;
for ( ; i < session->calls[j]->peer_count; i ++ )
if ( session->calls[j]->peers[i] == friend_num ) {
invoke_callback(j, MSI_OnPeerTimeout);
LOGGER_DEBUG("Remote: %d timed out!", friend_num);
return; /* TODO: On group calls change behaviour */
MSICall *find_call ( MSISession *session, uint8_t *call_id )
if ( call_id == NULL ) return NULL;
uint32_t i = 0;
for (; i < session->max_calls; i ++ )
if ( session->calls[i] && memcmp(session->calls[i]->id, call_id, CALL_ID_LEN) == 0 ) {
LOGGER_DEBUG("Found call id: %s", session->calls[i]->id);
return session->calls[i];
return NULL;
* @brief Sends error response to peer.
* @param session The session.
* @param errid The id.
* @param to Where to?
* @return int
* @retval 0 It's always success.
int handle_error ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSICallError errid, uint32_t to )
if (!call) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Cannot handle error on 'null' call");
return -1;
LOGGER_DEBUG("Sending error: %d on call: %s", errid, call->id);
MSIMessage *_msg_error = msi_new_message ( TYPE_RESPONSE, stringify_response ( error ) );
const uint8_t *_error_code_str = stringify_error_code ( errid );
msi_msg_set_reason ( _msg_error, _error_code_str, strlen ( ( const char *) _error_code_str ) );
send_message ( session, call, _msg_error, to );
free_message ( _msg_error );
session->last_error_id = errid;
session->last_error_str = stringify_error ( errid );
invoke_callback(call->call_idx, MSI_OnError);
return 0;
* @brief Determine the error if any.
* @param session Control session.
* @param msg The message.
* @return int
* @retval -1 No error.
* @retval 0 Error occurred and response sent.
int has_call_error ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg )
if ( !msg->callid.header_value ) {
return handle_error ( session, call, error_no_callid, msg->friend_id );
} else if ( !call ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Handling message while no call!");
return 0;
} else if ( memcmp ( call->id, msg->callid.header_value, CALL_ID_LEN ) != 0 ) {
return handle_error ( session, call, error_id_mismatch, msg->friend_id );
return -1;
* @brief Add peer to peer list.
* @param call What call.
* @param peer_id Its id.
* @return void
void add_peer( MSICall *call, int peer_id )
if ( !call->peers ) {
call->peers = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);
call->peer_count = 1;
} else {
call->peer_count ++;
call->peers = realloc( call->peers, sizeof(uint32_t) * call->peer_count);
call->peers[call->peer_count - 1] = peer_id;
LOGGER_DEBUG("Added peer: %d", peer_id);
* @brief Speaks for it self.
* @param session Control session.
* @param peers Amount of peers. (Currently it only supports 1)
* @param ringing_timeout Ringing timeout.
* @return MSICall* The created call.
MSICall *init_call ( MSISession *session, int peers, int ringing_timeout )
if (peers == 0) {
LOGGER_ERROR("No peers!");
return NULL;
int32_t _call_idx = 0;
for (; _call_idx < session->max_calls; _call_idx ++) {
if ( !session->calls[_call_idx] ) {
session->calls[_call_idx] = calloc ( sizeof ( MSICall ), 1 );
if ( _call_idx == session->max_calls ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Reached maximum amount of calls!");
return NULL;
MSICall *_call = session->calls[_call_idx];
if ( _call == NULL ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Allocation failed!");
return NULL;
_call->call_idx = _call_idx;
_call->type_peer = calloc ( sizeof ( MSICallType ), peers );
if ( _call->type_peer == NULL ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Allocation failed!");
return NULL;
_call->session = session;
/*_call->_participant_count = _peers;*/
_call->request_timer_id = 0;
_call->ringing_timer_id = 0;
_call->key_local = NULL;
_call->key_peer = NULL;
_call->nonce_local = NULL;
_call->nonce_peer = NULL;
_call->ringing_tout_ms = ringing_timeout;
pthread_mutex_init ( &_call->mutex, NULL );
LOGGER_DEBUG("Started new call with index: %u", _call_idx);
return _call;
* @brief Terminate the call.
* @param session Control session.
* @return int
* @retval -1 Error occurred.
* @retval 0 Success.
int terminate_call ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call )
if ( !call ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Tried to terminate non-existing call!");
return -1;
int rc = pthread_mutex_trylock(&session->mutex); /* Lock if not locked */
LOGGER_DEBUG("Terminated call id: %d", call->call_idx);
/* Check event loop and cancel timed events if there are any
* NOTE: This has to be done before possibly
* locking the mutex the second time
event.timer_release ( call->request_timer_id );
event.timer_release ( call->ringing_timer_id );
/* Get a handle */
pthread_mutex_lock ( &call->mutex );
session->calls[call->call_idx] = NULL;
free ( call->type_peer );
free ( call->key_local );
free ( call->key_peer );
free ( call->peers);
/* Release handle */
pthread_mutex_unlock ( &call->mutex );
pthread_mutex_destroy ( &call->mutex );
free ( call );
if ( rc != EBUSY ) /* Unlock if locked by this call */
return 0;
* @brief Function called at request timeout. If not called in thread it might cause trouble
* @param arg Control session
* @return void*
void *handle_timeout ( void *arg )
/* TODO: Cancel might not arrive there; set up
* timers on these cancels and terminate call on
* their timeout
MSICall *_call = arg;
if (_call) {
LOGGER_DEBUG("[Call: %s] Request timed out!", _call->id);
invoke_callback(_call->call_idx, MSI_OnRequestTimeout);
if ( _call && _call->session ) {
/* TODO: Cancel all? */
/* uint16_t _it = 0;
* for ( ; _it < _session->call->peer_count; _it++ ) */
msi_cancel ( _call->session, _call->call_idx, _call->peers [0], "Request timed out" );
/*terminate_call(_call->session, _call);*/
/********** Request handlers **********/
int handle_recv_invite ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Handling 'invite' on call: %s", session, call ? (char *)call->id : "making new");
if ( call ) {
if ( call->peers[0] == msg->friend_id ) {
/* The glare case. A calls B when at the same time
* B calls A. Who has advantage is set bey calculating
* 'bigger' Call id and then that call id is being used in
* future. User with 'bigger' Call id has the advantage
* as in he will wait the response from the other.
if ( call_id_bigger (call->id, msg->callid.header_value) == 1 ) { /* Peer has advantage */
/* Terminate call; peer will timeout(call) if call initialization (magically) fails */
terminate_call(session, call);
call = init_call ( session, 1, 0 );
if ( !call ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Starting call");
return 0;
} else {
return 0; /* Wait for ringing from peer */
} else {
handle_error ( session, call, error_busy, msg->friend_id ); /* TODO: Ugh*/
return 0;
} else {
call = init_call ( session, 1, 0 );
if ( !call ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Starting call");
return 0;
if ( !msg->callid.header_value ) {
handle_error ( session, call, error_no_callid, msg->friend_id );
return 0;
memcpy ( call->id, msg->callid.header_value, CALL_ID_LEN );
call->state = call_starting;
add_peer( call, msg->friend_id);
flush_peer_type ( call, msg, 0 );
MSIMessage *_msg_ringing = msi_new_message ( TYPE_RESPONSE, stringify_response ( ringing ) );
send_message ( session, call, _msg_ringing, msg->friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_ringing );
invoke_callback(call->call_idx, MSI_OnInvite);
return 1;
int handle_recv_start ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Handling 'start' on call: %s, friend id: %d", session, call->id, msg->friend_id );
if ( has_call_error ( session, call, msg ) == 0 ) {
return -1;
if ( !msg->cryptokey.header_value ) {
int rc = handle_error ( session, call, error_no_crypto_key, msg->friend_id );
return rc;
call->state = call_active;
call->key_peer = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_KEYBYTES );
memcpy ( call->key_peer, msg->cryptokey.header_value, crypto_box_KEYBYTES );
call->nonce_peer = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
memcpy ( call->nonce_peer, msg->nonce.header_value, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
flush_peer_type ( call, msg, 0 );
invoke_callback(call->call_idx, MSI_OnStart);
return 1;
int handle_recv_reject ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Handling 'reject' on call: %s", session, call->id);
if ( has_call_error ( session, call, msg ) == 0 ) {
return 0;
MSIMessage *_msg_ending = msi_new_message ( TYPE_RESPONSE, stringify_response ( ending ) );
send_message ( session, call, _msg_ending, msg->friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_ending );
invoke_callback(call->call_idx, MSI_OnReject);
event.timer_release ( session->call->request_timer_id );
session->call->request_timer_id = event.timer_alloc ( handle_timeout, session, m_deftout );
terminate_call(session, call);
return 1;
int handle_recv_cancel ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Handling 'cancel' on call: %s", session, call->id );
if ( has_call_error ( session, call, msg ) == 0 ) {
return 0;
/* Act as end message */
MSIMessage *_msg_ending = msi_new_message ( TYPE_RESPONSE, stringify_response ( ending ) );
send_message ( session, call, _msg_ending, msg->friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_ending );*/
invoke_callback(call->call_idx, MSI_OnCancel);
terminate_call ( session, call );
return 1;
int handle_recv_end ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Handling 'end' on call: %s", session, call->id );
if ( has_call_error ( session, call, msg ) == 0 ) {
return 0;
MSIMessage *_msg_ending = msi_new_message ( TYPE_RESPONSE, stringify_response ( ending ) );
send_message ( session, call, _msg_ending, msg->friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_ending );
invoke_callback(call->call_idx, MSI_OnEnd);
terminate_call ( session, call );
return 1;
/********** Response handlers **********/
int handle_recv_ringing ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg )
if ( has_call_error ( session, call, msg ) == 0 ) {
return 0;
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Handling 'ringing' on call: %s", session, call->id );
call->ringing_timer_id = event.timer_alloc ( handle_timeout, call, call->ringing_tout_ms );
invoke_callback(call->call_idx, MSI_OnRinging);
return 1;
int handle_recv_starting ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg )
if ( has_call_error ( session, call, msg ) == 0 ) {
return 0;
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Handling 'starting' on call: %s", session, call->id );
if ( !msg->cryptokey.header_value ) {
int rc = handle_error ( session, call, error_no_crypto_key, msg->friend_id );
return rc;
/* Generate local key/nonce to send */
call->key_local = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_KEYBYTES );
new_symmetric_key ( call->key_local );
call->nonce_local = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
new_nonce ( call->nonce_local );
/* Save peer key/nonce */
call->key_peer = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_KEYBYTES );
memcpy ( call->key_peer, msg->cryptokey.header_value, crypto_box_KEYBYTES );
call->nonce_peer = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
memcpy ( call->nonce_peer, msg->nonce.header_value, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
call->state = call_active;
MSIMessage *_msg_start = msi_new_message ( TYPE_REQUEST, stringify_request ( start ) );
msi_msg_set_cryptokey ( _msg_start, call->key_local, crypto_box_KEYBYTES );
msi_msg_set_nonce ( _msg_start, call->nonce_local, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
send_message ( session, call, _msg_start, msg->friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_start );
flush_peer_type ( call, msg, 0 );
event.timer_release ( call->ringing_timer_id );
invoke_callback(call->call_idx, MSI_OnStarting);
return 1;
int handle_recv_ending ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg )
if ( has_call_error ( session, call, msg ) == 0 ) {
return 0;
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Handling 'ending' on call: %s", session, call->id );
/* Stop timer */
event.timer_release ( call->request_timer_id );
invoke_callback(call->call_idx, MSI_OnEnding);
/* Terminate call */
terminate_call ( session, call );
return 1;
int handle_recv_error ( MSISession *session, MSICall *call, MSIMessage *msg )
if ( !call ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Handling 'error' on non-existing call!");
return -1;
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Handling 'error' on call: %s", session, call->id );
/* Handle error accordingly */
if ( msg->reason.header_value ) {
session->last_error_id = atoi ( ( const char *) msg->reason.header_value );
session->last_error_str = stringify_error ( session->last_error_id );
LOGGER_DEBUG("Error reason: %s", session->last_error_str);
invoke_callback(call->call_idx, MSI_OnEnding);
terminate_call ( session, call );
return 1;
* @brief BASIC call flow:
* | invite --> |
* | |
* | <-- ringing |
* | |
* | <-- starting |
* | |
* | start --> |
* | |
* | <-- MEDIA TRANS --> |
* | |
* | end --> |
* | |
* | <-- ending |
* Alice calls Bob by sending invite packet.
* Bob recvs the packet and sends an ringing packet;
* which notifies Alice that her invite is acknowledged.
* Ringing screen shown on both sides.
* Bob accepts the invite for a call by sending starting packet.
* Alice recvs the starting packet and sends the started packet to
* inform Bob that she recved the starting packet.
* Now the media transmission is established ( i.e. RTP transmission ).
* Alice hangs up and sends end packet.
* Bob recves the end packet and sends ending packet
* as the acknowledgement that the call is ending.
void msi_handle_packet ( Messenger *messenger, int source, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *object )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Got msi message");
/* Unused */
MSISession *_session = object;
MSIMessage *_msg;
if ( !length ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Lenght param negative");
_msg = parse_message ( data, length );
if ( !_msg ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Error parsing message");
} else {
LOGGER_DEBUG("Successfully parsed message");
_msg->friend_id = source;
/* Find what call */
MSICall *_call = _msg->callid.header_value ? find_call(_session, _msg->callid.header_value ) : NULL;
/* Now handle message */
if ( _msg->request.header_value ) { /* Handle request */
if ( _msg->response.size > 32 ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Header size too big");
goto free_end;
uint8_t _request_value[32];
memcpy(_request_value, _msg->request.header_value, _msg->request.size);
_request_value[_msg->request.size] = '\0';
if ( same ( _request_value, stringify_request ( invite ) ) ) {
handle_recv_invite ( _session, _call, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _request_value, stringify_request ( start ) ) ) {
handle_recv_start ( _session, _call, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _request_value, stringify_request ( cancel ) ) ) {
handle_recv_cancel ( _session, _call, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _request_value, stringify_request ( reject ) ) ) {
handle_recv_reject ( _session, _call, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _request_value, stringify_request ( end ) ) ) {
handle_recv_end ( _session, _call, _msg );
} else {
LOGGER_WARNING("Uknown request");
goto free_end;
} else if ( _msg->response.header_value ) { /* Handle response */
if ( _msg->response.size > 32 ) {
LOGGER_WARNING("Header size too big");
goto free_end;
/* Got response so cancel timer */
if ( _call )
event.timer_release ( _call->request_timer_id );
uint8_t _response_value[32];
memcpy(_response_value, _msg->response.header_value, _msg->response.size);
_response_value[_msg->response.size] = '\0';
if ( same ( _response_value, stringify_response ( ringing ) ) ) {
handle_recv_ringing ( _session, _call, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _response_value, stringify_response ( starting ) ) ) {
handle_recv_starting ( _session, _call, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _response_value, stringify_response ( ending ) ) ) {
handle_recv_ending ( _session, _call, _msg );
} else if ( same ( _response_value, stringify_response ( error ) ) ) {
handle_recv_error ( _session, _call, _msg );
} else {
LOGGER_WARNING("Uknown response");
goto free_end;
} else {
LOGGER_WARNING("Invalid message: no resp nor requ headers");
free_message ( _msg );
* @brief Callback setter.
* @param callback The callback.
* @param id The id.
* @return void
void msi_register_callback ( MSICallback callback, MSICallbackID id, void *userdata )
callbacks[id].function = callback;
callbacks[id].data = userdata;
* @brief Start the control session.
* @param messenger Tox* object.
* @param max_calls Amount of calls possible
* @return MSISession* The created session.
* @retval NULL Error occurred.
MSISession *msi_init_session ( Messenger *messenger, int32_t max_calls )
if (messenger == NULL) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Could not init session on empty messenger!");
return NULL;
if ( !max_calls) return NULL;
MSISession *_retu = calloc ( sizeof ( MSISession ), 1 );
if (_retu == NULL) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Allocation failed!");
return NULL;
_retu->messenger_handle = messenger;
_retu->agent_handler = NULL;
_retu->calls = calloc( sizeof (MSICall *), max_calls );
_retu->max_calls = max_calls;
_retu->frequ = 10000; /* default value? */
_retu->call_timeout = 30000; /* default value? */
m_callback_msi_packet(messenger, msi_handle_packet, _retu );
/* This is called when remote terminates session */
m_callback_connectionstatus_internal_av(messenger, handle_remote_connection_change, _retu);
pthread_mutex_init(&_retu->mutex, NULL);
LOGGER_DEBUG("New msi session: %p max calls: %u", _retu, max_calls);
return _retu;
* @brief Terminate control session.
* @param session The session
* @return int
int msi_terminate_session ( MSISession *session )
if (session == NULL) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Tried to terminate non-existing session");
return -1;
m_callback_msi_packet((struct Messenger *) session->messenger_handle, NULL, NULL);
int _status = 0;
/* If have calls, cancel them */
uint32_t idx = 0;
for (; idx < session->max_calls; idx ++) if ( session->calls[idx] ) {
/* Cancel all? */
uint16_t _it = 0;
/*for ( ; _it < session->calls[idx]->peer_count; _it++ )
* FIXME: will not work on multiple peers, must cancel call for all peers
msi_cancel ( session, idx, session->calls[idx]->peers [_it], "MSI session terminated!" );
LOGGER_DEBUG("Terminated session: %p", session);
free ( session );
return _status;
* @brief Send invite request to friend_id.
* @param session Control session.
* @param call_type Type of the call. Audio or Video(both audio and video)
* @param rngsec Ringing timeout.
* @param friend_id The friend.
* @return int
int msi_invite ( MSISession *session, int32_t *call_index, MSICallType call_type, uint32_t rngsec, uint32_t friend_id )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Inviting friend: %u", session, friend_id);
MSICall *_call = init_call ( session, 1, rngsec ); /* Just one peer for now */
if ( !_call ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Cannot handle more calls");
return -1;
*call_index = _call->call_idx;
t_randomstr ( _call->id, CALL_ID_LEN );
add_peer(_call, friend_id );
_call->type_local = call_type;
MSIMessage *_msg_invite = msi_new_message ( TYPE_REQUEST, stringify_request ( invite ) );
/* Do whatever with message */
if ( call_type == type_audio ) {
msi_msg_set_calltype ( _msg_invite, ( const uint8_t *) CT_AUDIO_HEADER_VALUE, strlen ( CT_AUDIO_HEADER_VALUE ) );
} else {
msi_msg_set_calltype ( _msg_invite, ( const uint8_t *) CT_VIDEO_HEADER_VALUE, strlen ( CT_VIDEO_HEADER_VALUE ) );
send_message ( session, _call, _msg_invite, friend_id );
free_message ( _msg_invite );
_call->state = call_inviting;
_call->request_timer_id = event.timer_alloc ( handle_timeout, _call, m_deftout );
LOGGER_DEBUG("Invite sent");
return 0;
* @brief Hangup active call.
* @param session Control session.
* @param call_id To which call is this action handled.
* @return int
* @retval -1 Error occurred.
* @retval 0 Success.
int msi_hangup ( MSISession *session, int32_t call_index )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Hanging up call: %u", session, call_index);
if ( call_index < 0 || call_index >= session->max_calls || !session->calls[call_index] ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Invalid call index!");
return -1;
if ( !session->calls[call_index] || session->calls[call_index]->state != call_active ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("No call with such index or call is not active!");
return -1;
MSIMessage *_msg_end = msi_new_message ( TYPE_REQUEST, stringify_request ( end ) );
/* hangup for each peer */
int _it = 0;
for ( ; _it < session->calls[call_index]->peer_count; _it ++ )
send_message ( session, session->calls[call_index], _msg_end, session->calls[call_index]->peers[_it] );
free_message ( _msg_end );
session->calls[call_index]->request_timer_id = event.timer_alloc ( handle_timeout, session->calls[call_index],
m_deftout );
return 0;
* @brief Answer active call request.
* @param session Control session.
* @param call_id To which call is this action handled.
* @param call_type Answer with Audio or Video(both).
* @return int
int msi_answer ( MSISession *session, int32_t call_index, MSICallType call_type )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Answering call: %u", session, call_index);
if ( call_index < 0 || call_index >= session->max_calls || !session->calls[call_index] ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Invalid call index!");
return -1;
MSIMessage *_msg_starting = msi_new_message ( TYPE_RESPONSE, stringify_response ( starting ) );
session->calls[call_index]->type_local = call_type;
if ( call_type == type_audio ) {
( _msg_starting, ( const uint8_t *) CT_AUDIO_HEADER_VALUE, strlen ( CT_AUDIO_HEADER_VALUE ) );
} else {
( _msg_starting, ( const uint8_t *) CT_VIDEO_HEADER_VALUE, strlen ( CT_VIDEO_HEADER_VALUE ) );
/* Now set the local encryption key and pass it with STARTING message */
session->calls[call_index]->key_local = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_KEYBYTES );
new_symmetric_key ( session->calls[call_index]->key_local );
session->calls[call_index]->nonce_local = calloc ( sizeof ( uint8_t ), crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
new_nonce ( session->calls[call_index]->nonce_local );
msi_msg_set_cryptokey ( _msg_starting, session->calls[call_index]->key_local, crypto_box_KEYBYTES );
msi_msg_set_nonce ( _msg_starting, session->calls[call_index]->nonce_local, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
send_message ( session, session->calls[call_index], _msg_starting,
session->calls[call_index]->peers[session->calls[call_index]->peer_count - 1] );
free_message ( _msg_starting );
session->calls[call_index]->state = call_active;
return 0;
* @brief Cancel request.
* @param session Control session.
* @param call_id To which call is this action handled.
* @param reason Set optional reason header. Pass NULL if none.
* @return int
int msi_cancel ( MSISession *session, int32_t call_index, uint32_t peer, const char *reason )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Canceling call: %u; reason:", session, call_index, reason ? reason : "Unknown");
if ( call_index < 0 || call_index >= session->max_calls || !session->calls[call_index] ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Invalid call index!");
return -1;
MSIMessage *_msg_cancel = msi_new_message ( TYPE_REQUEST, stringify_request ( cancel ) );
if ( reason ) msi_msg_set_reason(_msg_cancel, (const uint8_t *)reason, strlen(reason));
send_message ( session, session->calls[call_index], _msg_cancel, peer );
free_message ( _msg_cancel );
/*session->calls[call_index]->request_timer_id = event.timer_alloc ( handle_timeout, session->calls[call_index], m_deftout );*/
terminate_call ( session, session->calls[call_index] );
return 0;
* @brief Reject request.
* @param session Control session.
* @param call_id To which call is this action handled.
* @return int
int msi_reject ( MSISession *session, int32_t call_index, const uint8_t *reason )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Rejecting call: %u; reason:", session, call_index, reason ? (char *)reason : "Unknown");
if ( call_index < 0 || call_index >= session->max_calls || !session->calls[call_index] ) {
LOGGER_ERROR("Invalid call index!");
return -1;
MSIMessage *_msg_reject = msi_new_message ( TYPE_REQUEST, stringify_request ( reject ) );
if ( reason ) msi_msg_set_reason(_msg_reject, reason, strlen((const char *)reason) + 1);
send_message ( session, session->calls[call_index], _msg_reject,
session->calls[call_index]->peers[session->calls[call_index]->peer_count - 1] );
free_message ( _msg_reject );
session->calls[call_index]->request_timer_id = event.timer_alloc ( handle_timeout, session->calls[call_index],
m_deftout );
return 0;
* @brief Terminate the current call.
* @param session Control session.
* @param call_id To which call is this action handled.
* @return int
int msi_stopcall ( MSISession *session, int32_t call_index )
LOGGER_DEBUG("Session: %p Stopping call index: %u", session, call_index);
if ( call_index < 0 || call_index >= session->max_calls || !session->calls[call_index] ) {
return -1;
/* just terminate it */
terminate_call ( session, session->calls[call_index] );
return 0;