2013-10-13 16:16:47 +02:00

110 lines
3.0 KiB

#define _BSD_SOURCE
#include "../toxrtp.h"
#include "../toxrtp_message.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "test_helper.h"
#include "../../toxcore/tox.h"
int _print_help( const char* name )
char* _help = malloc( 300 );
memset(_help, '\0', 300);
strcat(_help, " Usage: ");
strcat(_help, name);
strcat(_help, "\n -d IP ( destination )\n"
" -p PORT ( dest Port )\n"
" -l PORT ( listen Port ) \n");
puts ( _help );
return FAILURE;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
int status;
tox_IP_Port Ip_port;
const char* ip, *psend, *plisten;
uint16_t port_send, port_listen;
const uint8_t* test_bytes = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
rtp_session_t* _m_session;
rtp_msg_t *_m_msg_R, *_m_msg_S;
arg_t* _list = parse_args ( argc, argv );
ip = find_arg_duble(_list, "-d");
psend = find_arg_duble(_list, "-p");
plisten = find_arg_duble(_list, "-l");
if ( !ip || !plisten || !psend )
return _print_help(argv[0]);
port_send = atoi(psend);
port_listen = atoi(plisten);
IP_Port local, remote;
* This is the Local ip. We initiate networking on
* this value for it's the local one. To make stuff simpler we receive over this value
* and send on the other one ( see remote )
local.ip.i = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
local.port = port_listen;
Networking_Core* _networking = new_networking(local.ip, port_listen);
if ( !_networking )
return FAILURE;
int _socket = _networking->sock;
* Now this is the remote. It's used by rtp_session_t to determine the receivers ip etc.
t_setipport ( ip, port_send, &remote );
_m_session = rtp_init_session(-1, -1);
rtp_add_receiver( _m_session, &remote );
/* Now let's start our main loop in both recv and send mode */
for ( ;; )
* This part checks for received messages and if gotten one
* display 'Received msg!' indicator and free message
_m_msg_R = rtp_recv_msg ( _m_session );
if ( _m_msg_R ) {
puts ( "Received msg!" );
rtp_free_msg(_m_session, _m_msg_R);
/* -------------------- */
* This one makes a test msg and sends that message to the 'remote'
_m_msg_S = rtp_msg_new ( _m_session, test_bytes, 280 ) ;
rtp_send_msg ( _m_session, _m_msg_S, _socket );
usleep ( 10000 );
/* -------------------- */
return SUCCESS;
#endif /* _CT_BIDIRECT */