
429 lines
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* Datatypes, functions and includes for the core networking.
* Copyright © 2016-2017 The TokTok team.
* Copyright © 2013 Tox project.
* This file is part of Tox, the free peer to peer instant messenger.
* Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Tox. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NETWORK_H
#define NETWORK_H
#ifdef PLAN9
#include <u.h> // Plan 9 requires this is imported first
// Comment line here to avoid reordering by source code formatters.
#include <libc.h>
#include "ccompat.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined (WIN32) /* Put win32 includes here */
#ifndef WINVER
//Windows XP
#define WINVER 0x0501
// The mingw32/64 Windows library warns about including winsock2.h after
// windows.h even though with the above it's a valid thing to do. So, to make
// mingw32 headers happy, we include winsock2.h first.
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#else // UNIX includes
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef short Family;
typedef int Socket;
Socket net_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
#define MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE 2048
typedef enum NET_PACKET_TYPE {
NET_PACKET_PING_REQUEST = 0x00, /* Ping request packet ID. */
NET_PACKET_PING_RESPONSE = 0x01, /* Ping response packet ID. */
NET_PACKET_GET_NODES = 0x02, /* Get nodes request packet ID. */
NET_PACKET_SEND_NODES_IPV6 = 0x04, /* Send nodes response packet ID for other addresses. */
NET_PACKET_COOKIE_REQUEST = 0x18, /* Cookie request packet */
NET_PACKET_COOKIE_RESPONSE = 0x19, /* Cookie response packet */
NET_PACKET_CRYPTO_HS = 0x1a, /* Crypto handshake packet */
NET_PACKET_CRYPTO_DATA = 0x1b, /* Crypto data packet */
NET_PACKET_CRYPTO = 0x20, /* Encrypted data packet ID. */
NET_PACKET_LAN_DISCOVERY = 0x21, /* LAN discovery packet ID. */
/* See: docs/Prevent_Tracking.txt and onion.{c,h} */
BOOTSTRAP_INFO_PACKET_ID = 0xf0, /* Only used for bootstrap nodes */
NET_PACKET_MAX = 0xff, /* This type must remain within a single uint8. */
#define TOX_PORTRANGE_FROM 33445
#define TOX_PORTRANGE_TO 33545
/* Redefinitions of variables for safe transfer over wire. */
#define TOX_AF_UNSPEC 0
#define TOX_AF_INET 2
#define TOX_AF_INET6 10
#define TOX_TCP_INET 130
#define TOX_TCP_INET6 138
#define TOX_SOCK_DGRAM 2
#define TOX_PROTO_TCP 1
#define TOX_PROTO_UDP 2
/* TCP related */
#define TCP_INET (TOX_AF_INET6 + 2)
#define TCP_INET6 (TOX_AF_INET6 + 3)
#define TCP_FAMILY (TOX_AF_INET6 + 4)
typedef union IP4 {
uint32_t uint32;
uint16_t uint16[2];
uint8_t uint8[4];
} IP4;
IP4 get_ip4_loopback(void);
extern const IP4 IP4_BROADCAST;
typedef union IP6 {
uint8_t uint8[16];
uint16_t uint16[8];
uint32_t uint32[4];
uint64_t uint64[2];
} IP6;
IP6 get_ip6_loopback(void);
extern const IP6 IP6_BROADCAST;
#define IP_DEFINED
typedef struct IP {
uint8_t family;
union {
IP4 v4;
IP6 v6;
} ip;
} IP;
typedef struct IP_Port {
IP ip;
uint16_t port;
} IP_Port;
/* Convert values between host and network byte order.
uint32_t net_htonl(uint32_t hostlong);
uint16_t net_htons(uint16_t hostshort);
uint32_t net_ntohl(uint32_t hostlong);
uint16_t net_ntohs(uint16_t hostshort);
size_t net_pack_u16(uint8_t *bytes, uint16_t v);
size_t net_pack_u32(uint8_t *bytes, uint32_t v);
size_t net_pack_u64(uint8_t *bytes, uint64_t v);
size_t net_unpack_u16(const uint8_t *bytes, uint16_t *v);
size_t net_unpack_u32(const uint8_t *bytes, uint32_t *v);
size_t net_unpack_u64(const uint8_t *bytes, uint64_t *v);
/* Does the IP6 struct a contain an IPv4 address in an IPv6 one? */
#define IPV6_IPV4_IN_V6(a) ((a.uint64[0] == 0) && (a.uint32[2] == net_htonl (0xffff)))
#define SIZE_IP4 4
#define SIZE_IP6 16
#define SIZE_IP (1 + SIZE_IP6)
#define SIZE_PORT 2
/* addr_resolve return values */
/* ip_ntoa
* converts ip into a string
* ip_str must be of length at least IP_NTOA_LEN
* IPv6 addresses are enclosed into square brackets, i.e. "[IPv6]"
* writes error message into the buffer on error
* returns ip_str
/* this would be TOX_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN, but it might be too short for the error message */
#define IP_NTOA_LEN 96 // TODO(irungentoo): magic number. Why not INET6_ADDRSTRLEN ?
const char *ip_ntoa(const IP *ip, char *ip_str, size_t length);
* ip_parse_addr
* parses IP structure into an address string
* input
* ip: ip of TOX_AF_INET or TOX_AF_INET6 families
* length: length of the address buffer
* Must be at least TOX_INET_ADDRSTRLEN for TOX_AF_INET
* output
* address: dotted notation (IPv4: quad, IPv6: 16) or colon notation (IPv6)
* returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
int ip_parse_addr(const IP *ip, char *address, size_t length);
* addr_parse_ip
* directly parses the input into an IP structure
* tries IPv4 first, then IPv6
* input
* address: dotted notation (IPv4: quad, IPv6: 16) or colon notation (IPv6)
* output
* IP: family and the value is set on success
* returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
int addr_parse_ip(const char *address, IP *to);
/* ip_equal
* compares two IPAny structures
* unset means unequal
* returns 0 when not equal or when uninitialized
int ip_equal(const IP *a, const IP *b);
/* ipport_equal
* compares two IPAny_Port structures
* unset means unequal
* returns 0 when not equal or when uninitialized
int ipport_equal(const IP_Port *a, const IP_Port *b);
/* nulls out ip */
void ip_reset(IP *ip);
/* nulls out ip, sets family according to flag */
void ip_init(IP *ip, bool ipv6enabled);
/* checks if ip is valid */
int ip_isset(const IP *ip);
/* checks if ip is valid */
int ipport_isset(const IP_Port *ipport);
/* copies an ip structure */
void ip_copy(IP *target, const IP *source);
/* copies an ip_port structure */
void ipport_copy(IP_Port *target, const IP_Port *source);
* addr_resolve():
* uses getaddrinfo to resolve an address into an IP address
* uses the first IPv4/IPv6 addresses returned by getaddrinfo
* input
* address: a hostname (or something parseable to an IP address)
* to: MUST be initialized, either set to a specific IP version
* (TOX_AF_INET/TOX_AF_INET6) or to the unspecified TOX_AF_UNSPEC (= 0), if both
* IP versions are acceptable
* extra can be NULL and is only set in special circumstances, see returns
* returns in *to a valid IPAny (v4/v6),
* prefers v6 if was TOX_AF_UNSPEC and both available
* returns in *extra an IPv4 address, if family was TOX_AF_UNSPEC and *to is TOX_AF_INET6
* returns 0 on failure
int addr_resolve(const char *address, IP *to, IP *extra);
* addr_resolve_or_parse_ip
* resolves string into an IP address
* address: a hostname (or something parseable to an IP address)
* to: MUST be initialized, either set to a specific IP version
* (TOX_AF_INET/TOX_AF_INET6) or to the unspecified TOX_AF_UNSPEC (= 0), if both
* IP versions are acceptable
* extra can be NULL and is only set in special circumstances, see returns
* returns in *tro a matching address (IPv6 or IPv4)
* returns in *extra, if not NULL, an IPv4 address, if to->family was TOX_AF_UNSPEC
* returns 1 on success
* returns 0 on failure
int addr_resolve_or_parse_ip(const char *address, IP *to, IP *extra);
/* Function to receive data, ip and port of sender is put into ip_port.
* Packet data is put into data.
* Packet length is put into length.
typedef int (*packet_handler_callback)(void *object, IP_Port ip_port, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len,
void *userdata);
typedef struct Networking_Core Networking_Core;
Family net_family(const Networking_Core *net);
uint16_t net_port(const Networking_Core *net);
/* Run this before creating sockets.
* return 0 on success
* return -1 on failure
int networking_at_startup(void);
/* Check if socket is valid.
* return 1 if valid
* return 0 if not valid
int sock_valid(Socket sock);
/* Close the socket.
void kill_sock(Socket sock);
/* Set socket as nonblocking
* return 1 on success
* return 0 on failure
int set_socket_nonblock(Socket sock);
/* Set socket to not emit SIGPIPE
* return 1 on success
* return 0 on failure
int set_socket_nosigpipe(Socket sock);
/* Enable SO_REUSEADDR on socket.
* return 1 on success
* return 0 on failure
int set_socket_reuseaddr(Socket sock);
/* Set socket to dual (IPv4 + IPv6 socket)
* return 1 on success
* return 0 on failure
int set_socket_dualstack(Socket sock);
/* return current monotonic time in milliseconds (ms). */
uint64_t current_time_monotonic(void);
/* Basic network functions: */
/* Function to send packet(data) of length length to ip_port. */
int sendpacket(Networking_Core *net, IP_Port ip_port, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length);
/* Function to call when packet beginning with byte is received. */
void networking_registerhandler(Networking_Core *net, uint8_t byte, packet_handler_callback cb, void *object);
/* Call this several times a second. */
void networking_poll(Networking_Core *net, void *userdata);
/* Connect a socket to the address specified by the ip_port. */
int net_connect(Socket sock, IP_Port ip_port);
/* High-level getaddrinfo implementation.
* Given node, which identifies an Internet host, net_getipport() fills an array
* with one or more IP_Port structures, each of which contains an Internet
* address that can be specified by calling net_connect(), the port is ignored.
* Skip all addresses with socktype != type (use type = -1 to get all addresses)
* To correctly deallocate array memory use net_freeipport()
* return number of elements in res array
* and -1 on error.
int32_t net_getipport(const char *node, IP_Port **res, int tox_type);
/* Deallocates memory allocated by net_getipport
void net_freeipport(IP_Port *ip_ports);
/* return 1 on success
* return 0 on failure
int bind_to_port(Socket sock, int family, uint16_t port);
/* Initialize networking.
* bind to ip and port.
* ip must be in network order EX: = (7F000001).
* port is in host byte order (this means don't worry about it).
* return Networking_Core object if no problems
* return NULL if there are problems.
* If error is non NULL it is set to 0 if no issues, 1 if socket related error, 2 if other.
Networking_Core *new_networking(Logger *log, IP ip, uint16_t port);
Networking_Core *new_networking_ex(Logger *log, IP ip, uint16_t port_from, uint16_t port_to, unsigned int *error);
Networking_Core *new_networking_no_udp(Logger *log);
/* Function to cleanup networking stuff (doesn't do much right now). */
void kill_networking(Networking_Core *net);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"