#!/bin/sh # Travis doesn't provide FreeBSD machines, so we just take a Linux one and run # FreeBSD in qemu virtual machine. qemu is being ran in curses mode inside a # screen session, because screen allows to easily send input and read output. # The input is sent using `screen -S session-name -X stuff ...` and the output # is read from the screen's log file. Note that for some reason you can't send # long input lines on Travis (it works just fine when I do it on my machine...), # but that limitation is not an issue, as we don't really need to send long # lines of input anyway. Also, note that since we run qemu in curses mode, the # output contains control characters intended for a terminal emulator telling # how to position and color the text, so it might be a little tricky to read it # sometimes. The only time when this script has to send input to and read the # output from the screen session is during the initial setup when we setup the # network, install and configure the ssh server, and update the system. After # this initial setup, ssh is used to communicate with the FreeBSD running in the # VM, which is a lot friendlier way of communication. Please note that Travis # doesn't seem to allow KVM passthrough, so qemu has to emulate all the # hardware, which makes it quite slow compared to the host machine. We cache # the qemu image since it takes a long time to run the initial system and # pacakge updates, and we update packages and the system on every job run. sudo apt-get install qemu -y OLD_PWD="$PWD" mkdir -p /opt/freebsd/cache cd /opt/freebsd/cache IMAGE_NAME=FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.raw # Sends keys to the VM as they are send_keys() { screen -S $SCREEN_SESSION -X stuff "$1" } # Runs until a specific text appears on VM's screen wait_for() { while ! grep "$1" screenlog.0 -q do sleep 1 done } # Starts VM and waits until it's fully running (until a login prompt is shown) start_vm() { rm -f screenlog.0 # Start emulator. 2000mb RAM should be enough, right? The build machine has over 7gb. screen -L -S $SCREEN_SESSION -d -m qemu-system-x86_64 -curses -m 2000 -smp $NPROC -net user,hostfwd=tcp::${SSH_PORT}-:22 -net nic $IMAGE_NAME # Wait for the boot screen options wait_for "Autoboot in" # Select the 1st option send_keys ' ' # Wait for the system to boot and present the login prompt wait_for "FreeBSD/amd64 (" } # Let's see what's in the cache directory ls -lh # === Get the VM running, configured to run ssh server and updated === # Create image if it's not cached if [ ! -f ./$IMAGE_NAME.tgz ]; then # https://download.freebsd.org/ftp/releases/VM-IMAGES/11.0-RELEASE/amd64/Latest/ DL_SHA512="1bfdef9a106e41134cf92c5ceb7f7da468293d6611d16c0bc51482a8fb3088064204bacfe6a8b1afda169d9ab63e4bbd1c9ba1de06fe3fd604864d3fb0c07326" # Selecting random mirror from https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/mirrors-ftp.html # Note that not all mirrors listed on that page are working, so we have removed them # I'm so sorry, there are no arrays in sh and we are not using bash... DL_MIRROR_1=1 DL_MIRROR_2=4 DL_MIRROR_3=5 DL_MIRROR_4=6 DL_MIRROR_5=8 DL_MIRROR_6=10 DL_MIRROR_7=14 DL_MIRROR_8=15 # There are 8 mirrors DL_MIRROR_RANDOM=`expr $(date +%s) % 8 + 1` DL_URL=ftp://ftp$(eval echo \$DL_MIRROR_$DL_MIRROR_RANDOM).us.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/VM-IMAGES/11.0-RELEASE/amd64/Latest/${IMAGE_NAME}.xz wget $DL_URL if ! ( echo "$DL_SHA512 $IMAGE_NAME.xz" | sha512sum -c --status - ) ; then echo "Error: sha512 of $IMAGE_NAME.xz doesn't match the known one" exit 1 fi unxz $IMAGE_NAME.xz # With this we don't have to guess how long a command will run for and sleeping # for that amount of time, risking either under sleeping or over sleeping, instead # we will sleep exactly until the command is finished by printing out a unique # string after the command is executed and then checking if it was printed. execute_shell_and_wait() { # $RANDOM is a bash built-in, so we try to avoid name collision here by using ugly RANDOM_STR name RANDOM_STR=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Za-z0-9 | head -c16) send_keys "$1;echo $RANDOM_STR " # \[1B is a control escape sequence for a new line in the terminal. # We want to wait for $RANDOM_STR instead of just $RANDOM_STR because # $RANDOM_STR we have inputted with send_keys above would appear in the screenlog.0 # file and we don't want to much our input. # The .\? optionally matches any character. Sometimes it happens that there is some # random character inserved between the new line control escape sequence and $RANDOM_STR. wait_for "\[1B.\?$RANDOM_STR" } start_vm # Login as root user send_keys 'root ' # Wait for the prompt wait_for "root@:~" # Configure network, ssh and start changing password execute_shell_and_wait 'echo "ifconfig_em0=DHCP" >> /etc/rc.conf' execute_shell_and_wait 'echo "Port 22" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config' execute_shell_and_wait 'echo "PermitRootLogin yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config' execute_shell_and_wait 'echo "PasswordAuthentication yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config' execute_shell_and_wait 'echo "PermitEmptyPasswords yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config' execute_shell_and_wait 'echo "sshd_enable=YES" >> /etc/rc.conf' send_keys 'sh /etc/rc.d/netif restart && sh /etc/rc.d/sshd start && passwd ' # Wait for the password prompt wait_for "Changing local password for root" # Reset password to empty for the passwordless ssh to work send_keys ' ' wait_for "New Password" send_keys ' ' # Update system RUN freebsd-update --not-running-from-cron fetch # It fails if there is nothing to install, so we make it always succeed with true RUN freebsd-update --not-running-from-cron install || true # Update packages RUN env ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES pkg upgrade # Install and set bash as the default shell for the root user RUN env ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES pkg install bash RUN chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash root # Install required toxcore dependencies RUN ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES pkg install git opus libvpx libsodium gmake cmake pkgconf libcheck opencv2 portaudio libsndfile texinfo autotools else # Extract the cached image tar -Sxzvf $IMAGE_NAME.tgz rm $IMAGE_NAME.tgz start_vm # TODO: Figure out if the system and packages were indeed updated, if not, then # there is no need to update the image stored in Travis's cache. This can # make the build finish ~4 minutes faster. # Update system RUN freebsd-update --not-running-from-cron fetch RUN freebsd-update --not-running-from-cron install || true # Update packages RUN ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES pkg upgrade fi # === Cache the updated VM image === # Turn it off RUN poweroff # Wait for qemu process to terminate while ps aux | grep qemu | grep -vq grep do sleep 1 done # Create/Update cache tar -Sczvf $IMAGE_NAME.tgz $IMAGE_NAME # Get the image we wil lbe using out of the cached directory mv $IMAGE_NAME .. rm screenlog.0 ls -lh cd .. ls -lh # === Get VM ready to build the code === start_vm # Display FreeBSD kernel info and last login RUN uname -a RUN last cd "$OLD_PWD" # Copy over toxcore code from Travis to qemu scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -P $SSH_PORT -r ./* root@localhost:~ RUN ls -lh