#ifndef _XOPEN_SOURCE #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "check_compat.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../toxav/toxav.h" #include "../toxcore/crypto_core.h" #include "../toxcore/logger.h" #include "../toxcore/tox.h" #include "../toxcore/util.h" #include "helpers.h" #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(WIN32) #include #endif typedef struct { bool incoming; uint32_t state; } CallControl; typedef struct { ToxAV *AliceAV; ToxAV *BobAV; CallControl *AliceCC; CallControl *BobCC; uint32_t friend_number; } thread_data; /** * Callbacks */ static void t_toxav_call_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, bool audio_enabled, bool video_enabled, void *user_data) { printf("Handling CALL callback\n"); ((CallControl *)user_data)[friend_number].incoming = true; } static void t_toxav_call_state_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t state, void *user_data) { printf("Handling CALL STATE callback: %d %p\n", state, (void *)av); ((CallControl *)user_data)[friend_number].state = state; } static void t_toxav_receive_video_frame_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t const *y, uint8_t const *u, uint8_t const *v, int32_t ystride, int32_t ustride, int32_t vstride, void *user_data) { } static void t_toxav_receive_audio_frame_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, int16_t const *pcm, size_t sample_count, uint8_t channels, uint32_t sampling_rate, void *user_data) { } static void t_accept_friend_request_cb(Tox *m, const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, void *userdata) { if (length == 7 && memcmp("gentoo", data, 7) == 0) { ck_assert(tox_friend_add_norequest(m, public_key, nullptr) != (uint32_t) ~0); } } /** * Iterate helper */ static ToxAV *setup_av_instance(Tox *tox, CallControl *CC) { TOXAV_ERR_NEW error; ToxAV *av = toxav_new(tox, &error); ck_assert(error == TOXAV_ERR_NEW_OK); toxav_callback_call(av, t_toxav_call_cb, CC); toxav_callback_call_state(av, t_toxav_call_state_cb, CC); toxav_callback_video_receive_frame(av, t_toxav_receive_video_frame_cb, CC); toxav_callback_audio_receive_frame(av, t_toxav_receive_audio_frame_cb, CC); return av; } static void *call_thread(void *pd) { ToxAV *AliceAV = ((thread_data *) pd)->AliceAV; ToxAV *BobAV = ((thread_data *) pd)->BobAV; CallControl *AliceCC = ((thread_data *) pd)->AliceCC; CallControl *BobCC = ((thread_data *) pd)->BobCC; uint32_t friend_number = ((thread_data *) pd)->friend_number; memset(AliceCC, 0, sizeof(CallControl)); memset(BobCC, 0, sizeof(CallControl)); { /* Call */ TOXAV_ERR_CALL rc; toxav_call(AliceAV, friend_number, 48, 3000, &rc); if (rc != TOXAV_ERR_CALL_OK) { printf("toxav_call failed: %d\n", rc); ck_assert(0); } } while (!BobCC->incoming) { c_sleep(10); } { /* Answer */ TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER rc; toxav_answer(BobAV, 0, 8, 500, &rc); if (rc != TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER_OK) { printf("toxav_answer failed: %d\n", rc); ck_assert(0); } } c_sleep(30); int16_t *PCM = (int16_t *)calloc(960, sizeof(int16_t)); uint8_t *video_y = (uint8_t *)calloc(800 * 600, sizeof(uint8_t)); uint8_t *video_u = (uint8_t *)calloc(800 * 600 / 4, sizeof(uint8_t)); uint8_t *video_v = (uint8_t *)calloc(800 * 600 / 4, sizeof(uint8_t)); time_t start_time = time(nullptr); while (time(nullptr) - start_time < 4) { toxav_iterate(AliceAV); toxav_iterate(BobAV); toxav_audio_send_frame(AliceAV, friend_number, PCM, 960, 1, 48000, nullptr); toxav_audio_send_frame(BobAV, 0, PCM, 960, 1, 48000, nullptr); toxav_video_send_frame(AliceAV, friend_number, 800, 600, video_y, video_u, video_v, nullptr); toxav_video_send_frame(BobAV, 0, 800, 600, video_y, video_u, video_v, nullptr); c_sleep(10); } { /* Hangup */ TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL rc; toxav_call_control(AliceAV, friend_number, TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL_CANCEL, &rc); if (rc != TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_OK) { printf("toxav_call_control failed: %d %p %p\n", rc, (void *)AliceAV, (void *)BobAV); } } c_sleep(30); free(PCM); free(video_y); free(video_u); free(video_v); printf("Closing thread\n"); pthread_exit(nullptr); } static void test_av_three_calls(void) { uint32_t index[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; Tox *Alice, *bootstrap, *Bobs[3]; ToxAV *AliceAV, *BobsAV[3]; void *retval; CallControl AliceCC[3], BobsCC[3]; { TOX_ERR_NEW error; bootstrap = tox_new_log(nullptr, &error, &index[0]); ck_assert(error == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK); Alice = tox_new_log(nullptr, &error, &index[1]); ck_assert(error == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK); Bobs[0] = tox_new_log(nullptr, &error, &index[2]); ck_assert(error == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK); Bobs[1] = tox_new_log(nullptr, &error, &index[3]); ck_assert(error == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK); Bobs[2] = tox_new_log(nullptr, &error, &index[4]); ck_assert(error == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK); } printf("Created 5 instances of Tox\n"); printf("Preparing network...\n"); time_t cur_time = time(nullptr); uint8_t address[TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE]; tox_callback_friend_request(Alice, t_accept_friend_request_cb); tox_self_get_address(Alice, address); printf("bootstrapping Alice and the %zd Bobs off a third bootstrap node\n", sizeof(Bobs) / sizeof(Bobs[0])); uint8_t dht_key[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_dht_id(bootstrap, dht_key); const uint16_t dht_port = tox_self_get_udp_port(bootstrap, nullptr); tox_bootstrap(Alice, "localhost", dht_port, dht_key, nullptr); tox_bootstrap(Bobs[0], "localhost", dht_port, dht_key, nullptr); tox_bootstrap(Bobs[1], "localhost", dht_port, dht_key, nullptr); tox_bootstrap(Bobs[2], "localhost", dht_port, dht_key, nullptr); ck_assert(tox_friend_add(Bobs[0], address, (const uint8_t *)"gentoo", 7, nullptr) != (uint32_t) ~0); ck_assert(tox_friend_add(Bobs[1], address, (const uint8_t *)"gentoo", 7, nullptr) != (uint32_t) ~0); ck_assert(tox_friend_add(Bobs[2], address, (const uint8_t *)"gentoo", 7, nullptr) != (uint32_t) ~0); uint8_t off = 1; while (1) { tox_iterate(bootstrap, nullptr); tox_iterate(Alice, nullptr); tox_iterate(Bobs[0], nullptr); tox_iterate(Bobs[1], nullptr); tox_iterate(Bobs[2], nullptr); if (tox_self_get_connection_status(bootstrap) && tox_self_get_connection_status(Alice) && tox_self_get_connection_status(Bobs[0]) && tox_self_get_connection_status(Bobs[1]) && tox_self_get_connection_status(Bobs[2]) && off) { printf("Toxes are online, took %ld seconds\n", time(nullptr) - cur_time); off = 0; } if (tox_friend_get_connection_status(Alice, 0, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP && tox_friend_get_connection_status(Alice, 1, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP && tox_friend_get_connection_status(Alice, 2, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP && tox_friend_get_connection_status(Bobs[0], 0, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP && tox_friend_get_connection_status(Bobs[1], 0, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP && tox_friend_get_connection_status(Bobs[2], 0, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP) { break; } c_sleep(20); } AliceAV = setup_av_instance(Alice, AliceCC); BobsAV[0] = setup_av_instance(Bobs[0], BobsCC + 0); BobsAV[1] = setup_av_instance(Bobs[1], BobsCC + 1); BobsAV[2] = setup_av_instance(Bobs[2], BobsCC + 2); printf("Created 4 instances of ToxAV\n"); printf("All set after %ld seconds!\n", time(nullptr) - cur_time); thread_data tds[3]; tds[0].AliceAV = AliceAV; tds[0].BobAV = BobsAV[0]; tds[0].AliceCC = AliceCC + 0; tds[0].BobCC = BobsCC + 0; tds[0].friend_number = 0; tds[1].AliceAV = AliceAV; tds[1].BobAV = BobsAV[1]; tds[1].AliceCC = AliceCC + 1; tds[1].BobCC = BobsCC + 1; tds[1].friend_number = 1; tds[2].AliceAV = AliceAV; tds[2].BobAV = BobsAV[2]; tds[2].AliceCC = AliceCC + 2; tds[2].BobCC = BobsCC + 2; tds[2].friend_number = 2; pthread_t tids[3]; (void) pthread_create(tids + 0, nullptr, call_thread, tds + 0); (void) pthread_create(tids + 1, nullptr, call_thread, tds + 1); (void) pthread_create(tids + 2, nullptr, call_thread, tds + 2); time_t start_time = time(nullptr); while (time(nullptr) - start_time < 5) { tox_iterate(bootstrap, nullptr); tox_iterate(Alice, nullptr); tox_iterate(Bobs[0], nullptr); tox_iterate(Bobs[1], nullptr); tox_iterate(Bobs[2], nullptr); c_sleep(20); } ck_assert(pthread_join(tids[0], &retval) == 0); ck_assert(retval == nullptr); ck_assert(pthread_join(tids[1], &retval) == 0); ck_assert(retval == nullptr); ck_assert(pthread_join(tids[2], &retval) == 0); ck_assert(retval == nullptr); printf("Killing all instances\n"); toxav_kill(BobsAV[2]); toxav_kill(BobsAV[1]); toxav_kill(BobsAV[0]); toxav_kill(AliceAV); tox_kill(Bobs[2]); tox_kill(Bobs[1]); tox_kill(Bobs[0]); tox_kill(Alice); tox_kill(bootstrap); printf("\nTest successful!\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); test_av_three_calls(); return 0; }