#!/usr/bin/env python """ Tool to check for recursive calls in toxcore C code. Usage: cat toxav/*.c toxcore/*.c toxencryptsave/*.c \ | clang `pkg-config --cflags libsodium opus vpx` \ -Itoxav -Itoxcore -Itoxencryptsave -S -emit-llvm -xc - -o- \ | opt -analyze -print-callgraph 2>&1 \ | other/analysis/check_recursion """ from __future__ import print_function import collections import fileinput import re import sys import time def load_callgraph(): """ Parses the output from opt -print-callgraph from stdin or argv. Returns graph as dict[str, list[str]] containing nodes with their outgoing edges. """ graph = collections.defaultdict(set) cur = None for line in fileinput.input(): found = re.search("Call graph node for function: '(.*)'", line) if found: cur = found.group(1) if cur: found = re.search("calls function '(.*)'", line) if found: graph[cur].add(found.group(1)) return {k: sorted(v) for k, v in graph.items()} def walk(visited, callgraph, cycles, stack, cur): """ Detects cycles in the callgraph and adds them to the cycles parameter. """ if cur in visited: return stack.append(cur) for callee in callgraph.get(cur, ()): try: cycles.add(" -> ".join(stack[stack.index(callee):] + [callee])) except ValueError: walk(visited, callgraph, cycles, stack, callee) visited.add(callee) stack.pop() def get_time(): """ Return the current time in milliseconds. """ return int(round(time.time() * 1000)) def find_recursion(expected): """ Main function: detects cycles and prints them. Takes a set of expected cycles. If any of the expected cycles was not found, or any unexpected cycle was found, the program exits with an error. """ start = prev = get_time() print("[+0000=0000] Generating callgraph") callgraph = load_callgraph() now = get_time() print("[+%04d=%04d] Finding recursion" % (now - prev, now - start)) prev = now cycles = set() visited = set() for func in sorted(callgraph.keys()): walk(visited, callgraph, cycles, [], func) now = get_time() if cycles: print("[+%04d=%04d] Recursion detected:" % (now - prev, now - start)) for cycle in sorted(cycles): if cycle in expected: print(" - " + cycle + " (expected)") expected.remove(cycle) cycles.remove(cycle) else: print(" - " + cycle) else: print("[+%04d=%04d] No recursion detected" % (now - prev, now - start)) if expected: print("Expected recursion no longer present: " + str(list(expected))) if expected or cycles: sys.exit(1) find_recursion(expected={ "add_to_closest -> add_to_closest", "add_to_list -> add_to_list", })