#!/bin/sh set -ex SOURCE_DIR="$1" ASTYLE="$2" APIDSL="$3" # Go to the source root. if [ -z "$SOURCE_DIR" ]; then SOURCE_DIR=. fi cd "$SOURCE_DIR" if [ -z "$ASTYLE" ] || ! which "$ASTYLE"; then ASTYLE=astyle fi if ! which "$ASTYLE"; then # If we couldn't find or install an astyle binary, don't do anything. echo "Could not find an astyle binary; please install astyle." exit 1 fi if ! which "$APIDSL"; then if [ -f ../apidsl/apigen.native ]; then APIDSL=../apidsl/apigen.native else APIDSL=apidsl_curl fi fi apidsl_curl() { curl -X POST --data-binary @"$1" https://apidsl.herokuapp.com/apidsl } # Check if apidsl generated sources are up to date. $APIDSL toxcore/crypto_core.api.h > toxcore/crypto_core.h & $APIDSL toxcore/ping.api.h > toxcore/ping.h & $APIDSL toxcore/ping_array.api.h > toxcore/ping_array.h & $APIDSL toxcore/tox.api.h > toxcore/tox.h & $APIDSL toxav/toxav.api.h > toxav/toxav.h & $APIDSL toxencryptsave/toxencryptsave.api.h > toxencryptsave/toxencryptsave.h & wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait if grep '' */*.h; then echo "error: some apidsl references were unresolved" exit 1 fi FIND="find ." FIND="$FIND '(' -name '*.[ch]' -or -name '*.cpp' ')'" FIND="$FIND -and -not -name '*.api.h'" FIND="$FIND -and -not -wholename './super_donators/*'" FIND="$FIND -and -not -wholename './third_party/*'" FIND="$FIND -and -not -wholename './toxencryptsave/crypto_pwhash*'" SOURCES=`eval "$FIND"` $ASTYLE -n --options=other/astyle/astylerc $SOURCES git diff --exit-code