#include "nTox.h" char lines[HISTORY][STRING_LENGTH]; char line[STRING_LENGTH]; int x,y; void new_lines(char *line) { int i; for (i = HISTORY-1; i > 0; i--) { strcpy(lines[i],lines[i-1]); } strcpy(lines[0],line); } unsigned char * hex_string_to_bin(char hex_string[]) { unsigned char * val = malloc(strlen(hex_string)); char * pos = hex_string; int i=0; while(i < strlen(hex_string)) { sscanf(pos,"%2hhx",&val[i]); pos+=2; i++; } return val; } void line_eval(char lines[HISTORY][STRING_LENGTH], char *line) { if (line[0] == '/') { if (line[1] == 'f') { // add friend command: /f ID int i; char temp_id[128]; for (i=0; i<128; i++) { temp_id[i] = line[i+3]; } int num = m_addfriend(hex_string_to_bin(temp_id), (uint8_t*)"Install Gentoo", sizeof("Install Gentoo")); char numstring[100]; sprintf(numstring, "%d", num); new_lines(numstring); do_refresh(); } else if (line[1] == 'd') { doMessenger(); } else if (line[1] == 'm') { //message command: /m friendnumber messsage int i; int len = strlen(line); char numstring[len-3]; char message[len-3]; for (i=0; i 0) { output[i] = '\n'; } } } int count_lines(char *string) { int len = strlen(string); int i; int count = 1; for (i=0; i < len; i++) { if (string[i] == '\n') { count++; } } return count; } char *appender(char *str, const char c) { int len = strlen(str); if (len < STRING_LENGTH) { str[len + 1] = str[len]; str[len] = c; } return str; } void do_refresh() { int i; int count=0; int l; char wrap_output[STRING_LENGTH]; for (i=0; i> "); printw(line); clrtoeol(); refresh(); } void print_request(uint8_t * public_key, uint8_t * data, uint16_t length) { new_lines("Friend request"); do_refresh(); if(memcmp(data , "Install Gentoo", sizeof("Install Gentoo")) == 0 ) //if the request contained the message of peace the person is obviously a friend so we add him. { new_lines("Friend request accepted."); do_refresh(); m_addfriend_norequest(public_key); } } void print_message(int friendnumber, uint8_t * string, uint16_t length) { new_lines("Message received"); do_refresh(); m_sendmessage(friendnumber, (uint8_t*)"Test1", 6); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; initMessenger(); m_callback_friendrequest(print_request); m_callback_friendmessage(print_message); char idstring0[200]; char idstring1[32][5]; char idstring2[32][5]; uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if(self_public_key[i] < 16) { strcpy(idstring1[i],"0"); } else { strcpy(idstring1[i], ""); } sprintf(idstring2[i], "%hhX",self_public_key[i]); } strcpy(idstring0,"Your ID is: "); for(i=0; i<32; i++) { strcat(idstring0,idstring1[i]); strcat(idstring0,idstring2[i]); } initscr(); noecho(); raw(); getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x); new_lines(idstring0); do_refresh(); strcpy(line, ""); while((c=getch())!=27) { getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x); if (c == '\n') { line_eval(lines, line); strcpy(line, ""); } else if (c == 127) { line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; } else if (isalnum(c) || ispunct(c) || c == ' ') { strcpy(line,appender(line, (char) c)); } do_refresh(); } endwin(); return 0; }