/* Auto Tests * * Tox Tests * * The following tests were written with a small Tox network in mind. Therefore, * each test timeout was set to one for a small Tox Network. If connected to the * 'Global' Tox Network, traversing the DHT would take MUCH longer than the * timeouts allow. Because of this running these tests require NO other Tox * clients running or accessible on/to localhost. * */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "../toxcore/ccompat.h" #include "../toxcore/tox.h" #include "../toxcore/util.h" #include "helpers.h" /* The Travis-CI container responds poorly to ::1 as a localhost address * You're encouraged to -D FORCE_TESTS_IPV6 on a local test */ #ifdef FORCE_TESTS_IPV6 #define TOX_LOCALHOST "::1" #else #define TOX_LOCALHOST "" #endif static void accept_friend_request(Tox *m, const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, void *userdata) { if (*((uint32_t *)userdata) != 974536) { return; } if (length == 7 && memcmp("Gentoo", data, 7) == 0) { tox_friend_add_norequest(m, public_key, 0); } } static uint32_t messages_received; static void print_message(Tox *m, uint32_t friendnumber, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE type, const uint8_t *string, size_t length, void *userdata) { if (*((uint32_t *)userdata) != 974536) { return; } if (type != TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL) { ck_abort_msg("Bad type"); } uint8_t cmp_msg[TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; memset(cmp_msg, 'G', sizeof(cmp_msg)); if (length == TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH && memcmp(string, cmp_msg, sizeof(cmp_msg)) == 0) { ++messages_received; } } static uint32_t name_changes; static void print_nickchange(Tox *m, uint32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *string, size_t length, void *userdata) { if (*((uint32_t *)userdata) != 974536) { return; } if (length == sizeof("Gentoo") && memcmp(string, "Gentoo", sizeof("Gentoo")) == 0) { ++name_changes; } } static uint32_t status_m_changes; static void print_status_m_change(Tox *tox, uint32_t friend_number, const uint8_t *message, size_t length, void *user_data) { if (*((uint32_t *)user_data) != 974536) { return; } if (length == sizeof("Installing Gentoo") && memcmp(message, "Installing Gentoo", sizeof("Installing Gentoo")) == 0) { ++status_m_changes; } } static uint32_t typing_changes; static void print_typingchange(Tox *m, uint32_t friendnumber, bool typing, void *userdata) { if (*((uint32_t *)userdata) != 974536) { return; } if (!typing) { typing_changes = 1; } else { typing_changes = 2; } } static uint32_t custom_packet; static void handle_custom_packet(Tox *m, uint32_t friend_num, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, void *object) { uint8_t number = *((uint32_t *)object); if (len != TOX_MAX_CUSTOM_PACKET_SIZE) { return; } VLA(uint8_t, f_data, len); memset(f_data, number, len); if (memcmp(f_data, data, len) == 0) { ++custom_packet; } else { ck_abort_msg("Custom packet fail. %u", number); } return; } static uint64_t size_recv; static uint64_t sending_pos; static uint8_t file_cmp_id[TOX_FILE_ID_LENGTH]; static uint32_t file_accepted; static uint64_t file_size; static void tox_file_receive(Tox *tox, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t file_number, uint32_t kind, uint64_t filesize, const uint8_t *filename, size_t filename_length, void *userdata) { if (*((uint32_t *)userdata) != 974536) { return; } if (kind != TOX_FILE_KIND_DATA) { ck_abort_msg("Bad kind"); } if (!(filename_length == sizeof("Gentoo.exe") && memcmp(filename, "Gentoo.exe", sizeof("Gentoo.exe")) == 0)) { ck_abort_msg("Bad filename"); } uint8_t file_id[TOX_FILE_ID_LENGTH]; if (!tox_file_get_file_id(tox, friend_number, file_number, file_id, 0)) { ck_abort_msg("tox_file_get_file_id error"); } if (memcmp(file_id, file_cmp_id, TOX_FILE_ID_LENGTH) != 0) { ck_abort_msg("bad file_id"); } uint8_t empty[TOX_FILE_ID_LENGTH] = {0}; if (memcmp(empty, file_cmp_id, TOX_FILE_ID_LENGTH) == 0) { ck_abort_msg("empty file_id"); } file_size = filesize; if (filesize) { sending_pos = size_recv = 1337; TOX_ERR_FILE_SEEK err_s; if (!tox_file_seek(tox, friend_number, file_number, 1337, &err_s)) { ck_abort_msg("tox_file_seek error"); } ck_assert_msg(err_s == TOX_ERR_FILE_SEEK_OK, "tox_file_seek wrong error"); } else { sending_pos = size_recv = 0; } TOX_ERR_FILE_CONTROL error; if (tox_file_control(tox, friend_number, file_number, TOX_FILE_CONTROL_RESUME, &error)) { ++file_accepted; } else { ck_abort_msg("tox_file_control failed. %i", error); } TOX_ERR_FILE_SEEK err_s; if (tox_file_seek(tox, friend_number, file_number, 1234, &err_s)) { ck_abort_msg("tox_file_seek no error"); } ck_assert_msg(err_s == TOX_ERR_FILE_SEEK_DENIED, "tox_file_seek wrong error"); } static uint32_t sendf_ok; static void file_print_control(Tox *tox, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t file_number, TOX_FILE_CONTROL control, void *userdata) { if (*((uint32_t *)userdata) != 974536) { return; } /* First send file num is 0.*/ if (file_number == 0 && control == TOX_FILE_CONTROL_RESUME) { sendf_ok = 1; } } static uint64_t max_sending; static bool m_send_reached; static uint8_t sending_num; static bool file_sending_done; static void tox_file_chunk_request(Tox *tox, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t file_number, uint64_t position, size_t length, void *user_data) { if (*((uint32_t *)user_data) != 974536) { return; } if (!sendf_ok) { ck_abort_msg("Didn't get resume control"); } if (sending_pos != position) { ck_abort_msg("Bad position %llu", position); } if (length == 0) { if (file_sending_done) { ck_abort_msg("File sending already done."); } file_sending_done = 1; return; } if (position + length > max_sending) { if (m_send_reached) { ck_abort_msg("Requested done file tranfer."); } length = max_sending - position; m_send_reached = 1; } TOX_ERR_FILE_SEND_CHUNK error; VLA(uint8_t, f_data, length); memset(f_data, sending_num, length); if (tox_file_send_chunk(tox, friend_number, file_number, position, f_data, length, &error)) { ++sending_num; sending_pos += length; } else { ck_abort_msg("Could not send chunk %i", error); } if (error != TOX_ERR_FILE_SEND_CHUNK_OK) { ck_abort_msg("Wrong error code"); } } static uint8_t num; static bool file_recv; static void write_file(Tox *tox, uint32_t friendnumber, uint32_t filenumber, uint64_t position, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, void *user_data) { if (*((uint32_t *)user_data) != 974536) { return; } if (size_recv != position) { ck_abort_msg("Bad position"); } if (length == 0) { file_recv = 1; return; } VLA(uint8_t, f_data, length); memset(f_data, num, length); ++num; if (memcmp(f_data, data, length) == 0) { size_recv += length; } else { ck_abort_msg("FILE_CORRUPTED"); } } static unsigned int connected_t1; static void tox_connection_status(Tox *tox, TOX_CONNECTION connection_status, void *user_data) { if (*((uint32_t *)user_data) != 974536) { return; } if (connected_t1 && !connection_status) { ck_abort_msg("Tox went offline"); } ck_assert_msg(connection_status == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP, "wrong status %u", connection_status); connected_t1 = connection_status; } START_TEST(test_few_clients) { uint32_t index[] = { 1, 2, 3 }; long long unsigned int con_time = 0, cur_time = time(NULL); TOX_ERR_NEW t_n_error; Tox *tox1 = tox_new_log(0, &t_n_error, &index[0]); ck_assert_msg(t_n_error == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK, "wrong error"); Tox *tox2 = tox_new_log(0, &t_n_error, &index[1]); ck_assert_msg(t_n_error == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK, "wrong error"); Tox *tox3 = tox_new_log(0, &t_n_error, &index[2]); ck_assert_msg(t_n_error == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK, "wrong error"); ck_assert_msg(tox1 && tox2 && tox3, "Failed to create 3 tox instances"); { TOX_ERR_GET_PORT error; ck_assert_msg(tox_self_get_udp_port(tox1, &error) == 33445, "First Tox instance did not bind to udp port 33445.\n"); ck_assert_msg(error == TOX_ERR_GET_PORT_OK, "wrong error"); } { TOX_ERR_GET_PORT error; ck_assert_msg(tox_self_get_udp_port(tox2, &error) == 33446, "Second Tox instance did not bind to udp port 33446.\n"); ck_assert_msg(error == TOX_ERR_GET_PORT_OK, "wrong error"); } { TOX_ERR_GET_PORT error; ck_assert_msg(tox_self_get_udp_port(tox3, &error) == 33447, "Third Tox instance did not bind to udp port 33447.\n"); ck_assert_msg(error == TOX_ERR_GET_PORT_OK, "wrong error"); } uint32_t to_compare = 974536; connected_t1 = 0; tox_callback_self_connection_status(tox1, tox_connection_status); tox_callback_friend_request(tox2, accept_friend_request); uint8_t address[TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE]; tox_self_get_address(tox2, address); uint32_t test = tox_friend_add(tox3, address, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo", 7, 0); ck_assert_msg(test == 0, "Failed to add friend error code: %i", test); uint8_t off = 1; while (1) { tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &to_compare); if (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1) && tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2) && tox_self_get_connection_status(tox3)) { if (off) { printf("Toxes are online, took %llu seconds\n", time(NULL) - cur_time); con_time = time(NULL); off = 0; } if (tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox2, 0, 0) == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP && tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox3, 0, 0) == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP) { break; } } c_sleep(50); } ck_assert_msg(connected_t1, "Tox1 isn't connected. %u", connected_t1); printf("tox clients connected took %llu seconds\n", time(NULL) - con_time); to_compare = 974536; tox_callback_friend_message(tox3, print_message); uint8_t msgs[TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1]; memset(msgs, 'G', sizeof(msgs)); TOX_ERR_FRIEND_SEND_MESSAGE errm; tox_friend_send_message(tox2, 0, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, msgs, TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1, &errm); ck_assert_msg(errm == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_SEND_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG, "TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH is too small\n"); tox_friend_send_message(tox2, 0, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, msgs, TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, &errm); ck_assert_msg(errm == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_SEND_MESSAGE_OK, "TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH is too big\n"); while (1) { messages_received = 0; tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &to_compare); if (messages_received) { break; } c_sleep(50); } printf("tox clients messaging succeeded\n"); unsigned int save_size1 = tox_get_savedata_size(tox2); ck_assert_msg(save_size1 != 0 && save_size1 < 4096, "save is invalid size %u", save_size1); printf("%u\n", save_size1); VLA(uint8_t, save1, save_size1); tox_get_savedata(tox2, save1); tox_kill(tox2); struct Tox_Options *options = tox_options_new(NULL); tox_options_set_savedata_type(options, TOX_SAVEDATA_TYPE_TOX_SAVE); tox_options_set_savedata_data(options, save1, save_size1); tox2 = tox_new_log(options, NULL, &index[1]); cur_time = time(NULL); off = 1; while (1) { tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &to_compare); if (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1) && tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2) && tox_self_get_connection_status(tox3)) { if (off) { printf("Toxes are online again after reloading, took %llu seconds\n", time(NULL) - cur_time); con_time = time(NULL); off = 0; } if (tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox2, 0, 0) == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP && tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox3, 0, 0) == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP) { break; } } c_sleep(50); } printf("tox clients connected took %llu seconds\n", time(NULL) - con_time); tox_callback_friend_name(tox3, print_nickchange); TOX_ERR_SET_INFO err_n; bool succ = tox_self_set_name(tox2, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo", sizeof("Gentoo"), &err_n); ck_assert_msg(succ && err_n == TOX_ERR_SET_INFO_OK, "tox_self_set_name failed because %u\n", err_n); while (1) { name_changes = 0; tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &to_compare); if (name_changes) { break; } c_sleep(50); } ck_assert_msg(tox_friend_get_name_size(tox3, 0, 0) == sizeof("Gentoo"), "Name length not correct"); uint8_t temp_name[sizeof("Gentoo")]; tox_friend_get_name(tox3, 0, temp_name, 0); ck_assert_msg(memcmp(temp_name, "Gentoo", sizeof("Gentoo")) == 0, "Name not correct"); tox_callback_friend_status_message(tox3, print_status_m_change); succ = tox_self_set_status_message(tox2, (const uint8_t *)"Installing Gentoo", sizeof("Installing Gentoo"), &err_n); ck_assert_msg(succ && err_n == TOX_ERR_SET_INFO_OK, "tox_self_set_status_message failed because %u\n", err_n); while (1) { status_m_changes = 0; tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &to_compare); if (status_m_changes) { break; } c_sleep(50); } ck_assert_msg(tox_friend_get_status_message_size(tox3, 0, 0) == sizeof("Installing Gentoo"), "status message length not correct"); uint8_t temp_status_m[sizeof("Installing Gentoo")]; tox_friend_get_status_message(tox3, 0, temp_status_m, 0); ck_assert_msg(memcmp(temp_status_m, "Installing Gentoo", sizeof("Installing Gentoo")) == 0, "status message not correct"); tox_callback_friend_typing(tox2, &print_typingchange); tox_self_set_typing(tox3, 0, 1, 0); while (1) { typing_changes = 0; tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &to_compare); if (typing_changes == 2) { break; } ck_assert_msg(typing_changes == 0, "Typing fail"); c_sleep(50); } ck_assert_msg(tox_friend_get_typing(tox2, 0, 0) == 1, "Typing fail"); tox_self_set_typing(tox3, 0, 0, 0); while (1) { typing_changes = 0; tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &to_compare); if (typing_changes == 1) { break; } ck_assert_msg(typing_changes == 0, "Typing fail"); c_sleep(50); } TOX_ERR_FRIEND_QUERY err_t; ck_assert_msg(tox_friend_get_typing(tox2, 0, &err_t) == 0, "Typing fail"); ck_assert_msg(err_t == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_QUERY_OK, "Typing fail"); uint32_t packet_number = 160; tox_callback_friend_lossless_packet(tox3, &handle_custom_packet); uint8_t data_c[TOX_MAX_CUSTOM_PACKET_SIZE + 1]; memset(data_c, ((uint8_t)packet_number), sizeof(data_c)); int ret = tox_friend_send_lossless_packet(tox2, 0, data_c, sizeof(data_c), 0); ck_assert_msg(ret == 0, "tox_friend_send_lossless_packet bigger fail %i", ret); ret = tox_friend_send_lossless_packet(tox2, 0, data_c, TOX_MAX_CUSTOM_PACKET_SIZE, 0); ck_assert_msg(ret == 1, "tox_friend_send_lossless_packet fail %i", ret); while (1) { custom_packet = 0; tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &packet_number); if (custom_packet == 1) { break; } ck_assert_msg(custom_packet == 0, "Lossless packet fail"); c_sleep(50); } packet_number = 200; tox_callback_friend_lossy_packet(tox3, &handle_custom_packet); memset(data_c, ((uint8_t)packet_number), sizeof(data_c)); ret = tox_friend_send_lossy_packet(tox2, 0, data_c, sizeof(data_c), 0); ck_assert_msg(ret == 0, "tox_friend_send_lossy_packet bigger fail %i", ret); ret = tox_friend_send_lossy_packet(tox2, 0, data_c, TOX_MAX_CUSTOM_PACKET_SIZE, 0); ck_assert_msg(ret == 1, "tox_friend_send_lossy_packet fail %i", ret); while (1) { custom_packet = 0; tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &packet_number); if (custom_packet == 1) { break; } ck_assert_msg(custom_packet == 0, "lossy packet fail"); c_sleep(50); } printf("Starting file transfer test.\n"); file_accepted = file_size = sendf_ok = size_recv = 0; file_recv = 0; max_sending = UINT64_MAX; long long unsigned int f_time = time(NULL); tox_callback_file_recv_chunk(tox3, write_file); tox_callback_file_recv_control(tox2, file_print_control); tox_callback_file_chunk_request(tox2, tox_file_chunk_request); tox_callback_file_recv_control(tox3, file_print_control); tox_callback_file_recv(tox3, tox_file_receive); uint64_t totalf_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024; uint32_t fnum = tox_file_send(tox2, 0, TOX_FILE_KIND_DATA, totalf_size, 0, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo.exe", sizeof("Gentoo.exe"), 0); ck_assert_msg(fnum != UINT32_MAX, "tox_new_file_sender fail"); TOX_ERR_FILE_GET gfierr; ck_assert_msg(!tox_file_get_file_id(tox2, 1, fnum, file_cmp_id, &gfierr), "tox_file_get_file_id didn't fail"); ck_assert_msg(gfierr == TOX_ERR_FILE_GET_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND, "wrong error"); ck_assert_msg(!tox_file_get_file_id(tox2, 0, fnum + 1, file_cmp_id, &gfierr), "tox_file_get_file_id didn't fail"); ck_assert_msg(gfierr == TOX_ERR_FILE_GET_NOT_FOUND, "wrong error"); ck_assert_msg(tox_file_get_file_id(tox2, 0, fnum, file_cmp_id, &gfierr), "tox_file_get_file_id failed"); ck_assert_msg(gfierr == TOX_ERR_FILE_GET_OK, "wrong error"); while (1) { tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &to_compare); if (file_sending_done) { if (sendf_ok && file_recv && totalf_size == file_size && size_recv == file_size && sending_pos == size_recv && file_accepted == 1) { break; } ck_abort_msg("Something went wrong in file transfer %u %u %u %u %u %u %llu %llu %llu", sendf_ok, file_recv, totalf_size == file_size, size_recv == file_size, sending_pos == size_recv, file_accepted == 1, totalf_size, size_recv, sending_pos); } uint32_t tox1_interval = tox_iteration_interval(tox1); uint32_t tox2_interval = tox_iteration_interval(tox2); uint32_t tox3_interval = tox_iteration_interval(tox3); c_sleep(MIN(tox1_interval, MIN(tox2_interval, tox3_interval))); } printf("100MB file sent in %llu seconds\n", time(NULL) - f_time); printf("Starting file streaming transfer test.\n"); file_sending_done = file_accepted = file_size = sendf_ok = size_recv = 0; file_recv = 0; tox_callback_file_recv_chunk(tox3, write_file); tox_callback_file_recv_control(tox2, file_print_control); tox_callback_file_chunk_request(tox2, tox_file_chunk_request); tox_callback_file_recv_control(tox3, file_print_control); tox_callback_file_recv(tox3, tox_file_receive); totalf_size = UINT64_MAX; fnum = tox_file_send(tox2, 0, TOX_FILE_KIND_DATA, totalf_size, 0, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo.exe", sizeof("Gentoo.exe"), 0); ck_assert_msg(fnum != UINT32_MAX, "tox_new_file_sender fail"); ck_assert_msg(!tox_file_get_file_id(tox2, 1, fnum, file_cmp_id, &gfierr), "tox_file_get_file_id didn't fail"); ck_assert_msg(gfierr == TOX_ERR_FILE_GET_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND, "wrong error"); ck_assert_msg(!tox_file_get_file_id(tox2, 0, fnum + 1, file_cmp_id, &gfierr), "tox_file_get_file_id didn't fail"); ck_assert_msg(gfierr == TOX_ERR_FILE_GET_NOT_FOUND, "wrong error"); ck_assert_msg(tox_file_get_file_id(tox2, 0, fnum, file_cmp_id, &gfierr), "tox_file_get_file_id failed"); ck_assert_msg(gfierr == TOX_ERR_FILE_GET_OK, "wrong error"); max_sending = 100 * 1024; m_send_reached = 0; while (1) { tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &to_compare); if (file_sending_done) { if (sendf_ok && file_recv && m_send_reached && totalf_size == file_size && size_recv == max_sending && sending_pos == size_recv && file_accepted == 1) { break; } ck_abort_msg("Something went wrong in file transfer %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %llu %llu %llu %llu", sendf_ok, file_recv, m_send_reached, totalf_size == file_size, size_recv == max_sending, sending_pos == size_recv, file_accepted == 1, totalf_size, file_size, size_recv, sending_pos); } uint32_t tox1_interval = tox_iteration_interval(tox1); uint32_t tox2_interval = tox_iteration_interval(tox2); uint32_t tox3_interval = tox_iteration_interval(tox3); c_sleep(MIN(tox1_interval, MIN(tox2_interval, tox3_interval))); } printf("Starting file 0 transfer test.\n"); file_sending_done = file_accepted = file_size = sendf_ok = size_recv = 0; file_recv = 0; tox_callback_file_recv_chunk(tox3, write_file); tox_callback_file_recv_control(tox2, file_print_control); tox_callback_file_chunk_request(tox2, tox_file_chunk_request); tox_callback_file_recv_control(tox3, file_print_control); tox_callback_file_recv(tox3, tox_file_receive); totalf_size = 0; fnum = tox_file_send(tox2, 0, TOX_FILE_KIND_DATA, totalf_size, 0, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo.exe", sizeof("Gentoo.exe"), 0); ck_assert_msg(fnum != UINT32_MAX, "tox_new_file_sender fail"); ck_assert_msg(!tox_file_get_file_id(tox2, 1, fnum, file_cmp_id, &gfierr), "tox_file_get_file_id didn't fail"); ck_assert_msg(gfierr == TOX_ERR_FILE_GET_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND, "wrong error"); ck_assert_msg(!tox_file_get_file_id(tox2, 0, fnum + 1, file_cmp_id, &gfierr), "tox_file_get_file_id didn't fail"); ck_assert_msg(gfierr == TOX_ERR_FILE_GET_NOT_FOUND, "wrong error"); ck_assert_msg(tox_file_get_file_id(tox2, 0, fnum, file_cmp_id, &gfierr), "tox_file_get_file_id failed"); ck_assert_msg(gfierr == TOX_ERR_FILE_GET_OK, "wrong error"); while (1) { tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox3, &to_compare); if (file_sending_done) { if (sendf_ok && file_recv && totalf_size == file_size && size_recv == file_size && sending_pos == size_recv && file_accepted == 1) { break; } ck_abort_msg("Something went wrong in file transfer %u %u %u %u %u %u %llu %llu %llu", sendf_ok, file_recv, totalf_size == file_size, size_recv == file_size, sending_pos == size_recv, file_accepted == 1, totalf_size, size_recv, sending_pos); } uint32_t tox1_interval = tox_iteration_interval(tox1); uint32_t tox2_interval = tox_iteration_interval(tox2); uint32_t tox3_interval = tox_iteration_interval(tox3); c_sleep(MIN(tox1_interval, MIN(tox2_interval, tox3_interval))); } printf("test_few_clients succeeded, took %llu seconds\n", time(NULL) - cur_time); tox_options_free(options); tox_kill(tox1); tox_kill(tox2); tox_kill(tox3); } END_TEST #ifdef TRAVIS_ENV static const uint8_t timeout_mux = 20; #else static const uint8_t timeout_mux = 10; #endif static Suite *tox_suite(void) { Suite *s = suite_create("Tox few clients"); DEFTESTCASE_SLOW(few_clients, 8 * timeout_mux); return s; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { srand((unsigned int) time(NULL)); Suite *tox = tox_suite(); SRunner *test_runner = srunner_create(tox); int number_failed = 0; srunner_run_all(test_runner, CK_NORMAL); number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(test_runner); srunner_free(test_runner); return number_failed; }